* Upload pinguin scenario * Fix relative path * Pinguin scenario modularization * Update enemy_turrets.lua Added energy interface controls to limit power available to enemy laser turrets, with laser_shots_per_level constant for balancing. * Update floor_is_lava.lua Now spawns fire under players when level is half of max. * Explosion Scare Module Added explosion_scare module. Chooses players to randomly explode (non-damaging) a number of times before switching to new targets. Explosion intensity increases as module increases. * Update pinguin.lua Removed comment block over modules. * Added New Module: permanent_factory Has a very small chance to make an entity unminable and undestructible when placed. * MeteOres Added new module: MeteOres. Spawns a random meteor that damages entities, creates ore, and spawns biters. * Update meteOres.lua Added explosion to meteor * Added Auto Build Added auto_build module. Selects random players, and automatically builds the item in their cursor nearby for a while, before changing targets. * New module: Unorganized Recipes Added a new module to hide recipe groups and subgroups for random players. This leads to "unorganized" crafting menus. * Update auto_build.lua Fixed typo. I must have changed base targets to 0 instead of the global level when preparing this file for commit. * Add Biter Ores Module Add new module. Spawns ores on death of biters, worms, and spawners, based on difficulty of biter and level. looks for ores on the tile the biter dies on to add to, otherwise looks nearby for an ore type and uses that, otherwise decides on a new ore type to spawn. This should allow players to set up "farms" for their ores, creating reasonable ore patches. Contains a RANDOM_ORES constant that will make the search radius small and ensure random ores are placed instead. * Update biter_ores.lua Found typo. radius should be .1 not 1 for tile directly beneath biter. * Updated Existing Modules Got luacheck setup in my IDE so we don't have to wait for RedMew to run it. Fixed white-space and other linting errors. * Split AF scenarios * Add alien biomes module * Draft april-fools scenarios * Fix draft issues --------- Co-authored-by: R. Nukem <Reoisasa@gmail.com>
Quick note:
Downloads of the repository and the source code in releases require the file map_selection.sample.lua
to be renamed to map_selection.lua
. Release assets named for maps have this file built in.
RedMew is a Factorio community that hosts custom servers, maps in different shapes and sizes, scripted scenarios and modded servers. All of the games hosted are available to the public and our community is meant for players of all skill levels and experience. You can find out servers by searching for "RedMew" in the multiplayer lobby.
The Community
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To join a RedMew Factorio server, follow the following steps in Factorio:
- From the main menu, press "Play"
- In the next window press "Multiplayer"
- Next select "Browse public games" (this requires a factorio account and may prompt you to log in)
- In the list of "Browse games" you can filter for "RedMew" and you will see all RedMew hosted maps
: Not every server in this list will be official. If you're in doubt, join our Discord and ask.
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The RedMew codebase is licensed under the GPL3 License.