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Metaball implementation for LUA by Dark
For bruteforce usage, not efficient nor fast
Force scales to from inf to 1 at R
local math = require "utils.math"
local _M = {}
local sqrt = math.sqrt
local cos = math.cos
local sin = math.sin
local abs = math.abs
local zero_value = 0x80000000
--Classic ball
local MetaBall = {x=0, y=0, radius=0, goo=1, type="MetaBall"}
MetaBall.__index = MetaBall
function MetaBall:new(x, y, radius, goo)
goo = goo or 1
return setmetatable({x=x, y=y, radius=radius, goo=goo}, MetaBall)
function MetaBall:force(x, y)
--Calculate force at point x y
local force = sqrt( (x - self.x)^2 + (y - self.y)^2 )
if force == 0 then return zero_value end
return (self.radius / force)^self.goo
local MetaEllipse = {x=0, y=0, radius=0, angle=0, x_scale=1, y_scale=1, type="MetaEllipse"}
MetaEllipse.__index = MetaEllipse
function MetaEllipse:new(x, y, radius, angle, x_scale, y_scale, goo)
angle = angle or 0
x_scale = x_scale or 1
y_scale = y_scale or 1
goo = goo or 1
cosa = cos(angle)
sina = sin(angle)
return setmetatable({x=x, y=y, radius=radius, angle=angle, x_scale=x_scale, y_scale=y_scale, goo=goo, cosa=cosa, sina=sina}, MetaEllipse)
function MetaEllipse:force(x, y)
--Calculate force at point x y
local force = sqrt( (( (x - self.x)*self.cosa + (y - self.y)*self.sina )^2)/(self.x_scale) +
(( (y - self.y)*self.cosa - (x - self.x)*self.sina )^2)/(self.y_scale) )
if force == 0 then return zero_value end
return (self.radius / force)^self.goo
local MetaSquare = {x=0, y=0, radius=0, angle=0, x_scale=1, y_scale=1, type="MetaSquare"}
MetaSquare.__index = MetaSquare
function MetaSquare:new(x, y, radius, angle, x_scale, y_scale, goo)
angle = angle or 0
x_scale = x_scale or 1
y_scale = y_scale or 1
goo = goo or 1
cosa = cos(angle)
sina = sin(angle)
return setmetatable({x=x, y=y, radius=radius, angle=angle, x_scale=x_scale, y_scale=y_scale, goo=goo, cosa=cosa, sina=sina}, MetaSquare)
function MetaSquare:force(x, y)
--Calculate force at point x y
local force = ( abs( (x - self.x)*self.cosa + (y - self.y)*self.sina )/self.x_scale +
abs( (y - self.y)*self.cosa - (x - self.x)*self.sina )/self.y_scale )
if force == 0 then return zero_value end
return (self.radius / force)^self.goo
local MetaDonut = {x=0, y=0, radius=0, angle=0, x_scale=1, y_scale=1, type="MetaDonut"}
MetaDonut.__index = MetaDonut
function MetaDonut:new(x, y, out_r, int_r, angle, x_scale, y_scale, goo)
angle = angle or 0
x_scale = x_scale or 1
y_scale = y_scale or 1
goo = goo or 1
cosa = cos(angle)
sina = sin(angle)
if int_r >= out_r then error("int_r >= out_r ("..int_r.." > "..out_r); return; end
local radius = out_r--(out_r - int_r)*0.5
local radius2 = int_r--(radius2 + radius)*0.5
return setmetatable({x=x, y=y, radius=radius, radius2=radius2, x_scale=x_scale, y_scale=y_scale, goo=goo, cosa=cosa, sina=sina}, MetaDonut)
function MetaDonut:force(x, y)
--Calculate force at point x y
local force = abs(self.radius - sqrt( (( (x - self.x)*self.cosa + (y - self.y)*self.sina )^2)/(self.x_scale) +
(( (y - self.y)*self.cosa - (x - self.x)*self.sina )^2)/(self.y_scale) ))
if force == 0 then return zero_value end
return (self.radius2 / force)^self.goo
return _M