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synced 2025-03-05 15:05:57 +02:00
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456 lines
20 KiB
-- dependencies
local abs = math.abs
-- this
local Config = {
-- a list of features to register and enable
-- to disable a feature, change the flag
features = {
-- creates a starting zone
StartingZone = {
enabled = true,
-- initial starting position size, higher values are not recommended
starting_size = 8,
-- where the market should spawn
market_spawn_position = {x = 0, y = 3},
-- controls the Daylight (Default diggy: enabled = true)
NightTime = {
enabled = true, -- true = No Daylight, false = Day/night circle (Solar panels work)
-- controls setting up the players
SetupPlayer = {
enabled = true,
starting_items = {
{name = 'iron-axe', count = 2},
{name = 'stone-wall', count = 12},
{name = 'iron-gear-wheel', count = 8},
{name = 'iron-plate', count = 16},
-- applied when cheat_mode is set to true. It's recommended to tweak this to your needs
-- when playing with cheats on (recommended for single player or LAN with limited players)
cheats = {
-- Sets the manual mining speed for the player force. A value of 1 = 100% faster. Setting it
-- to 0.5 would make it 50% faster than the base speed.
manual_mining_speed_modifier = 1000,
-- increase the amount of inventory slots for the player force
character_inventory_slots_bonus = 0,
-- increases the run speed of all characters for the player force
character_running_speed_modifier = 2,
-- a flat health bonus to the player force
character_health_bonus = 1000000,
-- adds additional items to the player force when starting in addition to defined in start_items above
starting_items = {
-- core feature
DiggyHole = {
enabled = true,
-- initial damage per tick it damages a rock to mine, can be enhanced by robot_damage_per_mining_prod_level
robot_initial_mining_damage = 4,
-- damage added per level of mining productivity level research
robot_damage_per_mining_prod_level = 1,
-- adds the ability to collapse caves
DiggyCaveCollapse = {
enabled = true,
-- adds per tile what the current stress is
enable_stress_grid = false,
-- shows the mask on spawn
enable_mask_debug = false,
--the size of the mask used
mask_size = 9,
--how much the mask will effect tiles in the different rings of the mask
mask_relative_ring_weights = {2, 3, 4},
-- delay in seconds before the cave collapses
collapse_delay = 2.5,
-- the threshold that will be applied to all neighbors on a collapse via a mask
collapse_threshold_total_strength = 16,
support_beam_entities = {
['market'] = 9,
['stone-wall'] = 3,
['sand-rock-big'] = 2,
['rock-big'] = 2,
['rock-huge'] = 2.5,
['out-of-map'] = 1,
['stone-path'] = 0.03,
['concrete'] = 0.04,
['hazard-concrete'] = 0.04,
['refined-concrete'] = 0.06,
['refined-hazard-concrete'] = 0.06,
cracking_sounds = {
'R U N, Y O U F O O L S !',
-- Adds the ability to drop coins and track how many are sent into space
CoinGathering = {
enabled = true,
-- value between 0 and 1, higher value means stronger variance between coordinates
noise_variance = 0.75,
-- minimum noise value to spawn a treasure chest, works best with a very high noise variance,
-- otherwise you risk spawning a lot of chests together
treasure_chest_noise_threshold = 0.69,
-- minimum distance from spawn where a chest can spawn
minimal_treasure_chest_distance = 25,
-- chances to receive a coin when mining
mining_coin_chance = 0.15,
mining_coin_amount = {min = 1, max = 5},
-- lets you set the coin modifiers for aliens
-- the modifier value increases the upper random limit that biters can drop
alien_coin_modifiers = {
['small-biter'] = 2,
['small-spitter'] = 2,
['small-worm-turret'] = 2,
['medium-biter'] = 3,
['medium-spitter'] = 3,
['medium-worm-turret'] = 3,
['big-biter'] = 5,
['big-spitter'] = 5,
['big-worm-turret'] = 5,
['behemoth-biter'] = 7,
['behemoth-spitter'] = 7,
-- chance of aliens dropping coins between 0 and 1, where 1 is 100%
alien_coin_drop_chance = 0.28,
-- shows the chest locations, only use when debugging
display_chest_locations = false,
treasure_chest_raffle = {
['coin'] = {chance = 1.00, min = 20, max = 255},
['steel-axe'] = {chance = 0.55, min = 1, max = 3},
['stone'] = {chance = 0.20, min = 15, max = 40},
['copper-ore'] = {chance = 0.25, min = 30, max = 60},
['copper-plate'] = {chance = 0.10, min = 12, max = 25},
['iron-ore'] = {chance = 0.20, min = 10, max = 55},
['iron-plate'] = {chance = 0.10, min = 5, max = 25},
['steel-plate'] = {chance = 0.05, min = 3, max = 14},
['steel-furnace'] = {chance = 0.03, min = 1, max = 2},
['steam-engine'] = {chance = 0.03, min = 1, max = 2},
['coal'] = {chance = 0.30, min = 30, max = 55},
['concrete'] = {chance = 0.14, min = 10, max = 50},
['stone-brick'] = {chance = 0.14, min = 25, max = 75},
['stone-wall'] = {chance = 0.50, min = 1, max = 5},
['transport-belt'] = {chance = 0.10, min = 1, max = 5},
['fast-transport-belt'] = {chance = 0.07, min = 2, max = 7},
['express-transport-belt'] = {chance = 0.04, min = 4, max = 9},
['rail'] = {chance = 0.20, min = 7, max = 15},
['rail-signal'] = {chance = 0.05, min = 3, max = 8},
['rail-chain-signal'] = {chance = 0.05, min = 3, max = 8},
['firearm-magazine'] = {chance = 0.25, min = 35, max = 120},
['piercing-rounds-magazine'] = {chance = 0.10, min = 15, max = 35},
['gun-turret'] = {chance = 0.3, min = 1, max = 2},
['beacon'] = {chance = 0.01, min = 1, max = 2},
['effectivity-module'] = {chance = 0.03, min = 1, max = 2},
['effectivity-module-2'] = {chance = 0.01, min = 1, max = 2},
['productivity-module'] = {chance = 0.03, min = 1, max = 2},
['productivity-module-2'] = {chance = 0.01, min = 1, max = 2},
['speed-module'] = {chance = 0.03, min = 1, max = 2},
['speed-module-2'] = {chance = 0.01, min = 1, max = 2},
['small-lamp'] = {chance = 0.05, min = 1, max = 5},
-- replaces the chunks with void
RefreshMap = {
enabled = true,
-- automatically opens areas
SimpleRoomGenerator = {
enabled = true,
-- value between 0 and 1, higher value means stronger variance between coordinates
noise_variance = 0.066,
-- shows where rooms are located
display_room_locations = false,
-- minimum distance and noise range required for water to spawn
room_noise_minimum_distance = 9,
room_noise_ranges = {
{name = 'water', min = 0.84, max = 0.96},
{name = 'water', min = 0.73, max = 0.81},
{name = 'water', min = 0.54, max = 0.7},
{name = 'dirt', min = 0.46, max = 0.53},
{name = 'dirt', min = 0.37, max = 0.45},
-- responsible for resource spawning
ScatteredResources = {
enabled = true,
-- determines how distance is measured
distance = function (x, y) return abs(x) + abs(y) end,
--distance = function (x, y) return math.sqrt(x * x + y * y) end,
-- defines the weights of which resource_richness_value to spawn
resource_richness_weights = {
['scarce'] = 440,
['low'] = 350,
['sufficient'] = 164,
['good'] = 30,
['plenty'] = 10,
['jackpot'] = 6,
-- defines the min and max range of ores to spawn
resource_richness_values = {
['scarce'] = {1, 200},
['low'] = {201, 400},
['sufficient'] = {401, 750},
['good'] = {751, 1200},
['plenty'] = {1201, 2000},
['jackpot'] = {2001, 5000},
-- increases the amount of resources by flat multiplication to initial amount
-- highly suggested to use for fluids so their yield is reasonable
resource_type_scalar = {
['crude-oil'] = 1500,
['uranium-ore'] = 1.25,
-- ==============
-- Debug settings
-- ==============
-- shows the ore locations, only use when debugging (compound_cluster_mode)
display_ore_clusters = false,
-- =======================
-- Scattered mode settings
-- =======================
-- creates scattered ore (single tiles) at random locations
scattered_mode = false,
-- defines the increased chance of spawning resources
-- calculated_probability = resource_probability + ((distance / scattered_distance_probability_modifier) / 100)
-- this means the chance increases by 1% every DISTANCE tiles up to the max_probability
scattered_distance_probability_modifier = 10,
-- min percentage of chance that resources will spawn after mining
scattered_min_probability = 0.01,
-- max chance of spawning resources based on resource_probability + calculated scattered_distance_probability_modifier
scattered_max_probability = 0.10,
-- percentage of resource added to the sum. 100 tiles means
-- 10% more resources with a distance_richness_modifier of 10
-- 20% more resources with a distance_richness_modifier of 5
scattered_distance_richness_modifier = 7,
-- multiplies probability only if cluster mode is enabled
scattered_cluster_probability_multiplier = 0.5,
-- multiplies yield only if cluster mode is enabled
scattered_cluster_yield_multiplier = 1.7,
-- weights per resource of spawning
scattered_resource_weights = {
['coal'] = 160,
['copper-ore'] = 215,
['iron-ore'] = 389,
['stone'] = 212,
['uranium-ore'] = 21,
['crude-oil'] = 3,
-- minimum distance from the spawn point required before it spawns
scattered_minimum_resource_distance = {
['coal'] = 16,
['copper-ore'] = 18,
['iron-ore'] = 18,
['stone'] = 15,
['uranium-ore'] = 86,
['crude-oil'] = 57,
-- ==============================
-- Compound cluster mode settings
-- ==============================
-- creates compound clusters of ores defined by a layered ore-gen
cluster_mode = true,
-- spawns tendrils of ore with roughly 80% purity
ore_pattern = require 'map_gen.Diggy.Orepattern.tendrils_impure',
-- spawns some smaller dedicated and bigger mixed tendrils
--ore_pattern = require 'map_gen.Diggy.Orepattern.Tendrils',
-- spawns clusters of ore similar to vanilla, but mixed
--ore_pattern = require 'map_gen.Diggy.Orepattern.Clusters',
-- controls the alien spawning mechanic
AlienSpawner = {
enabled = true,
-- minimum distance from spawn before aliens can spawn
alien_minimum_distance = 40,
-- chance of spawning aliens when mining
alien_probability = 0.05,
-- spawns the following units when they die. To disable, remove the contents
-- any non-rounded number will turn into a chance to spawn an additional alien
-- example: 2.5 would spawn 2 for sure and 50% chance to spawn one additionally
hail_hydra = {
-- spitters
['small-spitter'] = {['small-worm-turret'] = 0.2},
['medium-spitter'] = {['medium-worm-turret'] = 0.2},
['big-spitter'] = {['big-worm-turret'] = 0.2},
['behemoth-spitter'] = {['big-worm-turret'] = 0.4},
-- biters
['medium-biter'] = {['small-biter'] = 1.2},
['big-biter'] = {['medium-biter'] = 1.2},
['behemoth-biter'] = {['big-biter'] = 1.2},
-- worms
['small-worm-turret'] = {['small-biter'] = 2.5},
['medium-worm-turret'] = {['small-biter'] = 2.5, ['medium-biter'] = 0.6},
['big-worm-turret'] = {['small-biter'] = 3.8, ['medium-biter'] = 1.3, ['big-biter'] = 1.1},
--Tracks players causing collapses
Antigrief = {
enabled = true,
autojail = true,
allowed_collapses_first_hour = 4,
Experience = {
enabled = true,
-- controls the formula for calculating level up costs in stone sent to surface
difficulty_scale = 15, -- Diggy default 16. Higher increases experience requirement climb
first_lvl_xp = 350, -- Diggy default 400. This sets the price for the first level.
xp_fine_tune = 200, -- Diggy default 200. This value is used to fine tune the overall requirement climb without affecting the speed
cost_precision = 3, -- Diggy default 3. This sets the precision of the required experience to level up. E.g. 1234 becomes 1200 with precision 2 and 1230 with precision 3.
-- percentage * mining productivity level gets added to mining speed
mining_speed_productivity_multiplier = 5,
XP = {
['sand-rock-big'] = 5,
['rock-big'] = 5,
['rock-huge'] = 10,
['rocket_launch'] = 0.01, -- XP reward in percentage of total experience when a rocket launches (Diggy default: 0.01 which equals 1%)
['science-pack-1'] = 4,
['science-pack-2'] = 8,
['science-pack-3'] = 15,
['military-science-pack'] = 12,
['production-science-pack'] = 25,
['high-tech-science-pack'] = 50,
['space-science-pack'] = 10,
['enemy_killed'] = 10, -- Base XP for killing biters and spitters.
['death-penalty'] = 0.002, -- XP deduct in percentage of total experience when a player dies (Diggy default: 0.002 which equals 0.2%)
--['cave-in-penalty'] = 100 -- XP lost every cave in.
buffs = {
-- define new buffs here, they are handed out for each level
mining_speed = {value = 5},
inventory_slot = {value = 1},
-- double_level is the level interval for receiving a double bonus (Diggy default: 5 which equals every 5th level)
health_bonus = {value = 2.5, double_level = 5},
-- add or remove a table entry to add or remove a unlockable item from the market.
unlockables = {
{level = 1, price = 5, name = 'iron-axe'},
{level = 2, price = 4, name = 'raw-wood'},
{level = 3, price = 5, name = 'stone-wall'},
{level = 4, price = 20, name = 'pistol'},
{level = 4, price = 5, name = 'firearm-magazine'},
{level = 5, price = 50, name = 'light-armor'},
{level = 6, price = 6, name = 'small-lamp'},
{level = 6, price = 5, name = 'raw-fish'},
{level = 8, price = 1, name = 'stone-brick'},
{level = 10, price = 85, name = 'shotgun'},
{level = 10, price = 4, name = 'shotgun-shell'},
{level = 12, price = 100, name = 'heavy-armor'},
{level = 13, price = 25, name = 'steel-axe'},
{level = 14, price = 35, name = 'landfill'},
{level = 15, price = 85, name = 'submachine-gun'},
{level = 18, price = 10, name = 'piercing-rounds-magazine'},
{level = 18, price = 8, name = 'piercing-shotgun-shell'},
{level = 19, price = 5, name = 'rail'},
{level = 20, price = 50, name = 'locomotive'},
{level = 20, price = 250, name = 'modular-armor'},
{level = 21, price = 5, name = 'rail-signal'},
{level = 22, price = 5, name = 'rail-chain-signal'},
{level = 23, price = 15, name = 'train-stop'},
{level = 24, price = 35, name = 'cargo-wagon'},
{level = 24, price = 35, name = 'fluid-wagon'},
{level = 29, price = 750, name = 'power-armor'},
{level = 30, price = 30, name = 'logistic-robot'},
{level = 31, price = 150, name = 'personal-roboport-equipment'},
{level = 32, price = 20, name = 'construction-robot'},
{level = 33, price = 750, name = 'fusion-reactor-equipment'},
{level = 34, price = 100, name = 'battery-equipment'},
{level = 40, price = 150, name = 'energy-shield-equipment'},
{level = 45, price = 1000, name = 'power-armor-mk2'},
{level = 46, price = 750, name = 'battery-mk2-equipment'},
{level = 47, price = 550, name = 'combat-shotgun'},
{level = 51, price = 25, name = 'uranium-rounds-magazine'},
{level = 63, price = 250, name = 'rocket-launcher'},
{level = 63, price = 40, name = 'rocket'},
{level = 71, price = 80, name = 'explosive-rocket'},
{level = 78, price = 1000, name = 'satellite'},
{level = 100, price = 1, name = 'iron-stick'},
-- modifies the experience per alien type, higher is more xp
alien_experience_modifiers = {
['small-biter'] = 2,
['small-spitter'] = 2,
['small-worm-turret'] = 2,
['medium-biter'] = 3,
['medium-spitter'] = 3,
['medium-worm-turret'] = 3,
['big-biter'] = 5,
['big-spitter'] = 5,
['big-worm-turret'] = 5,
['behemoth-biter'] = 7,
['behemoth-spitter'] = 7,
return Config