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synced 2025-03-03 14:53:01 +02:00
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345 lines
16 KiB
Hello there!
This will add a player list with "ranks" to your server.
Oh.. and you can also "poke" a player.
pokemessages = 80% by redlabel
To install, add: require "player_list"
to your scenario control.lua.
things to do (maybe)
make it sorted by time played
local symbol_asc = "▲"
local symbol_desc = "▼"
local pokemessages = {"a stick", "a leaf", "a moldy carrot", "a crispy slice of bacon", "a french fry", "a realistic toygun", "a broomstick", "a thirteen inch iron stick", "a mechanical keyboard", "a fly fishing cane", "a selfie stick", "an oversized fidget spinner", "a thumb extender", "a dirty straw", "a green bean", "a banana", "an umbrella", "grandpa's walking stick", "live firework", "a toilet brush", "a fake hand", "an undercooked hotdog", "a slice of yesterday's microwaved pizza", "bubblegum", "a biter leg", "grandma's toothbrush", "charred octopus", "a dollhouse bathtub", "a length of copper wire", "a decommissioned nuke", "a smelly trout", "an unopened can of deodorant", "a stone brick", "a half full barrel of lube", "a half empty barrel of lube", "an unexploded cannon shell", "a blasting programmable speaker", "a not so straight rail", "a mismatched pipe to ground", "a surplus box of landmines", "decommissioned yellow rounds", "an oily pumpjack shaft", "a melted plastic bar in the shape of the virgin mary", "a bottle of watermelon vitamin water", "a slice of watermelon", "a stegosaurus tibia", "a basking musician's clarinet", "a twig", "an undisclosed pokey item", "a childhood trophy everyone else got","a dead starfish","a titanium toothpick", "a nail file","a stamp collection","a bucket of lego","a rolled up carpet","a rolled up WELCOME doormat","Bobby's favorite bone","an empty bottle of cheap vodka","a tattooing needle","a peeled cucumber","a stack of cotton candy","a signed baseball bat","that 5 dollar bill grandma sent for christmas","a stack of overdue phone bills","the 'relax' section of the white pages","a bag of gym clothes which never made it to the washing machine","a handful of peanut butter","a pheasant's feather","a rusty pickaxe","a diamond sword","the bill of rights of a banana republic","one of those giant airport Toblerone's", "a long handed inserter", "a wiimote","an easter chocolate rabbit","a ball of yarn the cat threw up","a slightly expired but perfectly edible cheese sandwich", "conclusive proof of lizard people existence","a pen drive full of high res wallpapers","a pet hamster","an oversized goldfish","a one foot extension cord","a CD from Walmart's 1 dollar bucket","a magic wand","a list of disappointed people who believed in you","murder exhibit no. 3","a paperback copy of 'Great Expectations'", "a baby biter", "a little biter fang", "the latest diet fad","a belt that no longer fits you","an abandoned pet rock","a lava lamp", "some spirit herbs","a box of fish sticks found at the back of the freezer","a bowl of tofu rice", "a bowl of ramen noodles", "a live lobster!", "a miniature golf cart","dunce cap","a fully furnished x-mas tree", "an orphaned power pole", "an horphaned power pole","an box of overpriced girl scout cookies","the cheapest item from the yard sale","a Sharpie","a glowstick","a thick unibrow hair","a very detailed map of Kazakhstan","the official Factorio installation DVD","a Liberal Arts degree","a pitcher of Kool-Aid","a 1/4 pound vegan burrito","a bottle of expensive wine","a hamster sized gravestone","a counterfeit Cuban cigar","an old Nokia phone","a huge inferiority complex","a dead real state agent","a deck of tarot cards","unreleased Wikileaks documents","a mean-looking garden dwarf","the actual mythological OBESE cat","a telescope used to spy on the MILF next door","a fancy candelabra","the comic version of the Kama Sutra","an inflatable 'Netflix & chill' doll","whatever it is redlabel gets high on","Obama's birth certificate","a deck of Cards Against Humanity","a copy of META MEME HUMOR for Dummies","an abandoned, not-so-young-anymore puppy","one of those useless items advertised on TV","a genetic blueprint of a Japanese teen idol" }
local function on_player_joined_game(event)
local player = game.players[event.player_index]
if not global.poke_spam_protection then global.poke_spam_protection = {} end
global.poke_spam_protection[event.player_index] = game.tick
if not global.player_list_pokes_counter then global.player_list_pokes_counter = {} end
if player.gui.top.player_list_button == nil then
local button = player.gui.top.add({ type = "sprite-button", name = "player_list_button", sprite = "item/heavy-armor" })
button.style.minimal_height = 38
button.style.minimal_width = 38
button.style.top_padding = 2
button.style.left_padding = 4
button.style.right_padding = 4
button.style.bottom_padding = 2
local function get_formatted_playtime(x)
local y = x / 216000
y = tostring(y)
local h = ""
for i=1,10,1 do
local z = string.sub(y, i, i)
if z == "." then
h = h .. z
local m = x % 216000
m = m / 3600
m = math.floor(m)
m = tostring(m)
if h == "0" then
local str = m .. " minutes"
return str
local str = h .. " hours "
str = str .. m
str = str .. " minutes"
return str
local function get_rank(player)
local m = player.online_time / 3600
local ranks = {
"item/inserter", "item/transport-belt", "item/underground-belt", "item/splitter","item/assembling-machine-1","item/long-handed-inserter","item/electronic-circuit","item/electric-mining-drill",
"item/heavy-armor","item/steel-furnace","item/steel-axe","item/gun-turret","item/fast-transport-belt", "item/fast-underground-belt", "item/fast-splitter","item/assembling-machine-2","item/fast-inserter","item/radar","item/filter-inserter",
"item/defender-capsule","item/pumpjack","item/chemical-plant","item/solar-panel","item/advanced-circuit","item/modular-armor","item/accumulator", "item/construction-robot",
"item/distractor-capsule","item/stack-inserter","item/electric-furnace","item/express-transport-belt","item/express-underground-belt", "item/express-splitter","item/assembling-machine-3","item/processing-unit","item/power-armor","item/logistic-robot","item/laser-turret",
--52 ranks
local time_needed = 15 -- in minutes between rank upgrades
m = m / time_needed
m = math.floor(m)
m = m + 1
if m > #ranks then m = #ranks end
return ranks[m]
local function get_sorted_list(sort_by)
local player_list = {}
for i, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do
player_list[i] = {}
player_list[i].rank = get_rank(player)
player_list[i].name = player.name
player_list[i].played_time = get_formatted_playtime(player.online_time)
player_list[i].played_ticks = player.online_time
if not global.player_list_pokes_counter[player.index] then global.player_list_pokes_counter[player.index] = 0 end
player_list[i].pokes = global.player_list_pokes_counter[player.index]
player_list[i].player_index = player.index
for i = 1, 4, 1 do
player_list[i] = {}
player_list[i].pokes = math.random(1,100)
player_list[i].name = "mewmew " .. i
player_list[i].played_ticks = math.random(1,115222000)
player_list[i].played_time = get_formatted_playtime(player_list[i].played_ticks)
player_list[i].rank = "item/heavy-armor"
player_list[i].player_index = 1
for i = #player_list, 1, -1 do
for i2 = #player_list, 1, -1 do
if sort_by == "pokes_asc" then
if player_list[i].pokes > player_list[i2].pokes then
local a = player_list[i]
local b = player_list[i2]
player_list[i] = b
player_list[i2] = a
if sort_by == "pokes_desc" then
if player_list[i].pokes < player_list[i2].pokes then
local a = player_list[i]
local b = player_list[i2]
player_list[i] = b
player_list[i2] = a
if sort_by == "time_played_asc" then
if player_list[i].played_ticks > player_list[i2].played_ticks then
local a = player_list[i]
local b = player_list[i2]
player_list[i] = b
player_list[i2] = a
if sort_by == "time_played_desc" then
if player_list[i].played_ticks < player_list[i2].played_ticks then
local a = player_list[i]
local b = player_list[i2]
player_list[i] = b
player_list[i2] = a
if sort_by == "name_asc" then
if player_list[i].name > player_list[i2].name then
local a = player_list[i]
local b = player_list[i2]
player_list[i] = b
player_list[i2] = a
if sort_by == "name_desc" then
if player_list[i].name < player_list[i2].name then
local a = player_list[i]
local b = player_list[i2]
player_list[i] = b
player_list[i2] = a
return player_list
local function player_list_show(player, sort_by)
local frame = player.gui.left["player-list-panel"]
if frame then frame.destroy() end
player.gui.left.direction = "horizontal"
local frame = player.gui.left.add { type = "frame", name = "player-list-panel", direction = "vertical" }
frame.style.minimal_width = 408
frame.style.top_padding = 8
frame.style.left_padding = 8
frame.style.right_padding = 8
frame.style.bottom_padding = 8
local player_list_panel_header_table = frame.add { type = "table", name = "player_list_panel_header_table", colspan = 4 }
local label = player_list_panel_header_table.add { type = "label", name = "player_list_panel_header_1", caption = " " .. #game.connected_players }
label.style.font = "default-game"
label.style.font_color = { r=0.00, g=0.00, b=0.00}
label.style.minimal_width = 35
local str = ""
if sort_by == "name_asc" then str = symbol_asc .. " " end
if sort_by == "name_desc" then str = symbol_desc .. " " end
local label = player_list_panel_header_table.add { type = "label", name = "player_list_panel_header_2", caption = str .. "Players online" }
label.style.font = "default-listbox"
label.style.font_color = { r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22}
label.style.minimal_width = 160
label.style.maximal_width = 160
str = ""
if sort_by == "time_played_asc" then str = symbol_asc .. " " end
if sort_by == "time_played_desc" then str = symbol_desc .. " " end
local label = player_list_panel_header_table.add { type = "label", name = "player_list_panel_header_3", caption = str .. "Time played" }
label.style.font = "default-listbox"
label.style.font_color = { r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22}
label.style.minimal_width = 130
label.style.maximal_width = 130
str = ""
if sort_by == "pokes_asc" then str = symbol_asc .. " " end
if sort_by == "pokes_desc" then str = symbol_desc .. " " end
local label = player_list_panel_header_table.add { type = "label", name = "player_list_panel_header_4", caption = str .. "Poke" }
label.style.font = "default-listbox"
label.style.font_color = { r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22}
label.style.minimal_width = 35
local player_list_panel_table = frame.add { type = "scroll-pane", name = "scroll_pane", direction = "vertical", horizontal_scroll_policy = "never", vertical_scroll_policy = "auto"}
player_list_panel_table.style.maximal_height = 530
player_list_panel_table = player_list_panel_table.add { type = "table", name = "player_list_panel_table", colspan = 4 }
local player_list = get_sorted_list(sort_by)
for i = 1, #player_list, 1 do
local sprite = player_list_panel_table.add { type = "sprite", name = "player_rank_sprite_" .. i, sprite = player_list[i].rank }
sprite.style.minimal_width = 35
local label = player_list_panel_table.add { type = "label", name = "player_list_panel_player_names_" .. i, caption = player_list[i].name }
label.style.font = "default"
label.style.font_color = {
r = .4 + game.players[player_list[i].player_index].color.r * 0.6,
g = .4 + game.players[player_list[i].player_index].color.g * 0.6,
b = .4 + game.players[player_list[i].player_index].color.b * 0.6,
label.style.minimal_width = 160
label.style.maximal_width = 160
local label = player_list_panel_table.add { type = "label", name = "player_list_panel_player_time_played_" .. i, caption = player_list[i].played_time }
label.style.minimal_width = 130
label.style.maximal_width = 130
local flow = player_list_panel_table.add { type = "flow", name = "button_flow_" .. i, direction = "horizontal" }
flow.add { type = "label", name = "button_spacer_" .. i, caption = "" }
local button = flow.add { type = "button", name = "poke_player_" .. player_list[i].name, caption = player_list[i].pokes }
button.style.font = "default"
label.style.font_color = { r=0.83, g=0.83, b=0.83}
button.style.minimal_height = 30
button.style.minimal_width = 30
button.style.maximal_height = 30
button.style.maximal_width = 30
button.style.top_padding = 0
button.style.left_padding = 0
button.style.right_padding = 0
button.style.bottom_padding = 0
local function on_gui_click(event)
if not (event and event.element and event.element.valid) then return end
local player = game.players[event.element.player_index]
local name = event.element.name
if (name == "player_list_button") then
if player.gui.left["player-list-panel"] then
if (name == "player_list_panel_header_2") then
if string.find(event.element.caption, symbol_desc) then
if (name == "player_list_panel_header_3") then
if string.find(event.element.caption, symbol_desc) then
if (name == "player_list_panel_header_4") then
if string.find(event.element.caption, symbol_desc) then
--Poke other players
if event.element.type == "button" then
local x = string.find(name, "poke_player_")
if x ~= nil then
local y = string.len(event.element.name)
local poked_player = string.sub(event.element.name, 13, y)
if player.name ~= poked_player then
local x = global.poke_spam_protection[event.element.player_index] + 420
if x < game.tick then
local str = ">> "
str = str .. player.name
str = str .. " has poked "
str = str .. poked_player
str = str .. " with "
local z = math.random(1,#pokemessages)
str = str .. pokemessages[z]
str = str .. " <<"
global.poke_spam_protection[event.element.player_index] = game.tick
local p = game.players[poked_player]
global.player_list_pokes_counter[p.index] = global.player_list_pokes_counter[p.index] + 1
local function on_tick()
if game.tick % 1200 == 0 then
for _,player in pairs(game.connected_players) do
if player.gui.left["player-list-panel"] then
local sort_method
if string.find(player.gui.left["player-list-panel"].player_list_panel_header_table.player_list_panel_header_2.caption, symbol_desc) then sort_method = "name_desc" end
if string.find(player.gui.left["player-list-panel"].player_list_panel_header_table.player_list_panel_header_2.caption, symbol_asc) then sort_method = "name_asc" end
if string.find(player.gui.left["player-list-panel"].player_list_panel_header_table.player_list_panel_header_3.caption, symbol_desc) then sort_method = "time_played_desc" end
if string.find(player.gui.left["player-list-panel"].player_list_panel_header_table.player_list_panel_header_3.caption, symbol_asc) then sort_method = "time_played_asc" end
if string.find(player.gui.left["player-list-panel"].player_list_panel_header_table.player_list_panel_header_4.caption, symbol_desc) then sort_method = "pokes_desc" end
if string.find(player.gui.left["player-list-panel"].player_list_panel_header_table.player_list_panel_header_4.caption, symbol_asc) then sort_method = "pokes_asc" end
Event.register(defines.events.on_tick, on_tick)
Event.register(defines.events.on_player_joined_game, on_player_joined_game)
Event.register(defines.events.on_gui_click, on_gui_click) |