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-- Map by Jayefuu, plague006 and grilledham
-- Map in the shape of a maltese cross, with narrow water bridges around the spawn to force "interesting" transfer of materials
local b = require 'map_gen.shared.builders'
local math = require 'utils.math'
local RS = require 'map_gen.shared.redmew_surface'
local MGSP = require 'resources.map_gen_settings'
local Event = require 'utils.event'
local degrees = math.rad
local ScenarioInfo = require 'features.gui.info'
ScenarioInfo.set_map_name('Maltease Crossings')
A throughput limited map in the shape of a Maltese Cross, where you must manage
the flow of resources from quadrant to quadrant via a central hub to facilitate
manufacture. Beware the worm infested islands, bot transfer is not as appealing
as it looks!
This map is split in four quadrants. Each quadrant has a main resource.
The central hub has a limited amount of belt transfer lanes making upgrading of
belts for clever belt weaving essential.
Worm covered spokes prevent early expansion via bots though can be cleared with
effort and technology.
- Added automatic disabling of landfill tech instead of manual disable by player
- Updated map description
local function value(base, mult, pow)
return function(x, y)
local d_sq = x * x + y * y
return base + mult * d_sq ^ (pow / 2) -- d ^ pow
local starting_area = 59
local gradient = 0.05
local tiles_half = (starting_area) * 0.5
local function maltese_cross(x, y)
--Create maltese shape
local abs_x = math.abs(x)
local abs_y = math.abs(y)
return not (abs_x > (tiles_half + (abs_y * gradient)) and abs_y > (tiles_half + (abs_x * gradient)))
-- create water crossings and pattern
local water_line =
b.any {
b.rectangle(10, 8)
water_line = b.change_tile(water_line, true, 'water')
local waters = b.single_y_pattern(water_line, 9)
local bounds = b.rectangle(10, starting_area + 1)
waters = b.choose(bounds, waters, b.empty_shape)
waters = b.translate(waters, 34, 0)
local water_pattern =
b.any {
b.rotate(waters, degrees(90)),
b.rotate(waters, degrees(180)),
b.rotate(waters, degrees(270))
-- create the starting area as a grass square
local starting_square = b.rectangle(60, 60)
starting_square = b.change_tile(starting_square, true, 'grass-1')
local starting_patch = b.circle(20)
local starting_coal = b.resource(starting_patch, 'coal', value(1800, 0.8, 1.5))
local starting_iron = b.resource(starting_patch, 'iron-ore', value(3000, 0.8, 1.5))
local starting_copper = b.resource(starting_patch, 'copper-ore', value(2200, 0.75, 1.5))
local starting_stone = b.resource(starting_patch, 'stone', value(1100, 0.75, 1.5))
local null = b.no_entity
local starting_resources = b.segment_pattern({null, starting_coal, null, starting_copper, null, starting_stone, null, starting_iron})
starting_resources = b.rotate(starting_resources, degrees(45 / 2))
-- starting_circle = b.circle(14)
-- ore generation
local patch = b.circle(20)
local small_patch = b.circle(8)
local patches = b.single_pattern(patch, 220, 220)
local stone = b.resource(patch, 'stone', value(100, 0.75, 1.1))
local oil = b.resource(b.throttle_world_xy(small_patch, 1, 4, 1, 4), 'crude-oil', value(33000, 50, 1.05))
local coal = b.resource(patch, 'coal', value(100, 0.75, 1.1))
local uranium = b.resource(small_patch, 'uranium-ore', value(200, 0.75, 1.1))
local pattern1 = {
{stone, oil, stone},
{stone, oil, oil},
{stone, stone, stone}
local stone_arm = b.grid_pattern(pattern1, 3, 3, 220, 220)
local pattern2 = {
{coal, coal, coal},
{coal, coal, coal},
{coal, coal, uranium}
local coal_arm = b.grid_pattern(pattern2, 3, 3, 220, 220)
local iron = b.resource(patches, 'iron-ore', value(500, 0.8, 1.075))
local copper = b.resource(patches, 'copper-ore', value(400, 0.75, 1.1))
local resources = b.segment_pattern({null, coal_arm, null, copper, null, stone_arm, null, iron})
resources = b.rotate(resources, degrees(45 / 2))
-- worm islands
local worm_island = b.rectangle(20, 300)
local worm_island_end = b.circle(10)
worm_island =
b.any {
b.translate(worm_island, 0, -150),
b.translate(worm_island_end, 0, -300)
worm_island = b.change_tile(worm_island, true, 'grass-1')
local max_worm_chance = 64 / 128
local worm_chance_factor = 1 --/ (192 * 512)
local function worms(_, _, world)
local wx, wy = world.x, world.y
local d = math.sqrt(wx * wx + wy * wy)
local worm_chance = d - 20
if worm_chance > 0 then
worm_chance = worm_chance * worm_chance_factor
worm_chance = math.min(worm_chance, max_worm_chance)
if math.random() < worm_chance then
return {name = 'big-worm-turret'}
worm_island = b.remove_map_gen_trees(worm_island)
worm_island = b.apply_entity(worm_island, worms)
local worm_islands =
b.any {
b.rotate(b.translate(worm_island, 0, -110), degrees(45)),
b.rotate(b.translate(worm_island, 0, -110), degrees(45 + 90)),
b.rotate(b.translate(worm_island, 0, -110), degrees(45 + 180)),
b.rotate(b.translate(worm_island, 0, -110), degrees(45 + 270))
-- create the start area using the water and grass square
local start_area =
b.any {
-- finalising some bits
start_area = b.apply_entity(start_area, starting_resources) -- adds a different density ore patch to start
maltese_cross = b.change_tile(maltese_cross, true, 'grass-1')
maltese_cross = b.apply_entity(maltese_cross, resources) -- adds our custom ore gen
local sea = b.change_tile(b.full_shape, true, 'water') -- turn the void to water
sea = b.fish(sea, 0.00125) -- feesh!
local map = b.any {worm_islands, start_area, maltese_cross, sea} -- combine everything
map = b.translate(map,0,-28) -- translate the map so the 0,0 co-ord is not at the centre of the ore patch, moving the market off the coal
-- Disable landfill technology
local function on_init()
local player_force = game.forces.player
player_force.technologies['landfill'].enabled = false -- disable landfill
return map