This repository was forked from [carloe/docker-factorio]( to build a custom configured server on factorio and provide extra information on how to setup a factorio server using docker.
The easiest way to setup a factorio server by far, is to use [Digital Ocean.]( Follow the link to signup and get $10 for free to start you off. This guide assumes your are using a Mac, Windows users may have to alter their method when it comes to terminal usage. Disclaimer: All referrals generate credit to my account for more factorio goodness.
7. Add your [SSH public key]( Alternatively, you will need to take note of the password that Digital Ocean send to you after you setup the server.
8. You will only need 1 droplet, name your server and click create.
3.`ssh root@IPaddress`, obviously replace 'IPaddress' with the IP address.
# Build Your Factorio headless server
The latest Factorio headless server is downloaded at build time. This may be a good reason you want to build your own image since the Docker Hub repo may not always be up to date.