description: Turn of goal completion. Discrete variable to sharpen boundaries between turns. Turn distances does not care about turn boundaries and just count total movement points
rule: if heroRole is MAIN and armyGrowth is HUGE and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGH
rule: if heroRole is MAIN and armyGrowth is BIG and mainTurnDistance is LOW then Value is HIGH
rule: if heroRole is MAIN and armyGrowth is BIG and mainTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is BITHIGH
rule: if heroRole is MAIN and armyGrowth is BIG and mainTurnDistance is LONG and fear is not HIGH then Value is MEDIUM
rule: if armyLoss is ALL then Value is WORST
rule: if turn is not NOW then Value is BAD with 0.1
rule: if closestHeroRatio is LOWEST and heroRole is SCOUT then Value is WORST
rule: if closestHeroRatio is LOW and heroRole is SCOUT then Value is BAD
rule: if closestHeroRatio is LOWEST and heroRole is MAIN then Value is BAD
RuleBlock: strategicalValue
enabled: true
conjunction: AlgebraicProduct
disjunction: NormalizedSum
implication: AlgebraicProduct
activation: General
rule: if heroRole is MAIN and strategicalValue is HIGH and turn is NOW then Value is HIGHEST
rule: if heroRole is MAIN and strategicalValue is HIGH and turn is not NOW and mainTurnDistance is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGHEST
rule: if heroRole is MAIN and strategicalValue is HIGH and mainTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGHEST with 0.5
rule: if heroRole is MAIN and strategicalValue is HIGH and mainTurnDistance is LONG and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGH
rule: if heroRole is MAIN and strategicalValue is MEDIUM and mainTurnDistance is LOW then Value is HIGH
rule: if heroRole is MAIN and strategicalValue is MEDIUM and mainTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is BITHIGH
rule: if heroRole is MAIN and strategicalValue is MEDIUM and mainTurnDistance is LONG and fear is not HIGH then Value is MEDIUM
rule: if heroRole is MAIN and strategicalValue is LOW and mainTurnDistance is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is MEDIUM
rule: if heroRole is MAIN and strategicalValue is LOW and mainTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is SMALL
rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is HIGH and danger is not NONE and turn is NOW then Value is HIGH
rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is HIGH and danger is not NONE and turn is not NOW and scoutTurnDistance is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGH
rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is HIGH and danger is not NONE and scoutTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGH with 0.5
rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is HIGH and danger is not NONE and scoutTurnDistance is LONG and fear is not HIGH then Value is BITHIGH
rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is MEDIUM and danger is not NONE and scoutTurnDistance is LOW then Value is BITHIGH
rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is MEDIUM and danger is not NONE and scoutTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is MEDIUM
rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is MEDIUM and danger is not NONE and scoutTurnDistance is LONG and fear is not HIGH then Value is SMALL
rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is LOW and danger is not NONE and scoutTurnDistance is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is SMALL
rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is HIGH and danger is NONE and turn is NOW then Value is HIGHEST
rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is HIGH and danger is NONE and turn is not NOW and scoutTurnDistance is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGHEST
rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is HIGH and danger is NONE and scoutTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGHEST with 0.5
rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is HIGH and danger is NONE and scoutTurnDistance is LONG and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGH
rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is MEDIUM and danger is NONE and scoutTurnDistance is LOW then Value is HIGH
rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is MEDIUM and danger is NONE and scoutTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is BITHIGH
rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is MEDIUM and danger is NONE and scoutTurnDistance is LONG and fear is not HIGH then Value is MEDIUM
rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is LOW and danger is NONE and scoutTurnDistance is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is MEDIUM
rule: if heroRole is SCOUT and strategicalValue is LOW and danger is NONE and scoutTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is SMALL
rule: if armyLoss is HIGH and strategicalValue is LOW then Value is BAD
rule: if armyLoss is HIGH and strategicalValue is MEDIUM then Value is BAD with 0.7
rule: if strategicalValue is CRITICAL then Value is CRITICAL
RuleBlock: armyReward
enabled: true
conjunction: AlgebraicProduct
disjunction: AlgebraicSum
implication: AlgebraicProduct
activation: General
rule: if heroRole is MAIN and armyReward is HIGH and mainTurnDistance is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGHEST
rule: if heroRole is MAIN and armyReward is HIGH and mainTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGH
rule: if heroRole is MAIN and armyReward is HIGH and mainTurnDistance is LONG and fear is not HIGH then Value is BITHIGH
rule: if heroRole is MAIN and armyReward is MEDIUM and mainTurnDistance is LOW then Value is HIGH
rule: if heroRole is MAIN and armyReward is MEDIUM and mainTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is BITHIGH
rule: if heroRole is MAIN and armyReward is MEDIUM and mainTurnDistance is LONG and fear is not HIGH then Value is MEDIUM
rule: if heroRole is MAIN and armyReward is LOW and mainTurnDistance is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is MEDIUM
rule: if heroRole is MAIN and armyReward is LOW and mainTurnDistance is MEDIUM and fear is not HIGH then Value is SMALL