2017-03-17 16:48:44 +01:00
* BattleInfo . h , part of VCMI engine
* Authors : listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License : GNU General Public License v2 .0 or later
* Full text of license available in license . txt file , in main folder
# pragma once
2017-06-29 02:27:41 +03:00
# include "SiegeInfo.h"
# include "SideInBattle.h"
2017-06-29 00:09:35 +03:00
# include "../HeroBonus.h"
# include "CBattleInfoCallback.h"
# include "../int3.h"
2017-03-17 16:48:44 +01:00
class CStack ;
class CStackInstance ;
class CStackBasicDescriptor ;
struct DLL_LINKAGE BattleInfo : public CBonusSystemNode , public CBattleInfoCallback
std : : array < SideInBattle , 2 > sides ; //sides[0] - attacker, sides[1] - defender
si32 round , activeStack , selectedStack ;
const CGTownInstance * town ; //used during town siege, nullptr if this is not a siege (note that fortless town IS also a siege)
int3 tile ; //for background and bonuses
std : : vector < CStack * > stacks ;
std : : vector < std : : shared_ptr < CObstacleInstance > > obstacles ;
SiegeInfo si ;
BFieldType battlefieldType ; //like !!BA:B
ETerrainType terrainType ; //used for some stack nativity checks (not the bonus limiters though that have their own copy)
ui8 tacticsSide ; //which side is requested to play tactics phase
ui8 tacticDistance ; //how many hexes we can go forward (1 = only hexes adjacent to margin line)
template < typename Handler > void serialize ( Handler & h , const int version )
h & sides ;
h & round & activeStack & selectedStack & town & tile & stacks & obstacles
& si & battlefieldType & terrainType ;
h & tacticsSide & tacticDistance ;
h & static_cast < CBonusSystemNode & > ( * this ) ;
BattleInfo ( ) ;
~ BattleInfo ( ) { } ;
CStack * getStack ( int stackID , bool onlyAlive = true ) ;
using CBattleInfoEssentials : : battleGetArmyObject ;
CArmedInstance * battleGetArmyObject ( ui8 side ) const ;
using CBattleInfoEssentials : : battleGetFightingHero ;
CGHeroInstance * battleGetFightingHero ( ui8 side ) const ;
const CStack * getNextStack ( ) const ; //which stack will have turn after current one
2017-07-01 11:34:00 +03:00
int getAvaliableHex ( CreatureID creID , ui8 side , int initialPos = - 1 ) const ; //find place for summon / clone effects
2017-06-26 18:50:35 +02:00
std : : pair < std : : vector < BattleHex > , int > getPath ( BattleHex start , BattleHex dest , const CStack * stack ) ; //returned value: pair<path, length>; length may be different than number of elements in path since flying vreatures jump between distant hexes
2017-03-17 16:48:44 +01:00
std : : shared_ptr < CObstacleInstance > getObstacleOnTile ( BattleHex tile ) const ;
std : : set < BattleHex > getStoppers ( bool whichSidePerspective ) const ;
ui32 calculateDmg ( const CStack * attacker , const CStack * defender , bool shooting , ui8 charge , bool lucky , bool unlucky , bool deathBlow , bool ballistaDoubleDmg , CRandomGenerator & rand ) ; //charge - number of hexes travelled before attack (for champion's jousting)
2017-06-26 18:50:35 +02:00
void calculateCasualties ( std : : map < ui32 , si32 > * casualties ) const ; //casualties are array of maps size 2 (attacker, defeneder), maps are (crid => amount)
2017-03-17 16:48:44 +01:00
2017-07-01 11:34:00 +03:00
CStack * generateNewStack ( const CStackInstance & base , ui8 side , SlotID slot , BattleHex position ) const ; //helper for CGameHandler::setupBattle and spells addign new stacks to the battlefield
CStack * generateNewStack ( const CStackBasicDescriptor & base , ui8 side , SlotID slot , BattleHex position ) const ; //helper for CGameHandler::setupBattle and spells addign new stacks to the battlefield
2017-03-17 16:48:44 +01:00
int getIdForNewStack ( ) const ; //suggest a currently unused ID that'd suitable for generating a new stack
const CGHeroInstance * getHero ( PlayerColor player ) const ; //returns fighting hero that belongs to given player
void localInit ( ) ;
void localInitStack ( CStack * s ) ;
2017-06-26 18:50:35 +02:00
static BattleInfo * setupBattle ( int3 tile , ETerrainType terrain , BFieldType battlefieldType , const CArmedInstance * armies [ 2 ] , const CGHeroInstance * heroes [ 2 ] , bool creatureBank , const CGTownInstance * town ) ;
2017-03-17 16:48:44 +01:00
//bool hasNativeStack(ui8 side) const;
PlayerColor theOtherPlayer ( PlayerColor player ) const ;
ui8 whatSide ( PlayerColor player ) const ;
static BattlefieldBI : : BattlefieldBI battlefieldTypeToBI ( BFieldType bfieldType ) ; //converts above to ERM BI format
static int battlefieldTypeToTerrain ( int bfieldType ) ; //converts above to ERM BI format
} ;
class DLL_LINKAGE CMP_stack
int phase ; //rules of which phase will be used
int turn ;
public :
bool operator ( ) ( const CStack * a , const CStack * b ) ;
CMP_stack ( int Phase = 1 , int Turn = 0 ) ;
} ;