2022-08-30 02:44:02 +04:00
# include "StdInc.h"
# include "../lib/mapping/CMap.h"
# include "Animation.h"
# include <QImage>
2022-08-30 04:15:54 +04:00
# include <QPixmap>
2022-08-30 06:38:24 +04:00
# include <QRect>
class CGObjectInstance ;
class CGBoat ;
2022-08-30 17:08:33 +04:00
class PlayerColor ;
2022-08-30 06:38:24 +04:00
struct TerrainTileObject
2022-09-01 17:08:03 +04:00
CGObjectInstance * obj ;
2022-08-30 06:38:24 +04:00
QRect rect ;
bool real ;
2022-09-01 17:08:03 +04:00
TerrainTileObject ( CGObjectInstance * obj_ , QRect rect_ , bool visitablePos = false ) ;
2022-08-30 06:38:24 +04:00
~ TerrainTileObject ( ) ;
} ;
struct TerrainTile2
std : : vector < TerrainTileObject > objects ; //pointers to objects being on this tile with rects to be easier to blit this tile on screen
} ;
2022-08-30 02:44:02 +04:00
class MapHandler
public :
2022-08-30 06:38:24 +04:00
struct AnimBitmapHolder
std : : shared_ptr < QImage > objBitmap ; // main object bitmap
std : : shared_ptr < QImage > flagBitmap ; // flag bitmap for the object (probably only for heroes and boats with heroes)
AnimBitmapHolder ( std : : shared_ptr < QImage > objBitmap_ = nullptr , std : : shared_ptr < QImage > flagBitmap_ = nullptr )
: objBitmap ( objBitmap_ ) ,
flagBitmap ( flagBitmap_ )
{ }
} ;
private :
ui8 getHeroFrameGroup ( ui8 dir , bool isMoving ) const ;
ui8 getPhaseShift ( const CGObjectInstance * object ) const ;
// internal helper methods to choose correct bitmap(s) for object; called internally by findObjectBitmap
AnimBitmapHolder findHeroBitmap ( const CGHeroInstance * hero , int anim ) const ;
AnimBitmapHolder findBoatBitmap ( const CGBoat * hero , int anim ) const ;
std : : shared_ptr < QImage > findFlagBitmap ( const CGHeroInstance * obj , int anim , const PlayerColor * color , int group ) const ;
std : : shared_ptr < QImage > findHeroFlagBitmap ( const CGHeroInstance * obj , int anim , const PlayerColor * color , int group ) const ;
std : : shared_ptr < QImage > findBoatFlagBitmap ( const CGBoat * obj , int anim , const PlayerColor * color , int group , ui8 dir ) const ;
std : : shared_ptr < QImage > findFlagBitmapInternal ( std : : shared_ptr < Animation > animation , int anim , int group , ui8 dir , bool moving ) const ;
public :
AnimBitmapHolder findObjectBitmap ( const CGObjectInstance * obj , int anim ) const ;
2022-08-30 02:44:02 +04:00
enum class EMapCacheType : char
} ;
void initObjectRects ( ) ;
void initTerrainGraphics ( ) ;
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std : : vector < TerrainTile2 > ttiles ; //informations about map tiles
2022-08-30 02:44:02 +04:00
int3 sizes ; //map size (x = width, y = height, z = number of levels)
const CMap * map ;
//terrain graphics
//FIXME: unique_ptr should be enough, but fails to compile in MSVS 2013
2022-08-30 04:48:44 +04:00
typedef std : : map < std : : string , std : : shared_ptr < Animation > > TFlippedAnimations ; //[type, rotation]
typedef std : : map < std : : string , std : : vector < std : : shared_ptr < QImage > > > TFlippedCache ; //[type, view type, rotation]
2022-08-30 02:44:02 +04:00
TFlippedAnimations terrainAnimations ; //[terrain type, rotation]
TFlippedCache terrainImages ; //[terrain type, view type, rotation]
TFlippedAnimations roadAnimations ; //[road type, rotation]
TFlippedCache roadImages ; //[road type, view type, rotation]
TFlippedAnimations riverAnimations ; //[river type, rotation]
TFlippedCache riverImages ; //[river type, view type, rotation]
2022-09-01 05:51:29 +04:00
void drawTerrainTile ( QPainter & painter , int x , int y , int z ) ;
2022-08-30 06:38:24 +04:00
/// draws a river segment on current tile
2022-09-03 08:12:07 +04:00
void drawRiver ( QPainter & painter , int x , int y , int z ) ;
2022-08-30 06:38:24 +04:00
/// draws a road segment on current tile
2022-09-03 08:12:07 +04:00
void drawRoad ( QPainter & painter , int x , int y , int z ) ;
2022-08-30 06:38:24 +04:00
/// draws all objects on current tile (higher-level logic, unlike other draw*** methods)
2022-09-01 05:51:29 +04:00
void drawObjects ( QPainter & painter , int x , int y , int z ) ;
2022-09-01 15:54:39 +04:00
void drawObject ( QPainter & painter , const TerrainTileObject & object ) ;
2022-09-01 18:07:36 +04:00
void drawObjectAt ( QPainter & painter , const CGObjectInstance * object , int x , int y ) ;
2022-09-01 17:08:03 +04:00
std : : vector < TerrainTileObject > & getObjects ( int x , int y , int z ) ;
2022-08-30 06:38:24 +04:00
//void drawObject(SDL_Surface * targetSurf, std::shared_ptr<IImage> source, SDL_Rect * sourceRect, bool moving) const;
//void drawHeroFlag(SDL_Surface * targetSurf, std::shared_ptr<IImage> source, SDL_Rect * sourceRect, SDL_Rect * destRect, bool moving) const;
2022-08-30 02:44:02 +04:00
mutable std : : map < const CGObjectInstance * , ui8 > animationPhase ;
2022-08-30 04:15:54 +04:00
MapHandler ( const CMap * Map ) ;
2022-08-30 02:44:02 +04:00
~ MapHandler ( ) = default ;
2022-08-30 04:15:54 +04:00
void init ( ) ;
2022-08-30 02:44:02 +04:00
//void getTerrainDescr(const int3 & pos, std::string & out, bool isRMB) const; // isRMB = whether Right Mouse Button is clicked
//bool printObject(const CGObjectInstance * obj, bool fadein = false); //puts appropriate things to tiles, so obj will be visible on map
//bool hideObject(const CGObjectInstance * obj, bool fadeout = false); //removes appropriate things from ttiles, so obj will be no longer visible on map (but still will exist)
//bool hasObjectHole(const int3 & pos) const; // Checks if TerrainTile2 tile has a pit remained after digging.
//EMapAnimRedrawStatus drawTerrainRectNew(SDL_Surface * targetSurface, const MapDrawingInfo * info, bool redrawOnlyAnim = false);
void updateWater ( ) ;
/// determines if the map is ready to handle new hero movement (not available during fading animations)
//bool canStartHeroMovement();
//void discardWorldViewCache();
static bool compareObjectBlitOrder ( const CGObjectInstance * a , const CGObjectInstance * b ) ;
} ;
# endif // MAPHANDLER_H