2023-06-17 15:21:42 +03:00
* CGCreature . cpp , part of VCMI engine
* Authors : listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License : GNU General Public License v2 .0 or later
* Full text of license available in license . txt file , in main folder
# include "StdInc.h"
# include "CGCreature.h"
2023-10-23 13:59:15 +03:00
# include "CGHeroInstance.h"
2023-06-17 15:21:42 +03:00
# include "../CGeneralTextHandler.h"
# include "../CConfigHandler.h"
# include "../GameSettings.h"
# include "../IGameCallback.h"
2023-10-23 13:59:15 +03:00
# include "../networkPacks/PacksForClient.h"
# include "../networkPacks/PacksForClientBattle.h"
# include "../networkPacks/StackLocation.h"
2023-06-17 15:21:42 +03:00
# include "../serializer/JsonSerializeFormat.h"
std : : string CGCreature : : getHoverText ( PlayerColor player ) const
if ( stacks . empty ( ) )
//should not happen...
logGlobal - > error ( " Invalid stack at tile %s: subID=%d; id=%d " , pos . toString ( ) , subID , id . getNum ( ) ) ;
return " INVALID_STACK " ;
std : : string hoverName ;
MetaString ms ;
CCreature : : CreatureQuantityId monsterQuantityId = stacks . begin ( ) - > second - > getQuantityID ( ) ;
int quantityTextIndex = 172 + 3 * ( int ) monsterQuantityId ;
if ( settings [ " gameTweaks " ] [ " numericCreaturesQuantities " ] . Bool ( ) )
2023-06-18 12:18:25 +03:00
ms . appendRawString ( CCreature : : getQuantityRangeStringForId ( monsterQuantityId ) ) ;
2023-06-17 15:21:42 +03:00
2023-06-18 12:18:25 +03:00
ms . appendLocalString ( EMetaText : : ARRAY_TXT , quantityTextIndex ) ;
ms . appendRawString ( " " ) ;
ms . appendLocalString ( EMetaText : : CRE_PL_NAMES , subID ) ;
hoverName = ms . toString ( ) ;
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return hoverName ;
std : : string CGCreature : : getHoverText ( const CGHeroInstance * hero ) const
std : : string hoverName ;
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if ( hero - > hasVisions ( this , BonusCustomSubtype : : visionsMonsters ) )
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MetaString ms ;
2023-06-17 23:52:42 +03:00
ms . appendNumber ( stacks . begin ( ) - > second - > count ) ;
2023-06-18 12:18:25 +03:00
ms . appendRawString ( " " ) ;
ms . appendLocalString ( EMetaText : : CRE_PL_NAMES , subID ) ;
2023-06-17 15:21:42 +03:00
2023-08-21 14:42:41 +02:00
ms . appendRawString ( " \n \n " ) ;
2023-06-17 15:21:42 +03:00
int decision = takenAction ( hero , true ) ;
switch ( decision )
case FIGHT :
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ms . appendLocalString ( EMetaText : : GENERAL_TXT , 246 ) ;
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break ;
case FLEE :
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ms . appendLocalString ( EMetaText : : GENERAL_TXT , 245 ) ;
2023-06-17 15:21:42 +03:00
break ;
2023-06-18 12:18:25 +03:00
ms . appendLocalString ( EMetaText : : GENERAL_TXT , 243 ) ;
2023-06-17 15:21:42 +03:00
break ;
default : //decision = cost in gold
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ms . appendRawString ( boost : : str ( boost : : format ( VLC - > generaltexth - > allTexts [ 244 ] ) % decision ) ) ;
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break ;
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hoverName = ms . toString ( ) ;
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hoverName = getHoverText ( hero - > tempOwner ) ;
hoverName + = VLC - > generaltexth - > translate ( " vcmi.adventureMap.monsterThreat.title " ) ;
int choice ;
double ratio = ( static_cast < double > ( getArmyStrength ( ) ) / hero - > getTotalStrength ( ) ) ;
if ( ratio < 0.1 ) choice = 0 ;
else if ( ratio < 0.25 ) choice = 1 ;
else if ( ratio < 0.6 ) choice = 2 ;
else if ( ratio < 0.9 ) choice = 3 ;
else if ( ratio < 1.1 ) choice = 4 ;
else if ( ratio < 1.3 ) choice = 5 ;
else if ( ratio < 1.8 ) choice = 6 ;
else if ( ratio < 2.5 ) choice = 7 ;
else if ( ratio < 4 ) choice = 8 ;
else if ( ratio < 8 ) choice = 9 ;
else if ( ratio < 20 ) choice = 10 ;
else choice = 11 ;
hoverName + = VLC - > generaltexth - > translate ( " vcmi.adventureMap.monsterThreat.levels. " + std : : to_string ( choice ) ) ;
return hoverName ;
void CGCreature : : onHeroVisit ( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const
2023-09-23 02:35:21 +02:00
//show message
if ( ! message . empty ( ) )
InfoWindow iw ;
iw . player = h - > tempOwner ;
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iw . text = message ;
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iw . type = EInfoWindowMode : : MODAL ;
cb - > showInfoDialog ( & iw ) ;
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int action = takenAction ( h ) ;
switch ( action ) //decide what we do...
case FIGHT :
fight ( h ) ;
break ;
case FLEE :
flee ( h ) ;
break ;
case JOIN_FOR_FREE : //join for free
BlockingDialog ynd ( true , false ) ;
ynd . player = h - > tempOwner ;
2023-06-18 12:18:25 +03:00
ynd . text . appendLocalString ( EMetaText : : ADVOB_TXT , 86 ) ;
ynd . text . replaceLocalString ( EMetaText : : CRE_PL_NAMES , subID ) ;
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cb - > showBlockingDialog ( & ynd ) ;
break ;
default : //join for gold
assert ( action > 0 ) ;
//ask if player agrees to pay gold
BlockingDialog ynd ( true , false ) ;
ynd . player = h - > tempOwner ;
std : : string tmp = VLC - > generaltexth - > advobtxt [ 90 ] ;
boost : : algorithm : : replace_first ( tmp , " %d " , std : : to_string ( getStackCount ( SlotID ( 0 ) ) ) ) ;
boost : : algorithm : : replace_first ( tmp , " %d " , std : : to_string ( action ) ) ;
boost : : algorithm : : replace_first ( tmp , " %s " , VLC - > creh - > objects [ subID ] - > getNamePluralTranslated ( ) ) ;
2023-06-18 12:18:25 +03:00
ynd . text . appendRawString ( tmp ) ;
2023-06-17 15:21:42 +03:00
cb - > showBlockingDialog ( & ynd ) ;
break ;
void CGCreature : : initObj ( CRandomGenerator & rand )
blockVisit = true ;
switch ( character )
case 0 :
character = - 4 ;
break ;
case 1 :
character = rand . nextInt ( 1 , 7 ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
character = rand . nextInt ( 1 , 10 ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
character = rand . nextInt ( 4 , 10 ) ;
break ;
case 4 :
character = 10 ;
break ;
stacks [ SlotID ( 0 ) ] - > setType ( CreatureID ( subID ) ) ;
TQuantity & amount = stacks [ SlotID ( 0 ) ] - > count ;
CCreature & c = * VLC - > creh - > objects [ subID ] ;
if ( amount = = 0 )
amount = rand . nextInt ( c . ammMin , c . ammMax ) ;
if ( amount = = 0 ) //armies with 0 creatures are illegal
logGlobal - > warn ( " Stack %s cannot have 0 creatures. Check properties of %s " , nodeName ( ) , c . nodeName ( ) ) ;
amount = 1 ;
temppower = stacks [ SlotID ( 0 ) ] - > count * static_cast < ui64 > ( 1000 ) ;
refusedJoining = false ;
void CGCreature : : newTurn ( CRandomGenerator & rand ) const
{ //Works only for stacks of single type of size up to 2 millions
if ( ! notGrowingTeam )
if ( stacks . begin ( ) - > second - > count < VLC - > settings ( ) - > getInteger ( EGameSettings : : CREATURES_WEEKLY_GROWTH_CAP ) & & cb - > getDate ( Date : : DAY_OF_WEEK ) = = 1 & & cb - > getDate ( Date : : DAY ) > 1 )
ui32 power = static_cast < ui32 > ( temppower * ( 100 + VLC - > settings ( ) - > getInteger ( EGameSettings : : CREATURES_WEEKLY_GROWTH_PERCENT ) ) / 100 ) ;
cb - > setObjProperty ( id , ObjProperty : : MONSTER_COUNT , std : : min < uint32_t > ( power / 1000 , VLC - > settings ( ) - > getInteger ( EGameSettings : : CREATURES_WEEKLY_GROWTH_CAP ) ) ) ; //set new amount
cb - > setObjProperty ( id , ObjProperty : : MONSTER_POWER , power ) ; //increase temppower
if ( VLC - > settings ( ) - > getBoolean ( EGameSettings : : MODULE_STACK_EXPERIENCE ) )
cb - > setObjProperty ( id , ObjProperty : : MONSTER_EXP , VLC - > settings ( ) - > getInteger ( EGameSettings : : CREATURES_DAILY_STACK_EXPERIENCE ) ) ; //for testing purpose
void CGCreature : : setPropertyDer ( ui8 what , ui32 val )
switch ( what )
case ObjProperty : : MONSTER_COUNT :
stacks [ SlotID ( 0 ) ] - > count = val ;
break ;
case ObjProperty : : MONSTER_POWER :
temppower = val ;
break ;
case ObjProperty : : MONSTER_EXP :
giveStackExp ( val ) ;
break ;
case ObjProperty : : MONSTER_RESTORE_TYPE :
formation . basicType = val ;
break ;
case ObjProperty : : MONSTER_REFUSED_JOIN :
refusedJoining = val ;
break ;
int CGCreature : : takenAction ( const CGHeroInstance * h , bool allowJoin ) const
//calculate relative strength of hero and creatures armies
double relStrength = static_cast < double > ( h - > getTotalStrength ( ) ) / getArmyStrength ( ) ;
int powerFactor ;
if ( relStrength > = 7 )
powerFactor = 11 ;
else if ( relStrength > = 1 )
powerFactor = static_cast < int > ( 2 * ( relStrength - 1 ) ) ;
else if ( relStrength > = 0.5 )
powerFactor = - 1 ;
else if ( relStrength > = 0.333 )
powerFactor = - 2 ;
powerFactor = - 3 ;
std : : set < CreatureID > myKindCres ; //what creatures are the same kind as we
const CCreature * myCreature = VLC - > creh - > objects [ subID ] ;
myKindCres . insert ( myCreature - > getId ( ) ) ; //we
myKindCres . insert ( myCreature - > upgrades . begin ( ) , myCreature - > upgrades . end ( ) ) ; //our upgrades
for ( ConstTransitivePtr < CCreature > & crea : VLC - > creh - > objects )
if ( vstd : : contains ( crea - > upgrades , myCreature - > getId ( ) ) ) //it's our base creatures
myKindCres . insert ( crea - > getId ( ) ) ;
int count = 0 ; //how many creatures of similar kind has hero
int totalCount = 0 ;
for ( const auto & elem : h - > Slots ( ) )
if ( vstd : : contains ( myKindCres , elem . second - > type - > getId ( ) ) )
count + = elem . second - > count ;
totalCount + = elem . second - > count ;
int sympathy = 0 ; // 0 if hero have no similar creatures
if ( count )
sympathy + + ; // 1 - if hero have at least 1 similar creature
if ( count * 2 > totalCount )
sympathy + + ; // 2 - hero have similar creatures more that 50%
int diplomacy = h - > valOfBonuses ( BonusType : : WANDERING_CREATURES_JOIN_BONUS ) ;
int charisma = powerFactor + diplomacy + sympathy ;
if ( charisma < character )
return FIGHT ;
if ( allowJoin )
if ( diplomacy + sympathy + 1 > = character )
return JOIN_FOR_FREE ;
else if ( diplomacy * 2 + sympathy + 1 > = character )
return VLC - > creatures ( ) - > getByIndex ( subID ) - > getRecruitCost ( EGameResID : : GOLD ) * getStackCount ( SlotID ( 0 ) ) ; //join for gold
//we are still here - creatures have not joined hero, flee or fight
if ( charisma > character & & ! neverFlees )
return FLEE ;
return FIGHT ;
void CGCreature : : fleeDecision ( const CGHeroInstance * h , ui32 pursue ) const
if ( refusedJoining )
cb - > setObjProperty ( id , ObjProperty : : MONSTER_REFUSED_JOIN , false ) ;
if ( pursue )
fight ( h ) ;
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cb - > removeObject ( this , h - > getOwner ( ) ) ;
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void CGCreature : : joinDecision ( const CGHeroInstance * h , int cost , ui32 accept ) const
if ( ! accept )
if ( takenAction ( h , false ) = = FLEE )
cb - > setObjProperty ( id , ObjProperty : : MONSTER_REFUSED_JOIN , true ) ;
flee ( h ) ;
else //they fight
h - > showInfoDialog ( 87 , 0 , EInfoWindowMode : : MODAL ) ; //Insulted by your refusal of their offer, the monsters attack!
fight ( h ) ;
else //accepted
if ( cb - > getResource ( h - > tempOwner , EGameResID : : GOLD ) < cost ) //player don't have enough gold!
InfoWindow iw ;
iw . player = h - > tempOwner ;
2023-06-18 12:18:25 +03:00
iw . text . appendLocalString ( EMetaText : : GENERAL_TXT , 29 ) ; //You don't have enough gold
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cb - > showInfoDialog ( & iw ) ;
//act as if player refused
joinDecision ( h , cost , false ) ;
return ;
//take gold
if ( cost )
cb - > giveResource ( h - > tempOwner , EGameResID : : GOLD , - cost ) ;
giveReward ( h ) ;
cb - > tryJoiningArmy ( this , h , true , true ) ;
void CGCreature : : fight ( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const
//split stacks
//TODO: multiple creature types in a stack?
int basicType = stacks . begin ( ) - > second - > type - > getId ( ) ;
cb - > setObjProperty ( id , ObjProperty : : MONSTER_RESTORE_TYPE , basicType ) ; //store info about creature stack
int stacksCount = getNumberOfStacks ( h ) ;
//source: http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=27539&PID=1266335#focus
int amount = getStackCount ( SlotID ( 0 ) ) ;
int m = amount / stacksCount ;
int b = stacksCount * ( m + 1 ) - amount ;
int a = stacksCount - b ;
SlotID sourceSlot = stacks . begin ( ) - > first ;
for ( int slotID = 1 ; slotID < a ; + + slotID )
int stackSize = m + 1 ;
cb - > moveStack ( StackLocation ( this , sourceSlot ) , StackLocation ( this , SlotID ( slotID ) ) , stackSize ) ;
for ( int slotID = a ; slotID < stacksCount ; + + slotID )
int stackSize = m ;
if ( slotID ) //don't do this when a = 0 -> stack is single
cb - > moveStack ( StackLocation ( this , sourceSlot ) , StackLocation ( this , SlotID ( slotID ) ) , stackSize ) ;
if ( stacksCount > 1 )
if ( containsUpgradedStack ( ) ) //upgrade
SlotID slotID = SlotID ( static_cast < si32 > ( std : : floor ( static_cast < float > ( stacks . size ( ) ) / 2.0f ) ) ) ;
const auto & upgrades = getStack ( slotID ) . type - > upgrades ;
if ( ! upgrades . empty ( ) )
auto it = RandomGeneratorUtil : : nextItem ( upgrades , CRandomGenerator : : getDefault ( ) ) ;
cb - > changeStackType ( StackLocation ( this , slotID ) , VLC - > creh - > objects [ * it ] ) ;
cb - > startBattleI ( h , this ) ;
void CGCreature : : flee ( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const
BlockingDialog ynd ( true , false ) ;
ynd . player = h - > tempOwner ;
2023-06-18 12:18:25 +03:00
ynd . text . appendLocalString ( EMetaText : : ADVOB_TXT , 91 ) ;
ynd . text . replaceLocalString ( EMetaText : : CRE_PL_NAMES , subID ) ;
2023-06-17 15:21:42 +03:00
cb - > showBlockingDialog ( & ynd ) ;
void CGCreature : : battleFinished ( const CGHeroInstance * hero , const BattleResult & result ) const
if ( result . winner = = 0 )
giveReward ( hero ) ;
2023-09-18 22:09:55 +03:00
cb - > removeObject ( this , hero - > getOwner ( ) ) ;
2023-06-17 15:21:42 +03:00
else if ( result . winner > 1 ) // draw
// guarded reward is lost forever on draw
2023-09-18 22:09:55 +03:00
cb - > removeObject ( this , hero - > getOwner ( ) ) ;
2023-06-17 15:21:42 +03:00
//merge stacks into one
TSlots : : const_iterator i ;
CCreature * cre = VLC - > creh - > objects [ formation . basicType ] ;
for ( i = stacks . begin ( ) ; i ! = stacks . end ( ) ; i + + )
if ( cre - > isMyUpgrade ( i - > second - > type ) )
cb - > changeStackType ( StackLocation ( this , i - > first ) , cre ) ; //un-upgrade creatures
//first stack has to be at slot 0 -> if original one got killed, move there first remaining stack
if ( ! hasStackAtSlot ( SlotID ( 0 ) ) )
cb - > moveStack ( StackLocation ( this , stacks . begin ( ) - > first ) , StackLocation ( this , SlotID ( 0 ) ) , stacks . begin ( ) - > second - > count ) ;
while ( stacks . size ( ) > 1 ) //hopefully that's enough
// TODO it's either overcomplicated (if we assume there'll be only one stack) or buggy (if we allow multiple stacks... but that'll also cause troubles elsewhere)
i = stacks . end ( ) ;
i - - ;
SlotID slot = getSlotFor ( i - > second - > type ) ;
if ( slot = = i - > first ) //no reason to move stack to its own slot
break ;
cb - > moveStack ( StackLocation ( this , i - > first ) , StackLocation ( this , slot ) , i - > second - > count ) ;
cb - > setObjProperty ( id , ObjProperty : : MONSTER_POWER , stacks . begin ( ) - > second - > count * 1000 ) ; //remember casualties
void CGCreature : : blockingDialogAnswered ( const CGHeroInstance * hero , ui32 answer ) const
auto action = takenAction ( hero ) ;
if ( ! refusedJoining & & action > = JOIN_FOR_FREE ) //higher means price
joinDecision ( hero , action , answer ) ;
else if ( action ! = FIGHT )
fleeDecision ( hero , answer ) ;
assert ( 0 ) ;
bool CGCreature : : containsUpgradedStack ( ) const
//source http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=27539&PID=830557#focus
float a = 2992.911117f ;
float b = 14174.264968f ;
float c = 5325.181015f ;
float d = 32788.727920f ;
int val = static_cast < int > ( std : : floor ( a * pos . x + b * pos . y + c * pos . z + d ) ) ;
return ( ( val % 32768 ) % 100 ) < 50 ;
int CGCreature : : getNumberOfStacks ( const CGHeroInstance * hero ) const
//source http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=27539&PID=1266094#focus
double strengthRatio = static_cast < double > ( hero - > getArmyStrength ( ) ) / getArmyStrength ( ) ;
int split = 1 ;
if ( strengthRatio < 0.5f )
split = 7 ;
else if ( strengthRatio < 0.67f )
split = 6 ;
else if ( strengthRatio < 1 )
split = 5 ;
else if ( strengthRatio < 1.5f )
split = 4 ;
else if ( strengthRatio < 2 )
split = 3 ;
split = 2 ;
ui32 a = 1550811371u ;
ui32 b = 3359066809u ;
ui32 c = 1943276003u ;
ui32 d = 3174620878u ;
ui32 R1 = a * static_cast < ui32 > ( pos . x ) + b * static_cast < ui32 > ( pos . y ) + c * static_cast < ui32 > ( pos . z ) + d ;
ui32 R2 = ( R1 > > 16 ) & 0x7fff ;
int R4 = R2 % 100 + 1 ;
if ( R4 < = 20 )
split - = 1 ;
else if ( R4 > = 80 )
split + = 1 ;
vstd : : amin ( split , getStack ( SlotID ( 0 ) ) . count ) ; //can't divide into more stacks than creatures total
vstd : : amin ( split , 7 ) ; //can't have more than 7 stacks
return split ;
void CGCreature : : giveReward ( const CGHeroInstance * h ) const
InfoWindow iw ;
iw . player = h - > tempOwner ;
if ( ! resources . empty ( ) )
cb - > giveResources ( h - > tempOwner , resources ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < resources . size ( ) ; i + + )
if ( resources [ i ] > 0 )
iw . components . emplace_back ( Component : : EComponentType : : RESOURCE , i , resources [ i ] , 0 ) ;
if ( gainedArtifact ! = ArtifactID : : NONE )
cb - > giveHeroNewArtifact ( h , VLC - > arth - > objects [ gainedArtifact ] , ArtifactPosition : : FIRST_AVAILABLE ) ;
iw . components . emplace_back ( Component : : EComponentType : : ARTIFACT , gainedArtifact , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( ! iw . components . empty ( ) )
iw . type = EInfoWindowMode : : AUTO ;
2023-06-18 12:18:25 +03:00
iw . text . appendLocalString ( EMetaText : : ADVOB_TXT , 183 ) ; // % has found treasure
iw . text . replaceRawString ( h - > getNameTranslated ( ) ) ;
2023-06-17 15:21:42 +03:00
cb - > showInfoDialog ( & iw ) ;
static const std : : vector < std : : string > CHARACTER_JSON =
" compliant " , " friendly " , " aggressive " , " hostile " , " savage "
} ;
void CGCreature : : serializeJsonOptions ( JsonSerializeFormat & handler )
handler . serializeEnum ( " character " , character , CHARACTER_JSON ) ;
if ( handler . saving )
if ( hasStackAtSlot ( SlotID ( 0 ) ) )
si32 amount = getStack ( SlotID ( 0 ) ) . count ;
handler . serializeInt ( " amount " , amount , 0 ) ;
si32 amount = 0 ;
handler . serializeInt ( " amount " , amount ) ;
auto * hlp = new CStackInstance ( ) ;
hlp - > count = amount ;
//type will be set during initialization
putStack ( SlotID ( 0 ) , hlp ) ;
resources . serializeJson ( handler , " rewardResources " ) ;
handler . serializeId ( " rewardArtifact " , gainedArtifact , ArtifactID ( ArtifactID : : NONE ) ) ;
handler . serializeBool ( " noGrowing " , notGrowingTeam ) ;
handler . serializeBool ( " neverFlees " , neverFlees ) ;
2023-09-27 23:25:19 +02:00
handler . serializeStruct ( " rewardMessage " , message ) ;
2023-06-17 15:21:42 +03:00