2022-11-17 13:21:03 +02:00
* CBattleProjectileController.cpp, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "CBattleProjectileController.h"
#include "../gui/Geometries.h"
#include "../../lib/CStack.h"
#include "../../lib/mapObjects/CGTownInstance.h"
#include "../CGameInfo.h"
#include "../gui/CAnimation.h"
#include "CBattleInterface.h"
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#include "CBattleSiegeController.h"
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#include "CBattleStacksController.h"
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#include "CCreatureAnimation.h"
CatapultProjectileInfo::CatapultProjectileInfo(const Point &from, const Point &dest)
facA = 0.005; // seems to be constant
// system of 2 linear equations, solutions of which are missing coefficients
// for quadratic equation a*x*x + b*x + c
double eq[2][3] = {
{ static_cast<double>(from.x), 1.0, from.y - facA*from.x*from.x },
{ static_cast<double>(dest.x), 1.0, dest.y - facA*dest.x*dest.x }
// solve system via determinants
double det = eq[0][0] *eq[1][1] - eq[1][0] *eq[0][1];
double detB = eq[0][2] *eq[1][1] - eq[1][2] *eq[0][1];
double detC = eq[0][0] *eq[1][2] - eq[1][0] *eq[0][2];
facB = detB / det;
facC = detC / det;
// make sure that parabola is correct e.g. passes through from and dest
assert(fabs(calculateY(from.x) - from.y) < 1.0);
assert(fabs(calculateY(dest.x) - dest.y) < 1.0);
double CatapultProjectileInfo::calculateY(double x)
return facA *pow(x, 2.0) + facB *x + facC;
CBattleProjectileController::CBattleProjectileController(CBattleInterface * owner):
void CBattleProjectileController::initStackProjectile(const CStack * stack)
const CCreature * creature;//creature whose shots should be loaded
if(stack->getCreature()->idNumber == CreatureID::ARROW_TOWERS)
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creature = owner->siegeController->getTurretCreature();
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creature = stack->getCreature();
if (creature->animation.projectileRay.empty())
std::shared_ptr<CAnimation> projectile = std::make_shared<CAnimation>(creature->animation.projectileImageName);
if(projectile->size(1) != 0)
logAnim->error("Expected empty group 1 in stack projectile");
projectile->createFlippedGroup(0, 1);
idToProjectile[stack->getCreature()->idNumber] = projectile;
idToRay[stack->getCreature()->idNumber] = creature->animation.projectileRay;
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void CBattleProjectileController::fireStackProjectile(const CStack * stack)
for (auto it = projectiles.begin(); it!=projectiles.end(); ++it)
if ( !it->shotDone && it->stackID == stack->ID)
it->shotDone = true;
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void CBattleProjectileController::showProjectiles(SDL_Surface *to)
std::list< std::list<ProjectileInfo>::iterator > toBeDeleted;
for (auto it = projectiles.begin(); it!=projectiles.end(); ++it)
// Check if projectile is already visible (shooter animation did the shot)
if (!it->shotDone)
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if (idToProjectile.count(it->creID))
size_t group = it->reverse ? 1 : 0;
auto image = idToProjectile[it->creID]->getImage(it->frameNum, group, true);
SDL_Rect dst;
dst.h = image->height();
dst.w = image->width();
dst.x = static_cast<int>(it->x - dst.w / 2);
dst.y = static_cast<int>(it->y - dst.h / 2);
image->draw(to, &dst, nullptr);
if (idToRay.count(it->creID))
auto const & ray = idToRay[it->creID];
if (std::abs(it->dx) > std::abs(it->dy)) // draw in horizontal axis
int y1 = it->y0 - ray.size() / 2;
int y2 = it->y - ray.size() / 2;
int x1 = it->x0;
int x2 = it->x;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ray.size(); ++i)
SDL_Color beginColor{ ray[i].r1, ray[i].g1, ray[i].b1, ray[i].a1};
SDL_Color endColor { ray[i].r2, ray[i].g2, ray[i].b2, ray[i].a2};
CSDL_Ext::drawLine(to, x1, y1 + i, x2, y2 + i, beginColor, endColor);
else // draw in vertical axis
int x1 = it->x0 - ray.size() / 2;
int x2 = it->x - ray.size() / 2;
int y1 = it->y0;
int y2 = it->y;
for (size_t i = 0; i < ray.size(); ++i)
SDL_Color beginColor{ ray[i].r1, ray[i].g1, ray[i].b1, ray[i].a1};
SDL_Color endColor { ray[i].r2, ray[i].g2, ray[i].b2, ray[i].a2};
CSDL_Ext::drawLine(to, x1 + i, y1, x2 + i, y2, beginColor, endColor);
// Update projectile
if (it->step > it->lastStep)
toBeDeleted.insert(toBeDeleted.end(), it);
if (it->catapultInfo)
// Parabolic shot of the trajectory, as follows: f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c
it->x += it->dx;
it->y = it->catapultInfo->calculateY(it->x);
it->frameNum %= idToProjectile[it->creID]->size(0);
// Normal projectile, just add the calculated "deltas" to the x and y positions.
it->x += it->dx;
it->y += it->dy;
for (auto & elem : toBeDeleted)
bool CBattleProjectileController::hasActiveProjectile(const CStack * stack)
for(auto const & instance : projectiles)
if(instance.creID == stack->getCreature()->idNumber)
return true;
return false;
void CBattleProjectileController::createProjectile(const CStack * shooter, const CStack * target, Point from, Point dest)
// Get further info about the shooter e.g. relative pos of projectile to unit.
// If the creature id is 149 then it's a arrow tower which has no additional info so get the
// actual arrow tower shooter instead.
const CCreature *shooterInfo = shooter->getCreature();
if(shooterInfo->idNumber == CreatureID::ARROW_TOWERS)
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shooterInfo = owner->siegeController->getTurretCreature();
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logAnim->error("Mod error: Creature '%s' on the Archer's tower is not a shooter. Mod should be fixed. Trying to use archer's data instead..."
, shooterInfo->nameSing);
auto & angles = shooterInfo->animation.missleFrameAngles.size()
? shooterInfo->animation.missleFrameAngles
: CGI->creh->operator[](CreatureID::ARCHER)->animation.missleFrameAngles;
// recalculate angle taking in account offsets
//projectileAngle = atan2(fabs(destPos.y - spi.y), fabs(destPos.x - spi.x));
//if(shooter->position < dest)
// projectileAngle = -projectileAngle;
ProjectileInfo spi;
spi.shotDone = false;
spi.creID = shooter->getCreature()->idNumber;
spi.stackID = shooter->ID;
// reverse if creature is facing right OR this is non-existing stack that is not tower (war machines)
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spi.reverse = shooter ? !owner->stacksController->facingRight(shooter) : shooter->getCreature()->idNumber != CreatureID::ARROW_TOWERS;
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spi.step = 0;
spi.frameNum = 0;
spi.x0 = from.x;
spi.y0 = from.y;
spi.x = from.x;
spi.y = from.y;
if (target)
double animSpeed = AnimationControls::getProjectileSpeed(); // flight speed of projectile
double distanceSquared = (dest.x - spi.x) * (dest.x - spi.x) + (dest.y - spi.y) * (dest.y - spi.y);
double distance = sqrt(distanceSquared);
spi.lastStep = std::round(distance / animSpeed);
if(spi.lastStep == 0)
spi.lastStep = 1;
spi.dx = (dest.x - spi.x) / spi.lastStep;
spi.dy = (dest.y - spi.y) / spi.lastStep;
// Catapult attack
spi.catapultInfo.reset(new CatapultProjectileInfo(Point((int)spi.x, (int)spi.y), dest));
double animSpeed = AnimationControls::getProjectileSpeed() / 10;
spi.lastStep = static_cast<int>(std::abs((dest.x - spi.x) / animSpeed));
spi.dx = animSpeed;
spi.dy = 0;
auto img = idToProjectile[spi.creID]->getImage(0);
// Add explosion anim
Point animPos(dest.x - 126 + img->width() / 2,
dest.y - 105 + img->height() / 2);
//owner->addNewAnim( new CEffectAnimation(owner, catapultDamage ? "SGEXPL.DEF" : "CSGRCK.DEF", animPos.x, animPos.y));
double pi = std::atan(1)*4;
//in some cases (known one: hero grants shooter bonus to unit) the shooter stack's projectile may not be properly initialized
if (!idToProjectile.count(spi.creID) && !idToRay.count(spi.creID))
if (idToProjectile.count(spi.creID))
// only frames below maxFrame are usable: anything higher is either no present or we don't know when it should be used
size_t maxFrame = std::min<size_t>(angles.size(), idToProjectile.at(spi.creID)->size(0));
assert(maxFrame > 0);
double projectileAngle = atan2(fabs((double)dest.y - from.y), fabs((double)dest.x - from.x));
//if(shooter->getPosition() < dest)
// projectileAngle = -projectileAngle;
// values in angles array indicate position from which this frame was rendered, in degrees.
// find frame that has closest angle to one that we need for this shot
size_t bestID = 0;
double bestDiff = fabs( angles[0] / 180 * pi - projectileAngle );
for (size_t i=1; i<maxFrame; i++)
double currentDiff = fabs( angles[i] / 180 * pi - projectileAngle );
if (currentDiff < bestDiff)
bestID = i;
bestDiff = currentDiff;
spi.frameNum = static_cast<int>(bestID);
else if (idToRay.count(spi.creID))
// no-op
logGlobal->error("Unable to find valid projectile for shooter %d", spi.creID);
// Set projectile animation start delay which is specified in frames