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* chroniclesextractor . cpp , part of VCMI engine
* Authors : listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License : GNU General Public License v2 .0 or later
* Full text of license available in license . txt file , in main folder
# include "StdInc.h"
# include "chroniclesextractor.h"
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# include "../../lib/VCMIDirs.h"
# include "cli/extract.hpp"
# include "setup/version.hpp"
# endif
ChroniclesExtractor : : ChroniclesExtractor ( QWidget * p , std : : function < void ( float percent ) > cb ) :
parent ( p ) , cb ( cb )
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bool ChroniclesExtractor : : handleTempDir ( bool create )
if ( create )
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tempDir = QDir ( pathToQString ( VCMIDirs : : get ( ) . userDataPath ( ) ) ) ;
if ( tempDir . cd ( " tmp " ) )
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tempDir . removeRecursively ( ) ; // remove if already exists (e.g. previous run)
tempDir . cdUp ( ) ;
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tempDir . mkdir ( " tmp " ) ;
if ( ! tempDir . cd ( " tmp " ) )
return false ; // should not happen - but avoid deleting wrong folder in any case
tempDir . removeRecursively ( ) ;
return true ;
int ChroniclesExtractor : : getChronicleNo ( QFile & file )
if ( ! file . open ( QIODevice : : ReadOnly ) )
QMessageBox : : critical ( parent , tr ( " File cannot opened " ) , file . errorString ( ) ) ;
return 0 ;
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QByteArray magic { " MZ " } ;
QByteArray magicFile = file . read ( magic . length ( ) ) ;
if ( ! magicFile . startsWith ( magic ) )
QMessageBox : : critical ( parent , tr ( " Invalid file selected " ) , tr ( " You have to select an gog installer file! " ) ) ;
return 0 ;
QByteArray dataBegin = file . read ( 1'000'000 ) ;
const std : : map < int , QByteArray > chronicles = {
{ 1 , QByteArray { reinterpret_cast < const char * > ( u " Heroes Chronicles - Warlords of the Wasteland " ) , 90 } } ,
{ 2 , QByteArray { reinterpret_cast < const char * > ( u " Heroes Chronicles - Conquest of the Underworld " ) , 92 } } ,
{ 3 , QByteArray { reinterpret_cast < const char * > ( u " Heroes Chronicles - Masters of the Elements " ) , 86 } } ,
{ 4 , QByteArray { reinterpret_cast < const char * > ( u " Heroes Chronicles - Clash of the Dragons " ) , 80 } } ,
{ 5 , QByteArray { reinterpret_cast < const char * > ( u " Heroes Chronicles - The World Tree " ) , 68 } } ,
{ 6 , QByteArray { reinterpret_cast < const char * > ( u " Heroes Chronicles - The Fiery Moon " ) , 68 } } ,
{ 7 , QByteArray { reinterpret_cast < const char * > ( u " Heroes Chronicles - Revolt of the Beastmasters " ) , 92 } } ,
{ 8 , QByteArray { reinterpret_cast < const char * > ( u " Heroes Chronicles - The Sword of Frost " ) , 76 } }
} ;
int chronicle = 0 ;
for ( const auto & kv : chronicles ) {
if ( dataBegin . contains ( kv . second ) )
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chronicle = kv . first ;
break ;
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if ( ! chronicle )
QMessageBox : : critical ( parent , tr ( " Invalid file selected " ) , tr ( " You have to select an chronicle installer file! " ) ) ;
return 0 ;
return chronicle ;
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bool ChroniclesExtractor : : extractGogInstaller ( QString file )
QMessageBox : : critical ( parent , tr ( " Innoextract functionality missing " ) , " VCMI was compiled without innoextract support, which is needed to extract chroncles! " ) ;
return false ;
# else
: : extract_options o ;
o . extract = true ;
// standard settings
o . gog_galaxy = true ;
o . codepage = 0U ;
o . output_dir = tempDir . path ( ) . toStdString ( ) ;
o . extract_temp = true ;
o . extract_unknown = true ;
o . filenames . set_expand ( true ) ;
o . preserve_file_times = true ; // also correctly closes file -> without it: on Windows the files are not written completely
QString errorText = " " ;
process_file ( file . toStdString ( ) , o , [ this ] ( float progress ) {
float overallProgress = ( ( 1.0 / float ( fileCount ) ) * float ( extractionFile ) ) + ( progress / float ( fileCount ) ) ;
if ( cb )
cb ( overallProgress ) ;
} ) ;
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catch ( const std : : ios_base : : failure & e )
errorText = tr ( " Stream error while extracting files! \n error reason: " ) ;
errorText + = e . what ( ) ;
catch ( const format_error & e )
errorText = e . what ( ) ;
catch ( const std : : runtime_error & e )
errorText = e . what ( ) ;
catch ( const setup : : version_error & )
errorText = tr ( " Not a supported Inno Setup installer! " ) ;
if ( ! errorText . isEmpty ( ) )
QMessageBox : : critical ( parent , tr ( " Extracting error! " ) , errorText ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
# endif
void ChroniclesExtractor : : installChronicles ( QStringList exe )
extractionFile = - 1 ;
fileCount = exe . size ( ) ;
for ( QString f : exe )
extractionFile + + ;
QFile file ( f ) ;
int chronicleNo = getChronicleNo ( file ) ;
if ( ! chronicleNo )
continue ;
if ( ! handleTempDir ( true ) )
continue ;
if ( ! extractGogInstaller ( f ) )
continue ;
if ( ! handleTempDir ( false ) )
continue ;
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