2022-11-20 19:11:34 +02:00
* CBattleStacksController . h , part of VCMI engine
* Authors : listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License : GNU General Public License v2 .0 or later
* Full text of license available in license . txt file , in main folder
# pragma once
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# include "../gui/Geometries.h"
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struct BattleHex ;
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class BattleAction ;
class CStack ;
class SpellID ;
struct SDL_Surface ;
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struct StackAttackedInfo ;
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class CCanvas ;
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class BattleInterface ;
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class CBattleAnimation ;
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class CreatureAnimation ;
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class CBattleAnimation ;
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class BattleRenderer ;
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class IImage ;
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class BattleStacksController
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BattleInterface * owner ;
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std : : shared_ptr < IImage > amountNormal ;
std : : shared_ptr < IImage > amountNegative ;
std : : shared_ptr < IImage > amountPositive ;
std : : shared_ptr < IImage > amountEffNeutral ;
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std : : vector < CBattleAnimation * > currentAnimations ; //currently displayed animations <anim, initialized>
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std : : map < int32_t , std : : shared_ptr < CreatureAnimation > > stackAnimation ; //animations of creatures from fighting armies (order by BattleInfo's stacks' ID)
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std : : map < int , bool > stackFacingRight ; // <creatureID, if false reverse creature's animation> //TODO: move it to battle callback
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const CStack * activeStack ; //number of active stack; nullptr - no one
const CStack * mouseHoveredStack ; // stack below mouse pointer, used for border animation
const CStack * stackToActivate ; //when animation is playing, we should wait till the end to make the next stack active; nullptr of none
const CStack * selectedStack ; //for Teleport / Sacrifice
bool stackCanCastSpell ; //if true, active stack could possibly cast some target spell
si32 creatureSpellToCast ;
ui32 animIDhelper ; //for giving IDs for animations
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bool stackNeedsAmountBox ( const CStack * stack ) ;
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void showStackAmountBox ( std : : shared_ptr < CCanvas > canvas , const CStack * stack ) ;
2022-12-02 17:49:38 +02:00
BattleHex getStackCurrentPosition ( const CStack * stack ) ;
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std : : shared_ptr < IImage > getStackAmountBox ( const CStack * stack ) ;
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public :
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BattleStacksController ( BattleInterface * owner ) ;
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bool shouldRotate ( const CStack * stack , const BattleHex & oldPos , const BattleHex & nextHex ) ;
bool facingRight ( const CStack * stack ) ;
void stackReset ( const CStack * stack ) ;
void stackAdded ( const CStack * stack ) ; //new stack appeared on battlefield
void stackRemoved ( uint32_t stackID ) ; //stack disappeared from batlefiled
void stackActivated ( const CStack * stack ) ; //active stack has been changed
void stackMoved ( const CStack * stack , std : : vector < BattleHex > destHex , int distance ) ; //stack with id number moved to destHex
void stacksAreAttacked ( std : : vector < StackAttackedInfo > attackedInfos ) ; //called when a certain amount of stacks has been attacked
void stackAttacking ( const CStack * attacker , BattleHex dest , const CStack * attacked , bool shooting ) ; //called when stack with id ID is attacking something on hex dest
void startAction ( const BattleAction * action ) ;
void endAction ( const BattleAction * action ) ;
bool activeStackSpellcaster ( ) ;
SpellID activeStackSpellToCast ( ) ;
void activateStack ( ) ; //sets activeStack to stackToActivate etc. //FIXME: No, it's not clear at all
void setActiveStack ( const CStack * stack ) ;
void setHoveredStack ( const CStack * stack ) ;
void setSelectedStack ( const CStack * stack ) ;
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void showAliveStack ( std : : shared_ptr < CCanvas > canvas , const CStack * stack ) ;
void showStack ( std : : shared_ptr < CCanvas > canvas , const CStack * stack ) ;
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2022-12-09 13:26:17 +02:00
void collectRenderableObjects ( BattleRenderer & renderer ) ;
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void addNewAnim ( CBattleAnimation * anim ) ; //adds new anim to pendingAnims
void updateBattleAnimations ( ) ;
const CStack * getActiveStack ( ) ;
const CStack * getSelectedStack ( ) ;
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/// returns position of animation needed to place stack in specific hex
Point getStackPositionAtHex ( BattleHex hexNum , const CStack * creature ) ;
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friend class CBattleAnimation ; // for exposing pendingAnims/creAnims/creDir to animations
} ;