description: Turn of goal completion. Discrete variable to sharpen boundaries between turns. Turn distances does not care about turn boundaries and just count total movement points
rule: if turn is NOW and mainTurnDistance is very LONG and heroRole is SCOUT then Value is LOW with 0.5
rule: if turn is NOW and mainTurnDistance is LONG and heroRole is SCOUT then Value is LOW with 0.3
rule: if turn is NOW and scoutTurnDistance is LONG and heroRole is SCOUT then Value is LOW with 0.3
rule: if turn is NOW and mainTurnDistance is LONG and heroRole is MAIN then Value is LOW with 0.3
rule: if turn is NEXT and mainTurnDistance is very LONG and heroRole is SCOUT then Value is LOW with 0.8
rule: if turn is NEXT and scoutTurnDistance is LONG and heroRole is SCOUT then Value is BITLOW
rule: if turn is NEXT and mainTurnDistance is LONG and heroRole is MAIN then Value is LOW with 0.3
rule: if turn is NEXT and mainTurnDistance is LONG and heroRole is SCOUT then Value is BITLOW with 0.3
rule: if turn is FUTURE and scoutTurnDistance is very LONG and heroRole is SCOUT then Value is LOWEST with 0.3
rule: if turn is FUTURE and mainTurnDistance is very LONG and heroRole is SCOUT then Value is LOWEST with 0.5
rule: if turn is FUTURE and mainTurnDistance is very LONG and heroRole is MAIN and strategicalValue is NONE then Value is LOWEST with 0.5
rule: if turn is FUTURE and mainTurnDistance is very LONG and heroRole is MAIN and strategicalValue is LOW then Value is LOWEST with 0.3
rule: if turn is FUTURE and mainTurnDistance is very LONG and heroRole is MAIN and strategicalValue is MEDIUM then Value is LOW with 0.5
rule: if turn is FUTURE and mainTurnDistance is very LONG and heroRole is MAIN and strategicalValue is HIGH then Value is BITLOW
rule: if turn is FUTURE and scoutTurnDistance is LONG and heroRole is SCOUT then Value is LOW
rule: if turn is FUTURE and mainTurnDistance is LONG and heroRole is MAIN then Value is LOW
rule: if turn is FUTURE and mainTurnDistance is LONG and heroRole is SCOUT then Value is LOW
rule: if scoutTurnDistance is MEDIUM and heroRole is SCOUT then Value is BITLOW
rule: if mainTurnDistance is MEDIUM then Value is BITLOW
rule: if scoutTurnDistance is LOW and heroRole is SCOUT then Value is MEDIUM
rule: if mainTurnDistance is LOW then Value is MEDIUM
rule: if goldReward is HIGH and goldPreasure is HIGH and heroRole is SCOUT and danger is not NONE and armyLoss is LOW then Value is BITHIGH
rule: if goldReward is HIGH and goldPreasure is HIGH and heroRole is SCOUT and danger is NONE then Value is HIGH with 0.7
rule: if goldReward is HIGH and goldPreasure is HIGH and heroRole is MAIN and danger is not NONE and armyLoss is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGHEST
rule: if goldReward is HIGH and goldPreasure is HIGH and heroRole is MAIN and danger is NONE then Value is BITHIGH
rule: if goldReward is MEDIUM and goldPreasure is HIGH and heroRole is SCOUT and danger is NONE then Value is HIGH
rule: if goldReward is MEDIUM and goldPreasure is HIGH and armyLoss is LOW and heroRole is SCOUT and danger is not NONE then Value is MEDIUM
rule: if goldReward is MEDIUM and heroRole is MAIN and danger is NONE and rewardType is SINGLE then Value is BITLOW
rule: if goldReward is MEDIUM and goldPreasure is HIGH and armyLoss is LOW and heroRole is MAIN and danger is not NONE then Value is BITHIGH
rule: if goldReward is LOW and goldPreasure is HIGH and heroRole is SCOUT and armyLoss is LOW then Value is BITHIGH
rule: if goldReward is LOW and heroRole is MAIN and danger is not NONE and rewardType is SINGLE and armyLoss is LOW then Value is BITLOW
rule: if goldReward is LOW and heroRole is MAIN and danger is NONE and rewardType is SINGLE then Value is LOW
rule: if goldReward is LOWEST and heroRole is MAIN and danger is NONE and rewardType is SINGLE then Value is LOWEST
rule: if armyReward is HIGH and heroRole is SCOUT and danger is not NONE and armyLoss is LOW then Value is HIGH with 0.5
rule: if armyReward is HIGH and heroRole is SCOUT and danger is NONE then Value is HIGHEST
rule: if armyReward is HIGH and heroRole is MAIN and rewardType is MIXED and armyLoss is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGHEST
rule: if armyReward is HIGH and heroRole is MAIN and rewardType is SINGLE and mainTurnDistance is LOWEST then Value is HIGHEST
rule: if armyReward is HIGH and heroRole is MAIN and rewardType is SINGLE and danger is NONE and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGH
rule: if armyReward is HIGH and heroRole is MAIN and rewardType is SINGLE and danger is not NONE and armyLoss is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGHEST
rule: if armyReward is MEDIUM and heroRole is MAIN and danger is not NONE and armyLoss is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGHEST with 0.5
rule: if armyReward is MEDIUM and heroRole is MAIN and danger is NONE then Value is BITHIGH
rule: if armyReward is MEDIUM and heroRole is MAIN and danger is NONE and mainTurnDistance is LOWEST then Value is HIGH with 0.2
rule: if armyReward is MEDIUM and heroRole is SCOUT and danger is NONE then Value is HIGHEST with 0.5
rule: if armyReward is LOW and heroRole is SCOUT and danger is NONE then Value is HIGH
rule: if armyReward is LOW and heroRole is MAIN and danger is not NONE and armyLoss is LOW then Value is HIGH
rule: if armyReward is LOW and heroRole is MAIN and danger is NONE then Value is BITLOW with 0.5
rule: if armyReward is LOW and heroRole is MAIN and danger is NONE and mainTurnDistance is LOWEST then Value is HIGH
rule: if turn is not NOW then Value is LOW with 0.4
rule: if goldPreasure is HIGH and goldReward is HIGH and heroRole is MAIN and danger is not NONE and armyLoss is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGHEST
rule: if goldPreasure is HIGH and goldReward is MEDIUM and heroRole is MAIN and danger is not NONE and armyLoss is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGH
rule: if goldPreasure is HIGH and goldReward is HIGH and heroRole is SCOUT and danger is NONE and armyLoss is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGHEST
rule: if goldPreasure is HIGH and goldReward is MEDIUM and heroRole is SCOUT and danger is NONE and armyLoss is LOW and fear is not HIGH then Value is HIGH
rule: if goldPreasure is HIGH and goldReward is LOW and heroRole is SCOUT and armyLoss is LOW then Value is BITHIGH
rule: if goldPreasure is HIGH and goldReward is LOW and heroRole is SCOUT and scoutTurnDistance is LOW and armyLoss is LOW then Value is HIGH with 0.5