VCMI implementation bases on C++17 standard. Any feature is acceptable as long as it's will pass build on our CI, but there is list below on what is already being used.
Any compiler supporting C++17 should work, but this has not been thoroughly tested. You can find information about extensions and compiler support at
In order to keep the code consistent, please use the following conventions. From here on 'good' and 'bad' are used to attribute things that would make the coding style match, or not match. It is not a judgment call on your coding abilities, but more of a style and look call. Please try to follow these guidelines to ensure prettiness.
When allocating objects, don't use parentheses for creating stack-based objects by zero param c-tors to avoid c++ most vexing parse and use parentheses for creating heap-based objects.
Avoid comments inside multi-line if-else conditions. If your conditions are too hard to understand without additional comments this usually means that code need refactoring. Example given below is need improvement though. **FIXME**
You should write a comment before the class definition which describes shortly the class. 1-2 sentences are enough. Methods and class data members should be commented if they aren't self-describing only. Getters/Setters, simple methods where the purpose is clear or similar methods shouldn't be commented, because vertical space is usually limited. The style of documentation comments should be the three slashes-style: ///.
Local variables and methods start with a lowercase letter and use the camel casing. Classes/Structs start with an uppercase letter and use the camel casing as well. Macros and constants are written uppercase.
The line length for c++ source code is 120 columns. If your function declaration arguments go beyond this point, please align your arguments to match the opening brace. For best results use the same number of tabs used on the first line followed by enough spaces to align the arguments.
Compilation units(.cpp,.h files) start with a uppercase letter and are named like the name of a class which resides in that file if possible. Header only files start with a uppercase letter. JSON files start with a lowercase letter and use the camel casing.
If you want to trace the control flow of VCMI, then you should use the macro LOG_TRACE or LOG_TRACE_PARAMS. The first one prints a message when the function is entered or leaved. The name of the function will also be logged. In addition to this the second macro, let's you specify parameters which you want to print. You should print traces with parameters like this:
When using the macro every "simple" parameter should be logged. The parameter can be a number, a string or a type with a ostream operator\<\<. You should not log contents of a whole text file, a byte array or sth. like this. If there is a simple type with a few members you want to log, you should write an ostream operator\<\<. The produced message can look like this:
The name of the type should be logged first, e.g. {TYPE_NAME: members...}. The members of the object will be logged like logging trace parameters. Collection types (vector, list, ...) should be logged this way: \[{BattleHex: ...}, {...}\] There is no format which has to be followed strictly, so if there is a reason to format members/objects in a different way, then this is ok.
Avoid code duplication or don't repeat yourself(DRY) is the most important aspect in programming. Code duplication of any kind can lead to inconsistency and is much harder to maintain. If one part of the system gets changed you have to change the code in several places. This process is error-prone and leads often to problems. Here you can read more about the DRY principle: [<>](
The header StdInc.h should be included in every compilation unit. It has to be included before any C macro and before any c++ statements. Pre compiled header should not be changed, except any important thing is missing. The StdInc includes most Boost libraries and nearly all standard STL and C libraries, so you don’t have to include them by yourself.
Do not declare enumerations in global namespace. It is better to use strongly typed enum or to wrap them in class or namespace to avoid polluting global namespace:
There is no definitive rule which has to be followed strictly. You can freely decide if you want to pack your own classes, where you are programming on, all in one file or each in one file. It's more important that you feel comfortable with the code, than consistency overall the project. VCMI has several container class files, so if you got one additional class to them than just add it to them instead of adding new files.
Don't return const objects or primitive types from functions -- it's pointless. Also, don't return pointers to non-const game data objects from callbacks to player interfaces.