2017-07-13 10:26:03 +02:00
* cmodlistmodel_moc.cpp, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
2013-08-22 17:22:49 +03:00
#include "StdInc.h"
2013-08-24 23:11:51 +03:00
#include "cmodlistmodel_moc.h"
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#include <QIcon>
namespace ModFields
static const QString names [ModFields::COUNT] =
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static const QString header [ModFields::COUNT] =
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2013-08-22 17:22:49 +03:00
"", // status icon
"", // status icon
2014-01-30 15:35:17 +03:00
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namespace ModStatus
static const QString iconDelete = "icons:mod-delete.png";
static const QString iconDisabled = "icons:mod-disabled.png";
static const QString iconDownload = "icons:mod-download.png";
static const QString iconEnabled = "icons:mod-enabled.png";
static const QString iconUpdate = "icons:mod-update.png";
CModListModel::CModListModel(QObject *parent) :
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2014-03-20 20:06:25 +03:00
QString CModListModel::modIndexToName(const QModelIndex & index) const
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if (index.isValid())
return modNameToID.at(index.internalId());
return "";
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2014-01-30 15:35:17 +03:00
QVariant CModListModel::getValue(const CModEntry &mod, int field) const
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case ModFields::STATUS_ENABLED:
return mod.getModStatus() & (ModStatus::ENABLED | ModStatus::INSTALLED);
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2014-01-30 15:35:17 +03:00
case ModFields::STATUS_UPDATE:
return mod.getModStatus() & (ModStatus::UPDATEABLE | ModStatus::INSTALLED);
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2014-01-30 15:35:17 +03:00
return mod.getValue(ModFields::names[field]);
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2014-01-30 15:35:17 +03:00
QVariant CModListModel::getText(const CModEntry & mod, int field) const
case ModFields::STATUS_ENABLED:
case ModFields::STATUS_UPDATE:
return "";
case ModFields::SIZE:
return CModEntry::sizeToString(getValue(mod, field).toDouble());
return getValue(mod, field);
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2014-01-30 15:35:17 +03:00
QVariant CModListModel::getIcon(const CModEntry & mod, int field) const
if (field == ModFields::STATUS_ENABLED && mod.isEnabled())
return QIcon(ModStatus::iconEnabled);
if (field == ModFields::STATUS_ENABLED && mod.isDisabled())
return QIcon(ModStatus::iconDisabled);
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2014-01-30 15:35:17 +03:00
if (field == ModFields::STATUS_UPDATE && mod.isUpdateable())
return QIcon(ModStatus::iconUpdate);
if (field == ModFields::STATUS_UPDATE && !mod.isInstalled())
return QIcon(ModStatus::iconDownload);
return QVariant();
QVariant CModListModel::getTextAlign(int field) const
if (field == ModFields::SIZE)
return QVariant(Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter);
2014-03-20 20:06:25 +03:00
//if (field == ModFields::NAME)
// return QVariant(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignVCenter);
return QVariant(Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter);
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QVariant CModListModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const
if (index.isValid())
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auto mod = getMod(modIndexToName(index));
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2014-01-30 15:35:17 +03:00
switch (role)
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case Qt::DecorationRole: return getIcon(mod, index.column());
case Qt::DisplayRole: return getText(mod, index.column());
case Qt::TextAlignmentRole: return getTextAlign(index.column());
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case ModRoles::ValueRole: return getValue(mod, index.column());
case ModRoles::ModNameRole: return mod.getName();
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return QVariant();
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int CModListModel::rowCount(const QModelIndex & index) const
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if (index.isValid())
return modIndex[modIndexToName(index)].size();
return modIndex[""].size();
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int CModListModel::columnCount(const QModelIndex &) const
return ModFields::COUNT;
Qt::ItemFlags CModListModel::flags(const QModelIndex &) const
return Qt::ItemIsSelectable | Qt::ItemIsEnabled;
QVariant CModListModel::headerData(int section, Qt::Orientation orientation, int role) const
if (role == Qt::DisplayRole && orientation == Qt::Horizontal)
return ModFields::header[section];
return QVariant();
2013-08-24 23:11:51 +03:00
void CModListModel::resetRepositories()
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void CModListModel::addRepository(QVariantMap data)
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2014-03-20 20:06:25 +03:00
void CModListModel::modChanged(QString modID)
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2014-03-20 20:06:25 +03:00
int index = modNameToID.indexOf(modID);
QModelIndex parent = this->parent(createIndex(0, 0, index));
int row = modIndex[modIndexToName(parent)].indexOf(modID);
emit dataChanged(createIndex(row, 0, index), createIndex(row, 4, index));
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2014-03-20 20:06:25 +03:00
void CModListModel::endResetModel()
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2014-03-20 20:06:25 +03:00
modNameToID = getModList();
for (const QString & str : modNameToID)
if (str.contains('.'))
modIndex[str.section('.', 0, -2)].append(str);
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2014-03-20 20:06:25 +03:00
QModelIndex CModListModel::index(int row, int column, const QModelIndex &parent) const
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2014-03-20 20:06:25 +03:00
if (parent.isValid())
if (modIndex[modIndexToName(parent)].size() > row)
return createIndex(row, column, modNameToID.indexOf(modIndex[modIndexToName(parent)][row]));
if (modIndex[""].size() > row)
return createIndex(row, column, modNameToID.indexOf(modIndex[""][row]));
return QModelIndex();
QModelIndex CModListModel::parent(const QModelIndex &child) const
QString modID = modNameToID[child.internalId()];
for (auto entry = modIndex.begin(); entry != modIndex.end(); entry++) // because using range-for entry type is QMap::value_type oO
if (entry.key() != "" && entry.value().indexOf(modID) != -1)
return createIndex(entry.value().indexOf(modID), child.column(), modNameToID.indexOf(entry.key()));
return QModelIndex();
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void CModFilterModel::setTypeFilter(int filteredType, int filterMask)
this->filterMask = filterMask;
this->filteredType = filteredType;
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bool CModFilterModel::filterMatchesThis(const QModelIndex &source) const
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2014-03-20 20:06:25 +03:00
CModEntry mod = base->getMod(source.data(ModRoles::ModNameRole).toString());
return (mod.getModStatus() & filterMask) == filteredType &&
QSortFilterProxyModel::filterAcceptsRow(source.row(), source.parent());
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bool CModFilterModel::filterAcceptsRow(int source_row, const QModelIndex &source_parent) const
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QModelIndex index = base->index(source_row, 0, source_parent);
if (filterMatchesThis(index))
return true;
for (size_t i=0; i<base->rowCount(index); i++)
if (filterMatchesThis(index.child(i, 0)))
return true;
QModelIndex parent = source_parent;
while (parent.isValid())
if (filterMatchesThis(parent))
return true;
parent = parent.parent();
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return false;
CModFilterModel::CModFilterModel(CModListModel * model, QObject * parent):
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