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* BattleHexArray.cpp, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "BattleHexArray.h"
BattleHexArray::BattleHexArray(std::initializer_list<BattleHex> initList) noexcept
: BattleHexArray()
for(auto hex : initList)
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BattleHex BattleHexArray::getClosestTile(BattleSide side, BattleHex initialPos) const
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return BattleHex();
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BattleHex initialHex = BattleHex(initialPos);
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int closestDistance = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
BattleHexArray closestTiles;
for(auto hex : internalStorage)
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int distance = initialHex.getDistance(initialHex, hex);
if(distance < closestDistance)
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closestDistance = distance;
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else if(distance == closestDistance)
auto compareHorizontal = [side, initialPos](const BattleHex & left, const BattleHex & right)
if(left.getX() != right.getX())
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return (side == BattleSide::ATTACKER) ? (left.getX() > right.getX()) : (left.getX() < right.getX());
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return std::abs(left.getY() - initialPos.getY()) < std::abs(right.getY() - initialPos.getY());
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auto bestTile = std::min_element(closestTiles.begin(), closestTiles.end(), compareHorizontal);
return (bestTile != closestTiles.end()) ? *bestTile : BattleHex();
//BattleHex initialHex = BattleHex(initialPos);
//auto compareDistance = [initialHex](const BattleHex left, const BattleHex right) -> bool
// return initialHex.getDistance(initialHex, left) < initialHex.getDistance(initialHex, right);
//BattleHexArray sortedTiles(*this);
//boost::sort(sortedTiles, compareDistance); //closest tiles at front
//int closestDistance = initialHex.getDistance(initialPos, sortedTiles.front()); //sometimes closest tiles can be many hexes away
//auto notClosest = [closestDistance, initialPos](const BattleHex here) -> bool
// return closestDistance < here.getDistance(initialPos, here);
//vstd::erase_if(sortedTiles, notClosest); //only closest tiles are interesting
//auto compareHorizontal = [side, initialPos](const BattleHex left, const BattleHex right) -> bool
// if(left.getX() != right.getX())
// {
// if(side == BattleSide::ATTACKER)
// return left.getX() > right.getX(); //find furthest right
// else
// return left.getX() < right.getX(); //find furthest left
// }
// else
// {
// //Prefer tiles in the same row.
// return std::abs(left.getY() - initialPos.getY()) < std::abs(right.getY() - initialPos.getY());
// }
//boost::sort(sortedTiles, compareHorizontal);
//return sortedTiles.front();
BattleHexArray::NeighbouringTilesCache BattleHexArray::calculateNeighbouringTiles()
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BattleHexArray::NeighbouringTilesCache ret;
for(si16 hex = 0; hex < GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE; hex++)
BattleHexArray hexes = BattleHexArray::generateNeighbouringTiles(hex);
size_t index = 0;
for(auto neighbour : hexes)
ret[hex].set(index++, neighbour);
return ret;
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BattleHexArray BattleHexArray::generateNeighbouringTiles(BattleHex hex)
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BattleHexArray ret;
for(auto dir : BattleHex::hexagonalDirections())
ret.checkAndPush(hex.cloneInDirection(dir, false));
return ret;
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BattleHexArray BattleHexArray::generateAttackerClosestTilesCache()
BattleHexArray ret;
for(si16 hex = 0; hex < GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE; hex++)
ret.set(hex, neighbouringTilesCache[hex].getClosestTile(BattleSide::ATTACKER, hex));
return ret;
BattleHexArray BattleHexArray::generateDefenderClosestTilesCache()
BattleHexArray ret;
for(si16 hex = 0; hex < GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE; hex++)
ret.set(hex, neighbouringTilesCache[hex].getClosestTile(BattleSide::DEFENDER, hex));
return ret;
BattleHex BattleHexArray::getClosestTileFromAllPossibleNeighbours(BattleSide side, BattleHex pos)
if(side == BattleSide::ATTACKER)
return closestTilesCacheForAttacker[pos.hex];
else if(side == BattleSide::DEFENDER)
return closestTilesCacheForDefender[pos.hex];
assert(false); // we should never be here
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void BattleHexArray::merge(const BattleHexArray & other) noexcept
for(auto hex : other)
void BattleHexArray::erase(iterator first, iterator last) noexcept
for(auto it = first; it != last && it != internalStorage.end(); ++it)
presenceFlags[*it] = 0;
internalStorage.erase(first, last);
void BattleHexArray::clear() noexcept
for(auto hex : internalStorage)
presenceFlags[hex] = 0;
const BattleHexArray::NeighbouringTilesCache BattleHexArray::neighbouringTilesCache = calculateNeighbouringTiles();
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const BattleHexArray BattleHexArray::closestTilesCacheForAttacker = generateAttackerClosestTilesCache();
const BattleHexArray BattleHexArray::closestTilesCacheForDefender = generateDefenderClosestTilesCache();
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