2011-12-22 16:05:19 +03:00
# pragma once
# include "../CAnimation.h"
# include "../../lib/BattleHex.h"
class CBattleInterface ;
class CStack ;
class CCreatureAnimation ;
struct CatapultProjectileInfo ;
struct StackAttackedInfo ;
* CBattleAnimations . h , part of VCMI engine
* Authors : listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License : GNU General Public License v2 .0 or later
* Full text of license available in license . txt file , in main folder
/// Base class of battle animations
class CBattleAnimation
protected :
CBattleInterface * owner ;
public :
virtual bool init ( ) = 0 ; //to be called - if returned false, call again until returns true
virtual void nextFrame ( ) = 0 ; //call every new frame
virtual void endAnim ( ) ; //to be called mostly internally; in this class it removes animation from pendingAnims list
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virtual ~ CBattleAnimation ( ) { } ;
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bool isEarliest ( bool perStackConcurrency ) ; //determines if this animation is earliest of all
ui32 ID ; //unique identifier
CBattleAnimation ( CBattleInterface * _owner ) ;
} ;
/// Sub-class which is responsible for managing the battle stack animation.
class CBattleStackAnimation : public CBattleAnimation
public :
const CStack * stack ; //id of stack whose animation it is
CBattleStackAnimation ( CBattleInterface * _owner , const CStack * _stack ) ;
static bool isToReverseHlp ( BattleHex hexFrom , BattleHex hexTo , bool curDir ) ; //helper for isToReverse
static bool isToReverse ( BattleHex hexFrom , BattleHex hexTo , bool curDir /*if true, creature is in attacker's direction*/ , bool toDoubleWide , bool toDir ) ; //determines if creature should be reversed (it stands on hexFrom and should 'see' hexTo)
CCreatureAnimation * myAnim ( ) ; //animation for our stack
} ;
/// This class is responsible for managing the battle attack animation
class CAttackAnimation : public CBattleStackAnimation
protected :
BattleHex dest ; //attacked hex
bool shooting ;
CCreatureAnim : : EAnimType group ; //if shooting is true, print this animation group
const CStack * attackedStack ;
const CStack * attackingStack ;
int attackingStackPosBeforeReturn ; //for stacks with return_after_strike feature
public :
void nextFrame ( ) ;
bool checkInitialConditions ( ) ;
CAttackAnimation ( CBattleInterface * _owner , const CStack * attacker , BattleHex _dest , const CStack * defender ) ;
} ;
/// Animation of a defending unit
class CDefenceAnimation : public CBattleStackAnimation
private :
//std::vector<StackAttackedInfo> attackedInfos;
int dmg ; //damage dealt
int amountKilled ; //how many creatures in stack has been killed
const CStack * attacker ; //attacking stack
bool byShooting ; //if true, stack has been attacked by shooting
bool killed ; //if true, stack has been killed
public :
bool init ( ) ;
void nextFrame ( ) ;
void endAnim ( ) ;
CDefenceAnimation ( StackAttackedInfo _attackedInfo , CBattleInterface * _owner ) ;
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virtual ~ CDefenceAnimation ( ) { } ;
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} ;
class CDummyAnimation : public CBattleAnimation
private :
int counter ;
int howMany ;
public :
bool init ( ) ;
void nextFrame ( ) ;
void endAnim ( ) ;
CDummyAnimation ( CBattleInterface * _owner , int howManyFrames ) ;
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virtual ~ CDummyAnimation ( ) { }
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} ;
/// Hand-to-hand attack
class CMeleeAttackAnimation : public CAttackAnimation
public :
bool init ( ) ;
void nextFrame ( ) ;
void endAnim ( ) ;
CMeleeAttackAnimation ( CBattleInterface * _owner , const CStack * attacker , BattleHex _dest , const CStack * _attacked ) ;
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virtual ~ CMeleeAttackAnimation ( ) { } ;
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} ;
/// Move animation of a creature
class CMovementAnimation : public CBattleStackAnimation
private :
std : : vector < BattleHex > destTiles ; //destination
BattleHex nextHex ;
ui32 nextPos ;
int distance ;
double stepX , stepY ; //how far stack is moved in one frame
double posX , posY ;
int steps , whichStep ;
int curStackPos ; //position of stack before move
public :
bool init ( ) ;
void nextFrame ( ) ;
void endAnim ( ) ;
CMovementAnimation ( CBattleInterface * _owner , const CStack * _stack , std : : vector < BattleHex > _destTiles , int _distance ) ;
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virtual ~ CMovementAnimation ( ) { } ;
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} ;
/// Move end animation of a creature
class CMovementEndAnimation : public CBattleStackAnimation
private :
BattleHex destinationTile ;
public :
bool init ( ) ;
void nextFrame ( ) ;
void endAnim ( ) ;
CMovementEndAnimation ( CBattleInterface * _owner , const CStack * _stack , BattleHex destTile ) ;
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virtual ~ CMovementEndAnimation ( ) { } ;
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} ;
/// Move start animation of a creature
class CMovementStartAnimation : public CBattleStackAnimation
public :
bool init ( ) ;
void nextFrame ( ) ;
void endAnim ( ) ;
CMovementStartAnimation ( CBattleInterface * _owner , const CStack * _stack ) ;
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virtual ~ CMovementStartAnimation ( ) { } ;
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} ;
/// Class responsible for animation of stack chaning direction (left <-> right)
class CReverseAnimation : public CBattleStackAnimation
private :
int partOfAnim ; //1 - first, 2 - second
bool secondPartSetup ;
BattleHex hex ;
public :
bool priority ; //true - high, false - low
bool init ( ) ;
void nextFrame ( ) ;
void setupSecondPart ( ) ;
void endAnim ( ) ;
CReverseAnimation ( CBattleInterface * _owner , const CStack * stack , BattleHex dest , bool _priority ) ;
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virtual ~ CReverseAnimation ( ) { } ;
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} ;
/// Small struct which contains information about the position and the velocity of a projectile
struct ProjectileInfo
double x , y ; //position on the screen
double dx , dy ; //change in position in one step
int step , lastStep ; //to know when finish showing this projectile
int creID ; //ID of creature that shot this projectile
int stackID ; //ID of stack
int frameNum ; //frame to display form projectile animation
bool spin ; //if true, frameNum will be increased
int animStartDelay ; //how many times projectile must be attempted to be shown till it's really show (decremented after hit)
bool reverse ; //if true, projectile will be flipped by vertical asix
CatapultProjectileInfo * catapultInfo ; // holds info about the parabolic trajectory of the cannon
} ;
/// Shooting attack
class CShootingAnimation : public CAttackAnimation
private :
int catapultDamage ;
bool catapult ;
public :
bool init ( ) ;
void nextFrame ( ) ;
void endAnim ( ) ;
//last two params only for catapult attacks
CShootingAnimation ( CBattleInterface * _owner , const CStack * attacker , BattleHex _dest ,
const CStack * _attacked , bool _catapult = false , int _catapultDmg = 0 ) ;
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virtual ~ CShootingAnimation ( ) { } ;
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} ;
/// This class manages a spell effect animation
class CSpellEffectAnimation : public CBattleAnimation
private :
ui32 effect ;
BattleHex destTile ;
std : : string customAnim ;
int x , y , dx , dy ;
bool Vflip ;
public :
bool init ( ) ;
void nextFrame ( ) ;
void endAnim ( ) ;
CSpellEffectAnimation ( CBattleInterface * _owner , ui32 _effect , BattleHex _destTile , int _dx = 0 , int _dy = 0 , bool _Vflip = false ) ;
CSpellEffectAnimation ( CBattleInterface * _owner , std : : string _customAnim , int _x , int _y , int _dx = 0 , int _dy = 0 , bool _Vflip = false ) ;
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virtual ~ CSpellEffectAnimation ( ) { } ;
} ;