mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 14:52:11 +02:00
Logging cleanup
This commit is contained in:
@ -2929,7 +2929,7 @@ void AIStatus::addQuery(QueryID ID, std::string description)
if(ID == QueryID(-1))
logAi->debugStream() << boost::format("The \"query\" has an id %d, it'll be ignored as non-query. Description: %s") % ID % description;
logAi->debug("The \"query\" has an id %d, it'll be ignored as non-query. Description: %s", ID, description);
@ -2941,7 +2941,7 @@ void AIStatus::addQuery(QueryID ID, std::string description)
remainingQueries[ID] = description;
logAi->debugStream() << boost::format("Adding query %d - %s. Total queries count: %d") % ID % description % remainingQueries.size();
logAi->debug("Adding query %d - %s. Total queries count: %d", ID, description, remainingQueries.size());
void AIStatus::removeQuery(QueryID ID)
@ -2953,7 +2953,7 @@ void AIStatus::removeQuery(QueryID ID)
logAi->debugStream() << boost::format("Removing query %d - %s. Total queries count: %d") % ID % description % remainingQueries.size();
logAi->debug("Removing query %d - %s. Total queries count: %d", ID,description , remainingQueries.size());
int AIStatus::getQueriesCount()
@ -2994,7 +2994,7 @@ void AIStatus::attemptedAnsweringQuery(QueryID queryID, int answerRequestID)
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lock(mx);
assert(vstd::contains(remainingQueries, queryID));
std::string description = remainingQueries[queryID];
logAi->debugStream() << boost::format("Attempted answering query %d - %s. Request id=%d. Waiting for results...") % queryID % description % answerRequestID;
logAi->debug("Attempted answering query %d - %s. Request id=%d. Waiting for results...", queryID, description, answerRequestID);
requestToQueryID[answerRequestID] = queryID;
@ -3011,7 +3011,7 @@ void AIStatus::receivedAnswerConfirmation(int answerRequestID, int result)
logAi->errorStream() << "Something went really wrong, failed to answer query " << query << ": " << remainingQueries[query];
logAi->error("Something went really wrong, failed to answer query %d : %s", query.getNum(), remainingQueries[query]);
//TODO safely retry
@ -3490,7 +3490,7 @@ int3 SectorMap::findFirstVisitableTile (HeroPtr h, crint3 dst)
if(topObj && topObj->ID == Obj::HERO && topObj != h.h &&
cb->getPlayerRelations(h->tempOwner, topObj->tempOwner) != PlayerRelations::ENEMIES)
logAi->warnStream() << ("Another allied hero stands in our way");
logAi->warn("Another allied hero stands in our way");
return ret;
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ bool CCallback::upgradeCreature(const CArmedInstance *obj, SlotID stackPos, Crea
void CCallback::endTurn()
logGlobal->traceStream() << "Player " << *player << " ended his turn.";
logGlobal->trace("Player %d ended his turn.", player.get().getNum());
EndTurn pack;
sendRequest(&pack); //report that we ended turn
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ void init()
logGlobal->infoStream()<<"Initializing VCMI_Lib: "<<tmh.getDiff();
logGlobal->info("Initializing VCMI_Lib: %d ms", tmh.getDiff());
@ -180,15 +180,15 @@ void init()
logGlobal->infoStream()<<"Screen handler: "<<pomtime.getDiff();
logGlobal->info("Screen handler: %d ms", pomtime.getDiff());
logGlobal->infoStream()<<"\tMain graphics: "<<pomtime.getDiff();
logGlobal->infoStream()<<"Initializing game graphics: "<<tmh.getDiff();
logGlobal->info("\tMain graphics: %d ms", pomtime.getDiff());
logGlobal->info("Initializing game graphics: %d ms", tmh.getDiff());
logGlobal->infoStream()<<"Message handler: "<<tmh.getDiff();
logGlobal->info("Message handler: %d ms", tmh.getDiff());
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[])
CBasicLogConfigurator logConfig(logPath, console);
logGlobal->infoStream() << NAME;
logGlobal->infoStream() << "Creating console and configuring logger: " << pomtime.getDiff();
logGlobal->info("Creating console and configuring logger: %d ms", pomtime.getDiff());
logGlobal->infoStream() << "The log file will be saved to " << logPath;
// Init filesystem and settings
@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[])
testFile("SOUNDS/G1A.WAV", "campaign music"); //technically not a music but voiced intro sounds
logGlobal->infoStream() << "Loading settings: " << pomtime.getDiff();
logGlobal->info("Loading settings: %d ms", pomtime.getDiff());
srand ( time(nullptr) );
@ -453,7 +453,7 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[])
setScreenRes(res["width"].Float(), res["height"].Float(), video["bitsPerPixel"].Float(), video["fullscreen"].Bool(), video["displayIndex"].Float());
logGlobal->infoStream() <<"\tInitializing screen: "<<pomtime.getDiff();
logGlobal->info("\tInitializing screen: %d ms", pomtime.getDiff());
CCS = new CClientState();
@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[])
CCS->videoh = new CEmptyVideoPlayer();
logGlobal->infoStream()<<"\tInitializing video: "<<pomtime.getDiff();
logGlobal->info("\tInitializing video: %d ms", pomtime.getDiff());
//initializing audio
CCS->soundh = new CSoundHandler();
@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[])
CCS->musich = new CMusicHandler();
logGlobal->infoStream()<<"Initializing screen and sound handling: "<<pomtime.getDiff();
logGlobal->info("Initializing screen and sound handling: %d ms", pomtime.getDiff());
#ifdef __APPLE__
// Ctrl+click should be treated as a right click on Mac OS X
@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[])
#endif // ANDROID
#endif // THREADED
logGlobal->infoStream()<<"Initialization of VCMI (together): "<<total.getDiff();
logGlobal->info("Initialization of VCMI (together): %d ms", total.getDiff());
session["autoSkip"].Bool() = vm.count("autoSkip");
session["oneGoodAI"].Bool() = vm.count("oneGoodAI");
@ -1376,8 +1376,7 @@ template <typename Handler> void CPlayerInterface::serializeTempl( Handler &h, c
CGPath path;
cb->getPathsInfo(p.first)->getPath(path, p.second);
paths[p.first] = path;
logGlobal->traceStream() << boost::format("Restored path for hero %s leading to %s with %d nodes")
% p.first->nodeName() % p.second % path.nodes.size();
logGlobal->trace("Restored path for hero %s leading to %s with %d nodes", p.first->nodeName(), p.second , path.nodes.size());
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ void CClient::run()
catch (const boost::system::system_error& e)
logNetwork->error("Lost connection to server, ending listening thread!");
logNetwork->errorStream() << e.what();
if(!terminate) //rethrow (-> boom!) only if closing connection was unexpected
logNetwork->error("Something wrong, lost connection while game is still ongoing...");
@ -292,12 +292,12 @@ void CClient::loadGame(const std::string & fname, const bool server, const std::
loader = checkingLoader.decay();
logNetwork->infoStream() << "Loaded common part of save " << tmh.getDiff();
logNetwork->info("Loaded common part of save %d ms", tmh.getDiff());
const_cast<CGameInfo*>(CGI)->mh = new CMapHandler();
const_cast<CGameInfo*>(CGI)->mh->map = gs->map;
pathInfo = make_unique<CPathsInfo>(getMapSize());
logNetwork->infoStream() <<"Initing maphandler: "<<tmh.getDiff();
logNetwork->info("Initing maphandler: %d ms", tmh.getDiff());
catch(std::exception &e)
@ -354,9 +354,9 @@ void CClient::loadGame(const std::string & fname, const bool server, const std::
serv->addStdVecItems(gs); /*why is this here?*/
//*loader >> *this;
logNetwork->infoStream() << "Loaded client part of save " << tmh.getDiff();
logNetwork->info("Loaded client part of save %d ms", tmh.getDiff());
logNetwork->infoStream() <<"Sent info to server: "<<tmh.getDiff();
logNetwork->info("Sent info to server: %d ms", tmh.getDiff());
//*serv << clientPlayers;
@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ void CClient::newGame( CConnection *con, StartInfo *si )
c >> si;
logNetwork->infoStream() <<"\tSending/Getting info to/from the server: "<<tmh.getDiff();
logNetwork->info("\tSending/Getting info to/from the server: %d ms", tmh.getDiff());
@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ void CClient::newGame( CConnection *con, StartInfo *si )
logNetwork->info("\tCreating gamestate: %i",tmh.getDiff());
gs->init(si, settings["general"]["saveRandomMaps"].Bool());
logNetwork->infoStream() <<"Initializing GameState (together): "<<tmh.getDiff();
logNetwork->info("Initializing GameState (together): %d ms", tmh.getDiff());
// Now after possible random map gen, we know exact player count.
// Inform server about how many players client handles
@ -439,11 +439,11 @@ void CClient::newGame( CConnection *con, StartInfo *si )
const_cast<CGameInfo*>(CGI)->mh = new CMapHandler();
CGI->mh->map = gs->map;
logNetwork->infoStream() << "Creating mapHandler: " << tmh.getDiff();
logNetwork->info("Creating mapHandler: %d ms", tmh.getDiff());
pathInfo = make_unique<CPathsInfo>(getMapSize());
logNetwork->infoStream() << "Initializing mapHandler (together): " << tmh.getDiff();
logNetwork->info("Initializing mapHandler (together): %d ms", tmh.getDiff());
int humanPlayers = 0;
@ -994,7 +994,7 @@ void CServerHandler::startServer()
serverThread = new boost::thread(&CServerHandler::callServer, this); //runs server executable;
logNetwork->infoStream() << "Setting up thread calling server: " << th.getDiff();
logNetwork->info("Setting up thread calling server: %d ms", th.getDiff());
void CServerHandler::waitForServer()
@ -1021,7 +1021,7 @@ void CServerHandler::waitForServer()
androidTestServerReadyFlag = false;
logNetwork->infoStream() << "Waiting for server: " << th.getDiff();
logNetwork->info("Waiting for server: %d ms", th.getDiff());
CConnection * CServerHandler::connectToServer()
@ -1037,7 +1037,7 @@ CConnection * CServerHandler::connectToServer()
logNetwork->infoStream()<<"\tConnecting to the server: "<<th.getDiff();
logNetwork->info("\tConnecting to the server: %d ms", th.getDiff());
return ret;
@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ bool CMeleeAttackAnimation::init()
CMeleeAttackAnimation::CMeleeAttackAnimation(CBattleInterface * _owner, const CStack * attacker, BattleHex _dest, const CStack * _attacked)
: CAttackAnimation(_owner, attacker, _dest, _attacked)
logAnim->debugStream() << "Created melee attack anim for " << attacker->getName();
logAnim->debug("Created melee attack anim for %s", attacker->getName());
void CMeleeAttackAnimation::endAnim()
@ -529,13 +529,13 @@ CMovementAnimation::CMovementAnimation(CBattleInterface *_owner, const CStack *_
logAnim->debugStream() << "Created movement anim for " << stack->getName();
logAnim->debug("Created movement anim for %s", stack->getName());
CMovementEndAnimation::CMovementEndAnimation(CBattleInterface * _owner, const CStack * _stack, BattleHex destTile)
: CBattleStackAnimation(_owner, _stack), destinationTile(destTile)
logAnim->debugStream() << "Created movement end anim for " << stack->getName();
logAnim->debug("Created movement end anim for %s", stack->getName());
bool CMovementEndAnimation::init()
@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ void CMovementEndAnimation::endAnim()
CMovementStartAnimation::CMovementStartAnimation(CBattleInterface * _owner, const CStack * _stack)
: CBattleStackAnimation(_owner, _stack)
logAnim->debugStream() << "Created movement start anim for " << stack->getName();
logAnim->debug("Created movement start anim for %s", stack->getName());
bool CMovementStartAnimation::init()
@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ void CMovementStartAnimation::endAnim()
CReverseAnimation::CReverseAnimation(CBattleInterface * _owner, const CStack * stack, BattleHex dest, bool _priority)
: CBattleStackAnimation(_owner, stack), hex(dest), priority(_priority)
logAnim->debugStream() << "Created reverse anim for " << stack->getName();
logAnim->debug("Created reverse anim for %s", stack->getName());
bool CReverseAnimation::init()
@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ void CReverseAnimation::setupSecondPart()
CShootingAnimation::CShootingAnimation(CBattleInterface * _owner, const CStack * attacker, BattleHex _dest, const CStack * _attacked, bool _catapult, int _catapultDmg)
: CAttackAnimation(_owner, attacker, _dest, _attacked), catapultDamage(_catapultDmg)
logAnim->debugStream() << "Created shooting anim for " << stack->getName();
logAnim->debug("Created shooting anim for %s", stack->getName());
bool CShootingAnimation::init()
@ -382,9 +382,9 @@ void CMapHandler::init()
logGlobal->infoStream()<<"\tPreparing FoW, terrain, roads, rivers, borders: "<<th.getDiff();
logGlobal->info("\tPreparing FoW, terrain, roads, rivers, borders: %d ms", th.getDiff());
logGlobal->infoStream()<<"\tMaking object rects: "<<th.getDiff();
logGlobal->info("\tMaking object rects: %d ms", th.getDiff());
CMapHandler::CMapBlitter *CMapHandler::resolveBlitter(const MapDrawingInfo * info) const
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ void CPathfinder::calculatePaths()
return false;
//logGlobal->infoStream() << boost::format("Calculating paths for hero %s (adress %d) of player %d") % hero->name % hero % hero->tempOwner;
//logGlobal->info("Calculating paths for hero %s (adress %d) of player %d", hero->name, hero , hero->tempOwner);
//initial tile - set cost on 0 and add to the queue
CGPathNode * initialNode = out.getNode(out.hpos, hero->boat ? ELayer::SAIL : ELayer::LAND);
@ -63,24 +63,24 @@ void LibClasses::loadFilesystem()
CStopWatch loadTime;
logGlobal->infoStream()<<"\tInitialization: "<<loadTime.getDiff();
logGlobal->info("\tInitialization: %d ms", loadTime.getDiff());
logGlobal->infoStream()<<"\tData loading: "<<loadTime.getDiff();
logGlobal->info("\tData loading: %d ms", loadTime.getDiff());
modh = new CModHandler();
logGlobal->infoStream()<<"\tMod handler: "<<loadTime.getDiff();
logGlobal->info("\tMod handler: %d ms", loadTime.getDiff());
logGlobal->infoStream()<<"\tMod filesystems: "<<loadTime.getDiff();
logGlobal->info("\tMod filesystems: %d ms", loadTime.getDiff());
logGlobal->infoStream()<<"Basic initialization: "<<totalTime.getDiff();
logGlobal->info("Basic initialization: %d ms", totalTime.getDiff());
static void logHandlerLoaded(const std::string& name, CStopWatch &timer)
static void logHandlerLoaded(const std::string & name, CStopWatch & timer)
logGlobal->infoStream()<<"\t\t" << name << " handler: "<<timer.getDiff();
logGlobal->info("\t\t %s handler: %d ms", name, timer.getDiff());
template <class Handler> void createHandler(Handler *&handler, const std::string &name, CStopWatch &timer)
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ void LibClasses::init()
createHandler(tplh, "Template", pomtime); //templates need already resolved identifiers (refactor?)
logGlobal->infoStream()<<"\tInitializing handlers: "<< totalTime.getDiff();
logGlobal->info("\tInitializing handlers: %d ms", totalTime.getDiff());
@ -2121,8 +2121,7 @@ void CGObelisk::setPropertyDer( ui8 what, ui32 val )
assert(val < PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT_I);
auto progress = ++visited[TeamID(val)];
logGlobal->debugStream() << boost::format("Player %d: obelisk progress %d / %d")
% val % static_cast<int>(progress) % static_cast<int>(obeliskCount);
logGlobal->debug("Player %d: obelisk progress %d / %d", val, static_cast<int>(progress) , static_cast<int>(obeliskCount));
if(progress > obeliskCount)
@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ do not leave zone border
if (!(result || distance < lastDistance || anotherPos.valid()))
//FIXME: seemingly this condition is messed up, tells nothing
//logGlobal->warnStream() << boost::format("No tile closer than %s found on path from %s to %s") % currentPos %src %dst;
//logGlobal->warn("No tile closer than %s found on path from %s to %s", currentPos, src , dst);
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ void CZonePlacer::placeZones(const CMapGenOptions * mapGenOptions, CRandomGenera
improvement = true;
logGlobal->traceStream() << boost::format("Total distance between zones after this iteration: %2.4f, Total overlap: %2.4f, Improved: %s") % totalDistance % totalOverlap % improvement;
logGlobal->trace("Total distance between zones after this iteration: %2.4f, Total overlap: %2.4f, Improved: %s", totalDistance, totalOverlap , improvement);
//save best solution
if (improvement)
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ void CLoadFile::openNextFile(const boost::filesystem::path & fname, int minimalV
if(serializer.fileVersion > SERIALIZATION_VERSION)
logGlobal->warnStream() << boost::format("Warning format version mismatch: found %d when current is %d! (file %s)\n") % serializer.fileVersion % SERIALIZATION_VERSION % fName;
logGlobal->warn("Warning format version mismatch: found %d when current is %d! (file %s)\n", serializer.fileVersion, SERIALIZATION_VERSION , fName);
auto versionptr = (char*)&serializer.fileVersion;
std::reverse(versionptr, versionptr + 4);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user