diff --git a/configure without client.ac b/configure without client.ac
index 1b8c4865b..831cebdcc 100644
--- a/configure without client.ac	
+++ b/configure without client.ac	
@@ -102,4 +102,4 @@ AC_SUBST(VCMI_AI_LIBS_DIR)
-AC_OUTPUT(Makefile lib/Makefile server/Makefile AI/Makefile AI/StupidAI/Makefile AI/GeniusAI/Makefile AI/EmptyAI/Makefile Scripting/ERM/Makefile Odpalarka/Makefile VCMI_BattleAiHost/Makefile)
+AC_OUTPUT(Makefile lib/Makefile server/Makefile AI/Makefile AI/StupidAI/Makefile Scripting/ERM/Makefile Odpalarka/Makefile VCMI_BattleAiHost/Makefile)
diff --git a/vcmiinstall.sh b/vcmiinstall.sh
index 8e9dc5872..97856b96b 100644
--- a/vcmiinstall.sh
+++ b/vcmiinstall.sh
@@ -21,6 +21,19 @@ if [ "$1" = "--install" ]; then
 	svn co https://vcmi.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/vcmi/branches/programmingChallenge/ vcmi
 	errorcheck "fetching sources"
 	cd vcmi
+	if [ "$2" = "lean" ]; then
+		mv "Makefile without client.am" Makefile.am
+		mv "configure without client.ac" configure.ac
+		rm client/Makefile.am
+		echo "SUBDIRS = StupidAI" > AI/Makefile.am
+		rm -rf AI/EmptyAI
+		rm -rf AI/GeniusAI
+	elif [ "$2" = "full" ]; then
+		mv "Makefile with client.am" Makefile.am
+		mv "configure with client.ac" configure.ac
+	else
+		incusage
+	fi
 	autoreconf -i
 	errorcheck "autoreconf -i"
 	cd ..