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synced 2025-02-03 13:01:33 +02:00
Code improvements, minor fixes
This commit is contained in:
@ -210,15 +210,15 @@ public:
BONUS_NAME(CREATURE_ENCHANT_POWER) /* total duration of spells cast by creature */ \
BONUS_NAME(ENCHANTED) /* permanently enchanted with spell subID of level = val, if val > 3 then spell is mass and has level of val-3*/ \
BONUS_NAME(REBIRTH) /* val - percent of life restored, subtype = 0 - regular, 1 - at least one unit (sacred Phoenix) */\
BONUS_NAME(SOUL_STEAL) /*val - number of units gained per enemy killed, subtype = 0 - gained units survive after battle, 1 - they do not*/ \
BONUS_NAME(TRANSMUTATION) /*val - chance to trigger in %, subtype = 0 - resurrection based on HP, 1 - based on unit count, additional info - target creature ID (attacker default)*/\
BONUS_NAME(SUMMON_GUARDIANS) /*val - amount in % of stack count, subtype = creature ID*/\
BONUS_NAME(ADDITIONAL_UNITS) /*val of units with id = subtype will be added to hero's army at the beginning of battle */\
BONUS_NAME(SPOILS_OF_WAR) /*val * 10^-6 * gained exp resources of subtype will be given to hero after battle*/\
BONUS_NAME(DISGUISED) /* subtype - spell level */\
BONUS_NAME(VISIONS) /* subtype - spell level */\
BONUS_NAME(NO_TERRAIN_PENALTY) /* subtype - terrain type */\
BONUS_NAME(SOUL_STEAL) /*val - number of units gained per enemy killed, subtype = 0 - gained units survive after battle, 1 - they do not*/ \
BONUS_NAME(TRANSMUTATION) /*val - chance to trigger in %, subtype = 0 - resurrection based on HP, 1 - based on unit count, additional info - target creature ID (attacker default)*/\
BONUS_NAME(SUMMON_GUARDIANS) /*val - amount in % of stack count, subtype = creature ID*/\
/* end of list */
@ -1287,7 +1287,7 @@ struct BattleStackMoved : public CPackForClient
struct StacksHealedOrResurrected : public CPackForClient
:lifeDrain(false), tentHealing(false), drainedFrom(0), cure(false)
:lifeDrain(false), tentHealing(false), drainedFrom(0), cure(false), canOverheal(false)
DLL_LINKAGE void applyGs(CGameState *gs);
@ -1309,11 +1309,12 @@ struct StacksHealedOrResurrected : public CPackForClient
bool tentHealing; //if true, than it's healing via First Aid Tent
si32 drainedFrom; //if life drain or soul steal - then stack life was drain from, if tentHealing - stack that is a healer
bool cure; //archangel cast also remove negative effects
bool canOverheal; //to allow healing over initial stack amount
template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version)
h & healedStacks & lifeDrain & tentHealing & drainedFrom;
h & cure;
h & cure & canOverheal;
@ -1617,7 +1617,7 @@ DLL_LINKAGE void StacksHealedOrResurrected::applyGs(CGameState *gs)
int res;
if(changedStack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SOUL_STEAL)) //WoG ghost soul steal ability allows getting more units than before battle
if(canOverheal) //for example WoG ghost soul steal ability allows getting more units than before battle
res = elem.healedHP / changedStack->MaxHealth();
res = std::min(elem.healedHP / changedStack->MaxHealth() , changedStack->baseAmount - changedStack->count);
@ -137,73 +137,76 @@ static void giveExp(BattleResult &r)
static void SummonGuardiansHelper(std::vector<BattleHex> & output, BattleHex targetPosition, bool targetIsAttacker, bool targetIsTwoHex) //return hexes for summoning two hex monsters in output, target = unit to guard
static void SummonGuardiansHelper(std::vector<BattleHex> & output, const BattleHex & targetPosition, bool targetIsAttacker, bool targetIsTwoHex) //return hexes for summoning two hex monsters in output, target = unit to guard
int x = targetPosition.getX();
int y = targetPosition.getY();
if (targetIsAttacker) //handle front guardians, TODO: should we handle situation when units start battle near opposite side of the battlefield? Cannot happen in normal H3...
BattleHex::checkAndPush(BattleHex(targetPosition).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false).movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(BattleHex(targetPosition).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(BattleHex(targetPosition).movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false).movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false), output);
//guardian spawn locations for four default position cases for attacker and defender, non-default starting location for att and def is handled in first two if's
if (targetIsAttacker && ((targetPosition.getY() % 2 == 0) || (targetPosition.getX() > 1)))
if (targetIsAttacker && ((y % 2 == 0) || (x > 1)))
if (targetIsTwoHex && (targetPosition.getY() % 2 == 1) && (targetPosition.getX() == 2)) //handle exceptional case
if (targetIsTwoHex && (y % 2 == 1) && (x == 2)) //handle exceptional case
BattleHex::checkAndPush(BattleHex(targetPosition).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::TOP_RIGHT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(BattleHex(targetPosition).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_RIGHT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::TOP_RIGHT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_RIGHT, false), output);
{ //add back-side guardians for two-hex target, side guardians for one-hex
BattleHex::checkAndPush(BattleHex(targetPosition).moveInDir(targetIsTwoHex ? BattleHex::EDir::TOP_LEFT : BattleHex::EDir::TOP_RIGHT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(BattleHex(targetPosition).moveInDir(targetIsTwoHex ? BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_LEFT : BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_RIGHT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.movedInDir(targetIsTwoHex ? BattleHex::EDir::TOP_LEFT : BattleHex::EDir::TOP_RIGHT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.movedInDir(targetIsTwoHex ? BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_LEFT : BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_RIGHT, false), output);
if (!targetIsTwoHex && targetPosition.getX() > 2) //back guard for one-hex
BattleHex::checkAndPush(BattleHex(targetPosition).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false), output);
if (!targetIsTwoHex && x > 2) //back guard for one-hex
BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false), output);
else if (targetIsTwoHex)//front-side guardians for two-hex target
BattleHex::checkAndPush(BattleHex(targetPosition).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::TOP_RIGHT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(BattleHex(targetPosition).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_RIGHT, false), output);
if (targetPosition.getX() > 3) //back guard for two-hex
BattleHex::checkAndPush(BattleHex(targetPosition).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false).movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::TOP_RIGHT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false).movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_RIGHT, false), output);
if (x > 3) //back guard for two-hex
BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false).movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false), output);
else if (!targetIsAttacker && ((targetPosition.getY() % 2 == 1) || (targetPosition.getX() < GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 2)))
else if (!targetIsAttacker && ((y % 2 == 1) || (x < GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 2)))
if (targetIsTwoHex && (targetPosition.getY() % 2 == 0) && (targetPosition.getX() == GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 3)) //handle exceptional case... equivalent for above for defender side
if (targetIsTwoHex && (y % 2 == 0) && (x == GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 3)) //handle exceptional case... equivalent for above for defender side
BattleHex::checkAndPush(BattleHex(targetPosition).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::TOP_LEFT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(BattleHex(targetPosition).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_LEFT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::TOP_LEFT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_LEFT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(BattleHex(targetPosition).moveInDir(targetIsTwoHex ? BattleHex::EDir::TOP_RIGHT : BattleHex::EDir::TOP_LEFT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(BattleHex(targetPosition).moveInDir(targetIsTwoHex ? BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_RIGHT : BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_LEFT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.movedInDir(targetIsTwoHex ? BattleHex::EDir::TOP_RIGHT : BattleHex::EDir::TOP_LEFT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.movedInDir(targetIsTwoHex ? BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_RIGHT : BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_LEFT, false), output);
if (!targetIsTwoHex && targetPosition.getX() < GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 3)
BattleHex::checkAndPush(BattleHex(targetPosition).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false), output);
if (!targetIsTwoHex && x < GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 3)
BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false), output);
else if (targetIsTwoHex)
BattleHex::checkAndPush(BattleHex(targetPosition).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::TOP_LEFT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(BattleHex(targetPosition).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_LEFT, false), output);
if (targetPosition.getX() < GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 4)
BattleHex::checkAndPush(BattleHex(targetPosition).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false).movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::TOP_LEFT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false).movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_LEFT, false), output);
if (x < GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH - 4)
BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false).movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false), output);
else if (!targetIsAttacker && targetPosition.getY() % 2 == 0)
else if (!targetIsAttacker && y % 2 == 0)
BattleHex::checkAndPush(BattleHex(targetPosition).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::TOP_LEFT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(BattleHex(targetPosition).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_LEFT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false).movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::TOP_LEFT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::LEFT, false).movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_LEFT, false), output);
else if (targetIsAttacker && targetPosition.getY() % 2 == 1)
else if (targetIsAttacker && y % 2 == 1)
BattleHex::checkAndPush(BattleHex(targetPosition).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::TOP_RIGHT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(BattleHex(targetPosition).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false).moveInDir(BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_RIGHT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false).movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::TOP_RIGHT, false), output);
BattleHex::checkAndPush(targetPosition.movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::RIGHT, false).movedInDir(BattleHex::EDir::BOTTOM_RIGHT, false), output);
@ -984,6 +987,7 @@ void CGameHandler::applyBattleEffects(BattleAttack &bat, const CStack *att, cons
shi.lifeDrain = true;
shi.tentHealing = false;
shi.cure = false;
shi.canOverheal = true;
shi.drainedFrom = def->ID;
StacksHealedOrResurrected::HealInfo hi;
@ -5607,7 +5611,7 @@ void CGameHandler::runBattle()
//initial stacks appearance triggers, e.g. built-in bonus spells
auto initialStacks = gs->curB->stacks;
auto initialStacks = gs->curB->stacks; //use temporary variable to outclude summoned stacks added to gs->curB->stacks from processing
for (CStack * stack : initialStacks)
@ -5619,6 +5623,10 @@ void CGameHandler::runBattle()
std::vector<BattleHex> targetHexes;
bool targetIsBig = stack->getCreature()->isDoubleWide(); //target = creature to guard
/*Chosen idea for two hex units was to cover all possible surrounding hexes of target unit with as small number of stacks as possible.
For one-hex targets there are four guardians - front, back and one per side (up + down).
Two-hex targets are wider and the difference is there are two guardians per side to cover 3 hexes + extra hex in the front
Additionally, there are special cases for starting positions etc., where guardians would be outside of battlefield if spawned normally*/
if (!creatureData.toCreature()->isDoubleWide())
targetHexes = stack->getSurroundingHexes();
@ -5629,7 +5637,7 @@ void CGameHandler::runBattle()
if (accessibility.accessible(hex, creatureData.toCreature()->isDoubleWide(), stack->attackerOwned)) //without this multiple creatures can occupy one hex
BattleStackAdded newStack;
newStack.amount = std::max(1, stack->count) * 0.01 * summonInfo->val;
newStack.amount = std::max(1, (int)(stack->count * 0.01 * summonInfo->val));
newStack.creID = creatureData.num;
newStack.attacker = stack->attackerOwned;
newStack.summoned = true;
@ -6383,9 +6391,9 @@ CasualtiesAfterBattle::CasualtiesAfterBattle(const CArmedInstance * _army, Battl
StackLocation sl(army, st->slot);
newStackCounts.push_back(TStackAndItsNewCount(sl, st->count));
else if (st->count > army->getStackCount(st->slot) && st->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SOUL_STEAL, 0)) //allow WoG ghost amount grow from battles
else if (st->count > army->getStackCount(st->slot) && !st->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SOUL_STEAL, 1))
logGlobal->debug("Stack gained %d units.", army->getStackCount(st->slot) - st->count);
logGlobal->debug("Stack gained %d units.", st->count - army->getStackCount(st->slot));
StackLocation sl(army, st->slot);
newStackCounts.push_back(TStackAndItsNewCount(sl, st->count));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user