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synced 2025-03-25 21:38:59 +02:00
vcmi: configurable teleport v2
1. Redesign wall and teleport penalty using shortest path This will avoid OH3 exploits with teleport inside walls 2. Teleport is now configurable
This commit is contained in:
@ -583,10 +583,7 @@ bool BattleActionsController::actionIsLegal(PossiblePlayerBattleAction action, B
return false;
case PossiblePlayerBattleAction::TELEPORT:
ui8 skill = getCurrentSpellcaster()->getEffectLevel(SpellID(SpellID::TELEPORT).toSpell());
return owner.curInt->cb->battleCanTeleportTo(selectedStack, targetHex, skill);
return selectedStack && isCastingPossibleHere(action.spell().toSpell(), selectedStack, targetHex);
case PossiblePlayerBattleAction::SACRIFICE: //choose our living stack to sacrifice
return targetStack && targetStack != selectedStack && targetStackOwned && targetStack->alive();
@ -914,6 +911,8 @@ bool BattleActionsController::isCastingPossibleHere(const CSpell * currentSpell,
const spells::Mode mode = heroSpellToCast ? spells::Mode::HERO : spells::Mode::CREATURE_ACTIVE;
spells::Target target;
spells::BattleCast cast(owner.curInt->cb.get(), caster, mode, currentSpell);
@ -636,6 +636,21 @@
"advanced" :{
"isMoatPassable" : true
"expert" : {
"isWallPassable" : true,
"isMoatPassable" : true
"flags" : {
@ -133,11 +133,13 @@ ESpellCastProblem::ESpellCastProblem CBattleInfoCallback::battleCanCastSpell(con
return ESpellCastProblem::OK;
bool CBattleInfoCallback::battleHasWallPenalty(const IBonusBearer * shooter, BattleHex shooterPosition, BattleHex destHex) const
bool CBattleInfoCallback::battleHasPenaltyOnLine(BattleHex from, BattleHex dest, bool checkWall, bool checkMoat) const
auto isTileBlocked = [&](BattleHex tile)
EWallPart wallPart = battleHexToWallPart(tile);
if (wallPart == EWallPart::INVALID)
return false; // there is no wall here
return false; // does not blocks ranged attacks
if (wallPart == EWallPart::INDESTRUCTIBLE_PART)
@ -145,35 +147,54 @@ bool CBattleInfoCallback::battleHasWallPenalty(const IBonusBearer * shooter, Bat
return isWallPartAttackable(wallPart);
auto needWallPenalty = [&](BattleHex from, BattleHex dest)
// Count wall penalty requirement by shortest path, not by arbitrary line, to avoid various OH3 bugs
auto getShortestPath = [](BattleHex from, BattleHex dest) -> std::vector<BattleHex>
// arbitrary selected cell size for virtual grid
// any even number can be selected (for division by two)
static const int cellSize = 10;
//Out early
if(from == dest)
return {};
// create line that goes from center of shooter cell to center of target cell
Point line1{ from.getX()*cellSize+cellSize/2, from.getY()*cellSize+cellSize/2};
Point line2{ dest.getX()*cellSize+cellSize/2, dest.getY()*cellSize+cellSize/2};
std::vector<BattleHex> ret;
auto next = from;
//Not a real direction, only to indicate to which side we should search closest tile
auto direction = from.getX() > dest.getX() ? BattleSide::DEFENDER : BattleSide::ATTACKER;
for (int y = 0; y < GameConstants::BFIELD_HEIGHT; ++y)
while (next != dest)
BattleHex obstacle = lineToWallHex(y);
if (!isTileBlocked(obstacle))
// create rect around cell with an obstacle
Rect rect {
Point(obstacle.getX(), obstacle.getY()) * cellSize,
Point( cellSize, cellSize)
if ( rect.intersectionTest(line1, line2))
return true;
auto tiles = next.neighbouringTiles();
std::set<BattleHex> possibilities = {tiles.begin(), tiles.end()};
next = BattleHex::getClosestTile(direction, dest, possibilities);
return false;
ret.pop_back(); //Remove destination hex
return ret;
auto checkNeeded = !sameSideOfWall(from, dest);
bool pathHasWall = false;
bool pathHasMoat = false;
for(const auto & hex : getShortestPath(from, dest))
pathHasWall |= isTileBlocked(hex);
auto obstacles = battleGetAllObstaclesOnPos(hex, false);
if(hex != ESiegeHex::GATE_BRIDGE || (battleIsGatePassable()))
for(const auto & obst : obstacles)
if(obst->obstacleType == CObstacleInstance::MOAT)
pathHasMoat |= true;
return checkNeeded && ( (checkWall && pathHasWall) || (checkMoat && pathHasMoat) );
bool CBattleInfoCallback::battleHasWallPenalty(const IBonusBearer * shooter, BattleHex shooterPosition, BattleHex destHex) const
return false;
@ -184,26 +205,9 @@ bool CBattleInfoCallback::battleHasWallPenalty(const IBonusBearer * shooter, Bat
if(shooter->hasBonus(selectorNoWallPenalty, cachingStrNoWallPenalty))
return false;
const int wallInStackLine = lineToWallHex(shooterPosition.getY());
const bool shooterOutsideWalls = shooterPosition < wallInStackLine;
const auto shooterOutsideWalls = shooterPosition < lineToWallHex(shooterPosition.getY());
return shooterOutsideWalls && needWallPenalty(shooterPosition, destHex);
si8 CBattleInfoCallback::battleCanTeleportTo(const battle::Unit * stack, BattleHex destHex, int telportLevel) const
if (!getAccesibility(stack).accessible(destHex, stack))
return false;
const ui8 siegeLevel = battleGetSiegeLevel();
//check for wall
//advanced teleport can pass wall of fort|citadel, expert - of castle
if ((siegeLevel > CGTownInstance::NONE && telportLevel < 2) || (siegeLevel >= CGTownInstance::CASTLE && telportLevel < 3))
return sameSideOfWall(stack->getPosition(), destHex);
return true;
return shooterOutsideWalls && battleHasPenaltyOnLine(shooterPosition, destHex, true, false);
std::vector<PossiblePlayerBattleAction> CBattleInfoCallback::getClientActionsForStack(const CStack * stack, const BattleClientInterfaceData & data)
@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ public:
DamageEstimation battleEstimateDamage(const battle::Unit * attacker, const battle::Unit * defender, BattleHex attackerPosition, DamageEstimation * retaliationDmg = nullptr) const;
DamageEstimation battleEstimateDamage(const battle::Unit * attacker, const battle::Unit * defender, int movementDistance, DamageEstimation * retaliationDmg = nullptr) const;
bool battleHasPenaltyOnLine(BattleHex from, BattleHex dest, bool checkWall, bool checkMoat) const;
bool battleHasDistancePenalty(const IBonusBearer * shooter, BattleHex shooterPosition, BattleHex destHex) const;
bool battleHasWallPenalty(const IBonusBearer * shooter, BattleHex shooterPosition, BattleHex destHex) const;
bool battleHasShootingPenalty(const battle::Unit * shooter, BattleHex destHex) const;
@ -120,7 +121,6 @@ public:
SpellID getRandomBeneficialSpell(CRandomGenerator & rand, const CStack * subject) const;
SpellID getRandomCastedSpell(CRandomGenerator & rand, const CStack * caster) const; //called at the beginning of turn for Faerie Dragon
si8 battleCanTeleportTo(const battle::Unit * stack, BattleHex destHex, int telportLevel) const; //checks if teleportation of given stack to given position can take place
std::vector<PossiblePlayerBattleAction> getClientActionsForStack(const CStack * stack, const BattleClientInterfaceData & data);
PossiblePlayerBattleAction getCasterAction(const CSpell * spell, const spells::Caster * caster, spells::Mode mode) const;
@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include "../ISpellMechanics.h"
#include "../../NetPacks.h"
#include "../../battle/CBattleInfoCallback.h"
#include "../../serializer/JsonSerializeFormat.h"
#include "../../battle/Unit.h"
@ -45,39 +46,34 @@ void Teleport::adjustTargetTypes(std::vector<TargetType> & types) const
bool Teleport::applicable(Problem & problem, const Mechanics * m) const
bool Teleport::applicable(Problem & problem, const Mechanics * m, const EffectTarget & target) const
return UnitEffect::applicable(problem, m);
if(target.size() == 1) //Assume, this is check only for selecting a unit
return UnitEffect::applicable(problem, m);
if(target.size() != 2)
return m->adaptProblem(ESpellCastProblem::WRONG_SPELL_TARGET, problem);
const auto *targetUnit = target[0].unitValue;
const auto & targetHex = target[1].hexValue;
return m->adaptProblem(ESpellCastProblem::WRONG_SPELL_TARGET, problem);
if(!targetHex.isValid() || !m->battle()->getAccesibility(targetUnit).accessible(targetHex, targetUnit))
return m->adaptProblem(ESpellCastProblem::WRONG_SPELL_TARGET, problem);
if(m->battle()->battleGetSiegeLevel() && !(isWallPassable && isMoatPassable))
return !m->battle()->battleHasPenaltyOnLine(target[0].hexValue, target[1].hexValue, !isWallPassable, !isMoatPassable);
return true;
void Teleport::apply(ServerCallback * server, const Mechanics * m, const EffectTarget & target) const
if(target.size() != 2)
server->complain("Teleport requires 2 destinations.");
const auto *targetUnit = target[0].unitValue;
if(nullptr == targetUnit)
server->complain("No unit to teleport");
const BattleHex destination = target[1].hexValue;
server->complain("Invalid teleport destination");
//TODO: move here all teleport checks
if(!m->battle()->battleCanTeleportTo(targetUnit, destination, m->getEffectLevel()))
server->complain("Forbidden teleport.");
const auto destination = target[1].hexValue;
BattleStackMoved pack;
pack.distance = 0;
@ -91,7 +87,8 @@ void Teleport::apply(ServerCallback * server, const Mechanics * m, const EffectT
void Teleport::serializeJsonUnitEffect(JsonSerializeFormat & handler)
//TODO: teleport options
handler.serializeBool("isWallPassable", isWallPassable);
handler.serializeBool("isMoatPassable", isMoatPassable);
EffectTarget Teleport::transformTarget(const Mechanics * m, const Target & aimPoint, const Target & spellTarget) const
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class Teleport : public UnitEffect
void adjustTargetTypes(std::vector<TargetType> & types) const override;
bool applicable(Problem & problem, const Mechanics * m) const override;
bool applicable(Problem & problem, const Mechanics * m, const EffectTarget & target) const override;
void apply(ServerCallback * server, const Mechanics * m, const EffectTarget & target) const override;
@ -34,6 +34,10 @@ public:
void serializeJsonUnitEffect(JsonSerializeFormat & handler) override;
bool isWallPassable;
bool isMoatPassable;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user