diff --git a/Mods/vcmi/config/vcmi/english.json b/Mods/vcmi/config/vcmi/english.json index 73c45007f..f7ded1cae 100644 --- a/Mods/vcmi/config/vcmi/english.json +++ b/Mods/vcmi/config/vcmi/english.json @@ -132,6 +132,7 @@ "vcmi.lobby.pvp.randomTown.help" : "Write a random city in the chat", "vcmi.lobby.pvp.randomTownVs.hover" : "Random town vs.", "vcmi.lobby.pvp.randomTownVs.help" : "Write two random cities in the chat", + "vcmi.lobby.pvp.versus" : "vs.", "vcmi.client.errors.invalidMap" : "{Invalid map or campaign}\n\nFailed to start game! Selected map or campaign might be invalid or corrupted. Reason:\n%s", "vcmi.client.errors.missingCampaigns" : "{Missing data files}\n\nCampaigns data files were not found! You may be using incomplete or corrupted Heroes 3 data files. Please reinstall game data.", @@ -260,8 +261,6 @@ "vcmi.battleResultsWindow.applyResultsLabel" : "Accept battle result?", - "vcmi.chat.versus" : "vs.", - "vcmi.tutorialWindow.title" : "Touchscreen Introduction", "vcmi.tutorialWindow.decription.RightClick" : "Touch and hold the element on which you want to right-click. Touch the free area to close.", "vcmi.tutorialWindow.decription.MapPanning" : "Touch and drag with one finger to move the map.", diff --git a/client/lobby/CSelectionBase.cpp b/client/lobby/CSelectionBase.cpp index 2637f0636..ca6e02e64 100644 --- a/client/lobby/CSelectionBase.cpp +++ b/client/lobby/CSelectionBase.cpp @@ -488,6 +488,8 @@ void FactionSelector::updateListItems() auto getImageIndex = [](FactionID factionID, bool enabled){ return (*CGI->townh)[factionID]->town->clientInfo.icons[true][!enabled] + 2; }; towns[factionID] = std::make_shared(AnimationPath::builtin("ITPA"), getImageIndex(factionID, townsEnabled[factionID]), 0, x_offset + 48 * x, 32 * (y - line)); townsArea[factionID] = std::make_shared(Rect(x_offset + 48 * x, 32 * (y - line), 48, 32), [this, getImageIndex, factionID](){ + if(CSH->isGuest()) + return; townsEnabled[factionID] = !townsEnabled[factionID]; towns[factionID]->setFrame(getImageIndex(factionID, townsEnabled[factionID])); redraw(); diff --git a/server/NetPacksLobbyServer.cpp b/server/NetPacksLobbyServer.cpp index ea64b114e..1f30e66e9 100644 --- a/server/NetPacksLobbyServer.cpp +++ b/server/NetPacksLobbyServer.cpp @@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ void ApplyOnServerNetPackVisitor::visitLobbyPvPAction(LobbyPvPAction & pack) break; case LobbyPvPAction::RANDOM_TOWN_VS: if(allowedTowns.size()) - srv.announceTxt("~~core.overview.3~~ - ~~" + VLC->townh->getById(randomFaction1[0])->getNameTextID() + "~~ ~~vcmi.chat.versus~~ ~~" + VLC->townh->getById(randomFaction2[0])->getNameTextID() + "~~"); + srv.announceTxt("~~core.overview.3~~ - ~~" + VLC->townh->getById(randomFaction1[0])->getNameTextID() + "~~ ~~vcmi.lobby.pvp.versus~~ ~~" + VLC->townh->getById(randomFaction2[0])->getNameTextID() + "~~"); break; } result = true;