mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 13:01:33 +02:00
- added missing sounds for commanders and sharpshooters (#524) - minor fixes
This commit is contained in:
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ void CMeleeAttackAnimation::endAnim()
bool CMovementAnimation::init()
if( !isEarliest(false) )
if( !isEarliest(false) )
return false;
//a few useful variables
@ -428,8 +428,13 @@ bool CMovementAnimation::init()
//unit reversed
// if(owner->moveSh <= 0)
// owner->moveSh = CCS->soundh->playSound(battle_sound(movedStack->getCreature(), move), -1);
if(owner->moveSh >= 0)
owner->moveSh = -1;
owner->moveSh = CCS->soundh->playSound(battle_sound(movedStack->getCreature(), move), -1);
tlog1<< "Playing sound " << owner->moveSh << "\n";
//step shift calculation
posX = myAnim()->pos.x, posY = myAnim()->pos.y; // for precise calculations ;]
@ -531,7 +536,6 @@ void CMovementAnimation::endAnim()
owner->addNewAnim(new CMovementEndAnimation(owner, stack, nextHex));
if(owner->moveSh >= 0)
@ -564,6 +564,10 @@ void CBattleInterface::show(SDL_Surface * to)
CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(cellBorders, NULL, to, &pos);
//Blit absolute obstacles
BOOST_FOREACH(const CObstacleInstance &oi, curInt->cb->battleGetAllObstacles())
if(oi.obstacleType == CObstacleInstance::ABSOLUTE_OBSTACLE)
blitAt(imageOfObstacle(oi), pos.x + oi.getInfo().width, pos.y + oi.getInfo().height, to);
//printing hovered cell
for(int b=0; b<GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE; ++b)
@ -992,6 +992,15 @@
"move": "SHDMMOVE.wav",
"wince": "SHDMWNCE.wav"
"name": "Sharpshooter",
"attack": "HCRSATTK.wav",
"defend": "HCRSDFND.wav",
"killed": "HCRSKILL.wav",
"move": "HCRSMOVE.wav",
"shoot": "HCRSSHOT.wav",
"wince": "HCRSWNCE.wav"
"name": "Skeleton",
"attack": "SKELATTK.wav",
@ -1197,57 +1206,125 @@
"killed": "ZMBLKILL.wav",
"move": "ZMBLMOVE.wav",
"wince": "ZMBLWNCE.wav"
// Commanders
"name": "AstralSpirit1",
"attack": "GENIATTK.wav",
"defend": "GENIDFND.wav",
"killed": "GENIKILL.wav",
"move": "GENIMOVE.wav",
"wince": "GENIWNCE.wav"
"name": "Shaman1",
"attack": "AMAGATTK.wav",
"defend": "AMAGDFND.wav",
"killed": "AMAGKILL.wav",
"move": "AMAGMOVE.wav",
"shoot": "AMAGSHOT.wav",
"wince": "AMAGWNCE.wav"
"name": "OgreLeader1",
"attack": "TRLLATTK.wav",
"defend": "TRLLDFND.wav",
"killed": "TRLLKILL.wav",
"move": "TRLLMOVE.wav",
"wince": "TRLLWNCE.wav"
"name": "Brute1",
"attack": "PFOEATTK.wav",
"defend": "PFOEDFND.wav",
"killed": "PFOEKILL.wav",
"move": "PFOEMOVE.wav",
"wince": "PFOEWNCE.wav"
"name": "SoulEater1",
"attack": "GNOLATTK.wav",
"defend": "GNOLDFND.wav",
"killed": "GNOLKILL.wav",
"move": "GNOLMOVE.wav",
"wince": "GNOLWNCE.wav"
"name": "Succubus1",
"attack": "SGRGATTK.wav",
"defend": "SGRGDFND.wav",
"killed": "SGRGKILL.wav",
"move": "SGRGMOVE.wav",
"wince": "SGRGWNCE.wav"
"name": "TempleGuardian1",
"attack": "LICHATTK.wav",
"defend": "LICHDFND.wav",
"killed": "LICHKILL.wav",
"move": "LICHMOVE.wav",
"shoot": "LICHSHOT.wav",
"wince": "LICHWNCE.wav",
"ext1": "LICHATK2.wav"
"name": "Hierophant1",
"attack": "MONKATTK.wav",
"defend": "MONKDFND.wav",
"killed": "MONKKILL.wav",
"move": "MONKMOVE.wav",
"shoot": "MONKSHOT.wav",
"wince": "MONKWNCE.wav"
"name": "Paladin1",
"attack": "CRUSATTK.wav",
"defend": "CRUSDFND.wav",
"killed": "CRUSKILL.wav",
"move": "CRUSMOVE.wav",
"wince": "CRUSWNCE.wav"
// For future reference. Creatures from WoG.
// 137 Sharpshooter
// 149 ArrowTower
// 150 SupremeArchangel
// 151 DiamondDragon
// 152 LordofThunder
// 153 HellBaron
// 154 BloodDragon
// 155 DarknessDragon
// 156 GhostBehemoth
// 157 HellHydra
// 158 SacredPhoenix
// 159 Ghost
// 160 God1War
// 161 God2Peace
// 162 God3Mana
// 163 God4Lore
// 164 MinotaurKing
// 165 MineralElemental
// 166 ElectricityElemental
// 167 AncientBasilisk
// 168 Gorynych
// 169 WarZealot
// 170 Myriad
// 171 MedusaMatriarch
// 172 Nightmare
// 173 SantaGremlin
// 174 Paladin1
// 175 Hierophant1
// 176 TempleGuardian1
// 177 Succubus1
// 178 SoulEater1
// 179 Brute1
// 180 OgreLeader1
// 181 Shaman1
// 182 AstralSpirit1
// 183 Paladin2
// 184 Hierophant2
// 185 TempleGuardian2
// 186 Succubus2
// 187 SoulEater2
// 188 Brute2
// 189 OgreLeader2
// 190 Shaman2
// 191 AstralSpirit2
// 192 SylvanCentaur
// 193 Sorceress
// 194 Werewolf
// 195 HellSteed
// 196 Dracolich
// For future reference. Creatures from WoG and their sound prefixes.
//aagl ZM150Z.def SupremeArchangel
//godr ZM151Z.def DiamondDragon
//gtit ZM152Z.def LordofThunder
//advl ZM153Z.def HellBaron
//ghdr ZM154Z.def BloodDragon
//bkdr ZM155Z.def DarknessDragon
//bmth ZM156Z.def GhostBehemoth
//chyd ZM157Z.def HellHydra
//phoe ZM158Z.def SacredPhoenix
//wrth ZM159G.def Ghost
//aagl ZM160G.def God1War
//aagl ZM161G.def God2Peace
//aagl ZM162G.def God3Mana
//aagl ZM163G.def God4Lore
//sglm ZM164GD.def MinotaurKing
//sglm ZM165GD.def MineralElemental
//sglm ZM166GD.def ElectricityElemental
//sglm ZM167GD.def AncientBasilisk
//bkdr ZM168DG.def Gorynych
//zelt ZM169ZL.def WarZealot
//hcrs ZM170SW.def Myriad
//hcrs ZM171SR.def MedusaMatriarch
//bgor ZM172N.def Nightmare
//aagl ZM173M.def SantaGremlin
//crus ZM174NPC.def Paladin2
//monk ZM175NPC.def Hierophant2
//lich ZM176NPC.def TempleGuardian2
//sgrg ZM177NPC.def Succubus2
//gnol ZM178NPC.def SoulEater2
///pfoe ZM179NPC.def Brute2
//trll ZM180NPC.def OgreLeader2
//amag ZM181NPC.def Shaman2
//geni ZM182NPC.def AstralSpirit2
//ecnt ZM192Z.def SylvanCentaur
//monk ZM193Z.def Sorceress
//monk ZM194Z.def Werewolf
//bgor ZM195Z.def HellSteed
//ghdr ZM196Z.def Dracolich
@ -1465,6 +1465,7 @@
"level": 3,
"name": [ "Mummy" ],
"faction": -1,
"ability_add": [ [ "UNDEAD", 0, 0, 0 ] ],
"defname": "CMUMMY.DEF"
@ -1771,7 +1772,7 @@
[ "SPELLCASTER", 3, 27, 0 ] ], //expert shield
"defname": "ZM175NPC.DEF",
"projectile_defname": "PLCBOWX.DEF"
"projectile_defname": "CPRZEAX.DEF"
Reference in New Issue
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