Leveling up commander skills seems to be working. Optimized some png's to decrease size
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 97 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 65 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 94 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 88 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 92 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 86 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 89 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 82 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 22 KiB After Width: | Height: | Size: 20 KiB |
@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
"images" :
{ "frame" : 0, "file" : "switch-mode-normal.png"},
{ "frame" : 0, "file" : "switch-mode-pressed.png"}
{ "frame" : 1, "file" : "switch-mode-pressed.png"}
@ -30,6 +30,42 @@ class CSelectableSkill;
struct StackWindowInfo
// helper structs
struct CommanderLevelInfo
std::vector<ui32> skills;
std::function<void(ui32)> callback;
struct StackDismissInfo
std::function<void()> callback;
struct StackUpgradeInfo
UpgradeInfo info;
std::function<void(CreatureID)> callback;
// pointers to permament objects in game state
const CCreature * creature;
const CCommanderInstance * commander;
const CStackInstance * stackNode;
const CGHeroInstance * owner;
// temporary objects which should be kept as copy if needed
boost::optional<CommanderLevelInfo> levelupInfo;
boost::optional<StackDismissInfo> dismissInfo;
boost::optional<StackUpgradeInfo> upgradeInfo;
// misc fields
unsigned int creatureCount;
bool popupWindow;
namespace EStat
@ -101,29 +137,29 @@ void CStackWindow::CWindowSection::createStackInfo(bool showExp, bool showArt)
new CCreaturePic(5, 41, parent->info.creature);
new CCreaturePic(5, 41, parent->info->creature);
std::string visibleName;
if (parent->info.commander != nullptr)
visibleName = parent->info.commander->type->nameSing;
if (parent->info->commander != nullptr)
visibleName = parent->info->commander->type->nameSing;
visibleName = parent->info.creature->namePl;
visibleName = parent->info->creature->namePl;
new CLabel(215, 12, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::YELLOW, visibleName);
int dmgMultiply = 1;
if(parent->info.owner && parent->info.stackNode->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SIEGE_WEAPON))
dmgMultiply += parent->info.owner->Attack();
if(parent->info->owner && parent->info->stackNode->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SIEGE_WEAPON))
dmgMultiply += parent->info->owner->Attack();
new CPicture("stackWindow/icons", 117, 32);
printStatBase(EStat::ATTACK, CGI->generaltexth->primarySkillNames[0], parent->info.creature->valOfBonuses(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, PrimarySkill::ATTACK), parent->info.stackNode->Attack());
printStatBase(EStat::DEFENCE, CGI->generaltexth->primarySkillNames[1], parent->info.creature->valOfBonuses(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, PrimarySkill::DEFENSE), parent->info.stackNode->Defense());
printStatRange(EStat::DAMAGE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[199], parent->info.stackNode->getMinDamage() * dmgMultiply, parent->info.stackNode->getMaxDamage() * dmgMultiply);
printStatBase(EStat::HEALTH, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[388], parent->info.creature->valOfBonuses(Bonus::STACK_HEALTH), parent->info.stackNode->valOfBonuses(Bonus::STACK_HEALTH));
printStatBase(EStat::SPEED, CGI->generaltexth->zelp[441].first, parent->info.creature->Speed(), parent->info.stackNode->Speed());
printStatBase(EStat::ATTACK, CGI->generaltexth->primarySkillNames[0], parent->info->creature->valOfBonuses(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, PrimarySkill::ATTACK), parent->info->stackNode->Attack());
printStatBase(EStat::DEFENCE, CGI->generaltexth->primarySkillNames[1], parent->info->creature->valOfBonuses(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, PrimarySkill::DEFENSE), parent->info->stackNode->Defense());
printStatRange(EStat::DAMAGE, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[199], parent->info->stackNode->getMinDamage() * dmgMultiply, parent->info->stackNode->getMaxDamage() * dmgMultiply);
printStatBase(EStat::HEALTH, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[388], parent->info->creature->valOfBonuses(Bonus::STACK_HEALTH), parent->info->stackNode->valOfBonuses(Bonus::STACK_HEALTH));
printStatBase(EStat::SPEED, CGI->generaltexth->zelp[441].first, parent->info->creature->Speed(), parent->info->stackNode->Speed());
const CStack * battleStack = dynamic_cast<const CStack*>(parent->info.stackNode);
bool shooter = parent->info.stackNode->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SHOOTER) && parent->info.stackNode->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SHOTS);
bool caster = parent->info.stackNode->valOfBonuses(Bonus::CASTS);
const CStack * battleStack = dynamic_cast<const CStack*>(parent->info->stackNode);
bool shooter = parent->info->stackNode->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SHOOTER) && parent->info->stackNode->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SHOTS);
bool caster = parent->info->stackNode->valOfBonuses(Bonus::CASTS);
if (battleStack != nullptr) // in battle
@ -136,15 +172,15 @@ void CStackWindow::CWindowSection::createStackInfo(bool showExp, bool showArt)
if (shooter)
printStat(EStat::SHOTS, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[198], parent->info.stackNode->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SHOTS));
printStat(EStat::SHOTS, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[198], parent->info->stackNode->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SHOTS));
if (caster)
printStat(EStat::MANA, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[399], parent->info.stackNode->valOfBonuses(Bonus::CASTS));
printStat(EStat::MANA, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[399], parent->info->stackNode->valOfBonuses(Bonus::CASTS));
auto morale = new MoraleLuckBox(true, genRect(42, 42, 321, 110));
auto luck = new MoraleLuckBox(false, genRect(42, 42, 375, 110));
void CStackWindow::CWindowSection::createActiveSpells()
@ -155,7 +191,7 @@ void CStackWindow::CWindowSection::createActiveSpells()
const CStack * battleStack = dynamic_cast<const CStack*>(parent->info.stackNode);
const CStack * battleStack = dynamic_cast<const CStack*>(parent->info->stackNode);
assert(battleStack); // Section should be created only for battles
@ -191,48 +227,54 @@ void CStackWindow::CWindowSection::createCommanderSection()
delete obj;
new CTabbedInt(onCreate, onDestroy, Point(0,0), 0);
parent->commanderTab = new CTabbedInt(onCreate, onDestroy, Point(0,0), 0);
pos.w = parent->pos.w;
pos.h = 177; //fixed height
static std::string skillToFile (int skill, int level, bool canUpgrade, bool selected)
static std::string skillToFile (int skill, int level, bool selected)
std::string file = "zvs/Lib1.res/_";
switch (skill)
case ECommander::ATTACK:
file += "AT";
case ECommander::DEFENSE:
file += "DF";
case ECommander::HEALTH:
file += "HP";
case ECommander::DAMAGE:
file += "DM";
case ECommander::SPEED:
file += "SP";
case ECommander::SPELL_POWER:
file += "MP";
std::string sufix = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>((int)level);
if (selected)
sufix += "="; //level-up highlight
else if (canUpgrade && level == 0)
sufix = "no"; //not avaliable - no number
// FIXME: is this a correct hadling?
// level 0 = skill not present, use image with "no" suffix
// level 1-5 = skill available, mapped to images indexed as 0-4
// selecting skill means that it will appear one level higher (as if alredy upgraded)
std::string file = "zvs/Lib1.res/_";
switch (skill)
case ECommander::ATTACK:
file += "AT";
case ECommander::DEFENSE:
file += "DF";
case ECommander::HEALTH:
file += "HP";
case ECommander::DAMAGE:
file += "DM";
case ECommander::SPEED:
file += "SP";
case ECommander::SPELL_POWER:
file += "MP";
std::string sufix;
if (selected)
level++; // UI will display resulting level
if (level == 0)
sufix = "no"; //not avaliable - no number
sufix = boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(level-1);
if (selected)
sufix += "="; //level-up highlight
file += sufix + ".bmp";
return file;
return file + sufix + ".bmp";
void CStackWindow::CWindowSection::createCommander()
@ -241,45 +283,47 @@ void CStackWindow::CWindowSection::createCommander()
return Point(10 + 80 * (index%3), 20 + 80 * (index/3));
for (int i = ECommander::ATTACK; i <= ECommander::SPELL_POWER; ++i)
auto getSkillImage = [this](int skillIndex) -> std::string
bool haveSkill = parent->info.commander->secondarySkills[i] != 0;
bool canLevel = parent->info.levelupInfo && vstd::contains(parent->info.levelupInfo->skills, i);
bool selected = ((parent->selectedSkill == skillIndex) && parent->info->levelupInfo );
return skillToFile(skillIndex, parent->info->commander->secondarySkills[skillIndex], selected);
Point skillPos = getSkillPos(i);
if (canLevel)
new CPicture(skillToFile(i, parent->info.commander->secondarySkills[i], true, false), skillPos.x, skillPos.y);
if (haveSkill && !canLevel)
new CPicture(skillToFile(i, parent->info.commander->secondarySkills[i], false, false), skillPos.x, skillPos.y);
bool createAbilities = false;
if (parent->info.levelupInfo)
for (int index = ECommander::ATTACK; index <= ECommander::SPELL_POWER; ++index)
for (auto option : parent->info.levelupInfo->skills)
Point skillPos = getSkillPos(index);
auto icon = new CClickableObject(new CPicture(getSkillImage(index), skillPos.x, skillPos.y), [=]{});
if (parent->selectedSkill == index)
parent->selectedIcon = icon;
if (parent->info->levelupInfo && vstd::contains(parent->info->levelupInfo->skills, index)) // can be upgraded - enable selection switch
if (option < 100)
icon->callback = [=]
auto selectableSkill = new CStackWindow::CSelectableSkill();
int oldSelection = parent->selectedSkill; // update selection
parent->selectedSkill = index;
if (option == parent->selectedSkill)
selectedIcon = selectableSkill;
if (parent->selectedIcon) // recreate image on old selection
parent->selectedIcon->setObject(new CPicture(getSkillImage(oldSelection)));
selectableSkill->callback = std::bind(parent->info.levelupInfo->callback, option);
selectableSkill->pos = Rect(getSkillPos(option), Point(70, 70)); //resize
createAbilities = true;
parent->selectedIcon = icon; // update new selection
icon->setObject(new CPicture(getSkillImage(index)));
void CStackWindow::CWindowSection::createCommanderAbilities()
for (auto option : parent->info.levelupInfo->skills)
for (auto option : parent->info->levelupInfo->skills)
if (option >= 100) // this is an ability
selectableSkill->pos = Rect (95, 256, 55, 55); //TODO: scroll
const Bonus *b = CGI->creh->skillRequirements[option-100].first;
@ -316,11 +360,11 @@ void CStackWindow::CWindowSection::createButtonPanel()
if (parent->info.dismissInfo)
if (parent->info->dismissInfo)
auto onDismiss = [=]()
auto onClick = [=] ()
@ -329,18 +373,18 @@ void CStackWindow::CWindowSection::createButtonPanel()
new CAdventureMapButton(CGI->generaltexth->zelp[445], onClick, 5, 5,"IVIEWCR2.DEF",SDLK_d);
if (parent->info.upgradeInfo)
if (parent->info->upgradeInfo)
// used space overlaps with commander switch button
// besides - should commander really be upgradeable?
StackWindowInfo::StackUpgradeInfo & upgradeInfo = parent->info.upgradeInfo.get();
StackWindowInfo::StackUpgradeInfo & upgradeInfo = parent->info->upgradeInfo.get();
size_t buttonsToCreate = std::min<size_t>(upgradeInfo.info.newID.size(), 3); // no more than 3 windows on UI - space limit
for (size_t i=0; i<buttonsToCreate; i++)
TResources totalCost = upgradeInfo.info.cost[i] * parent->info.creatureCount;
TResources totalCost = upgradeInfo.info.cost[i] * parent->info->creatureCount;
auto onUpgrade = [=]()
@ -365,17 +409,35 @@ void CStackWindow::CWindowSection::createButtonPanel()
if (parent->info.commander)
if (parent->info->commander)
//TODO: replace with 3 buttons, using upgrade button as base + sec skill image:
// 0) Switch to commander skills: Basic Offence
// 1) Switch to upgradable skills: Advanced mysticism (level-up only)
// 2) Switch to bonuses view: Basic Sorcery
auto onSwitch = [=]()
bool createAbilitiesTab = false;
if (parent->info->levelupInfo)
parent->commanderTab->setActive(parent->activeTab == 0 ? 1 : 0);
new CAdventureMapButton(std::make_pair("switch to commander", "help box"), onSwitch, 280, 5, "stackWindow/commanderToggle", SDLK_TAB);
for (auto option : parent->info->levelupInfo->skills)
if (option >= 100)
createAbilitiesTab = true;
for (size_t i=0; i<3; i++)
auto onSwitch = [&, i]()
parent->redraw(); // FIXME: enable/disable don't redraw screen themselves
parent->switchButtons[i] = new CAdventureMapButton(std::make_pair("",""), onSwitch, 262 + i*40, 5, "stackWindow/upgradeButton", SDLK_1 + i);
parent->switchButtons[i]->addOverlay(new CAnimImage("stackWindow/switchModeIcons", i));
if (!createAbilitiesTab)
auto exitBtn = new CAdventureMapButton(CGI->generaltexth->zelp[445], [=]{ parent->close(); }, 382, 5, "hsbtns.def", SDLK_RETURN);
@ -387,7 +449,24 @@ CStackWindow::CWindowSection::CWindowSection(CStackWindow * parent):
void CStackWindow::CSelectableSkill::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState)
CClickableObject::CClickableObject(CIntObject *object, std::function<void()> callback):
pos = object->pos;
void CClickableObject::setObject(CIntObject *newObject)
delete object;
object = newObject;
void CClickableObject::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState)
if (down)
@ -427,7 +506,7 @@ CIntObject * CStackWindow::switchTab(size_t index)
activeTab = 0;
auto ret = new CWindowSection(this);
return ret;
case 1:
@ -456,28 +535,28 @@ void CStackWindow::initSections()
CWindowSection * currentSection;
bool showArt = CGI->modh->modules.STACK_ARTIFACT && info.commander == nullptr;
bool showExp = CGI->modh->modules.STACK_EXP || info.commander != nullptr;
bool showArt = CGI->modh->modules.STACK_ARTIFACT && info->commander == nullptr;
bool showExp = CGI->modh->modules.STACK_EXP || info->commander != nullptr;
currentSection = new CWindowSection(this);
currentSection->createStackInfo(showExp, showArt);
pos.w = currentSection->pos.w;
pos.h += currentSection->pos.h;
if (dynamic_cast<const CStack*>(info.stackNode)) // in battle
if (dynamic_cast<const CStack*>(info->stackNode)) // in battle
currentSection = new CWindowSection(this);
currentSection->pos.y += pos.h;
pos.h += currentSection->pos.h;
if (info.commander)
if (info->commander)
currentSection = new CWindowSection(this);
currentSection->pos.y += pos.h;
pos.h += currentSection->pos.h;
if (!info.commander && !activeBonuses.empty())
if (!info->commander && !activeBonuses.empty())
currentSection = new CWindowSection(this);
currentSection->pos.y += pos.h;
@ -485,12 +564,13 @@ void CStackWindow::initSections()
pos.h += currentSection->pos.h;
if (!info.popupWindow)
if (!info->popupWindow)
currentSection = new CWindowSection(this);
currentSection->pos.y += pos.h;
pos.h += currentSection->pos.h;
//FIXME: add status bar to image?
pos = center(pos);
@ -499,7 +579,7 @@ void CStackWindow::initSections()
void CStackWindow::initBonusesList()
BonusList output, input;
input = *(info.stackNode->getBonuses(Selector::durationType(Bonus::PERMANENT).And(Selector::anyRange())));
input = *(info->stackNode->getBonuses(Selector::durationType(Bonus::PERMANENT).And(Selector::anyRange())));
while (!input.empty())
@ -513,8 +593,8 @@ void CStackWindow::initBonusesList()
BonusInfo bonusInfo;
for(Bonus* b : output)
bonusInfo.name = info.stackNode->bonusToString(b, false);
bonusInfo.imagePath = info.stackNode->bonusToGraphics(b);
bonusInfo.name = info->stackNode->bonusToString(b, false);
bonusInfo.imagePath = info->stackNode->bonusToGraphics(b);
//if it's possible to give any description or image for this kind of bonus
//TODO: figure out why half of bonuses don't have proper description
@ -523,7 +603,7 @@ void CStackWindow::initBonusesList()
//handle Magic resistance separately :/
int magicResistance = info.stackNode->magicResistance();
int magicResistance = info->stackNode->magicResistance();
if (magicResistance)
@ -531,9 +611,9 @@ void CStackWindow::initBonusesList()
Bonus b;
b.type = Bonus::MAGIC_RESISTANCE;
bonusInfo.name = VLC->getBth()->bonusToString(&b, info.stackNode, false);
bonusInfo.description = VLC->getBth()->bonusToString(&b, info.stackNode, true);
bonusInfo.imagePath = info.stackNode->bonusToGraphics(&b);
bonusInfo.name = VLC->getBth()->bonusToString(&b, info->stackNode, false);
bonusInfo.description = VLC->getBth()->bonusToString(&b, info->stackNode, true);
bonusInfo.imagePath = info->stackNode->bonusToGraphics(&b);
@ -542,8 +622,8 @@ void CStackWindow::init()
selectedIcon = nullptr;
selectedSkill = 0;
if (info.levelupInfo)
selectedSkill = info.levelupInfo->skills.front();
if (info->levelupInfo)
selectedSkill = info->levelupInfo->skills.front();
commanderTab = nullptr;
activeTab = 0;
@ -555,64 +635,80 @@ void CStackWindow::init()
CStackWindow::CStackWindow(const CStack * stack, bool popup):
CWindowObject(BORDERED | (popup ? RCLICK_POPUP : 0))
info.stackNode = stack->base;
info.creature = stack->type;
info.creatureCount = stack->count;
info.popupWindow = popup;
info->stackNode = stack->base;
info->creature = stack->type;
info->creatureCount = stack->count;
info->popupWindow = popup;
CStackWindow::CStackWindow(const CCreature * creature, bool popup):
CWindowObject(BORDERED | (popup ? RCLICK_POPUP : 0))
CWindowObject(BORDERED | (popup ? RCLICK_POPUP : 0)),
info(new StackWindowInfo())
info.stackNode = new CStackInstance(creature, 1); // FIXME: free data
info.creature = creature;
info.popupWindow = popup;
info->stackNode = new CStackInstance(creature, 1); // FIXME: free data
info->creature = creature;
info->popupWindow = popup;
CStackWindow::CStackWindow(const CStackInstance * stack, bool popup):
CWindowObject(BORDERED | (popup ? RCLICK_POPUP : 0))
CWindowObject(BORDERED | (popup ? RCLICK_POPUP : 0)),
info(new StackWindowInfo())
info.stackNode = stack;
info.creature = stack->type;
info.creatureCount = stack->count;
info.popupWindow = popup;
info->stackNode = stack;
info->creature = stack->type;
info->creatureCount = stack->count;
info->popupWindow = popup;
CStackWindow::CStackWindow(const CStackInstance * stack, std::function<void()> dismiss, const UpgradeInfo & upgradeInfo, std::function<void(CreatureID)> callback):
info(new StackWindowInfo())
info.stackNode = stack;
info.creature = stack->type;
info.creatureCount = stack->count;
info->stackNode = stack;
info->creature = stack->type;
info->creatureCount = stack->count;
info.upgradeInfo = StackWindowInfo::StackUpgradeInfo();
info.dismissInfo = StackWindowInfo::StackDismissInfo();
info.upgradeInfo->info = upgradeInfo;
info.upgradeInfo->callback = callback;
info.dismissInfo->callback = dismiss;
info->upgradeInfo = StackWindowInfo::StackUpgradeInfo();
info->dismissInfo = StackWindowInfo::StackDismissInfo();
info->upgradeInfo->info = upgradeInfo;
info->upgradeInfo->callback = callback;
info->dismissInfo->callback = dismiss;
CStackWindow::CStackWindow(const CCommanderInstance * commander, bool popup):
CWindowObject(BORDERED | (popup ? RCLICK_POPUP : 0))
CWindowObject(BORDERED | (popup ? RCLICK_POPUP : 0)),
info(new StackWindowInfo())
info.stackNode = commander;
info.creature = commander->type;
info.commander = commander;
info.creatureCount = 1;
info.popupWindow = popup;
info->stackNode = commander;
info->creature = commander->type;
info->commander = commander;
info->creatureCount = 1;
info->popupWindow = popup;
CStackWindow::CStackWindow(const CCommanderInstance * commander, std::vector<ui32> &skills, std::function<void(ui32)> callback):
info(new StackWindowInfo())
info.stackNode = commander;
info.creature = commander->type;
info.commander = commander;
info.creatureCount = 1;
info->stackNode = commander;
info->creature = commander->type;
info->commander = commander;
info->creatureCount = 1;
info->levelupInfo = StackWindowInfo::CommanderLevelInfo();
info->levelupInfo->skills = skills;
info->levelupInfo->callback = callback;
if (info->levelupInfo)
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
#include "gui/CIntObjectClasses.h"
#include "../lib/HeroBonus.h"
#include "../lib/CGameState.h"
* CCreatureWindow.h, part of VCMI engine
@ -14,40 +13,24 @@
struct StackWindowInfo
class StackWindowInfo;
class CCommanderInstance;
class CStackInstance;
class CStack;
struct UpgradeInfo;
class CClickableObject : public LRClickableAreaWText
// helper structs
struct CommanderLevelInfo
std::vector<ui32> skills;
std::function<void(ui32)> callback;
struct StackDismissInfo
std::function<void()> callback;
struct StackUpgradeInfo
UpgradeInfo info;
std::function<void(CreatureID)> callback;
CIntObject * object; // passive object that will be used to determine clickable area
CClickableObject(CIntObject * object, std::function<void()> callback);
// pointers to permament objects in game state
const CCreature * creature;
const CCommanderInstance * commander;
const CStackInstance * stackNode;
const CGHeroInstance * owner;
std::function<void()> callback; //TODO: create more generic clickable class than AdvMapButton?
// temporary objects which should be kept as copy if needed
boost::optional<CommanderLevelInfo> levelupInfo;
boost::optional<StackDismissInfo> dismissInfo;
boost::optional<StackUpgradeInfo> upgradeInfo;
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState);
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState){};
// misc fields
unsigned int creatureCount;
bool popupWindow;
void setObject(CIntObject * object);
class CStackWindow : public CWindowObject
@ -59,15 +42,6 @@ class CStackWindow : public CWindowObject
std::string imagePath;
class CSelectableSkill : public LRClickableAreaWText
std::function<void()> callback; //TODO: create more generic clickable class than AdvMapButton?
void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState);
void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState){};
class CWindowSection : public CIntObject
CStackWindow * parent;
@ -94,12 +68,14 @@ class CStackWindow : public CWindowObject
CWindowSection(CStackWindow * parent);
StackWindowInfo info;
std::unique_ptr<StackWindowInfo> info;
std::vector<BonusInfo> activeBonuses;
size_t activeTab;
CTabbedInt * commanderTab;
CSelectableSkill * selectedIcon;
std::map<int, CAdventureMapButton *> switchButtons;
CClickableObject * selectedIcon;
si32 selectedSkill;
CIntObject * createBonusEntry(size_t index);
@ -124,4 +100,6 @@ public:
// for commanders & commander level-up dialog
CStackWindow(const CCommanderInstance * commander, bool popup);
CStackWindow(const CCommanderInstance * commander, std::vector<ui32> &skills, std::function<void(ui32)> callback);
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ void CHeroWindow::commanderWindow()
GH.pushInt(new CStackWindow(curHero->commander, true));
GH.pushInt(new CStackWindow(curHero->commander, false));