mirror of https://github.com/vcmi/vcmi.git synced 2025-03-25 21:38:59 +02:00

różne poprawki, jest ogólnie lepiej

This commit is contained in:
mateuszb 2007-07-09 11:40:39 +00:00
parent 6711c6eed8
commit c027557479
8 changed files with 125 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ void CAmbarCendamo::deh3m()
//allowed hero's abilities have been read
THC std::cout<<"Wczytywanie naglowka: "<<th.getDif()<<std::endl;
THC std::cout<<"Reading header: "<<th.getDif()<<std::endl;
int rumNr = readNormalNr(i,4);i+=4;
for (int it=0;it<rumNr;it++)
@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ void CAmbarCendamo::deh3m()
map.rumors.push_back(ourRumor); //add to our list
THC std::cout<<"Wczytywanie plotek: "<<th.getDif()<<std::endl;
THC std::cout<<"Reading rumors: "<<th.getDif()<<std::endl;
for (int c=0; c<map.width; c++) // reading terrain
@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ void CAmbarCendamo::deh3m()
THC std::cout<<"Wczytywanie terenu: "<<th.getDif()<<std::endl;
THC std::cout<<"Reading terrain: "<<th.getDif()<<std::endl;
int defAmount = bufor[i]; // liczba defow
defAmount = readNormalNr(i);
@ -465,12 +465,12 @@ void CAmbarCendamo::deh3m()
THC std::cout<<"Wczytywanie defow: "<<th.getDif()<<std::endl;
THC std::cout<<"Reading defs: "<<th.getDif()<<std::endl;
////loading objects
int howManyObjs = readNormalNr(i, 4); i+=4;
for(int ww=0; ww<howManyObjs; ++ww) //comment this line to turn loading objects off
std::cout << "object nr "<<ww<<std::endl;
//std::cout << "object nr "<<ww<<std::endl;
CObjectInstance nobj; //we will read this object
nobj.id = CGameInfo::mainObj->objh->objInstances.size();
nobj.x = bufor[i++];

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -20,7 +20,13 @@ void CGeneralTextHandler::load()
loadToIt(cantAddManager, buf, i, 2);
for(int jj=0; jj<764; ++jj)
std::string buflet;
loadToIt(buflet, buf, i, 2);
/*loadToIt(cantAddManager, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(experienceLimitScenarioReached, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(heroExperienceInfo, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(perDay, buf, i, 2);
@ -74,6 +80,90 @@ void CGeneralTextHandler::load()
loadToIt(cannotBuildBoat, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(requires, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(systemUppercase, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(worldMapHelp, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(sureEndTurnHeroMayMove, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(diggingArtifactWholeDay, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(noRoomForArtifact, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(heroUncoveredThe, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(diggingNothing, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(tryLookingOnLand, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(unchartedTerritory, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(month, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(week, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(day, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(enemyViewTip, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(pingInfo, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(sureToRestart, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(sureToStartNewGame, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(sureQuit, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(dimensionDoorFiled, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(chooseBonus, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(ping, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(pingSomething, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(pingEveryone, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(score, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(autosaveUppercase, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(startingHeroB, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(heroSpecialityB, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(associatedCreaturesB, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(townAlignmentB, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(errorSendingDataKeepTrying, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(tooFewPalyersForMultiGame, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(artifactBonusB, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(goldBonusB, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(resourceBonusB, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(randomBonusB, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(fiveHundredToOneThousand, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(armageddonDamages, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(woodOreBonus, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(randomlyChoosenArtifact, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(disruptingRayReducesDefence, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(goldStartingBonus, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(woodOreStartingBonus, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(randomStartingBonus, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(youEliminatedFormGame, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(scoreToHallOfFame, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(trySearchingOnClearGround, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(sendingData, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(receivingData, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(chaosMp2, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(randomHeroB, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(randomStartingHeroInfo, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(randomTownB, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(randomStartingTownInfo, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(somethingSurrendersInfo, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(heroesCDNotFound, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(autosaving, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(playerexitUppercase, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(statusWindowTip, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(border, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(somethingAbsorbsMana, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(somethingsAbsorbMana, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(unableChangeHeroesDirectory, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(unableFindHeoresDataFiles, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(victoryAchievementText, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(somethingsRiseFromDeath, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(somethingRisesFormDeath, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(somethingDiesUnderGaze, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(somethingsDieUnderGaze, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(somethingTakesDefensiveStance, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(somethingsTakeDefensiveStance, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(somethingExp, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(nearestTownOccupied, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(noAvailableTown, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(heroTooTiredSpell, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(townGateCannotBeUsed, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(youHaveNoHeroes, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(heroHasCastSpell, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(requires, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(requires, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(requires, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(requires, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(requires, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(requires, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(requires, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(requires, buf, i, 2);
loadToIt(requires, buf, i, 2);*/

View File

@ -2,15 +2,25 @@
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class CGeneralTextHandler
class CGeneralTextHandler //Handles general texts
std::string cantAddManager, experienceLimitScenarioReached, heroExperienceInfo, perDay, or, somethingVanquished, lastTownLostInfo, heroesAbandonedYou, heroesAbandonedHim;
std::vector<std::string> allTexts;
/*std::string cantAddManager, experienceLimitScenarioReached, heroExperienceInfo, perDay, or, somethingVanquished, lastTownLostInfo, heroesAbandonedYou, heroesAbandonedHim;
std::string couldNotSaveGame, errorOpeningFile, newgameUppercase, sureToDismissArmy, playersTurn, errorReceivingDataKeepTrying, somethingTheSomething, recruit, noRoomInGarrision, numberOFAdventuringHeroes, heroWithoutCreatures;
std::string videoQuality, itemCantBeTraded, sureDismissHero, selectSpellTarget, invalidTeleportDestination, teleportHere, castSomething, castSomethingOnSomething, sureRetreat, notEnoughGold, capturedEnemyArtifact, none;
std::string surrenderProposal, highMoraleNextAttack, lowMoraleFreeze, makeRoomInArmyForSomething, attackSomethingSomethingDamage, shootSomethingOneShootLeftSomethingDamage;
std::string campaignDescription, somethingIsActive, sessionName, userName, creature, creatures, badLuckOnSomething, goodLuckOnSomething, treasure, somethingSomethingsUnderAttack, town, hero, townScreen, cannotBuildBoat, requires, systemUppercase;
std::string worldMapHelp, sureEndTurnHeroMayMove, diggingArtifactWholeDay, noRoomForArtifact, heroUncoveredThe, diggingNothing, tryLookingOnLand, unchartedTerritory;
std::string month, week, day, enemyViewTip, pingInfo, sureToRestart, sureToStartNewGame, sureQuit, dimensionDoorFiled, chooseBonus, ping, pingSomething, pingEveryone, score, autosaveUppercase;
std::string startingHeroB, heroSpecialityB, associatedCreaturesB, townAlignmentB, errorSendingDataKeepTrying, tooFewPalyersForMultiGame, artifactBonusB, goldBonusB, resourceBonusB, randomBonusB;
std::string fiveHundredToOneThousand, armageddonDamages, woodOreBonus, randomlyChoosenArtifact, disruptingRayReducesDefence, goldStartingBonus, woodOreStartingBonus, randomStartingBonus;
std::string youEliminatedFormGame, scoreToHallOfFame, trySearchingOnClearGround, sendingData, receivingData, chaosMp2, randomHeroB, randomStartingHeroInfo, randomTownB, randomStartingTownInfo, somethingSurrendersInfo;
std::string heroesCDNotFound, autosaving, playerexitUppercase, statusWindowTip, border, somethingAbsorbsMana, somethingsAbsorbMana, unableChangeHeroesDirectory, unableFindHeoresDataFiles, victoryAchievementText;
std::string somethingsRiseFromDeath, somethingRisesFormDeath, somethingDiesUnderGaze, somethingsDieUnderGaze, somethingTakesDefensiveStance, somethingsTakeDefensiveStance, somethingExp, nearestTownOccupied, noAvailableTown, heroTooTiredSpell, townGateCannotBeUsed, youHaveNoHeroes, heroHasCastSpell;
std::string doYouWishToSaveSomethingsArmy, problemsWithInputDevices, problemsWithSound, problemsWithMouse, problemsWithWindows, abandonedShipyard, spellFailed, somethingPauses, somethingsPause, somethingLevelSomething, somethingStudiedMagic, learnsSpeced, andSpaced, fromSomethingSpaced;*/
void loadToIt(std::string & dest, std::string & src, int & iter, int mode = 0); //mode 0 - dump to tab, dest to tab, dump to eol //mode 1 - dump to tab, src to eol //mode 2 - copy to tab, dump to eol //mode 3 - copy to eol
void load();

View File

@ -444,7 +444,6 @@ std::vector<CDefHandler *> CLodHandler::extractManyFiles(std::vector<std::string
//std::cout<<"*** Archive: "+FName+" closed\n";
return ret;

View File

@ -247,17 +247,17 @@ int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
// fclose(ko);fclose(zr);
SDL_WM_SetCaption(NAME,""); //set window title
CGameInfo * cgi = new CGameInfo;
CGameInfo * cgi = new CGameInfo; //contains all global informations about game (texts, lodHandlers, map handler itp.)
CGameInfo::mainObj = cgi;
cgi->mush = mush;
THC std::cout<<"Inicjalizacja ekranu, czcionek, obslugi dzwieku: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
THC std::cout<<"Initializing screen, fonts and sound handling: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
cgi->spriteh = new CLodHandler;
cgi->bitmaph = new CLodHandler;
THC std::cout<<"Ladowanie .lodow: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
CPreGame * cpg = new CPreGame();
THC std::cout<<"Razem inicjalizacja CPreGame: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
THC std::cout<<"Loading .lods: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
CPreGame * cpg = new CPreGame(); //main menu and submenus
THC std::cout<<"Initialization CPreGame (together): "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
cpg->mush = mush;
THC tmh.getDif();
@ -315,8 +315,9 @@ int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
cgi->dobjinfo = new CDefObjInfoHandler;
THC std::cout<<"Inicjalizacja wszelakich handlerow: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
THC std::cout<<"Handlers initailization: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
std::string mapname;
CPG->ourScenSel->mapsel.selected = 1;
if (CPG) mapname = CPG->ourScenSel->mapsel.ourMaps[CPG->ourScenSel->mapsel.selected].filename;
gzFile map = gzopen(mapname.c_str(),"rb");
std::string mapstr;int pom;
@ -328,23 +329,23 @@ int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
//CAmbarCendamo * ac = new CAmbarCendamo("4gryf"); //4gryf
CMapHeader * mmhh = new CMapHeader(ac->bufor); //czytanie nag³ówka
cgi->ac = ac;
THC std::cout<<"Wczytywanie pliku: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
THC std::cout<<"Reading file: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
THC std::cout<<"Rozpoznawianie pliku lacznie: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
THC std::cout<<"Detecting file (together): "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
THC std::cout<<"Wczytywanie defow terenu: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
THC std::cout<<"Reading terrain defs: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
CMapHandler * mh = new CMapHandler();
mh->reader = ac;
THC std::cout<<"Stworzenie mapHandlera: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
THC std::cout<<"Creating mapHandler: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
THC std::cout<<"Inicjalizacja mapHandlera: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
THC std::cout<<"Initializing mapHandler: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
//SDL_Rect * sr = new SDL_Rect(); sr->h=64;sr->w=64;sr->x=0;sr->y=0;
SDL_Surface * teren = mh->terrainRect(xx,yy,25,19);
THC std::cout<<"Przygotowanie terenu do wyswietlenia: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
THC std::cout<<"Preparing terrain to display: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
SDL_UpdateRect(ekran, 0, 0, ekran->w, ekran->h);
THC std::cout<<"Wyswietlenie terenu: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
THC std::cout<<"Displaying terrain: "<<tmh.getDif()<<std::endl;
//SDL_Surface * ss = ac->defs[0]->ourImages[0].bitmap;
//SDL_BlitSurface(ss, NULL, ekran, NULL);
@ -523,7 +524,7 @@ int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
printf("Coœ posz³o nie tak: %s/n", SDL_GetError());
printf("Something was wrong: %s/n", SDL_GetError());
return -1;

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
#ifndef _NODRZE_H
#define _NODRZE_H
//don't look here, it's a horrible, partially working implementation of RB trees
#include <iostream>
#include <string>