diff --git a/launcher/startGame/StartGameTab.cpp b/launcher/startGame/StartGameTab.cpp
index e11af4426..2a4cbf077 100644
--- a/launcher/startGame/StartGameTab.cpp
+++ b/launcher/startGame/StartGameTab.cpp
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ void StartGameTab::on_buttonUpdateModsHelp_clicked()
 		"A new version of some of the mods that you have installed is now available in mod repository. "
 		"Use this option to automatically update all your mods to latest version.\n\n"
 		"WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. "
-		"You many want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games."
+		"You may want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games."
 	MessageBoxCustom::information(this, ui->buttonUpdateMods->text(), message);
diff --git a/launcher/translation/chinese.ts b/launcher/translation/chinese.ts
index 9c34920a1..87ad7687c 100644
--- a/launcher/translation/chinese.ts
+++ b/launcher/translation/chinese.ts
@@ -1795,7 +1795,7 @@ Reason: %2</source>
         <location filename="../startGame/StartGameTab.cpp" line="329"/>
         <source>A new version of some of the mods that you have installed is now available in mod repository. Use this option to automatically update all your mods to latest version.
-WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. You many want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games.</source>
+WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. You may want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games.</source>
diff --git a/launcher/translation/czech.ts b/launcher/translation/czech.ts
index 7e78689a3..9cb6358c6 100644
--- a/launcher/translation/czech.ts
+++ b/launcher/translation/czech.ts
@@ -1794,7 +1794,7 @@ Konfigurační soubory pro VCMI (.json)
         <location filename="../startGame/StartGameTab.cpp" line="329"/>
         <source>A new version of some of the mods that you have installed is now available in mod repository. Use this option to automatically update all your mods to latest version.
-WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. You many want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games.</source>
+WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. You may want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games.</source>
         <translation>Je dostupná nová verze některých modifikací, které máte nainstalované. Použijte tuto možnost k automatické aktualizaci všech modifikací na nejnovější verzi.
 UPOZORNĚNÍ: Aktualizované verze modifikací nemusí být v některých případech kompatibilní s vašimi uloženými hrami. Doporučujeme odložit aktualizaci, dokud nedokončíte rozehrané hry.</translation>
diff --git a/launcher/translation/english.ts b/launcher/translation/english.ts
index a8a2fe6e8..13cf56a30 100644
--- a/launcher/translation/english.ts
+++ b/launcher/translation/english.ts
@@ -1743,7 +1743,7 @@ Reason: %2</source>
         <location filename="../startGame/StartGameTab.cpp" line="329"/>
         <source>A new version of some of the mods that you have installed is now available in mod repository. Use this option to automatically update all your mods to latest version.
-WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. You many want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games.</source>
+WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. You may want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games.</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
diff --git a/launcher/translation/french.ts b/launcher/translation/french.ts
index bfd8e1208..e52b84dd0 100644
--- a/launcher/translation/french.ts
+++ b/launcher/translation/french.ts
@@ -1753,7 +1753,7 @@ Raison&#xa0;: %2</translation>
         <location filename="../startGame/StartGameTab.cpp" line="329"/>
         <source>A new version of some of the mods that you have installed is now available in mod repository. Use this option to automatically update all your mods to latest version.
-WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. You many want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games.</source>
+WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. You may want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games.</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
diff --git a/launcher/translation/german.ts b/launcher/translation/german.ts
index 767b622c9..cac0271ea 100644
--- a/launcher/translation/german.ts
+++ b/launcher/translation/german.ts
@@ -1792,7 +1792,7 @@ Grund: %2</translation>
         <location filename="../startGame/StartGameTab.cpp" line="329"/>
         <source>A new version of some of the mods that you have installed is now available in mod repository. Use this option to automatically update all your mods to latest version.
-WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. You many want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games.</source>
+WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. You may want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games.</source>
         <translation>Eine neue Version von einigen der Mods, die Sie installiert haben, ist jetzt im Mod-Repository verfügbar. Verwenden Sie diese Option, um alle Ihre Mods automatisch auf die neueste Version zu aktualisieren.
 WARNUNG: In einigen Fällen sind die aktualisierten Versionen der Mods nicht mit Ihren bestehenden Spielständen kompatibel. Es kann sein, dass Sie das Mod-Update verschieben möchten, bis Sie eines Ihrer laufenden Spiele beendet haben.</translation>
diff --git a/launcher/translation/polish.ts b/launcher/translation/polish.ts
index b87cd5658..2f4c34604 100644
--- a/launcher/translation/polish.ts
+++ b/launcher/translation/polish.ts
@@ -1794,7 +1794,7 @@ Powód: %2</translation>
         <location filename="../startGame/StartGameTab.cpp" line="329"/>
         <source>A new version of some of the mods that you have installed is now available in mod repository. Use this option to automatically update all your mods to latest version.
-WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. You many want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games.</source>
+WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. You may want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games.</source>
         <translation>Nowa wersja niektórych modów, które masz zainstalowane, jest już dostępna w repozytorium modów. Skorzystaj z tej opcji, aby automatycznie zaktualizować wszystkie mody do najnowszej wersji.
 UWAGA: W niektórych przypadkach zaktualizowane wersje modów mogą być niekompatybilne z Twoimi zapisami gry. Możesz chcieć odłożyć aktualizację modów do czasu ukończenia trwających rozgrywek.</translation>
diff --git a/launcher/translation/portuguese.ts b/launcher/translation/portuguese.ts
index 3d69d2beb..8d7dbf8f2 100644
--- a/launcher/translation/portuguese.ts
+++ b/launcher/translation/portuguese.ts
@@ -1792,7 +1792,7 @@ Motivo: %2</translation>
         <location filename="../startGame/StartGameTab.cpp" line="329"/>
         <source>A new version of some of the mods that you have installed is now available in mod repository. Use this option to automatically update all your mods to latest version.
-WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. You many want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games.</source>
+WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. You may want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games.</source>
         <translation>Uma nova versão de alguns dos mods que você instalou está disponível no repositório de mods. Use esta opção para atualizar automaticamente todos os seus mods para a versão mais recente.
 AVISO: Em alguns casos, as versões atualizadas dos mods podem não ser compatíveis com seus saves existentes. Talvez você queira adiar a atualização do mod até terminar qualquer um dos seus jogos em andamento.</translation>
diff --git a/launcher/translation/russian.ts b/launcher/translation/russian.ts
index ee58cd22c..15d22bf29 100644
--- a/launcher/translation/russian.ts
+++ b/launcher/translation/russian.ts
@@ -1795,7 +1795,7 @@ Reason: %2</source>
         <location filename="../startGame/StartGameTab.cpp" line="329"/>
         <source>A new version of some of the mods that you have installed is now available in mod repository. Use this option to automatically update all your mods to latest version.
-WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. You many want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games.</source>
+WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. You may want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games.</source>
         <translation>В репозитории модов доступна новая версия некоторых установленных модов. Используйте эту опцию для автоматического обновления всех ваших модов до последних версий.
 ВНИМАНИЕ: В некоторых случаях обновлённые версии модов могут быть несовместимы с вашими сохранениями. Возможно, стоит отложить обновление модов до завершения текущих игр.</translation>
diff --git a/launcher/translation/spanish.ts b/launcher/translation/spanish.ts
index b5aaf595c..f3e1fe1c6 100644
--- a/launcher/translation/spanish.ts
+++ b/launcher/translation/spanish.ts
@@ -1750,7 +1750,7 @@ Reason: %2</source>
         <location filename="../startGame/StartGameTab.cpp" line="329"/>
         <source>A new version of some of the mods that you have installed is now available in mod repository. Use this option to automatically update all your mods to latest version.
-WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. You many want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games.</source>
+WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. You may want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games.</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
diff --git a/launcher/translation/swedish.ts b/launcher/translation/swedish.ts
index 5ff4cdbd6..19b549028 100644
--- a/launcher/translation/swedish.ts
+++ b/launcher/translation/swedish.ts
@@ -1752,7 +1752,7 @@ Orsak: %2</translation>
         <location filename="../startGame/StartGameTab.cpp" line="329"/>
         <source>A new version of some of the mods that you have installed is now available in mod repository. Use this option to automatically update all your mods to latest version.
-WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. You many want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games.</source>
+WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. You may want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games.</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"></translation>
diff --git a/launcher/translation/ukrainian.ts b/launcher/translation/ukrainian.ts
index d8443e2d2..1abebbb5f 100644
--- a/launcher/translation/ukrainian.ts
+++ b/launcher/translation/ukrainian.ts
@@ -1795,7 +1795,7 @@ Reason: %2</source>
         <location filename="../startGame/StartGameTab.cpp" line="329"/>
         <source>A new version of some of the mods that you have installed is now available in mod repository. Use this option to automatically update all your mods to latest version.
-WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. You many want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games.</source>
+WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. You may want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games.</source>
         <translation>Нові версії деяких модифікацій, які ви встановили, тепер доступні у репозиторії модифікацій. Скористайтеся цією опцією, щоб автоматично оновити всі ваші модифікації до останньої версії.
 УВАГА: У деяких випадках оновлені версії модифікацій можуть бути несумісними з вашими існуючими збереженнями. Можливо, ви схочете відкласти оновлення модів, поки не завершите поточні ігри.</translation>
diff --git a/launcher/translation/vietnamese.ts b/launcher/translation/vietnamese.ts
index 16fdfc230..c3866f62a 100644
--- a/launcher/translation/vietnamese.ts
+++ b/launcher/translation/vietnamese.ts
@@ -1741,7 +1741,7 @@ Reason: %2</source>
         <location filename="../startGame/StartGameTab.cpp" line="329"/>
         <source>A new version of some of the mods that you have installed is now available in mod repository. Use this option to automatically update all your mods to latest version.
-WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. You many want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games.</source>
+WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. You may want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games.</source>
         <translation type="unfinished"></translation>