diff --git a/Mods/vcmi/Content/config/swedish.json b/Mods/vcmi/Content/config/swedish.json
index 9dd178c0e..73b4a6ed5 100644
--- a/Mods/vcmi/Content/config/swedish.json
+++ b/Mods/vcmi/Content/config/swedish.json
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"vcmi.adventureMap.confirmRestartGame" : "Är du säker på att du vill starta om spelet?",
"vcmi.adventureMap.noTownWithMarket" : "Det finns inga tillgängliga marknadsplatser!",
"vcmi.adventureMap.noTownWithTavern" : "Det finns inga tillgängliga städer med värdshus!",
- "vcmi.adventureMap.spellUnknownProblem" : "Det finns ett okänt problem med den här formeln! Ingen mer information är tillgänglig.",
+ "vcmi.adventureMap.spellUnknownProblem" : "Det finns ett okänt problem med den här trollformeln! Ingen mer information är tillgänglig.",
"vcmi.adventureMap.playerAttacked" : "Spelare har blivit attackerad: %s",
"vcmi.adventureMap.moveCostDetails" : "Förflyttningspoängs-kostnad: %TURNS tur(er) + %POINTS poäng - Återstående poäng: %REMAINING",
"vcmi.adventureMap.moveCostDetailsNoTurns" : "Förflyttningspoängs-kostnad: %POINTS poäng - Återstående poäng: %REMAINING",
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
"vcmi.broadcast.vote.success.contactsBlocked" : "Omröstningen lyckades. Simultana turomgångar kommer att pågå i %s fler dagar. Närkontakter är blockerade",
"vcmi.broadcast.vote.success.nextDay" : "Omröstningen lyckades. Simultana turomgångar kommer att avslutas nästa dag",
"vcmi.broadcast.vote.success.timer" : "Omröstningen lyckades. Timern för alla spelare har förlängts med %s sekunder",
- "vcmi.broadcast.vote.aborted" : "Spelare röstade mot förändring. Omröstningen avbröts",
+ "vcmi.broadcast.vote.aborted" : "Spelare röstade emot förändring. Omröstningen avbröts",
"vcmi.broadcast.vote.start.untilContacts" : "Började rösta för att tillåta samtidiga turomgångar i ytterligare %s dagar",
"vcmi.broadcast.vote.start.contactsBlocked" : "Började rösta för att tvinga fram simultana turomgångar i ytterligare %s fler dagar",
"vcmi.broadcast.vote.start.nextDay" : "Började rösta för att avsluta samtidiga turomgångar från och med nästa dag",
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
"vcmi.lobby.header.rooms" : "Spelrum - %d",
"vcmi.lobby.header.channels" : "Chattkanaler",
"vcmi.lobby.header.chat.global" : "Global spelchatt - %s", // %s -> språknamn
- "vcmi.lobby.header.chat.match" : "Chatt från föregående spel på %s", // %s -> datum och tid för spelstart
+ "vcmi.lobby.header.chat.match" : "Chatt från föregående spel - %s", // %s -> datum och tid för spelstart
"vcmi.lobby.header.chat.player" : "Privat chatt med %s", // %s -> smeknamn på en annan spelare
"vcmi.lobby.header.history" : "Dina tidigare spel",
"vcmi.lobby.header.players" : "Spelare online - %d",
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
"vcmi.lobby.room.players.limit" : "Begränsning av spelare",
"vcmi.lobby.room.description.public" : "Alla spelare kan gå med i det offentliga rummet.",
"vcmi.lobby.room.description.private" : "Endast inbjudna spelare kan gå med i ett privat rum.",
- "vcmi.lobby.room.description.new" : "För att starta spelet, välj ett scenario eller skapa en slumpmässig karta.",
+ "vcmi.lobby.room.description.new" : "För att starta spelet måste du välja ett scenario eller skapa en slumpmässig karta.",
"vcmi.lobby.room.description.load" : "Använd ett av dina sparade spel för att starta spelet.",
"vcmi.lobby.room.description.limit" : "Upp till %d spelare kan komma in i ditt rum (dig inkluderad).",
"vcmi.lobby.invite.header" : "Bjud in spelare",
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@
"vcmi.lobby.preview.error.full" : "Rummet är redan fullt.",
"vcmi.lobby.preview.error.busy" : "Rummet tar inte längre emot nya spelare.",
"vcmi.lobby.preview.error.invite" : "Du blev inte inbjuden till det här rummet.",
- "vcmi.lobby.preview.error.mods" : "Du använder en annan uppsättning moddar.",
+ "vcmi.lobby.preview.error.mods" : "Du använder en annan modduppsättning.",
"vcmi.lobby.preview.error.version" : "Du använder en annan version av VCMI.",
"vcmi.lobby.room.new" : "Nytt spel",
"vcmi.lobby.room.load" : "Ladda spel",
@@ -208,9 +208,9 @@
"vcmi.lobby.room.state.busy" : "I spel",
"vcmi.lobby.room.state.invited" : "Inbjuden",
"vcmi.lobby.mod.state.compatible" : "Kompatibel",
- "vcmi.lobby.mod.state.disabled" : "Måste vara aktiverat",
+ "vcmi.lobby.mod.state.disabled" : "Måste aktiveras",
"vcmi.lobby.mod.state.version" : "Versioner matchar inte",
- "vcmi.lobby.mod.state.excessive" : "Måste vara inaktiverat",
+ "vcmi.lobby.mod.state.excessive" : "Måste inaktiveras",
"vcmi.lobby.mod.state.missing" : "Ej installerad",
"vcmi.lobby.pvp.coin.hover" : "Mynt",
"vcmi.lobby.pvp.coin.help" : "Singla slant",
@@ -220,10 +220,11 @@
"vcmi.lobby.pvp.randomTownVs.help" : "Skriv två slumpade städer i chatten",
"vcmi.lobby.pvp.versus" : "vs.",
- "vcmi.client.errors.invalidMap" : "{Ogiltig karta eller kampanj}\n\nStartade inte spelet! Vald karta eller kampanj kan vara ogiltig eller skadad. Orsak:\n%s",
- "vcmi.client.errors.missingCampaigns" : "{Saknade datafiler}\n\nKampanjernas datafiler hittades inte! Du kanske använder ofullständiga eller skadade Heroes 3-datafiler. Vänligen installera om speldata.",
+ "vcmi.client.errors.invalidMap" : "{Ogiltig karta eller kampanj}\n\nMisslyckades med att starta spelet! Vald karta eller kampanj kan vara ogiltig eller skadad. Orsak:\n%s",
+ "vcmi.client.errors.missingCampaigns" : "{Saknade datafiler}\n\nDatafiler för kampanjen hittades inte! Du kanske använder ofullständiga eller skadade Heroes 3-datafiler. Vänligen installera om speldata.",
+ "vcmi.client.errors.modLoadingFailure": "{Moddladdningsfel}\n\nKritiska fel upptäcktes vid laddning av moddar! Spelet kanske inte fungerar korrekt eller kraschar! Vänligen uppdatera eller inaktivera följande moddar:\n\n",
"vcmi.server.errors.disconnected" : "{Nätverksfel}\n\nAnslutningen till spelservern har förlorats!",
- "vcmi.server.errors.playerLeft" : "{Spelare har lämnat}\n\n%s spelaren har kopplat bort sig från spelet!", //%s -> spelarens färg
+ "vcmi.server.errors.playerLeft" : "{Spelare har lämnat}\n\n%s-spelare har kopplat bort sig från spelet!", //%s -> spelarens färg
"vcmi.server.errors.existingProcess" : "En annan VCMI-serverprocess är igång. Vänligen avsluta den innan du startar ett nytt spel.",
"vcmi.server.errors.modsToEnable" : "{Följande modd(ar) krävs}",
"vcmi.server.errors.modsToDisable" : "{Följande modd(ar) måste inaktiveras}",
diff --git a/launcher/translation/swedish.ts b/launcher/translation/swedish.ts
index cba32cc2e..b58fe7530 100644
--- a/launcher/translation/swedish.ts
+++ b/launcher/translation/swedish.ts
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
VCMI on Github
- VCMI på Github
+ VCMI på GitHub
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
Data Directories
- Datafilsregister
+ Datamappar
@@ -140,11 +140,6 @@
- %p% (%v KB out of %m KB)
- %p% (%v KB av %m KB)
- Uninstall
@@ -170,6 +165,11 @@
+ %p% (%v KB out of %m KB)
+ %p% (%v KB utav %m KB)
+ Reload repositories
@@ -243,16 +243,11 @@
please upgrade modvänligen uppdatera modd
- Installing Heroes Chronicles
- mods repository index
- modd-repositorie-index
+ moddrepositorieindex
@@ -336,6 +331,11 @@ Install successfully downloaded?
Installation framgångsrikt nedladdad?
+ Installing Heroes Chronicles
+ Installerar Hjältarnas krönikor (Heroes Chronicles)
+ Installing mod %1
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@ Installation framgångsrikt nedladdad?
Handle back as right mouse button
+ Hantera tillbaka som höger musknapp
@@ -513,7 +513,13 @@ Windowed - the game will run inside a window that covers part of your screen.
Borderless Windowed Mode - the game will run in a full-screen window, matching your screen's resolution.
Fullscreen Exclusive Mode - the game will cover the entirety of your screen and will use selected resolution.
+ Välj ett visningsläge för spelet
+Fönsterläge - spelet körs i ett fönster som täcker en del av skärmen.
+Kantlöst fönsterläge - spelet körs i ett helskärmsfönster som matchar din skärms upplösning.
+Exklusivt helskärmsläge - spelet täcker hela skärmen och använder den valda upplösningen.
@@ -558,7 +564,7 @@ Fullscreen Exclusive Mode - the game will cover the entirety of your screen and
Adventure Map Enemies
- Fiender på äventyskartan
+ Fiender på äventyrskartan
@@ -796,7 +802,7 @@ Fullscreen Exclusive Mode - the game will cover the entirety of your screen and
You have to select a Heroes Chronicles installer file!
+ Du måste välja en installationsfil för Hjältarnas krönikor (Heroes Chronicles)!
@@ -806,18 +812,18 @@ Fullscreen Exclusive Mode - the game will cover the entirety of your screen and
Hash error!
+ Hashfel!Heroes Chronicles
- Heroes Chronicles
+ Hjältarnas krönikor (Heroes Chronicles)Heroes Chronicles %1 - %2
- Heroes Chronicles %1 - %2
+ Hjältarnas krönikor (Heroes Chronicles) %1 - %2
@@ -864,17 +870,17 @@ Fullscreen Exclusive Mode - the game will cover the entirety of your screen and
Use offline installer from gog.com
- Använd offline-installationsprogrammet från GOG.com
+ Använd offline-installationsprogrammet från gog.comInstall gog.com files
- Installera filer från GOG.com
+ Installera filer från gog.comYour Heroes III data files have been successfully found.
- Dina Heroes III-datafiler har hittats
+ Dina Heroes III-datafiler har hittats framgångsrikt.
@@ -904,7 +910,7 @@ Fullscreen Exclusive Mode - the game will cover the entirety of your screen and
Optionally, you can install additional mods either now, or at any point later, using the VCMI Launcher
- Du kan välja att installera ytterligare moddar, antingen nu eller vid ett senare tillfälle med hjälp av VCMI Launchern
+ Du kan välja att installera ytterligare moddar, antingen nu eller vid ett senare tillfälle med hjälp av VCMI-startprogrammet (VCMI Launcher)
@@ -916,6 +922,11 @@ Fullscreen Exclusive Mode - the game will cover the entirety of your screen and
Install compatible version of "In The Wake of Gods", a fan-made Heroes III expansionInstallera en kompatibel version av "In The Wake of Gods" (en fantillverkad Heroes III-expansion)
+ Install mod that provides various interface improvements, such as a better interface for random maps and selectable actions in battles
+ Installera modd som ger olika gränssnittsförbättringar, till exempel ett bättre gränssnitt för slumpmässiga kartor och valbara åtgärder i strider
+ Finish
@@ -924,7 +935,7 @@ Fullscreen Exclusive Mode - the game will cover the entirety of your screen and
VCMI on Github
- VCMI på Github
+ VCMI på GitHub
@@ -940,7 +951,13 @@ Before you can start playing, there are a few more steps to complete.
Please remember that to use VCMI, you must own the original data files for Heroes® of Might and Magic® III: Complete or The Shadow of Death.
Heroes® of Might and Magic® III HD is currently not supported!
+ Tack för att du installerade VCMI!
+Innan du kan börja spela finns det några steg till att slutföra.
+Kom ihåg att för att kunna använda VCMI måste du äga de ursprungliga datafilerna för Heroes® of Might and Magic® III: Complete eller The Shadow of Death.
+Heroes® of Might and Magic® III HD stöds för närvarande inte!
@@ -948,6 +965,11 @@ Heroes® of Might and Magic® III HD is currently not supported!
+ You can manually copy directories Maps, Data, and Mp3 from the original game directory to the VCMI data directory that you can see on top of this page
+ Du kan manuellt kopiera mapparna Maps, Data och Mp3 från den ursprungliga spelmappen till VCMI-datamappen som du kan se överst på den här sidan
+ Manual Installation
@@ -968,16 +990,11 @@ Heroes® of Might and Magic® III HD is currently not supported!
Copy existing dataKopiera befintliga data
- You can manually copy directories Maps, Data, and Mp3 from the original game directory to the VCMI data directory that you can see on top of this page
- If you own Heroes III on gog.com, you can download a backup offline installer from gog.com. VCMI will then import Heroes III data using the offline installer.
Offline installer consists of two files: ".exe" and ".bin" - you must download both.
+ Om du äger Heroes III från GOG kan du ladda ner en säkerhetskopia (offline backup installers) från gog.com som består av två filer (en .exe-och en .bin-fil). När dessa två filer finns på datorn kan VCMI börja importera nödvändiga Heroes III-data ifrån dessa två filer
@@ -1000,11 +1017,6 @@ Offline installer consists of two files: ".exe" and ".bin" -
Heroes III TranslationHeroes III - Översättning
- Install mod that provides various interface improvements, such as a better interface for random maps and selectable actions in battles
- In The Wake of Gods
@@ -1024,7 +1036,7 @@ Offline installer consists of two files: ".exe" and ".bin" -
Select %1 file...param is file extension
- Välj filen %1 ...
+ Välj filen %1...
@@ -1055,29 +1067,26 @@ Offline installer consists of two files: ".exe" and ".bin" -
GOG installer
- GOG-Installationsprogram
+ GOG-installationsprogramYou've provided a GOG Galaxy installer! This file doesn't contain the game. Please download the offline backup game installer!
- Hash error!
+ Du har tillhandahållit en GOG Galaxy-installationsfil! Den här filen innehåller inte spelet. Vänligen ladda ner säkerhetskopian av spelet (offline backup installers)!Heroes III: HD Edition files are not supported by VCMI.
Please select the directory with Heroes III: Complete Edition or Heroes III: Shadow of Death.
+ Heroes III: HD Edition-filer stöds inte av VCMI.
+Vänligen välj mappen med Heroes III: Complete Edition eller Heroes III: Shadow of Death.Unknown or unsupported Heroes III version found.
Please select the directory with Heroes III: Complete Edition or Heroes III: Shadow of Death.
+ Okänd eller ej stödd Heroes III-version hittades.
+Vänligen välj mappen med Heroes III: Complete Edition eller Heroes III: Shadow of Death.
@@ -1089,6 +1098,11 @@ Please select the directory with Heroes III: Complete Edition or Heroes III: Sha
Extracting error!Extraheringsfel!
+ Hash error!
+ Hashfel!
+ No Heroes III data!
@@ -1103,7 +1117,8 @@ Please select the directory with Heroes III: Complete Edition or Heroes III: Sha
Failed to detect valid Heroes III data in chosen directory.
Please select the directory with installed Heroes III data.
+ Lyckades inte upptäcka giltiga Heroes III-data i vald mapp.
+Vänligen välj mappen där du installerade Heroes III.
@@ -1139,7 +1154,7 @@ Orsak till fel:
VCMI was compiled without innoextract support, which is needed to extract exe files!
- VCMI kompilerades utan stöd för innoextract, vilket behövs för att extrahera exe-filer!
+ VCMI kompilerades utan stöd för innoextract vilket behövs för att extrahera exe-filer!
@@ -1147,9 +1162,13 @@ Orsak till fel:
Exe (%n bytes):
param is hash
+ SHA1-hash av tillhandahållna filer:
+Exe (%n byte):
+ SHA1-hash av tillhandahållna filer:
+Exe (%n byte):¶
@@ -1158,9 +1177,13 @@ Exe (%n bytes):
Bin (%n bytes):
param is hash
+Bin (%n byte):
+Bin (%n byte):
@@ -1168,17 +1191,19 @@ Bin (%n bytes):
Internal copy process failed. Enough space on device?
+ Intern kopieringsprocess misslyckades. Finns det tillräckligt med utrymme på enheten?
+ ExeBin
+ Bin
@@ -1186,7 +1211,10 @@ Bin (%n bytes):
+ Språkavvikelse!
@@ -1194,14 +1222,19 @@ Bin (%n bytes):
+ Endast en fil känd! Filerna kanske är skadade? Prova med att ladda ner filen/filerna igen och försök igen.
+%2Unknown files! Maybe files are corrupted? Please download again.
+ Okända filer! Filerna kanske är skadade? Prova med att ladda ner filen/filerna igen och försök igen.
@@ -1294,7 +1327,7 @@ Bin (%n bytes):
Auto (%1)
- Auto (%1)
+ Automatiskt (%1)
@@ -1317,28 +1350,28 @@ Bin (%n bytes):
- Error starting executable
- Fel vid uppstart av körbar fil (.exe)
- Replace config file?
- Byt ut konfigurationsfilen?
- Do you want to replace %1?
- Vill du ersätta %1?
+ SpelModsModdar
+ Error starting executable
+ Fel vid uppstart av körbar fil
+ Replace config file?
+ Vill du byta ut konfigurationsfilen?
+ Do you want to replace %1?
+ Vill du byta ut %1?
+ ModFields
@@ -1389,7 +1422,7 @@ Bin (%n bytes):
Mod is not compatible, please update VCMI and check the latest mod revisions
+ Modden är inte kompatibel. Vänligen uppdatera VCMI och kontrollera att du har de senaste moddrevisionerna
@@ -1424,13 +1457,14 @@ Bin (%n bytes):
Mod data was not found
+ Moddata hittades inteMod is located in a protected directory, please remove it manually:
+ Modden finns i en skyddad mapp. Vänligen ta bort den manuellt:
@@ -1514,7 +1548,7 @@ Bin (%n bytes):
- Expansion/Tillägg
+ Expansion
@@ -1542,7 +1576,7 @@ Bin (%n bytes):
Error starting executable
- Fel vid uppstart av körbar fil (.exe)
+ Fel vid uppstart av körbar fil
@@ -1557,32 +1591,32 @@ Orsak: %2
Import from Clipboard
+ Importera från urklippRename Current Preset
+ Byt namn på aktuell förinställningCreate New Preset
+ Skapa ny förinställningExport to Clipboard
+ Exportera till urklippDelete Current Preset
+ Radera aktuell förinställningUnsupported or corrupted game data detected!
+ Icke stödda eller skadade speldata har upptäckts!
@@ -1595,144 +1629,146 @@ Orsak: %2
+ ?Install Translation
+ Installera översättningNo soundtrack detected!
+ Inget ljudspår upptäcktes!Armaggedon's Blade campaigns are missing!
+ Kampanjen Harmageddons klinga (Armageddon's Blade) saknas!No video files detected!
+ Inga videofiler upptäcktes!Activate Translation
+ Aktivera översättningImport files
+ Importera filerCheck For Updates
+ Sök efter uppdateringarGo to Downloads Page
+ Gå till nedladdningssidanGo to Changelog Page
+ Gå till förändringsloggssidanYou are using the latest version
+ Du använder den senaste versionenGame Data Files
+ SpeldatafilerMod Preset
+ ModdförinställningResume
+ ÅtergåPlay
+ SpelaEditor
+ RedigerareUpdate %n mods
+ Uppdatera %n moddar
+ Uppdatera %n moddarHeroes Chronicles:
%n/%1 installed
+ Hjältarnas krönikor (Heroes Chronicles):
+%n/%1 installerad
+ Hjältarnas krönikor (Heroes Chronicles):
+%n/%1 installeradUpdate to %1 available
+ Uppdatering till %1 tillgängligAll supported files
- Alla filer som stöds
+ Alla stödda filerMaps
- Kartor
+ KartorCampaigns
- Kampanjer
+ KampanjerConfigs
- Konfigurationer
+ KonfigurationerMods
- Moddar
+ ModdarGog files
- GOG-filer
+ GOG-filerAll files (*.*)
- Alla filer (*.*)
+ Alla filer (*.*)Select files (configs, mods, maps, campaigns, gog files) to install...
- Välj filer (konfigurationsfiler, moddar, kartor, kampanjer och GOG-filer) som ska installeras...
+ Välj filer (konfigurations-, modd-, kart-, kampanj-och GOG-filer) som ska installeras...
@@ -1744,68 +1780,86 @@ Orsak: %2
- VCMI mods in zip format (.zip)
- VCMI configuration files (.json)
+ Med det här alternativet kan du importera ytterligare datafiler till din VCMI-installation. För närvarande stöds följande alternativ:
+ - Heroes III kartor (.h3m eller .vmap).
+ - Heroes III kampanjer (.h3c eller .vcmp).
+ - Heroes III Hjältarnas krönikor (Heroes Chronicles) använder offline backup installerare från GOG.com (.exe).
+ - VCMI-moddar i zip-format (.zip)
+ - VCMI-konfigurationsfiler (.json)
+Your Heroes III version uses different language. VCMI provides translations of the game into various languages that you can use. Use this option to automatically install such translation to your language.
+ Din Heroes III-version använder ett annat språk. VCMI tillhandahåller översättningar av spelet till olika språk som du kan använda. Använd det här alternativet för att automatiskt installera en sådan översättning till ditt språk.Translation of Heroes III into your language is installed, but has been turned off. Use this option to enable it.
+ Översättning av Heroes III till ditt språk är installerat men har stängts av. Använd det här alternativet för att aktivera det.A new version of some of the mods that you have installed is now available in mod repository. Use this option to automatically update all your mods to latest version.
WARNING: In some cases, updated versions of mods may not be compatible with your existing saves. You may want to postpone mod update until you finish any of your ongoing games.
+ En ny version av några av de moddar som du har installerat finns nu tillgängliga i moddarkivet. Använd det här alternativet för att automatiskt uppdatera alla dina moddar till den senaste versionen.
+VARNING: I vissa fall kanske uppdaterade versioner av moddar inte är kompatibla med dina befintliga spelsparfiler. Du kanske vill skjuta upp modd-uppdateringen tills du har avslutat något av dina pågående spel.If you own Heroes Chronicles on gog.com, you can use offline backup installers provided by gog to import Heroes Chronicles data into VCMI as custom campaigns.
To import Heroes Chronicles, download offline backup installer of each chronicle that you wish to install, select 'Import files' option and select downloaded file. This will generate and install mod for VCMI that contains imported chronicles
+ Om du äger Hjältarnas krönikor (Heroes Chronicles) på gog.com kan du använda offline backup-installationsprogram som tillhandahålls av GOG för att importera Heroes Chronicles data till VCMI så att man kan spela dem som egna kampanjer.
+För att importera Hjältarnas krönikor (Heroes Chronicles) ska du först ladda ner offline backup installerare av varje krönika som du vill installera. Välj alternativet 'Importera filer' och välj nedladdad fil. Detta kommer att generera och installera modden för VCMI som innehåller importerade krönikorVCMI has detected that Heroes III music files are missing from your installation. VCMI will run, but in-game music will not be available.
To resolve this problem, please copy missing mp3 files from Heroes III to VCMI data files directory manually or reinstall VCMI and re-import Heroes III data files
+ VCMI har upptäckt att Heroes III-musikfiler saknas i din installation. VCMI kommer att köras men spelmusiken kommer inte att kunna spelas upp.
+För att lösa problemet måste du kopiera saknade mp3-filer från Heroes III till VCMI:s datafilsmapp manuellt eller installera om VCMI och importera Heroes III-datafiler på nyttVCMI has detected that Heroes III video files are missing from your installation. VCMI will run, but in-game cutscenes will not be available.
To resolve this problem, please copy VIDEO.VID file from Heroes III to VCMI data files directory manually or reinstall VCMI and re-import Heroes III data files
+ VCMI har upptäckt att Heroes III-videofiler saknas i din installation. VCMI kommer att köras men spelets videosekvenser kommer inte att kunna spelas upp.
+För att lösa problemet måste du kopiera filen VIDEO.VID från Heroes III till VCMI:s datafilsmapp manuellt eller installera om VCMI och importera Heroes III-datafiler på nyttVCMI has detected that some of Heroes III data files are missing from your installation. You may attempt to run VCMI, but game may not work as expected or crash.
To resolve this problem, please reinstall game and reimport data files using supported version of Heroes III. VCMI requires Heroes III: Shadow of Death or Complete Edition to run, which you can get (for example) from gog.com
+ VCMI har upptäckt att några av Heroes III datafiler saknas i din installation. Du kan försöka köra VCMI men spelet kanske inte fungerar som förväntat eller kraschar.
+För att lösa problemet måste du installera om spelet och importera datafilerna på nytt med en version av Heroes III som stöds. VCMI kräver Heroes III: Shadow of Death eller Complete Edition för att köras. Du kan hämta rätt version från exempelvis gog.comVCMI has detected that some of Heroes III: Armageddon's Blade data files are missing from your installation. VCMI will work, but Armageddon's Blade campaigns will not be available.
To resolve this problem, please copy missing data files from Heroes III to VCMI data files directory manually or reinstall VCMI and re-import Heroes III data files
+ VCMI har upptäckt att några av datafilerna för Heroes III: Harmageddons klinga (Armageddon's Blade) saknas i din installation. VCMI kommer att fungera men kampanjen Harmageddons klinga kommer inte att vara tillgänglig.
+För att lösa problemet måste du kopiera de saknade datafilerna från Heroes III till VCMI:s datafilsmapp manuellt eller installera om VCMI och importera Heroes III-datafiler på nyttEnter preset name:
+ Ange namn på förinställning:Rename preset '%1' to:
+ Byt namn på förinställning '%1' till:
@@ -1833,7 +1887,7 @@ To resolve this problem, please copy missing data files from Heroes III to VCMI
Cannot read JSON from URL or incorrect JSON data
+ Kan inte läsa JSON från URL eller felaktiga JSON-data
diff --git a/mapeditor/translation/chinese.ts b/mapeditor/translation/chinese.ts
index 3f2a37627..2ddeb2936 100644
--- a/mapeditor/translation/chinese.ts
+++ b/mapeditor/translation/chinese.ts
@@ -296,561 +296,587 @@
+ Open Recent打开最近
+ Map地图
+ Edit编辑
+ View视图
+ Player玩家
+ Toolbar工具栏
+ Minimap小地图
+ Map Objects View地图物体视图
+ Browser浏览器
+ Inspector检视器
+ Property属性
+ Value值
+ Tools工具
+ Painting绘制
+ Terrains地形
+ Roads道路
+ Rivers河流
+ Preview预览
+ Open打开
+ More...更多
+ Save保存
+ New新建
+ Save as...另存为
+ Ctrl+Shift+SCtrl+Shift+S
+ U/G地上/地下
+ View underground查看地下
+ Pass可通行
+ Cut剪切
+ Copy复制
+ Paste粘贴
+ Fill填充
+ Fills the selection with obstacles填充障碍物到选定区域
+ Grid网格
+ General通用
+ Map title and description地图标题与描述
+ Players settings玩家设置
+ Undo撤销
+ Redo重做
+ Erase擦除
+ Neutral中立
+ Validate有效性验证
+ Update appearance更新外观
+ Recreate obstacles重建障碍物
+ Player 1玩家1
+ Player 2玩家2
+ Player 3玩家3
+ Player 4玩家4
+ Player 5玩家5
+ Player 6玩家6
+ Player 7玩家7
+ Player 8玩家8
+ Export as...导出为
+ Translations翻译
+ Ctrl+TCtrl+T
+ h3m converterh3m转换器
+ h3c converter
+ h3m转换器 {3c?}
+ Lock锁定
+ Lock objects on map to avoid unnecessary changes锁定地图上的物体防止误操作
+ Ctrl+LCtrl+L
+ Unlock解锁
+ Unlock all objects on the map解锁地图上的所有物体
+ Ctrl+Shift+LCtrl+Shift+L
+ Zoom in放大
+ Ctrl+=Ctrl+=
+ Zoom out缩小
+ Ctrl+-Ctrl+-
+ Zoom reset重置缩放
+ Ctrl+Shift+=Ctrl+Shift+=
+ Confirmation确认
+ Unsaved changes will be lost, are you sure?未保存的改动会丢失,你确定要这么做吗?
+ Mods are required
+ Failed to open map
+ Open map打开地图
+ All supported maps (*.vmap *.h3m);;VCMI maps(*.vmap);;HoMM3 maps(*.h3m)所有支持的地图类型(*.vmap *.h3m);;VCMI地图(*.vmap);;英雄无敌3地图(*.h3m)
+ Recently Opened Files最近打开文件
+ Map validation
+ Map has critical problems and most probably will not be playable. Open Validator from the Map menu to see issues found
+ Map has some errors. Open Validator from the Map menu to see issues found
+ Failed to save map
+ Save map保存地图
+ VCMI maps (*.vmap)VCMI地图(*.vmap)
+ Type类型
+ Towns城镇
+ Objects物体
+ Heroes英雄
+ Artifacts宝物
+ Resources资源
+ Banks宝屋
+ Dwellings巢穴
+ Grounds地面
+ Teleports传送门
+ Mines矿井
+ Triggers触发器
+ Monsters怪物
+ Quests任务
+ Wog ObjectsWog物体
+ Obstacles障碍物
+ Other其他
+ Mods loading problem
+ Critical error during Mods loading. Disable invalid mods and restart.
+ View surface查看地上
+ No objects selected未选择任何物体
+ This operation is irreversible. Do you want to continue?此操作无法被撤销,你确定要继续么?
+ Errors occurred. %1 objects were not updated发生错误!%1 物体未完成更新
+ Save to image保存为图片
+ Select maps to convert选择待转换的地图
+ HoMM3 maps(*.h3m)英雄无敌3地图文件(*.h3m)
+ Choose directory to save converted maps选择保存转换地图的目录
+ Operation completed操作完成
+ Successfully converted %1 maps成功转换 %1 地图
+ Failed to convert the map. Abort operation转换地图失败,操作终止
+ Select campaign to convert
+ HoMM3 campaigns (*.h3c)
+ Select destination file
+ VCMI campaigns (*.vcmp)
+ MapSettings
@@ -1037,7 +1063,7 @@
+ Player ID: %1玩家ID: %1
@@ -1087,308 +1113,378 @@
+ Beginner初级
+ Advanced中级
+ Expert高级
+ Default secondary skills:
+ Secondary skills:
+ Compliant屈服的
+ Friendly友善的
+ Aggressive好斗的
+ Hostile有敌意的
+ Savage野蛮的
+ No patrol无巡逻
+ Hero class
+ Portrait头像
+ Skills技能
+ Artifacts宝物
+ %n tile(s)%n格
+ Buildings建筑
+ Events事件
+ Resource
+ Artifact reward
+ Quest
+ Identifier
+ ID
+ SubID
+ InstanceName
+ IsStatic
+ neutral中立
+ Army
+ Owner
+ Same as town
+ Removable units
+ Placeholder type
+ Power rank
+ Hero type
+ Experience
+ Gender
+ Name
+ Biography
+ Spells魔法
+ Patrol radius
+ Town name
+ Same as player
+ Message消息
+ Spell魔法
+ Productivity
+ Amount
+ Character
+ Select town
+ Never flees
+ Not growing
+ Reward奖励
+ Remove after
+ Human trigger
+ Cpu trigger
+ First visit text
+ Next visit text
+ Completed text
+ Repeat quest
+ Time limit
@@ -1407,6 +1503,172 @@
Hero %1 cannot be created as NEUTRAL.英雄 %1 无法在中立阵营被创建。
+ Custom Spells:
+ Default Spells
+ Default
+ 默认
+ Quest:
+ Day of Week: %1
+ Days Passed: %1
+ Hero Level: %1
+ Hero Experience: %1
+ Mana Points: %1
+ Mana Percentage: %1
+ Primary Skills: %1/%2/%3/%4
+ Resources: %1
+ Artifacts: %1
+ Spells: %1
+ Secondary Skills: %1
+ Creatures: %1
+ Heroes: %1
+ Hero Classes: %1
+ Players: %1
+ Rewards:
+ Reward Message: %1
+ Mana Diff: %1
+ Move Points: %1
+ Move Percentage: %1
+ Spell Cast: %1 (%2)
+ Bonuses: %1
+ Built buildings:
+ Forbidden buildings:
+ Town Events:
+ Required:
+ Possible:
+ QuestWidget
@@ -2037,16 +2299,24 @@
+ Creature level %1 / Creature level %1 Upgrade%1级生物 / 升级后的%1级生物
+ Day %1 - %2%1 - %2 日
+ TownEventsDelegate
+ Day %1 - %2
+ %1 - %2 日
@@ -2164,18 +2434,18 @@
+ Remove translation移除翻译
+ Default language cannot be removed默认语言无法被移除
+ All existing text records for this language will be removed. Continue?此语言的所有文本记录将被移除,确定继续吗?
@@ -2188,112 +2458,112 @@
+ Map is not loaded未加载地图
+ No factions allowed for player %1玩家 %1 没有可使用的种族
+ No players allowed to play this map该地图未设置任何玩家
+ Map is allowed for one player and cannot be started该地图只有一个玩家,无法开始游戏
+ No human players allowed to play this map该地图缺少人类玩家
+ Armored instance %1 is UNFLAGGABLE but must have NEUTRAL or player owner部队实例 %1 没有旗帜,需要设置为中立或任一玩家所有
+ Object %1 is assigned to non-playable player %2物体 %1 属于无法游戏的玩家 %2
+ Spell scroll %1 doesn't have instance assigned and must be removed魔法卷轴 %1 没有分配任何实例,需要被移除
+ Artifact %1 is prohibited by map settings宝物 %1 被地图设置禁止
+ Player %1 has no towns and heroes assigned玩家 %1 没有分配任何城镇或英雄
+ Prison %1 must be a NEUTRAL监狱 %1 需要为中立
+ Hero %1 must have an owner英雄 %1 需要有一个所有者
+ Hero %1 is prohibited by map settings英雄 %1 被地图设置禁止
+ Hero %1 has duplicate on map英雄 %1 在地图上有多个
+ Hero %1 has an empty type and must be removed英雄 %1 属于空类型,必须移除
+ Spell scroll %1 is prohibited by map settings魔法卷轴 %1 被地图设置禁止
+ Player %1 doesn't have any starting town玩家 %1 没有一座起始城镇
+ Map name is not specified地图名字为空
+ Map description is not specified地图描述为空
+ Map contains object from mod "%1", but doesn't require it地图包含模组 %1 的物体,但没有声明依赖该模组
+ Exception occurs during validation: %1在验证地图期间发生异常:%1
+ Unknown exception occurs during validation在验证地图期间发生未知异常
@@ -2389,196 +2659,222 @@
- Two level map
- 双层地图
+ 双层地图
+ Height高度
+ Width宽度
+ XL (144x144)特大(144x144)
+ Random map随机地图
+ Players玩家
- 0
- 0
+ 0
- Human/Computer
- 人类/电脑
+ 人类/电脑
+ S (36x36)小 (36x36)
+ M (72x72)中 (72x72)
+ L (108x108)大 (108x108)
+ H (180x180)特大 (180x180)
+ XH (216x216)巨大 (216x216)
+ G (252x252)超巨 (252x252)
+ Random随机
- Computer only
- 仅电脑可用
+ 仅电脑可用
+ Human teams人类队伍
+ Computer teams电脑队伍
+ Standard size
+ Custom size
+ Underground
+ Humans
+ Computers
+ Monster strength怪物强度
+ Weak弱
+ Normal普通
+ Strong强
+ Water content水域
+ None无
+ Islands岛屿
+ Roads道路
+ Dirt泥土
+ Gravel砂砾
+ Cobblestone鹅卵石
+ Template模版
+ Custom seed自定义种子
+ Generate random map生成随机地图
- Ok
- 确定
+ OK
+ 确定
+ Ok
+ 确定
+ Cancel取消
+ No template缺少模版
+ No template for parameters specified. Random map cannot be generated.未指定任一模版作为参数,随机地图无法生成。
+ RMG failure随机地图生成失败
+ [default]
@@ -2586,27 +2882,27 @@
+ Filepath of the map to open.要打开的地图所在的文件路径。
+ Extract original H3 archives into a separate folder.将原始H3文件解压到特定目录。
+ From an extracted archive, it Splits TwCrPort, CPRSMALL, FlagPort, ITPA, ITPt, Un32 and Un44 into individual PNG's.数据文件解压后,将TwCrPort, CPRSMALL, FlagPort, ITPA, ITPt, Un32 und Un44切分为独立的PNG文件。
+ From an extracted archive, Converts single Images (found in Images folder) from .pcx to png.数据文件解压后,将每一张图片(Images目录)从pcx格式转化为png格式。
+ Delete original files, for the ones split / converted.当切分/转换完成后,原始文件将被删除。
diff --git a/mapeditor/translation/czech.ts b/mapeditor/translation/czech.ts
index ad5f03a3c..b02e43e24 100644
--- a/mapeditor/translation/czech.ts
+++ b/mapeditor/translation/czech.ts
@@ -296,561 +296,587 @@
+ Open RecentOtevřít poslední
+ MapMapa
+ EditUpravit
+ ViewZobrazit
+ PlayerHráč
+ ToolbarPanel nástrojů
+ MinimapMinimapa
+ Map Objects ViewZobrazení objektů mapy
+ BrowserProhlížeč
+ InspectorInspektor
+ PropertyVlastnost
+ ValueHodnota
+ ToolsNástroje
+ PaintingMalování
+ TerrainsKrajiny
+ RoadsCesty
+ RiversŘeky
+ PreviewNáhled
+ OpenOtevřít
+ More...Více...
+ SaveUložit
+ NewNový
+ Save as...Uložit jako...
+ Ctrl+Shift+SCtrl+Shift+S
+ U/GP/Z
+ View undergroundZobrazit podzemí
+ PassPrůchodnost
+ CutVyjmout
+ CopyKopírovat
+ PasteVložit
+ FillVyplnit
+ Fills the selection with obstaclesVyplní výběr překážkami
+ GridMřížka
+ GeneralVšeobecné
+ Map title and descriptionNázev a popis mapy
+ Players settingsHráčské nastavení
+ UndoZpět
+ RedoZnovu
+ EraseSmazat
+ NeutralNeutrální
+ ValidateOvěřit
+ Update appearanceAktualizovat vzhled
+ Recreate obstaclesPřetvořit překážky
+ Player 1Hráč 1
+ Player 2Hráč 2
+ Player 3Hráč 3
+ Player 4Hráč 4
+ Player 5Hráč 5
+ Player 6Hráč 6
+ Player 7Hráč 7
+ Player 8Hráč 8
+ Export as...Exportovat jako...
+ TranslationsPřeklady
+ Ctrl+TCtrl+T
+ h3m converterPřevodník h3m
+ h3c converter
+ Převodník h3m {3c?}
+ LockZamknout
+ Lock objects on map to avoid unnecessary changesZamknout objekty na mapě pro zabránění nadbytečných změn
+ Ctrl+LCtrl+L
+ UnlockOdemknout
+ Unlock all objects on the mapOdemknout objekty na mapě
+ Ctrl+Shift+LCtrl+Shift+L
+ Zoom inPřiblížit
+ Ctrl+=Ctrl+=
+ Zoom outOddálit
+ Ctrl+-Ctrl+-
+ Zoom resetZrušit přiblížení
+ Ctrl+Shift+=Ctrl+Shift+=
+ ConfirmationPotvrzení
+ Unsaved changes will be lost, are you sure?Neuložené změny budou ztraceny, jste si jisti?
+ Mods are requiredVyžadované modifikace
+ Failed to open mapOtevření mapy se nezdařilo
+ Open mapOtevřít mapu
+ All supported maps (*.vmap *.h3m);;VCMI maps(*.vmap);;HoMM3 maps(*.h3m)Všechny podporované mapy (*.vmap *.h3m);; Mapy VCMI(*.vmap);;Mapy HoMM3(*.h3m)
+ Recently Opened FilesNaposledny otevřené soubory
+ Map validationKontrola mapy
+ Map has critical problems and most probably will not be playable. Open Validator from the Map menu to see issues foundMapa obsahuje kritické problémy a pravděpodobně nebude hratelná. Otevřete Validátor z nabídky Mapa, abyste zobrazili nalezené chyby
+ Map has some errors. Open Validator from the Map menu to see issues foundMapa obsahuje chyby. Otevřete Validátor z nabídky Mapa, abyste zobrazili nalezené problémy
+ Failed to save mapNepodařilo se uložit mapu
+ Save mapUložit mapu
+ VCMI maps (*.vmap)Mapy VCMI (*.vmap)
+ TypeDruh
+ TownsMěsta
+ ObjectsObjekty
+ HeroesHrdinové
+ ArtifactsArtefakty
+ ResourcesSuroviny
+ BanksZásobárny
+ DwellingsObydlí
+ GroundsZemě
+ TeleportsTeleporty
+ MinesDoly
+ TriggersSpouštěče
+ MonstersJednotky
+ QuestsÚkoly
+ Wog ObjectsWoG objekty
+ ObstaclesPřekážky
+ OtherOstatní
+ Mods loading problemProblém s načítáním modifikací
+ Critical error during Mods loading. Disable invalid mods and restart.Kritická chyba při načítání modifikací. Deaktivujte neplatné modifikace a restartujte.
+ View surfaceZobrazit povrch
+ No objects selectedNejsou vybrány žádné objekty
+ This operation is irreversible. Do you want to continue?Tento úkon je nezvratný. Chcete pokračovat?
+ Errors occurred. %1 objects were not updatedNastaly chyby. Nebylo aktualizováno %1 objektů
+ Save to imageUložit do obrázku
+ Select maps to convertVyberte mapy pro převod
+ HoMM3 maps(*.h3m)Mapy HoMM3 (*.h3m)
+ Choose directory to save converted mapsVyberte složku pro uložení převedených map
+ Operation completedOperace dokončena
+ Successfully converted %1 mapsÚspěšně převedeno %1 map
+ Failed to convert the map. Abort operationPřevod map selhal. Úkon zrušen
+ Select campaign to convert
+ HoMM3 campaigns (*.h3c)
+ Select destination file
+ VCMI campaigns (*.vcmp)
+ MapSettings
@@ -1037,7 +1063,7 @@
Bez týmu
+ Player ID: %1ID hráče: %1
@@ -1087,85 +1113,94 @@
+ BeginnerZačátečník
+ AdvancedPokročilý
+ ExpertExpert
+ Default secondary skills:
+ Secondary skills:
+ CompliantOchotná
+ FriendlyPřátelská
+ AggressiveAgresivní
+ HostileNepřátelská
+ SavageBrutální
+ No patrolBez hlídky
+ POWER RANKHodnocení síly
+ HERO TYPETyp hrdiny
+ Hero classRasa hrdiny
+ PortraitPortrét
+ SkillsDovednosti
+ ArtifactsArtefakty
+ %n tile(s)%n pole
@@ -1174,223 +1209,284 @@
+ BuildingsBudovy
+ EventsUdálosti
+ ResourceSurovina
+ Artifact rewardOdměna: artefakt
+ QuestÚkol
+ IdentifierIdentifikátor
+ SubIDSubID
+ InstanceNameJméno instance
+ IsStaticStatický
+ neutralneutrální
+ ArmyArmáda
+ OwnerVlastník
+ Same as townStejná jako město
+ Removable unitsOdstranitelné jednotky
+ Placeholder typeTyp výplně
+ Power rankHodnocení síly
+ Hero typeTyp hrdiny
+ ExperienceZkušenosti
+ GenderPohlaví
+ NameJméno
+ BiographyŽivotopis
+ SpellsKouzla
+ Patrol radiusPoloměr hlídky
+ Town nameJméno města
+ Same as player
+ MessageZpráva
+ SpellKouzlo
+ ProductivityProduktivita
+ AmountMnožství
+ CharacterPostava
+ Select town
+ Never fleesNikdy neutíká
+ Not growingNeroste
+ RewardOdměna
+ Remove afterOdstranit po
+ Human triggerLidský spouštěč
+ Cpu triggerAI spouštěč
+ First visit textText při první návštěvě
+ Next visit textText při další návštěvě
+ Completed textText při dokončení
+ Repeat questOpakovatelný úkol
+ Time limitČasový limit
@@ -1409,6 +1505,172 @@
Hero %1 cannot be created as NEUTRAL.Hrdina %1 nemůže být vytvořen jako NEUTRÁLNÍ.
+ Custom Spells:
+ Default Spells
+ Default
+ Výchozí
+ Quest:
+ Day of Week: %1
+ Days Passed: %1
+ Hero Level: %1
+ Hero Experience: %1
+ Mana Points: %1
+ Mana Percentage: %1
+ Primary Skills: %1/%2/%3/%4
+ Resources: %1
+ Artifacts: %1
+ Spells: %1
+ Secondary Skills: %1
+ Creatures: %1
+ Heroes: %1
+ Hero Classes: %1
+ Players: %1
+ Rewards:
+ Reward Message: %1
+ Mana Diff: %1
+ Move Points: %1
+ Move Percentage: %1
+ Spell Cast: %1 (%2)
+ Bonuses: %1
+ Built buildings:
+ Forbidden buildings:
+ Town Events:
+ Required:
+ Possible:
+ QuestWidget
@@ -2039,16 +2301,24 @@
+ Creature level %1 / Creature level %1 UpgradeÚroveň jednotky %1 / Úroveň jednotky%1 vylepšení
+ Day %1 - %2Den %1 - %2
+ TownEventsDelegate
+ Day %1 - %2
+ Den %1 - %2
@@ -2166,18 +2436,18 @@
+ Remove translationOdebrat překlad
+ Default language cannot be removedVýchozí jazyk nemůže být odstraněn
+ All existing text records for this language will be removed. Continue?Všechny textové záznamy pro tento jazyk budou odstraněny. Pokračovat?
@@ -2190,112 +2460,112 @@
Výsledky ověření mapy
+ Map is not loadedMapa není načtena
+ No factions allowed for player %1Pro hráče %1 nejsou povoleny žádné frakce
+ No players allowed to play this mapTato mapa neumožňuje hru žádnému hráči
+ Map is allowed for one player and cannot be startedTato mapa je určena pouze pro jednoho hráče a nelze ji spustit
+ No human players allowed to play this mapNa této mapě není povolen žádný lidský hráč
+ Armored instance %1 is UNFLAGGABLE but must have NEUTRAL or player ownerObrněná instance %1 nemůže být označena vlajkou, ale musí mít vlastníka nebo neutrálního nebo hráče
+ Object %1 is assigned to non-playable player %2Objekt %1 je přiřazen nehratelnému hráči %2
+ Spell scroll %1 doesn't have instance assigned and must be removedKouzelný svitek %1 nemá přiřazenou instanci a musí být odstraněn
+ Artifact %1 is prohibited by map settingsArtefakt %1 je zakázán nastavením mapy
+ Player %1 has no towns and heroes assignedHráč %1 nemá přiřazena žádná města ani hrdiny
+ Prison %1 must be a NEUTRALVězení %1 musí být NEUTRÁLNÍ
+ Hero %1 must have an ownerHrdina %1 musí mít vlastníka
+ Hero %1 is prohibited by map settingsHrdina %1 je zakázaný nastavením mapy
+ Hero %1 has duplicate on mapHrdina %1 má na mapě dvojníka
+ Hero %1 has an empty type and must be removedHrdina %1 nemá přiřazený typ a musí být odstraněn
+ Spell scroll %1 is prohibited by map settingsKouzlo %1 je zakázáno nastavením mapy
+ Player %1 doesn't have any starting townHráč %1 nemá žádné počáteční město
+ Map name is not specifiedMapa nemá název
+ Map description is not specifiedMapa nemá popis
+ Map contains object from mod "%1", but doesn't require itMapa obsahuje objekt z modifikace "%1". ale nevyžaduje ji
+ Exception occurs during validation: %1Při posudku nastala výjimka: %1
+ Unknown exception occurs during validationNasta neznámá výjimka při posudku
@@ -2391,196 +2661,222 @@
Velikost mapy
- Two level map
- Dvouvrstvá mapa
+ Dvouvrstvá mapa
+ HeightVýška
+ WidthŠířka
+ XL (144x144)XL (144x144)
+ Random mapNáhodná mapa
+ PlayersHráči
- 0
- 0
+ 0
- Human/Computer
- Hráč/počítač
+ Hráč/počítač
+ S (36x36)S (36x36)
+ M (72x72)M (72x72)
+ L (108x108)L (108x108)
+ H (180x180)H (180x180)
+ XH (216x216)XH (216x216)
+ G (252x252)G (252x252)
+ RandomNáhodně
- Computer only
- Pouze počítač
+ Pouze počítač
+ Human teamsLidské týmy
+ Computer teamsPočítačové týmy
+ Standard size
+ Custom size
+ Underground
+ Humans
+ Computers
+ Monster strengthSíla jednotek
+ WeakSlabá
+ NormalNormální
+ StrongSilná
+ Water contentVodní obsah
+ NoneŽádná
+ IslandsOstrovy
+ RoadsCesty
+ DirtHlína
+ GravelŠtěrk
+ CobblestoneDlažba
+ TemplateŠablona
+ Custom seedVlastní semínko
+ Generate random mapVygenerovat náhodnou mapu
- Ok
- Dobře
+ OK
+ OK
+ Ok
+ Dobře
+ CancelZrušit
+ No templateBez šablony
+ No template for parameters specified. Random map cannot be generated.Žádná šablona pro vybrané parametry. Náhodná mapa nemůže být vygenerována.
+ RMG failureChyba RMG
+ [default][výchozí]
@@ -2588,27 +2884,27 @@
+ Filepath of the map to open.Cesta k souboru mapy, kterou chcete otevřít.
+ Extract original H3 archives into a separate folder.Rozbalit originální archivy H3 do zvláštní složky.
+ From an extracted archive, it Splits TwCrPort, CPRSMALL, FlagPort, ITPA, ITPt, Un32 and Un44 into individual PNG's.Z rozbaleného archivu rozdělí TwCrPort, CPRSMALL, FlagPort, ITPA, ITPt, Un32 a Un44 do jednotlivých PNG.
+ From an extracted archive, Converts single Images (found in Images folder) from .pcx to png.Z rozbaleného archivu převede jednoduché obrázky (nalezené ve složce Images) z .pcx do png.
+ Delete original files, for the ones split / converted.Odstranit původní soubory pro ty, které byly rozděleny nebo převedeny.
diff --git a/mapeditor/translation/english.ts b/mapeditor/translation/english.ts
index a3f8bfa49..68e433403 100644
--- a/mapeditor/translation/english.ts
+++ b/mapeditor/translation/english.ts
@@ -296,561 +296,587 @@
+ Open Recent
+ Map
+ Edit
+ View
+ Player
+ Toolbar
+ Minimap
+ Map Objects View
+ Browser
+ Inspector
+ Property
+ Value
+ Tools
+ Painting
+ Terrains
+ Roads
+ Rivers
+ Preview
+ Open
+ More...
+ Save
+ New
+ Save as...
+ Ctrl+Shift+S
+ U/G
+ View underground
+ Pass
+ Cut
+ Copy
+ Paste
+ Fill
+ Fills the selection with obstacles
+ Grid
+ General
+ Map title and description
+ Players settings
+ Undo
+ Redo
+ Erase
+ Neutral
+ Validate
+ Update appearance
+ Recreate obstacles
+ Player 1
+ Player 2
+ Player 3
+ Player 4
+ Player 5
+ Player 6
+ Player 7
+ Player 8
+ Export as...
+ Translations
+ Ctrl+T
+ h3m converter
+ h3c converter
+ Lock
+ Lock objects on map to avoid unnecessary changes
+ Ctrl+L
+ Unlock
+ Unlock all objects on the map
+ Ctrl+Shift+L
+ Zoom in
+ Ctrl+=
+ Zoom out
+ Ctrl+-
+ Zoom reset
+ Ctrl+Shift+=
+ Confirmation
+ Unsaved changes will be lost, are you sure?
+ Mods are required
+ Failed to open map
+ Open map
+ All supported maps (*.vmap *.h3m);;VCMI maps(*.vmap);;HoMM3 maps(*.h3m)
+ Recently Opened Files
+ Map validation
+ Map has critical problems and most probably will not be playable. Open Validator from the Map menu to see issues found
+ Map has some errors. Open Validator from the Map menu to see issues found
+ Failed to save map
+ Save map
+ VCMI maps (*.vmap)
+ Type
+ Towns
+ Objects
+ Heroes
+ Artifacts
+ Resources
+ Banks
+ Dwellings
+ Grounds
+ Teleports
+ Mines
+ Triggers
+ Monsters
+ Quests
+ Wog Objects
+ Obstacles
+ Other
+ Mods loading problem
+ Critical error during Mods loading. Disable invalid mods and restart.
+ View surface
+ No objects selected
+ This operation is irreversible. Do you want to continue?
+ Errors occurred. %1 objects were not updated
+ Save to image
+ Select maps to convert
+ HoMM3 maps(*.h3m)
+ Choose directory to save converted maps
+ Operation completed
+ Successfully converted %1 maps
+ Failed to convert the map. Abort operation
+ Select campaign to convert
+ HoMM3 campaigns (*.h3c)
+ Select destination file
+ VCMI campaigns (*.vcmp)
+ MapSettings
@@ -1037,7 +1063,7 @@
+ Player ID: %1
@@ -1087,85 +1113,94 @@
+ Beginner
+ Advanced
+ Expert
+ Default secondary skills:
+ Secondary skills:
+ Compliant
+ Friendly
+ Aggressive
+ Hostile
+ Savage
+ No patrol
+ Hero class
+ Portrait
+ Skills
+ Artifacts
+ %n tile(s)
@@ -1173,223 +1208,284 @@
+ Buildings
+ Events
+ Resource
+ Artifact reward
+ Quest
+ Identifier
+ ID
+ SubID
+ InstanceName
+ IsStatic
+ neutral
+ Army
+ Owner
+ Same as town
+ Removable units
+ Placeholder type
+ Power rank
+ Hero type
+ Experience
+ Gender
+ Name
+ Biography
+ Spells
+ Patrol radius
+ Town name
+ Same as player
+ Message
+ Spell
+ Productivity
+ Amount
+ Character
+ Select town
+ Never flees
+ Not growing
+ Reward
+ Remove after
+ Human trigger
+ Cpu trigger
+ First visit text
+ Next visit text
+ Completed text
+ Repeat quest
+ Time limit
@@ -1408,6 +1504,172 @@
Hero %1 cannot be created as NEUTRAL.
+ Custom Spells:
+ Default Spells
+ Default
+ Quest:
+ Day of Week: %1
+ Days Passed: %1
+ Hero Level: %1
+ Hero Experience: %1
+ Mana Points: %1
+ Mana Percentage: %1
+ Primary Skills: %1/%2/%3/%4
+ Resources: %1
+ Artifacts: %1
+ Spells: %1
+ Secondary Skills: %1
+ Creatures: %1
+ Heroes: %1
+ Hero Classes: %1
+ Players: %1
+ Rewards:
+ Reward Message: %1
+ Mana Diff: %1
+ Move Points: %1
+ Move Percentage: %1
+ Spell Cast: %1 (%2)
+ Bonuses: %1
+ Built buildings:
+ Forbidden buildings:
+ Town Events:
+ Required:
+ Possible:
+ QuestWidget
@@ -2038,12 +2300,20 @@
+ Creature level %1 / Creature level %1 Upgrade
+ Day %1 - %2
+ TownEventsDelegate
+ Day %1 - %2
@@ -2165,18 +2435,18 @@
+ Remove translation
+ Default language cannot be removed
+ All existing text records for this language will be removed. Continue?
@@ -2189,112 +2459,112 @@
+ Map is not loaded
+ No factions allowed for player %1
+ No players allowed to play this map
+ Map is allowed for one player and cannot be started
+ No human players allowed to play this map
+ Armored instance %1 is UNFLAGGABLE but must have NEUTRAL or player owner
+ Object %1 is assigned to non-playable player %2
+ Spell scroll %1 doesn't have instance assigned and must be removed
+ Artifact %1 is prohibited by map settings
+ Player %1 has no towns and heroes assigned
+ Prison %1 must be a NEUTRAL
+ Hero %1 must have an owner
+ Hero %1 is prohibited by map settings
+ Hero %1 has duplicate on map
+ Hero %1 has an empty type and must be removed
+ Spell scroll %1 is prohibited by map settings
+ Player %1 doesn't have any starting town
+ Map name is not specified
+ Map description is not specified
+ Map contains object from mod "%1", but doesn't require it
+ Exception occurs during validation: %1
+ Unknown exception occurs during validation
@@ -2390,196 +2660,202 @@
- Two level map
+ Height
+ Width
+ XL (144x144)
+ Random map
+ Players
- 0
- Human/Computer
+ S (36x36)
+ M (72x72)
+ L (108x108)
+ H (180x180)
+ XH (216x216)
+ G (252x252)
+ Random
- Computer only
+ Human teams
+ Computer teams
+ Standard size
+ Custom size
+ Underground
+ Humans
+ Computers
+ Monster strength
+ Weak
+ Normal
+ Strong
+ Water content
+ None
+ Islands
+ Roads
+ Dirt
+ Gravel
+ Cobblestone
+ Template
+ Custom seed
+ Generate random map
- Ok
+ OK
+ Cancel
+ No template
+ No template for parameters specified. Random map cannot be generated.
+ RMG failure
+ [default]
@@ -2587,27 +2863,27 @@
+ Filepath of the map to open.
+ Extract original H3 archives into a separate folder.
+ From an extracted archive, it Splits TwCrPort, CPRSMALL, FlagPort, ITPA, ITPt, Un32 and Un44 into individual PNG's.
+ From an extracted archive, Converts single Images (found in Images folder) from .pcx to png.
+ Delete original files, for the ones split / converted.
diff --git a/mapeditor/translation/french.ts b/mapeditor/translation/french.ts
index 8e4e9f946..2003dc65f 100644
--- a/mapeditor/translation/french.ts
+++ b/mapeditor/translation/french.ts
@@ -296,561 +296,587 @@
+ Open Recent
+ MapCarte
+ EditÉdition
+ ViewAffichage
+ PlayerJoueur
+ ToolbarBarre d'outils
+ MinimapMini-carte
+ Map Objects ViewVue des objets cartographiques
+ BrowserNavigateur
+ InspectorInspecteur
+ PropertyPropriété
+ ValueValeur
+ ToolsOutils
+ PaintingRemplissage
+ TerrainsTerrains
+ RoadsRoutes
+ RiversRivières
+ PreviewAperçu
+ OpenOuvrir
+ More...
+ SaveEnregistrer
+ NewNouveau
+ Save as...Enregistrer sous...
+ Ctrl+Shift+SCtrl+Maj+S
+ U/GSous-sol/Surface
+ View undergroundVoir le sous-sol
+ PassPassage
+ CutCouper
+ CopyCopier
+ PasteColler
+ FillRemplir
+ Fills the selection with obstaclesRemplir la sélection d'obstacles
+ GridGrille
+ GeneralGénéral
+ Map title and descriptionTitre et description de la carte
+ Players settingsParamètres des joueurs
+ UndoAnnuler
+ RedoRétablir
+ EraseEffacer
+ NeutralNeutre
+ ValidateValider
+ Update appearanceMettre à jour l'apparence
+ Recreate obstaclesRecréer des obstacles
+ Player 1Joueur 1
+ Player 2Joueur 2
+ Player 3Joueur 3
+ Player 4Joueur 4
+ Player 5Joueur 5
+ Player 6Joueur 6
+ Player 7Joueur 7
+ Player 8Joueur 8
+ Export as...Exporter sous...
+ TranslationsTraductions
+ Ctrl+TCtrl+T
+ h3m converterconvertisseur h3m
+ h3c converter
+ convertisseur h3m {3c?}
+ LockVérouiller
+ Lock objects on map to avoid unnecessary changesVérouiller les objets sur la carte pour éviter des changements non nécessaires
+ Ctrl+LCtrl+L
+ UnlockDéverouiller
+ Unlock all objects on the mapDévérouiller tous les objets de la carte
+ Ctrl+Shift+LCtrl+Maj+L
+ Zoom inZoom avant
+ Ctrl+=Ctrl+=
+ Zoom outZoom arrière
+ Ctrl+-
+ Zoom resetRemise à zéro du zoom
+ Ctrl+Shift+=Ctrl+Maj+=
+ ConfirmationConfirmation
+ Unsaved changes will be lost, are you sure?Les modifications non sauvegardées seront perdues. Êtes-vous sûr ?
+ Mods are required
+ Failed to open map
+ Open mapOuvrir une carte
+ All supported maps (*.vmap *.h3m);;VCMI maps(*.vmap);;HoMM3 maps(*.h3m)Toutes les cartes prises en charge (*.vmap *.h3m);;Cartes VCMI (*.vmap);;Cartes HoMM3 (*.h3m)
+ Recently Opened Files
+ Map validation
+ Map has critical problems and most probably will not be playable. Open Validator from the Map menu to see issues found
+ Map has some errors. Open Validator from the Map menu to see issues found
+ Failed to save map
+ Save mapEnregistrer la carte
+ VCMI maps (*.vmap)Cartes VCMI (*.vmap)
+ TypeType
+ Towns
+ Objects
+ HeroesHéros
+ Artifacts
+ Resources
+ Banks
+ Dwellings
+ Grounds
+ Teleports
+ Mines
+ Triggers
+ Monsters
+ Quests
+ Wog Objects
+ Obstacles
+ Other
+ Mods loading problem
+ Critical error during Mods loading. Disable invalid mods and restart.
+ View surfaceAfficher la surface
+ No objects selectedPas d'objets sélectionnés
+ This operation is irreversible. Do you want to continue?Cette opération est irreversible. Voulez-vous continuer ?
+ Errors occurred. %1 objects were not updatedErreur rencontrée. %1 objets n'ont pas étés mis à jour
+ Save to imageSauvegarder en tant qu'image
+ Select maps to convertSélectionner les cartes à convertir
+ HoMM3 maps(*.h3m)Cartes HoMM3(*.h3m)
+ Choose directory to save converted mapsSélectionner le dossier ou sauvegarder les cartes converties
+ Operation completedOpération terminée
+ Successfully converted %1 mapsConversion éffectuée avec succès des %1 cartes
+ Failed to convert the map. Abort operationErreur de conversion de carte. Opération annulée
+ Select campaign to convert
+ HoMM3 campaigns (*.h3c)
+ Select destination file
+ VCMI campaigns (*.vcmp)
+ MapSettings
@@ -1037,7 +1063,7 @@
+ Player ID: %1Identifiant du joueur : %1
@@ -1087,85 +1113,94 @@
+ BeginnerDébutant
+ AdvancedAvancé
+ ExpertExpert
+ Default secondary skills:
+ Secondary skills:
+ CompliantCompérhensif
+ FriendlyAmical
+ AggressiveAggressif
+ HostileHostile
+ SavageSauvage
+ No patrol
+ Hero class
+ PortraitPortrait
+ Skills
+ Artifacts
+ %n tile(s)
@@ -1173,223 +1208,284 @@
+ BuildingsBâtiments
+ EventsÉvénements
+ Resource
+ Artifact reward
+ Quest
+ Identifier
+ ID
+ SubID
+ InstanceName
+ IsStatic
+ neutralneutre
+ Army
+ Owner
+ Same as town
+ Removable units
+ Placeholder type
+ Power rank
+ Hero type
+ Experience
+ Gender
+ Name
+ Biography
+ SpellsSorts
+ Patrol radius
+ Town name
+ Same as player
+ MessageMessage
+ SpellSort
+ Productivity
+ Amount
+ Character
+ Select town
+ Never flees
+ Not growing
+ RewardRécompense
+ Remove after
+ Human trigger
+ Cpu trigger
+ First visit text
+ Next visit text
+ Completed text
+ Repeat quest
+ Time limit
@@ -1408,6 +1504,172 @@
Hero %1 cannot be created as NEUTRAL.Le héro %1 ne peut pas être créé en tant que NEUTRE.
+ Custom Spells:
+ Default Spells
+ Default
+ Défaut
+ Quest:
+ Day of Week: %1
+ Days Passed: %1
+ Hero Level: %1
+ Hero Experience: %1
+ Mana Points: %1
+ Mana Percentage: %1
+ Primary Skills: %1/%2/%3/%4
+ Resources: %1
+ Artifacts: %1
+ Spells: %1
+ Secondary Skills: %1
+ Creatures: %1
+ Heroes: %1
+ Hero Classes: %1
+ Players: %1
+ Rewards:
+ Reward Message: %1
+ Mana Diff: %1
+ Move Points: %1
+ Move Percentage: %1
+ Spell Cast: %1 (%2)
+ Bonuses: %1
+ Built buildings:
+ Forbidden buildings:
+ Town Events:
+ Required:
+ Possible:
+ QuestWidget
@@ -2038,16 +2300,24 @@
+ Creature level %1 / Creature level %1 UpgradeCréature niveau %1 / Créature niveau %1 Augmenté
+ Day %1 - %2Jour %1 - %2
+ TownEventsDelegate
+ Day %1 - %2
+ Jour %1 - %2
@@ -2165,18 +2435,18 @@
+ Remove translationSupprimer la traduction
+ Default language cannot be removedLa langue par défaut ne peut-être supprimée
+ All existing text records for this language will be removed. Continue?Tous les enregistrement texte de cette langue seront supprimés. Continuer?
@@ -2189,112 +2459,112 @@
Résultats de la validation de la carte
+ Map is not loadedAucune carte n'est chargée
+ No factions allowed for player %1Pas de factions autorisées pour le joueur %1
+ No players allowed to play this mapAucun joueur autorisé à jouer sur cette carte
+ Map is allowed for one player and cannot be startedLa carte est autorisée pour un joueur et ne peut pas être démarrée
+ No human players allowed to play this mapAucun joueur humain n'est autorisé à jouer sur cette carte
+ Armored instance %1 is UNFLAGGABLE but must have NEUTRAL or player ownerL'instance blindée %1 est IMMARQUABLE mais doit avoir un propriétaire NEUTRE ou joueur
+ Object %1 is assigned to non-playable player %2L'objet %1 est attribué au joueur non jouable %2
+ Spell scroll %1 doesn't have instance assigned and must be removedLe défilement de sort %1 n'a pas d'instance assignée et doit être enlevé
+ Artifact %1 is prohibited by map settingsL'artéfact %1 est interdit par la configuration de la carte
+ Player %1 has no towns and heroes assignedLe joueur %1 n'a pas de ville ni de héro assigné
+ Prison %1 must be a NEUTRALLa prison %1 doit être NEUTRE
+ Hero %1 must have an ownerLe héros %1 doit avoir un propriétaire
+ Hero %1 is prohibited by map settingsLe héros %1 est interdit par les paramètres de la carte
+ Hero %1 has duplicate on mapLe héros %1 a un doublon sur la carte
+ Hero %1 has an empty type and must be removedLe héros %1 a un type vide et doit être supprimé
+ Spell scroll %1 is prohibited by map settingsLe défilement des sorts %1 est interdit par les paramètres de la carte
+ Player %1 doesn't have any starting townLe joueur %1 n'a pas de ville de départ
+ Map name is not specifiedLe nom de la carte n'est pas spécifié
+ Map description is not specifiedLa description de la carte n'est pas spécifiée
+ Map contains object from mod "%1", but doesn't require itLa carte contient des objets du mod "%1", mais il n'est pas requis
+ Exception occurs during validation: %1Une exception se produit lors de la validation : %1
+ Unknown exception occurs during validationUne exception inconnue se produit lors de la validation
@@ -2390,196 +2660,222 @@
Taille de la carte
- Two level map
- Carte à deux niveaux
+ Carte à deux niveaux
+ HeightHauteur
+ WidthLargeur
+ XL (144x144)Très grande (144x144)
+ Random mapCarte aléatoire
+ PlayersJoueurs
- 0
- 0
+ 0
- Human/Computer
- Humain/Ordinateur
+ Humain/Ordinateur
+ S (36x36)S (36x36)
+ M (72x72)M (72x72)
+ L (108x108)L (108x108)
+ H (180x180)H (180x180)
+ XH (216x216)XH (216x216)
+ G (252x252)G (252x252)
+ RandomAléatoire
- Computer only
- Ordinateur uniquement
+ Ordinateur uniquement
+ Human teamsÉquipes humaines
+ Computer teamsÉquipes d'ordinateur
+ Standard size
+ Custom size
+ Underground
+ Humans
+ Computers
+ Monster strengthForce des monstres
+ WeakFaible
+ NormalNormal
+ StrongForte
+ Water contentProportion en eau
+ NoneAucune
+ IslandsÎles
+ RoadsRoutes
+ Dirt
+ Gravel
+ Cobblestone
+ TemplateModèle
+ Custom seedGraine personnalisée
+ Generate random mapGénérer une carte aléatoire
- Ok
- OK
+ OK
+ OK
+ Ok
+ OK
+ CancelAnnuler
+ No templatePas de modèle
+ No template for parameters specified. Random map cannot be generated.Pas de modèles pour les paramètres spécifiés. La carte aléatoire ne peut pas être générée.
+ RMG failureEchec de RMG
+ [default]
@@ -2587,27 +2883,27 @@
+ Filepath of the map to open.Chemin du fichier de la carte à ouvrir.
+ Extract original H3 archives into a separate folder.Extraire les archives H3 d'origine dans un dossier séparé.
+ From an extracted archive, it Splits TwCrPort, CPRSMALL, FlagPort, ITPA, ITPt, Un32 and Un44 into individual PNG's.À partir d'une archive extraite, il divise TwCrPort, CPRSMALL, FlagPort, ITPA, ITPt, Un32 et Un44 en fichiers PNG individuals.
+ From an extracted archive, Converts single Images (found in Images folder) from .pcx to png.À partir d'une archive extraite, convertit des images uniques (trouvées dans le dossier Images) de .pcx en png.
+ Delete original files, for the ones split / converted.Supprimer les fichiers d'origine, pour ceux fractionnés/converts.
diff --git a/mapeditor/translation/german.ts b/mapeditor/translation/german.ts
index 247a9ef37..ed180fa77 100644
--- a/mapeditor/translation/german.ts
+++ b/mapeditor/translation/german.ts
@@ -296,561 +296,587 @@
+ Open RecentZuletzt geöffnet
+ MapKarte
+ EditBearbeiten
+ ViewAnsicht
+ PlayerSpieler
+ ToolbarWerkzeugleiste
+ MinimapMinikarte
+ Map Objects ViewKartenobjekte-Ansicht
+ BrowserBrowser
+ InspectorInspektor
+ PropertyEigenschaft
+ ValueWert
+ ToolsWerkzeuge
+ PaintingMalen
+ TerrainsTerrains
+ RoadsStraßen
+ RiversFlüsse
+ PreviewVorschau
+ OpenÖffnen
+ More...Mehr...
+ SaveSpeichern
+ NewNeu
+ Save as...Speichern unter...
+ Ctrl+Shift+SStrg+Shift+S
+ U/GU/G
+ View undergroundAnsicht Untergrund
+ PassPassierbar
+ CutAusschneiden
+ CopyKopieren
+ PasteEinfügen
+ FillFüllen
+ Fills the selection with obstaclesFüllt die Auswahl mit Hindernissen
+ GridRaster
+ GeneralAllgemein
+ Map title and descriptionTitel und Beschreibung der Karte
+ Players settingsSpieler-Einstellungen
+ UndoRückgängig
+ RedoWiederholen
+ EraseLöschen
+ NeutralNeutral
+ ValidateValidieren
+ Update appearanceAussehen aktualisieren
+ Recreate obstaclesHindernisse neu erschaffen
+ Player 1Spieler 1
+ Player 2Spieler 2
+ Player 3Spieler 3
+ Player 4Spieler 4
+ Player 5Spieler 5
+ Player 6Spieler 6
+ Player 7Spieler 7
+ Player 8Spieler 8
+ Export as...Exportieren als...
+ TranslationsÜbersetzungen
+ Ctrl+TStrg+T
+ h3m converterh3m-Konverter
+ h3c converter
+ h3m-Konverter {3c?}
+ LockSperren
+ Lock objects on map to avoid unnecessary changesObjekte auf der Karte sperren, um unnötige Änderungen zu vermeiden
+ Ctrl+LStrg+L
+ UnlockEntsperren
+ Unlock all objects on the mapEntsperre alle Objekte auf der Karte
+ Ctrl+Shift+LStrg+Umschalt+L
+ Zoom inHeranzoomen
+ Ctrl+=Strg+=
+ Zoom outHerauszoomen
+ Ctrl+-Strg+-
+ Zoom resetZoom zurücksetzen
+ Ctrl+Shift+=Strg+Umschalt+=
+ ConfirmationBestätigung
+ Unsaved changes will be lost, are you sure?Ungespeicherte Änderungen gehen verloren, sind sie sicher?
+ Mods are requiredMods sind erforderlich
+ Failed to open mapKarte konnte nicht geöffnet werden
+ Open mapKarte öffnen
+ All supported maps (*.vmap *.h3m);;VCMI maps(*.vmap);;HoMM3 maps(*.h3m)Alle unterstützten Karten (*.vmap *.h3m);;VCMI-Karten (*.vmap);;HoMM3-Karten (*.h3m)
+ Recently Opened FilesKürzlich geöffnete Dateien
+ Map validationValidierung der Karte
+ Map has critical problems and most probably will not be playable. Open Validator from the Map menu to see issues foundDie Karte hat kritische Probleme und wird höchstwahrscheinlich nicht spielbar sein. Öffnen Sie den Validator aus dem Kartenmenü, um die gefundenen Probleme zu sehen
+ Map has some errors. Open Validator from the Map menu to see issues foundKarte hat einige Fehler. Öffnen Sie den Validator aus dem Kartenmenü, um die gefundenen Probleme zu sehen
+ Failed to save mapKarte konnte nicht gespeichert werden
+ Save mapKarte speichern
+ VCMI maps (*.vmap)VCMI-Karten (*.vmap)
+ TypeTyp
+ TownsStädte
+ ObjectsObjekte
+ HeroesHelden
+ ArtifactsArtefakte
+ ResourcesRessourcen
+ BanksBänke
+ DwellingsUnterkünfte
+ GroundsGelände
+ TeleportsTeleporter
+ MinesMinen
+ TriggersTrigger
+ MonstersMonster
+ QuestsAufgaben
+ Wog ObjectsWog Objekte
+ ObstaclesHindernisse
+ OtherAnderes
+ Mods loading problemProblem beim Laden von Mods
+ Critical error during Mods loading. Disable invalid mods and restart.Kritischer Fehler beim Laden von Mods. Deaktivieren Sie ungültige Mods und starten Sie neu.
+ View surfaceOberfläche anzeigen
+ No objects selectedKeine Objekte selektiert
+ This operation is irreversible. Do you want to continue?Diese Operation ist unumkehrbar. Möchten sie fortsetzen?
+ Errors occurred. %1 objects were not updatedFehler sind aufgetreten. %1 Objekte konnten nicht aktualisiert werden
+ Save to imageAls Bild speichern
+ Select maps to convertZu konvertierende Karten auswählen
+ HoMM3 maps(*.h3m)HoMM3-Karten (*.h3m)
+ Choose directory to save converted mapsVerzeichnis zum Speichern der konvertierten Karten wählen
+ Operation completedVorgang abgeschlossen
+ Successfully converted %1 mapsErfolgreiche Konvertierung von %1 Karten
+ Failed to convert the map. Abort operationDie Karte konnte nicht konvertiert werden. Vorgang abgebrochen
+ Select campaign to convert
+ HoMM3 campaigns (*.h3c)
+ Select destination file
+ VCMI campaigns (*.vcmp)
+ MapSettings
@@ -1037,7 +1063,7 @@
Kein Team
+ Player ID: %1Spieler-ID: %1
@@ -1087,85 +1113,94 @@
+ BeginnerAnfänger
+ AdvancedFortgeschrittene
+ ExpertExperte
+ Default secondary skills:
+ Secondary skills:
+ CompliantKonform
+ FriendlyFreundlich
+ AggressiveAggressiv
+ HostileFeindlich
+ SavageWild
+ No patrolKeine Streife
+ Hero classHeldenklasse
+ PortraitPorträt
+ SkillsFertigkeiten
+ ArtifactsArtefakte
+ %n tile(s)%n Kachel
@@ -1173,223 +1208,284 @@
+ BuildingsGebäude
+ EventsEreignisse
+ ResourceRessource
+ Artifact rewardArtefakt-Belohnung
+ QuestAufgabe
+ IdentifierIdentifier
+ SubIDSubID
+ InstanceNameInstanzName
+ IsStaticIstStatisch
+ neutralneutral
+ ArmyArmee
+ OwnerBesitzer
+ Same as townWie die Stadt
+ Removable unitsEntfernbare Einheiten
+ Placeholder typePlatzhalter-Typ
+ Power rankStärke Rang
+ Hero typeHelden-Typ
+ ExperienceErfahrung
+ GenderGeschlecht
+ NameName
+ BiographyBiografie
+ SpellsZaubersprüche
+ Patrol radiusPatrouillenradius
+ Town nameStadtname
+ Same as player
+ MessageNachricht
+ SpellZauberspruch
+ ProductivityProduktivität
+ AmountMenge
+ CharacterCharakter
+ Select town
+ Never fleesFlieht niemals
+ Not growingWächst nicht
+ RewardBelohnung
+ Remove afterNach Entfernen
+ Human triggerMenschlich-Auslöser
+ Cpu triggerCPU-Auslöser
+ First visit textErster Besuch Text
+ Next visit textNächster Besuch Text
+ Completed textAbgeschlossener Text
+ Repeat questWiederhole Quest
+ Time limitZeitlimit
@@ -1408,6 +1504,172 @@
Hero %1 cannot be created as NEUTRAL.Held %1 kann nicht als NEUTRAL erstellt werden.
+ Custom Spells:
+ Default Spells
+ Default
+ Standard
+ Quest:
+ Day of Week: %1
+ Days Passed: %1
+ Hero Level: %1
+ Hero Experience: %1
+ Mana Points: %1
+ Mana Percentage: %1
+ Primary Skills: %1/%2/%3/%4
+ Resources: %1
+ Artifacts: %1
+ Spells: %1
+ Secondary Skills: %1
+ Creatures: %1
+ Heroes: %1
+ Hero Classes: %1
+ Players: %1
+ Rewards:
+ Reward Message: %1
+ Mana Diff: %1
+ Move Points: %1
+ Move Percentage: %1
+ Spell Cast: %1 (%2)
+ Bonuses: %1
+ Built buildings:
+ Forbidden buildings:
+ Town Events:
+ Required:
+ Possible:
+ QuestWidget
@@ -2038,16 +2300,24 @@
+ Creature level %1 / Creature level %1 UpgradeKreaturlevel %1 / Kreaturlevel %1 Aufgerüstet
+ Day %1 - %2Tag %1 - %2
+ TownEventsDelegate
+ Day %1 - %2
+ Tag %1 - %2
@@ -2165,18 +2435,18 @@
+ Remove translationÜbersetzung entfernen
+ Default language cannot be removedStandardsprache kann nicht entfernt werden
+ All existing text records for this language will be removed. Continue?Alle vorhandenen Textsätze für diese Sprache werden entfernt. Weiter?
@@ -2189,112 +2459,112 @@
Ergebnisse der Kartenvalidierung
+ Map is not loadedKarte ist nicht geladen
+ No factions allowed for player %1Keine Fraktionen für Spieler %1 erlaubt
+ No players allowed to play this mapKeine Spieler dürfen diese Karte spielen
+ Map is allowed for one player and cannot be startedKarte ist für einen Spieler erlaubt und kann nicht gestartet werden
+ No human players allowed to play this mapKeine menschlichen Spieler dürfen diese Karte spielen
+ Armored instance %1 is UNFLAGGABLE but must have NEUTRAL or player ownerGepanzerte Instanz %1 ist UNFLAGGABLE, muss aber NEUTRAL oder Spielerbesitzer haben
+ Object %1 is assigned to non-playable player %2Objekt %1 ist dem nicht spielbaren Spieler %2 zugewiesen
+ Spell scroll %1 doesn't have instance assigned and must be removedZauberschriftrolle %1 hat keine Instanz zugewiesen und muss entfernt werden
+ Artifact %1 is prohibited by map settingsArtefakt %1 ist durch Karteneinstellungen verboten
+ Player %1 has no towns and heroes assignedSpieler %1 hat keine Städte und Helden zugewiesen
+ Prison %1 must be a NEUTRALGefängnis %1 muss NEUTRAL sein
+ Hero %1 must have an ownerHeld %1 muss einen Besitzer haben
+ Hero %1 is prohibited by map settingsHeld %1 ist durch Karteneinstellungen verboten
+ Hero %1 has duplicate on mapHeld %1 hat Duplikat auf Karte
+ Hero %1 has an empty type and must be removedHeld %1 hat einen leeren Typ und muss entfernt werden
+ Spell scroll %1 is prohibited by map settingsZauberschriftrolle %1 ist durch Karteneinstellungen verboten
+ Player %1 doesn't have any starting townSpieler %1 hat keine Startstadt
+ Map name is not specifiedKartenname ist nicht angegeben
+ Map description is not specifiedKartenbeschreibung ist nicht angegeben
+ Map contains object from mod "%1", but doesn't require itKarte enthält Objekt aus Mod "%1", benötigt es aber nicht
+ Exception occurs during validation: %1Bei der Validierung ist eine Ausnahme aufgetreten: %1
+ Unknown exception occurs during validationUnbekannte Ausnahme trat während der Validierung auf
@@ -2390,196 +2660,222 @@
Größe der Karte
- Two level map
- Karte mit zwei Ebenen
+ Karte mit zwei Ebenen
+ HeightHöhe
+ WidthBreite
+ XL (144x144)XL (144x144)
+ Random mapZufallsgenerierte Karte
+ PlayersSpieler
- 0
- 0
+ 0
- Human/Computer
- Mensch/Computer
+ Mensch/Computer
+ S (36x36)S (36x36)
+ M (72x72)M (72x72)
+ L (108x108)L (108x108)
+ H (180x180)H (180x180)
+ XH (216x216)XH (216x216)
+ G (252x252)G (252x252)
+ RandomZufall
- Computer only
- Nur Computer
+ Nur Computer
+ Human teamsMenschliche Teams
+ Computer teamsComputer Teams
+ Standard size
+ Custom size
+ Underground
+ Humans
+ Computers
+ Monster strengthMonster-Stärke
+ WeakSchwach
+ NormalNormal
+ StrongStark
+ Water contentWasseranteil
+ NoneKeine
+ IslandsInseln
+ RoadsStraßen
+ DirtErde
+ GravelKies
+ CobblestoneKopfsteinpflaster
+ TemplateVorlage
+ Custom seedBenutzerdefiniertes Seed
+ Generate random mapZufällige Karte generieren
- Ok
- Ok
+ OK
+ OK
+ Ok
+ Ok
+ CancelAbbrechen
+ No templateKein Template
+ No template for parameters specified. Random map cannot be generated.Es wurde kein Template für Parameter erstellt. Zufällige Karte kann nicht generiert werden.
+ RMG failureRMG-Fehler
+ [default][Standard]
@@ -2587,27 +2883,27 @@
+ Filepath of the map to open.Dateipfad der zu öffnenden Karte.
+ Extract original H3 archives into a separate folder.Extrahieren Sie die Original-H3-Archive in einen separaten Ordner.
+ From an extracted archive, it Splits TwCrPort, CPRSMALL, FlagPort, ITPA, ITPt, Un32 and Un44 into individual PNG's.Aus einem extrahierten Archiv zerlegt es TwCrPort, CPRSMALL, FlagPort, ITPA, ITPt, Un32 und Un44 in einzelne PNGs.
+ From an extracted archive, Converts single Images (found in Images folder) from .pcx to png.Aus einem extrahierten Archiv werden einzelne Bilder (aus dem Ordner "Images") von .pcx in png konvertiert.
+ Delete original files, for the ones split / converted.Löschen Sie die Originaldateien für die gesplitteten/konvertierten Dateien.
diff --git a/mapeditor/translation/polish.ts b/mapeditor/translation/polish.ts
index 6ebc6b9ae..f4317266a 100644
--- a/mapeditor/translation/polish.ts
+++ b/mapeditor/translation/polish.ts
@@ -296,561 +296,587 @@
+ Open RecentOtwórz ostatnie
+ MapMapa
+ EditEdycja
+ ViewWidok
+ PlayerGracz
+ ToolbarPrzybornik
+ MinimapMinimapa
+ Map Objects ViewWidok obiektów
+ BrowserPrzeglądarka
+ InspectorInspektor
+ PropertyWłaściwość
+ ValueWartość
+ ToolsNarzędzia
+ PaintingMalowanie
+ TerrainsTereny
+ RoadsDrogi
+ RiversRzeki
+ PreviewPodgląd
+ OpenOtwórz
+ More...Więcej...
+ SaveZapisz
+ NewNowy
+ Save as...Zapisz jako...
+ Ctrl+Shift+SCtrl+Shift+S
+ U/GPodziemia
+ View undergroundPokaż podziemia
+ PassPrzejścia
+ CutWytnij
+ CopyKopiuj
+ PasteWklej
+ FillWypełnij
+ Fills the selection with obstaclesWypełnia zaznaczony obszar przeszkodami
+ GridSiatka
+ GeneralOgólne
+ Map title and descriptionNazwa i opis mapy
+ Players settingsUstawienia graczy
+ UndoCofnij
+ RedoPrzywróć
+ EraseWymaż
+ NeutralNeutralny
+ ValidateSprawdź
+ Update appearanceAktualizuj wygląd
+ Recreate obstaclesPowtórnie stwórz przeszkody
+ Player 1Gracz 1
+ Player 2Gracz 2
+ Player 3Gracz 3
+ Player 4Gracz 4
+ Player 5Gracz 5
+ Player 6Gracz 6
+ Player 7Gracz 7
+ Player 8Gracz 8
+ Export as...Eksportuj jako...
+ TranslationsTłumaczenia
+ Ctrl+TCtrl+T
+ h3m converterkonwerter h3m
+ h3c converter
+ konwerter h3m {3c?}
+ LockZablokuj
+ Lock objects on map to avoid unnecessary changesZablokuj obiekty na mapie by uniknąć przypadkowych zmian
+ Ctrl+LCtrl+L
+ UnlockOdblokuj
+ Unlock all objects on the mapOdblokuj wszystkie obiekty na mapie
+ Ctrl+Shift+LCtrl+Shift+L
+ Zoom inZbliż widok
+ Ctrl+=Ctrl+=
+ Zoom outOddal widok
+ Ctrl+-Ctrl+-
+ Zoom resetDomyślne oddalenie
+ Ctrl+Shift+=Ctrl+Shift+=
+ ConfirmationPotwierdzenie
+ Unsaved changes will be lost, are you sure?Niezapisane zmiany zostaną utracone, jesteś pewny?
+ Mods are requiredWymagane są mody
+ Failed to open mapNie udało się otworzyć mapy
+ Open mapOtwórz mapę
+ All supported maps (*.vmap *.h3m);;VCMI maps(*.vmap);;HoMM3 maps(*.h3m)Wszystkie wspierane mapy (*.vmap *.h3m);;Mapy VCMI(*.vmap);;Mapy HoMM3(*.h3m)
+ Recently Opened FilesOstatnio otwierane pliki
+ Map validationWalidacja mapy
+ Map has critical problems and most probably will not be playable. Open Validator from the Map menu to see issues foundMapa ma krytyczne problemy i prawdopodobnie nie będzie grywalna. Otwórz Walidator z menu Mapy, aby zobaczyć znalezione problemy.
+ Map has some errors. Open Validator from the Map menu to see issues foundMapa zawiera błędy. Otwórz Walidator z menu Mapy, aby zobaczyć znalezione problemy.
+ Failed to save mapNie udało się zapisać mapy
+ Save mapZapisz mapę
+ VCMI maps (*.vmap)Mapy VCMI (*.vmap)
+ TypeTyp
+ TownsMiasta
+ Objects
+ HeroesBohaterowie
+ ArtifactsArtefakty
+ ResourcesZasoby
+ BanksBanki
+ DwellingsSiedliska
+ GroundsTereny
+ TeleportsTeleporty
+ MinesKopalnie
+ TriggersWyzwalacze
+ MonstersPotwory
+ QuestsZadania
+ Wog ObjectsObiekty WOG
+ ObstaclesPrzeszkody
+ OtherInne
+ Mods loading problemProblem z ładowaniem modów
+ Critical error during Mods loading. Disable invalid mods and restart.Krytyczny błąd podczas ładowania modów. Wyłącz nieprawidłowe mody i uruchom ponownie.
+ View surfacePokaż powierzchnię
+ No objects selectedBrak wybranych obiektów
+ This operation is irreversible. Do you want to continue?Ta operacja jest nieodwracalna. Czy chcesz kontynuować?
+ Errors occurred. %1 objects were not updatedWystąpiły błędy. %1 obiektów nie zostało zaktualizowanych
+ Save to imageZapisz jako obraz
+ Select maps to convertWybierz mapy do konwersji
+ HoMM3 maps(*.h3m)Mapy HoMM3(*.h3m)
+ Choose directory to save converted mapsWybierz folder do zapisu skonwertowanych map
+ Operation completedOperacja zakończona
+ Successfully converted %1 mapsPomyślnie skonwertowano %1 map
+ Failed to convert the map. Abort operationNieudana konwersja mapy. Przerywanie operacji
+ Select campaign to convert
+ HoMM3 campaigns (*.h3c)
+ Select destination file
+ VCMI campaigns (*.vcmp)
+ MapSettings
@@ -1037,7 +1063,7 @@
Bez sojuszu
+ Player ID: %1ID gracza: %1
@@ -1087,85 +1113,94 @@
+ BeginnerPoczątkujący
+ AdvancedZaawansowany
+ ExpertEkspert
+ Default secondary skills:
+ Secondary skills:
+ CompliantPrzyjazny
+ FriendlyPrzychylny
+ AggressiveAgresywny
+ HostileWrogi
+ SavageNienawistny
+ No patrolBrak patrolu
+ Hero classKlasa bohatera
+ PortraitPortret
+ SkillsUmiejętności
+ ArtifactsArtefakty
+ %n tile(s)%n pole
@@ -1174,223 +1209,284 @@
+ BuildingsBudynki
+ EventsZdarzenia
+ ResourceZasób
+ Artifact rewardNagroda: Artefakt
+ QuestMisja
+ IdentifierIdentyfikator
+ SubIDSubID
+ InstanceNameNazwa Instancji
+ IsStaticStatyczny
+ neutralneutralny
+ ArmyArmia
+ OwnerWłaściciel
+ Same as townTaki sam jak miasto
+ Removable unitsJednostki do usunięcia
+ Placeholder typeTyp zastępczy
+ Power rankRanking siły
+ Hero typeTyp bohatera
+ ExperienceDoświadczenie
+ GenderPłeć
+ NameNazwa
+ BiographyBiografia
+ SpellsZaklęcia
+ Patrol radiusPromień patrolu
+ Town nameNazwa miasta
+ Same as player
+ MessageWiadomość
+ SpellZaklęcie
+ ProductivityProduktywność
+ AmountIlość
+ CharacterCharakter
+ Select town
+ Never fleesNigdy nie ucieka
+ Not growingNie rośnie
+ RewardNagroda
+ Remove afterUsuń po
+ Human triggerWyzwalacz gracza
+ Cpu triggerWyzwalacz SI
+ First visit textTekst pierwszej wizyty
+ Next visit textTekst następnej wizyty
+ Completed textTekst po zakończeniu
+ Repeat questPowtarzaj misję
+ Time limitLimit czasu
@@ -1409,6 +1505,172 @@
Hero %1 cannot be created as NEUTRAL.Bohater %1 nie może zostać utworzony jako NEUTRALNY
+ Custom Spells:
+ Default Spells
+ Default
+ Domyślny
+ Quest:
+ Day of Week: %1
+ Days Passed: %1
+ Hero Level: %1
+ Hero Experience: %1
+ Mana Points: %1
+ Mana Percentage: %1
+ Primary Skills: %1/%2/%3/%4
+ Resources: %1
+ Artifacts: %1
+ Spells: %1
+ Secondary Skills: %1
+ Creatures: %1
+ Heroes: %1
+ Hero Classes: %1
+ Players: %1
+ Rewards:
+ Reward Message: %1
+ Mana Diff: %1
+ Move Points: %1
+ Move Percentage: %1
+ Spell Cast: %1 (%2)
+ Bonuses: %1
+ Built buildings:
+ Forbidden buildings:
+ Town Events:
+ Required:
+ Possible:
+ QuestWidget
@@ -2039,16 +2301,24 @@
+ Creature level %1 / Creature level %1 UpgradeStworzenie poziomu %1 / Ulepszone stworzenie poziomu %1
+ Day %1 - %2Dzień %1 - %2
+ TownEventsDelegate
+ Day %1 - %2
+ Dzień %1 - %2
@@ -2166,18 +2436,18 @@
+ Remove translationUsuń tłumaczenie
+ Default language cannot be removedDomyślny język nie może zostać usunięty
+ All existing text records for this language will be removed. Continue?Wszystkie istniejące wpisy dla tego języka zostaną usunięte. Kontynuować?
@@ -2190,112 +2460,112 @@
Wynik sprawdzenia mapy
+ Map is not loadedMapa nie została wczytana
+ No factions allowed for player %1Brak dozwolonych frakcji dla gracza %1
+ No players allowed to play this mapŻaden gracz nie jest dozwolony do rozegrania tej mapy
+ Map is allowed for one player and cannot be startedMapa jest dozwolona dla jednego gracza i nie może być rozpoczęta
+ No human players allowed to play this mapŻaden gracz ludzki nie został dozwolony by rozegrać tą mapę
+ Armored instance %1 is UNFLAGGABLE but must have NEUTRAL or player ownerObiekt z armią %1 jest nie do oflagowania, lecz musi mieć być oznaczony jako neutralny lub przynależeć do gracza
+ Object %1 is assigned to non-playable player %2Obiekt %1 został przypisany do niegrywalnego gracza %2
+ Spell scroll %1 doesn't have instance assigned and must be removedZaklęcie ze zwoju %1 nie posiada przypisanego obiektu i musi zostać usunięte
+ Artifact %1 is prohibited by map settingsArtefakt %1 jest zabroniony w ustawieniach mapy
+ Player %1 has no towns and heroes assignedGracz %1 nie posiada żadnych miast i bohaterów
+ Prison %1 must be a NEUTRALWięzienie %1 musi być neutralne
+ Hero %1 must have an ownerBohater %1 musi mieć właściciela
+ Hero %1 is prohibited by map settingsBohater %1 jest zabroniony przez ustawienia mapy
+ Hero %1 has duplicate on mapBohater %1 posiada duplikat na mapie
+ Hero %1 has an empty type and must be removedBohater %1 jest pustego typu i musi zostać usunięty
+ Spell scroll %1 is prohibited by map settingsZwój z zaklęciem %1 jest zabroniony przez ustawienia mapy
+ Player %1 doesn't have any starting townGracz %1 nie ma żadnego startowego miasta
+ Map name is not specifiedNazwa mapy nie została ustawiona
+ Map description is not specifiedOpis mapy nie został ustawiony
+ Map contains object from mod "%1", but doesn't require itMapa zawiera obiekt z modyfikacji %1 ale nie wymaga tej modyfikacji
+ Exception occurs during validation: %1Wystąpił wyjątek podczas walidacji: %1
+ Unknown exception occurs during validationWystąpił nieznany wyjątek podczas walidacji
@@ -2391,196 +2661,222 @@
Rozmiar mapy
- Two level map
- Mapa dwupoziomowa
+ Mapa dwupoziomowa
+ HeightWysokość
+ WidthSzerokość
+ XL (144x144)XL (144x144)
+ Random mapMapa losowa
+ PlayersGracze
- 0
- 0
+ 0
- Human/Computer
- Człowiek/Komputer
+ Człowiek/Komputer
+ S (36x36)S (36x36)
+ M (72x72)M (72x72)
+ L (108x108)L (108x108)
+ H (180x180)H (180x180)
+ XH (216x216)XH (216x216)
+ G (252x252)G (252x252)
+ RandomLosowo
- Computer only
- Tylko komputer
+ Tylko komputer
+ Human teamsSojusze ludzkie
+ Computer teamsSojusze komputerowe
+ Standard size
+ Custom size
+ Underground
+ Humans
+ Computers
+ Monster strengthSiła potworów
+ WeakSłaba
+ NormalNormalna
+ StrongSilna
+ Water contentPowierzchnia wody
+ NoneBrak
+ IslandsWyspy
+ RoadsDrogi
+ DirtZiemna
+ GravelŻwirowa
+ CobblestoneBrukowana
+ TemplateSzablon
+ Custom seedWłasny seed
+ Generate random mapGeneruj mapę losową
- Ok
- Ok
+ OK
+ OK
+ Ok
+ Ok
+ CancelAnuluj
+ No templateBrak szablonu
+ No template for parameters specified. Random map cannot be generated.Brak szablonu dla wybranych parametrów. Mapa losowa nie może zostać wygenerowana.
+ RMG failureNiepowodzenie generatora map losowych
+ [default][domyślny]
@@ -2588,27 +2884,27 @@
+ Filepath of the map to open.Lokalizacja pliku mapy do otworzenia.
+ Extract original H3 archives into a separate folder.Wyodrębnij oryginalne archiwa H3 do osobnego folderu.
+ From an extracted archive, it Splits TwCrPort, CPRSMALL, FlagPort, ITPA, ITPt, Un32 and Un44 into individual PNG's.Z wyodrębnionego archiwum, rozdzielenie TwCrPort, CPRSMALL, FlagPort, ITPA, ITPt, Un32 i Un44 do poszczególnych plików PNG.
+ From an extracted archive, Converts single Images (found in Images folder) from .pcx to png.Z wyodrębnionego archiwum, konwersja pojedynczych obrazków (znalezionych w folderze Images) z .pcx do .png.
+ Delete original files, for the ones split / converted.Usuń oryginalne pliki, dla już rozdzielonych / skonwertowanych.
diff --git a/mapeditor/translation/portuguese.ts b/mapeditor/translation/portuguese.ts
index 7ef993eca..0e9d17866 100644
--- a/mapeditor/translation/portuguese.ts
+++ b/mapeditor/translation/portuguese.ts
@@ -296,561 +296,587 @@
+ Open Recent
+ MapMapa
+ EditEditar
+ ViewVisualizar
+ PlayerJogador
+ ToolbarBarra de Ferramentas
+ MinimapMinimapa
+ Map Objects ViewVisualização de Objetos do Mapa
+ BrowserNavegador
+ InspectorInspetor
+ PropertyPropriedade
+ ValueValor
+ ToolsFerramentas
+ PaintingPintura
+ TerrainsTerrenos
+ RoadsEstradas
+ RiversRios
+ PreviewVisualização
+ OpenAbrir
+ More...
+ SaveSalvar
+ NewNovo
+ Save as...Salvar como...
+ Ctrl+Shift+SCtrl+Shift+S
+ U/GSubterrâneo/Superfície
+ View undergroundVisualizar subterrâneo
+ PassPassar
+ CutRecortar
+ CopyCopiar
+ PasteColar
+ FillPreencher
+ Fills the selection with obstaclesPreenche a seleção com obstáculos
+ GridGrade
+ GeneralGeral
+ Map title and descriptionTítulo e descrição do mapa
+ Players settingsConfigurações dos jogadores
+ UndoDesfazer
+ RedoRefazer
+ EraseApagar
+ NeutralNeutro
+ ValidateValidar
+ Update appearanceAtualizar aparência
+ Recreate obstaclesRecriar obstáculos
+ Player 1Jogador 1
+ Player 2Jogador 2
+ Player 3Jogador 3
+ Player 4Jogador 4
+ Player 5Jogador 5
+ Player 6Jogador 6
+ Player 7Jogador 7
+ Player 8Jogador 8
+ Export as...Exportar como...
+ TranslationsTraduções
+ Ctrl+TCtrl+T
+ h3m converterConversor h3m
+ h3c converter
+ Conversor h3m {3c?}
+ LockBloquear
+ Lock objects on map to avoid unnecessary changesBloquear objetos no mapa para evitar alterações desnecessárias
+ Ctrl+LCtrl+L
+ UnlockDesbloquear
+ Unlock all objects on the mapDesbloquear todos os objetos no mapa
+ Ctrl+Shift+LCtrl+Shift+L
+ Zoom inAumentar o zoom
+ Ctrl+=Ctrl+=
+ Zoom outReduzir o zoom
+ Ctrl+-Ctrl+-
+ Zoom resetRedefinir zoom
+ Ctrl+Shift+=Ctrl+Shift+=
+ ConfirmationConfirmação
+ Unsaved changes will be lost, are you sure?As alterações não salvas serão perdidas. Tem certeza?
+ Mods are required
+ Failed to open map
+ Open mapAbrir mapa
+ All supported maps (*.vmap *.h3m);;VCMI maps(*.vmap);;HoMM3 maps(*.h3m)Todos os mapas suportados (*.vmap *.h3m);;Mapas do VCMI (*.vmap);;Mapas do HoMM3 (*.h3m)
+ Recently Opened Files
+ Map validation
+ Map has critical problems and most probably will not be playable. Open Validator from the Map menu to see issues found
+ Map has some errors. Open Validator from the Map menu to see issues found
+ Failed to save map
+ Save mapSalvar mapa
+ VCMI maps (*.vmap)Mapas do VCMI (*.vmap)
+ TypeTipo
+ Towns
+ Objects
+ HeroesHeróis
+ ArtifactsArtefatos
+ ResourcesRecursos
+ Banks
+ Dwellings
+ Grounds
+ Teleports
+ Mines
+ Triggers
+ Monsters
+ Quests
+ Wog Objects
+ Obstacles
+ Other
+ Mods loading problem
+ Critical error during Mods loading. Disable invalid mods and restart.
+ View surfaceVisualizar superfície
+ No objects selectedNenhum objeto selecionado
+ This operation is irreversible. Do you want to continue?Esta operação é irreversível. Deseja continuar?
+ Errors occurred. %1 objects were not updatedOcorreram erros. %1 objetos não foram atualizados
+ Save to imageSalvar como imagem
+ Select maps to convertSelecionar mapas para converter
+ HoMM3 maps(*.h3m)Mapas do HoMM3 (*.h3m)
+ Choose directory to save converted mapsEscolher diretório para salvar mapas convertidos
+ Operation completedOperação concluída
+ Successfully converted %1 maps%1 mapas foram convertidos com sucesso
+ Failed to convert the map. Abort operationFalha ao converter o mapa. Abortar operação
+ Select campaign to convert
+ HoMM3 campaigns (*.h3c)
+ Select destination file
+ VCMI campaigns (*.vcmp)
+ MapSettings
@@ -1037,7 +1063,7 @@
+ Player ID: %1ID do Jogador: %1
@@ -1087,85 +1113,94 @@
+ BeginnerIniciante
+ AdvancedAvançado
+ ExpertExperiente
+ Default secondary skills:
+ Secondary skills:
+ CompliantComplacente
+ FriendlyAmigável
+ AggressiveAgressivo
+ HostileHostil
+ SavageSelvagem
+ No patrolSem patrulha
+ Hero class
+ PortraitRetrato
+ SkillsHabilidades
+ ArtifactsArtefatos
+ %n tile(s)%n bloco
@@ -1173,223 +1208,284 @@
+ BuildingsEstruturas
+ EventsEventos
+ Resource
+ Artifact reward
+ Quest
+ Identifier
+ ID
+ SubID
+ InstanceName
+ IsStatic
+ neutralneutro
+ Army
+ Owner
+ Same as town
+ Removable units
+ Placeholder type
+ Power rank
+ Hero type
+ Experience
+ Gender
+ Name
+ Biography
+ SpellsFeitiços
+ Patrol radius
+ Town name
+ Same as player
+ MessageMensagem
+ SpellFeitiço
+ Productivity
+ Amount
+ Character
+ Select town
+ Never flees
+ Not growing
+ RewardRecompensa
+ Remove after
+ Human trigger
+ Cpu trigger
+ First visit text
+ Next visit text
+ Completed text
+ Repeat quest
+ Time limit
@@ -1408,6 +1504,172 @@
Hero %1 cannot be created as NEUTRAL.O herói %1 não pode ser criado como NEUTRO.
+ Custom Spells:
+ Default Spells
+ Default
+ Padrão
+ Quest:
+ Day of Week: %1
+ Days Passed: %1
+ Hero Level: %1
+ Hero Experience: %1
+ Mana Points: %1
+ Mana Percentage: %1
+ Primary Skills: %1/%2/%3/%4
+ Resources: %1
+ Artifacts: %1
+ Spells: %1
+ Secondary Skills: %1
+ Creatures: %1
+ Heroes: %1
+ Hero Classes: %1
+ Players: %1
+ Rewards:
+ Reward Message: %1
+ Mana Diff: %1
+ Move Points: %1
+ Move Percentage: %1
+ Spell Cast: %1 (%2)
+ Bonuses: %1
+ Built buildings:
+ Forbidden buildings:
+ Town Events:
+ Required:
+ Possible:
+ QuestWidget
@@ -2038,16 +2300,24 @@
+ Creature level %1 / Creature level %1 UpgradeNível da criatura %1 / Nível da criatura %1 - Atualização
+ Day %1 - %2Dia %1 - %2
+ TownEventsDelegate
+ Day %1 - %2
+ Dia %1 - %2
@@ -2165,18 +2435,18 @@
+ Remove translationRemover tradução
+ Default language cannot be removedO idioma padrão não pode ser removido
+ All existing text records for this language will be removed. Continue?Todos os registros de texto existentes para este idioma serão removidos. Continuar?
@@ -2189,112 +2459,112 @@
Resultados da validação do mapa
+ Map is not loadedO mapa não está carregado
+ No factions allowed for player %1Nenhuma facção permitida para o jogador %1
+ No players allowed to play this mapNenhum jogador permitido para jogar este mapa
+ Map is allowed for one player and cannot be startedO mapa é permitido para um jogador e não pode ser iniciado
+ No human players allowed to play this mapNenhum jogador humano permitido para jogar este mapa
+ Armored instance %1 is UNFLAGGABLE but must have NEUTRAL or player ownerA instância protegida %1 não tem bandeira mas precisa set definida como neutra ou pertencente a um dos jogadores
+ Object %1 is assigned to non-playable player %2O objeto %1 é atribuído a um jogador não jogável %2
+ Spell scroll %1 doesn't have instance assigned and must be removedO pergaminho de feitiço %1 não tem uma instância atribuída e deve ser removido
+ Artifact %1 is prohibited by map settingsO artefato %1 é proibido pelas configurações do mapa
+ Player %1 has no towns and heroes assignedO jogador %1 não tem cidades e heróis atribuídos
+ Prison %1 must be a NEUTRALA prisão %1 deve set NEUTRA
+ Hero %1 must have an ownerO herói %1 deve ter um proprietário
+ Hero %1 is prohibited by map settingsO herói %1 é proibido pelas configurações do mapa
+ Hero %1 has duplicate on mapO herói %1 possui duplicata no mapa
+ Hero %1 has an empty type and must be removedO herói %1 possui um tipo vazio e deve set removido
+ Spell scroll %1 is prohibited by map settingsO pergaminho mágico %1 é proibido pelas configurações do mapa
+ Player %1 doesn't have any starting townO jogador %1 não possui nenhuma cidade inicial
+ Map name is not specifiedO nome do mapa não está especificado
+ Map description is not specifiedA descrição do mapa não está especificada
+ Map contains object from mod "%1", but doesn't require itO mapa contém objeto do mod "%1", mas não o requer
+ Exception occurs during validation: %1Ocorreu uma exceção durante a validação: %1
+ Unknown exception occurs during validationOcorreu uma exceção desconhecida durante a validação
@@ -2390,196 +2660,222 @@
Tamanho do mapa
- Two level map
- Mapa de dois níveis
+ Mapa de dois níveis
+ HeightAltura
+ WidthLargura
+ XL (144x144)GG (144x144)
+ Random mapMapa aleatório
+ PlayersJogadores
- 0
- 0
+ 0
- Human/Computer
- Humano/Computador
+ Humano/Computador
+ S (36x36)S (36x36)
+ M (72x72)M (72x72)
+ L (108x108)L (108x108)
+ H (180x180)H (180x180)
+ XH (216x216)XH (216x216)
+ G (252x252)G (252x252)
+ RandomAleatório
- Computer only
- Apenas computador
+ Apenas computador
+ Human teamsEquipes humanas
+ Computer teamsEquipes de computador
+ Standard size
+ Custom size
+ Underground
+ Humans
+ Computers
+ Monster strengthForça do monstro
+ WeakFracos
+ NormalNormal
+ StrongFortes
+ Water contentConteúdo de água
+ NoneNenhum
+ IslandsIlhas
+ RoadsEstradas
+ DirtTerra
+ GravelCascalho
+ CobblestoneParalelepípedo
+ TemplateModelo
+ Custom seedSemente personalizada
+ Generate random mapGerar mapa aleatório
- Ok
- Ok
+ OK
+ OK
+ Ok
+ Ok
+ CancelCancelar
+ No templateSem modelo
+ No template for parameters specified. Random map cannot be generated.Sem modelo para os parâmetros especificados. O mapa aleatório não pode set gerado.
+ RMG failureFalha do GMA
+ [default]
@@ -2587,27 +2883,27 @@
+ Filepath of the map to open.Caminho do arquivo do mapa para abrir.
+ Extract original H3 archives into a separate folder.Extrair arquivos originais do H3 em uma pasta separada.
+ From an extracted archive, it Splits TwCrPort, CPRSMALL, FlagPort, ITPA, ITPt, Un32 and Un44 into individual PNG's.De um arquivo extraído, divide TwCrPort, CPRSMALL, FlagPort, ITPA, ITPt, Un32 e Un44 em ONGs individuals.
+ From an extracted archive, Converts single Images (found in Images folder) from .pcx to png.De um arquivo extraído, converte imagens únicas (encontradas na pasta Imagens) de .pcx para png.
+ Delete original files, for the ones split / converted.Excluir arquivos originais, para os divididos / convertidos.
diff --git a/mapeditor/translation/russian.ts b/mapeditor/translation/russian.ts
index 1bea21ec3..86fcb48f7 100644
--- a/mapeditor/translation/russian.ts
+++ b/mapeditor/translation/russian.ts
@@ -296,561 +296,587 @@
+ Open RecentОткрыть последнее
+ MapКарта
+ EditПравка
+ ViewВид
+ PlayerИгрок
+ ToolbarПанель инструментов
+ MinimapМини-карта
+ Map Objects ViewОбъекты карты
+ BrowserНавигатор
+ InspectorИнспектор
+ PropertyСвойство
+ ValueЗначение
+ ToolsИнструменты
+ PaintingРисование
+ TerrainsЗемли
+ RoadsДороги
+ RiversРеки
+ PreviewПредпросмотр
+ OpenОткрыть
+ More...Ещё...
+ SaveСохранить
+ NewСоздать
+ Save as...Сохранить как
+ Ctrl+Shift+SCtrl+Shift+S
+ U/GП/Н
+ View undergroundВид на подземелье
+ PassПроходимость
+ CutВырезать
+ CopyКопировать
+ PasteВставить
+ FillЗаливка
+ Fills the selection with obstaclesЗаливает выбранное препятствиями
+ GridСетка
+ GeneralОбщее
+ Map title and descriptionНазвание и описание карты
+ Players settingsНастройки игроков
+ UndoОтменить
+ RedoПовторить
+ EraseУдалить
+ NeutralНейтральный
+ ValidateПроверить
+ Update appearanceОбновить вид
+ Recreate obstaclesОбновить препятствия
+ Player 1Игрок 1
+ Player 2Игрок 2
+ Player 3Игрок 3
+ Player 4Игрок 4
+ Player 5Игрок 5
+ Player 6Игрок 6
+ Player 7Игрок 7
+ Player 8Игрок 8
+ Export as...Экспортировать как...
+ TranslationsПереводы
+ Ctrl+TCtrl+T
+ h3m converterКонвертер h3m
+ h3c converter
+ Конвертер h3m {3c?}
+ LockЗаблокировать
+ Lock objects on map to avoid unnecessary changesЗаблокировать объекты на карте, чтобы избежать ненужных изменений
+ Ctrl+LCtrl+L
+ UnlockРазблокировать
+ Unlock all objects on the mapРазблокировать все объекты на карте
+ Ctrl+Shift+LCtrl+Shift+L
+ Zoom inПриблизить
+ Ctrl+=Ctrl+=
+ Zoom outОтдалить
+ Ctrl+-Ctrl+-
+ Zoom resetСбросить масштаб
+ Ctrl+Shift+=Ctrl+Shift+=
+ ConfirmationПодтверждение
+ Unsaved changes will be lost, are you sure?Несохранённые изменения будут потеряны. Вы уверены?
+ Mods are required
+ Failed to open map
+ Open mapОткрыть карту
+ All supported maps (*.vmap *.h3m);;VCMI maps(*.vmap);;HoMM3 maps(*.h3m)Все поддерживаемые карты (*.vmap *.h3m);;Карты VCMI (*.vmap);;Карты Героев III (*.h3m)
+ Recently Opened FilesНедавно открытые файлы
+ Map validation
+ Map has critical problems and most probably will not be playable. Open Validator from the Map menu to see issues found
+ Map has some errors. Open Validator from the Map menu to see issues found
+ Failed to save map
+ Save mapСохранить карту
+ VCMI maps (*.vmap)Карты VCMI (*.vmap)
+ TypeТип
+ TownsГорода
+ ObjectsОбъекты
+ HeroesГерои
+ ArtifactsАртефакты
+ ResourcesРесурсы
+ BanksБанки
+ DwellingsЖилища
+ GroundsПокрытия
+ TeleportsТелепорты
+ MinesШахты
+ TriggersТриггеры
+ MonstersМонстры
+ QuestsКвесты
+ Wog ObjectsОбъекты WoG
+ ObstaclesПрепятствия
+ OtherПрочее
+ Mods loading problem
+ Critical error during Mods loading. Disable invalid mods and restart.
+ View surfaceВид на поверхность
+ No objects selectedОбъекты не выбраны
+ This operation is irreversible. Do you want to continue?Эта операция необратима. Хотите продолжить?
+ Errors occurred. %1 objects were not updatedПроизошли ошибки. %1 объектов не было обновлено
+ Save to imageСохранить как изображение
+ Select maps to convertВыберите карты для конвертации
+ HoMM3 maps(*.h3m)Карты HoMM3 (*.h3m)
+ Choose directory to save converted mapsВыберите каталог для сохранения конвертированных карт
+ Operation completedОперация завершена
+ Successfully converted %1 mapsУспешно конвертировано %1 карт
+ Failed to convert the map. Abort operationНе удалось конвертировать карту. Операция прервана
+ Select campaign to convert
+ HoMM3 campaigns (*.h3c)
+ Select destination file
+ VCMI campaigns (*.vcmp)
+ MapSettings
@@ -1037,7 +1063,7 @@
Без команды
+ Player ID: %1Игрок: %1
@@ -1087,85 +1113,94 @@
+ BeginnerНовичок
+ AdvancedОпытный
+ ExpertЭксперт
+ Default secondary skills:
+ Secondary skills:
+ CompliantСговорчивый
+ FriendlyДружелюбный
+ AggressiveАгрессивный
+ HostileВраждебный
+ SavageДикий
+ No patrolБез патруля
+ Hero class
+ PortraitПортрет
+ SkillsНавыки
+ ArtifactsАртефакты
+ %n tile(s)
@@ -1174,223 +1209,284 @@
+ BuildingsПостройки
+ EventsСобытия
+ Resource
+ Artifact reward
+ Quest
+ Identifier
+ ID
+ SubID
+ InstanceName
+ IsStatic
+ neutralнейтральный
+ Army
+ Owner
+ Same as town
+ Removable units
+ Placeholder type
+ Power rank
+ Hero type
+ Experience
+ Gender
+ Name
+ Biography
+ SpellsЗаклинания
+ Patrol radius
+ Town name
+ Same as player
+ MessageСообщение
+ SpellЗаклинание
+ Productivity
+ Amount
+ Character
+ Select town
+ Never flees
+ Not growing
+ RewardНаграда
+ Remove after
+ Human trigger
+ Cpu trigger
+ First visit text
+ Next visit text
+ Completed text
+ Repeat quest
+ Time limit
@@ -1409,6 +1505,172 @@
Hero %1 cannot be created as NEUTRAL.Герой %1 не может быть создан как НЕЙТРАЛЬНЫЙ.
+ Custom Spells:
+ Default Spells
+ Default
+ По умолчанию
+ Quest:
+ Day of Week: %1
+ Days Passed: %1
+ Hero Level: %1
+ Hero Experience: %1
+ Mana Points: %1
+ Mana Percentage: %1
+ Primary Skills: %1/%2/%3/%4
+ Resources: %1
+ Artifacts: %1
+ Spells: %1
+ Secondary Skills: %1
+ Creatures: %1
+ Heroes: %1
+ Hero Classes: %1
+ Players: %1
+ Rewards:
+ Reward Message: %1
+ Mana Diff: %1
+ Move Points: %1
+ Move Percentage: %1
+ Spell Cast: %1 (%2)
+ Bonuses: %1
+ Built buildings:
+ Forbidden buildings:
+ Town Events:
+ Required:
+ Possible:
+ QuestWidget
@@ -2039,16 +2301,24 @@
+ Creature level %1 / Creature level %1 UpgradeУровень существа %1 / Уровень существа %1 Улучшение
+ Day %1 - %2День %1 - %2
+ TownEventsDelegate
+ Day %1 - %2
+ День %1 - %2
@@ -2166,18 +2436,18 @@
+ Remove translationУдалить перевод
+ Default language cannot be removedЯзык по умолчанию нельзя удалить
+ All existing text records for this language will be removed. Continue?Все существующие текстовые записи для этого языка будут удалены. Продолжить?
@@ -2190,112 +2460,112 @@
Результаты проверки карты
+ Map is not loadedКарта не загружена
+ No factions allowed for player %1Нет доступных фракций для игрока %1
+ No players allowed to play this mapЭта карта не позволяет играть ни одному игроку
+ Map is allowed for one player and cannot be startedКарта предназначена для одного игрока и не может быть запущена
+ No human players allowed to play this mapЭта карта не позволяет играть человеку
+ Armored instance %1 is UNFLAGGABLE but must have NEUTRAL or player ownerБронированный объект %1 НЕФЛАГУЕМЫЙ, но должен иметь НЕЙТРАЛЬНОГО или игрового владельца
+ Object %1 is assigned to non-playable player %2Объект %1 назначен неиграбельному игроку %2
+ Spell scroll %1 doesn't have instance assigned and must be removedСвиток заклинания %1 не имеет назначения и должен быть удалён
+ Artifact %1 is prohibited by map settingsАртефакт %1 запрещён настройками карты
+ Player %1 has no towns and heroes assignedИгрок %1 не имеет городов и героев
+ Prison %1 must be a NEUTRALТюрьма %1 должна быть НЕЙТРАЛЬНОЙ
+ Hero %1 must have an ownerГерой %1 должен иметь владельца
+ Hero %1 is prohibited by map settingsГерой %1 запрещён настройками карты
+ Hero %1 has duplicate on mapГерой %1 дублируется на карте
+ Hero %1 has an empty type and must be removedГерой %1 имеет пустой тип и должен быть удалён
+ Spell scroll %1 is prohibited by map settingsСвиток заклинания %1 запрещён настройками карты
+ Player %1 doesn't have any starting townИгрок %1 не имеет стартового города
+ Map name is not specifiedИмя карты не указано
+ Map description is not specifiedОписание карты не указано
+ Map contains object from mod "%1", but doesn't require itКарта содержит объект из мода "%1", но не требует его
+ Exception occurs during validation: %1Произошла ошибка при проверке: %1
+ Unknown exception occurs during validationПроизошла неизвестная ошибка при проверке
@@ -2391,196 +2661,222 @@
- Two level map
- Двухуровневая
+ Двухуровневая
+ HeightВысота
+ WidthШирина
+ XL (144x144)Гиг. (144x144)
+ Random mapСлучайная карта
+ PlayersИгроки
- 0
- 0
+ 0
- Human/Computer
- Человек/ИИ
+ Человек/ИИ
+ S (36x36)S (36x36)
+ M (72x72)M (72x72)
+ L (108x108)L (108x108)
+ H (180x180)H (180x180)
+ XH (216x216)XH (216x216)
+ G (252x252)G (252x252)
+ RandomСлучайно
- Computer only
- Только ИИ
+ Только ИИ
+ Human teamsКоманды людей
+ Computer teamsКоманды компьютера
+ Standard size
+ Custom size
+ Underground
+ Humans
+ Computers
+ Monster strengthСила монстров
+ WeakСлабо
+ NormalНормально
+ StrongСильно
+ Water contentВода
+ NoneНет
+ IslandsОстрова
+ RoadsДороги
+ DirtГрунт
+ GravelГравий
+ CobblestoneБулыжник
+ TemplateШаблон
+ Custom seedПользовательское зерно
+ Generate random mapСгенерировать случайную карту
- Ok
- ОК
+ OK
+ ОК
+ Ok
+ ОК
+ CancelОтмена
+ No templateБез шаблона
+ No template for parameters specified. Random map cannot be generated.Шаблон для указанных параметров отсутствует. Случайная карта не может быть создана.
+ RMG failureОшибка генерации случайной карты
+ [default]
@@ -2588,27 +2884,27 @@
+ Filepath of the map to open.Путь к файлу карты для открытия.
+ Extract original H3 archives into a separate folder.Распаковать архивы оригинальных Героев III в отдельную папку.
+ From an extracted archive, it Splits TwCrPort, CPRSMALL, FlagPort, ITPA, ITPt, Un32 and Un44 into individual PNG's.Разделение в распакованном архиве TwCrPort, CPRSMALL, FlagPort, ITPA, ITPt, Un32 и Un44 на отдельные PNG.
+ From an extracted archive, Converts single Images (found in Images folder) from .pcx to png.Преобразование в расспакованном архиве изображений .pcx в .png.
+ Delete original files, for the ones split / converted.Удалить оригиналы для преобразованных файлов.
diff --git a/mapeditor/translation/spanish.ts b/mapeditor/translation/spanish.ts
index 69c6a4761..afc5edf67 100644
--- a/mapeditor/translation/spanish.ts
+++ b/mapeditor/translation/spanish.ts
@@ -296,561 +296,587 @@
+ Open Recent
+ MapMapa
+ EditEditar
+ ViewVer
+ PlayerJugador
+ ToolbarBarra de herramientas
+ MinimapMiniatura del mapa
+ Map Objects ViewVista de Objetos del Mapa
+ BrowserNavegador
+ InspectorInspector
+ PropertyPropiedad
+ ValueValor
+ Tools
+ Painting
+ TerrainsTerrenos
+ RoadsCaminos
+ RiversRíos
+ Preview
+ OpenAbrir
+ More...
+ SaveGuardar
+ NewNuevo
+ Save as...Guardar como...
+ Ctrl+Shift+SCtrl+Shift+S
+ U/GSubterráneo/Superficie
+ View undergroundVer subterráneo
+ PassPasar
+ CutCortar
+ CopyCopiar
+ PastePegar
+ FillRellenar
+ Fills the selection with obstaclesRellena la selección con obstáculos
+ GridRejilla
+ GeneralGeneral
+ Map title and descriptionTítulo y descripción del mapa
+ Players settingsConfiguración de jugadores
+ UndoDeshacer
+ RedoRehacer
+ EraseBorrar
+ NeutralNeutral
+ ValidateValidar
+ Update appearanceActualizar apariencia
+ Recreate obstaclesRecrear obstáculos
+ Player 1Jugador 1
+ Player 2Jugador 2
+ Player 3Jugador 3
+ Player 4Jugador 4
+ Player 5Jugador 5
+ Player 6Jugador 6
+ Player 7Jugador 7
+ Player 8Jugador 8
+ Export as...Exportar como...
+ Translations
+ Ctrl+T
+ h3m converter
+ h3c converter
+ Lock
+ Lock objects on map to avoid unnecessary changes
+ Ctrl+L
+ Unlock
+ Unlock all objects on the map
+ Ctrl+Shift+L
+ Zoom in
+ Ctrl+=
+ Zoom out
+ Ctrl+-
+ Zoom reset
+ Ctrl+Shift+=
+ ConfirmationConfirmación
+ Unsaved changes will be lost, are you sure?Los cambios no guardados se perderán. Está usted seguro ?
+ Mods are required
+ Failed to open map
+ Open mapAbrir mapa
+ All supported maps (*.vmap *.h3m);;VCMI maps(*.vmap);;HoMM3 maps(*.h3m)Todos los mapas soportados (*.vmap *.h3m);;Mapas VCMI (*.vmap);;Mapas HoMM3 (*.h3m)
+ Recently Opened Files
+ Map validation
+ Map has critical problems and most probably will not be playable. Open Validator from the Map menu to see issues found
+ Map has some errors. Open Validator from the Map menu to see issues found
+ Failed to save map
+ Save mapGuardar mapa
+ VCMI maps (*.vmap)Mapas VCMI (*.vmap)
+ TypeTipo
+ Towns
+ Objects
+ HeroesHéroes
+ ArtifactsArtefactos
+ Resources
+ Banks
+ Dwellings
+ Grounds
+ Teleports
+ Mines
+ Triggers
+ Monsters
+ Quests
+ Wog Objects
+ Obstacles
+ Other
+ Mods loading problem
+ Critical error during Mods loading. Disable invalid mods and restart.
+ View surfaceVer superficie
+ No objects selected
+ This operation is irreversible. Do you want to continue?
+ Errors occurred. %1 objects were not updated
+ Save to image
+ Select maps to convert
+ HoMM3 maps(*.h3m)
+ Choose directory to save converted maps
+ Operation completed
+ Successfully converted %1 maps
+ Failed to convert the map. Abort operation
+ Select campaign to convert
+ HoMM3 campaigns (*.h3c)
+ Select destination file
+ VCMI campaigns (*.vcmp)
+ MapSettings
@@ -1037,7 +1063,7 @@
+ Player ID: %1ID de jugador: %1
@@ -1087,85 +1113,94 @@
+ Beginner
+ Advanced
+ Expert
+ Default secondary skills:
+ Secondary skills:
+ Compliant
+ Friendly
+ Aggressive
+ Hostile
+ Savage
+ No patrol
+ Hero class
+ Portrait
+ Skills
+ ArtifactsArtefactos
+ %n tile(s)
@@ -1173,223 +1208,284 @@
+ BuildingsEdificios
+ EventsEventos
+ Resource
+ Artifact reward
+ Quest
+ Identifier
+ ID
+ SubID
+ InstanceName
+ IsStatic
+ neutral
+ Army
+ Owner
+ Same as town
+ Removable units
+ Placeholder type
+ Power rank
+ Hero type
+ Experience
+ Gender
+ Name
+ Biography
+ SpellsHechizos
+ Patrol radius
+ Town name
+ Same as player
+ MessageMensaje
+ Spell
+ Productivity
+ Amount
+ Character
+ Select town
+ Never flees
+ Not growing
+ Reward
+ Remove after
+ Human trigger
+ Cpu trigger
+ First visit text
+ Next visit text
+ Completed text
+ Repeat quest
+ Time limit
@@ -1408,6 +1504,172 @@
Hero %1 cannot be created as NEUTRAL.
+ Custom Spells:
+ Default Spells
+ Default
+ Quest:
+ Day of Week: %1
+ Days Passed: %1
+ Hero Level: %1
+ Hero Experience: %1
+ Mana Points: %1
+ Mana Percentage: %1
+ Primary Skills: %1/%2/%3/%4
+ Resources: %1
+ Artifacts: %1
+ Spells: %1
+ Secondary Skills: %1
+ Creatures: %1
+ Heroes: %1
+ Hero Classes: %1
+ Players: %1
+ Rewards:
+ Reward Message: %1
+ Mana Diff: %1
+ Move Points: %1
+ Move Percentage: %1
+ Spell Cast: %1 (%2)
+ Bonuses: %1
+ Built buildings:
+ Forbidden buildings:
+ Town Events:
+ Required:
+ Possible:
+ QuestWidget
@@ -2038,12 +2300,20 @@
+ Creature level %1 / Creature level %1 Upgrade
+ Day %1 - %2
+ TownEventsDelegate
+ Day %1 - %2
@@ -2165,18 +2435,18 @@
+ Remove translation
+ Default language cannot be removed
+ All existing text records for this language will be removed. Continue?
@@ -2189,112 +2459,112 @@
Resultados de la validación del mapa
+ Map is not loadedNo se ha cargado ningún mapa
+ No factions allowed for player %1
+ No players allowed to play this mapNo hay jugadores autorizados a jugar en este mapa
+ Map is allowed for one player and cannot be startedEl mapa está autorizado para un jugador y no se puede iniciar
+ No human players allowed to play this mapNingún jugador humano puede jugar en este mapa
+ Armored instance %1 is UNFLAGGABLE but must have NEUTRAL or player ownerLa instancia protegida %1 NOSEPUEDEMARCAR, pero debe tener un propietario NEUTRAL o jugador
+ Object %1 is assigned to non-playable player %2El artículo %1 está asignado al jugador no jugable %2
+ Spell scroll %1 doesn't have instance assigned and must be removed
+ Artifact %1 is prohibited by map settings
+ Player %1 has no towns and heroes assigned
+ Prison %1 must be a NEUTRAL%1 prisión debe ser NEUTRA
+ Hero %1 must have an ownerEl héroe %1 debe tener un propietario
+ Hero %1 is prohibited by map settingsEl héroe %1 está prohibido por la configuración del mapa
+ Hero %1 has duplicate on mapEl héroe %1 tiene un duplicado en el mapa
+ Hero %1 has an empty type and must be removedEl héroe %1 tiene un tipo vacío y debe eliminarse
+ Spell scroll %1 is prohibited by map settings%1 desplazamiento de hechizos está prohibido por la configuración del mapa
+ Player %1 doesn't have any starting townEl jugador %1 no tiene ciudad inicial
+ Map name is not specifiedNo se especifica el nombre del mapa
+ Map description is not specifiedNo se especifica la descripción del mapa
+ Map contains object from mod "%1", but doesn't require it
+ Exception occurs during validation: %1Se produce una excepción durante la validación: %1
+ Unknown exception occurs during validationSe produce una excepción desconocida durante la validación
@@ -2390,196 +2660,222 @@
Tamaño del mapa
- Two level map
- Mapa de dos niveles
+ Mapa de dos niveles
+ HeightAltura
+ WidthAncho
+ XL (144x144)XL (144x144)
+ Random mapMapa aleatorio
+ PlayersJugadores
- 0
- 0
+ 0
- Human/Computer
- Humano/Ordenador
+ Humano/Ordenador
+ S (36x36)
+ M (72x72)
+ L (108x108)
+ H (180x180)
+ XH (216x216)
+ G (252x252)
+ RandomAleatorio
- Computer only
- Sólo ordenador
+ Sólo ordenador
+ Human teams
+ Computer teams
+ Standard size
+ Custom size
+ Underground
+ Humans
+ Computers
+ Monster strengthFuerza de monstruos
+ WeakDébil
+ NormalNormal
+ StrongFuerte
+ Water contentContenido del agua
+ NoneNinguno
+ IslandsIslas
+ RoadsCaminos
+ Dirt
+ Gravel
+ Cobblestone
+ TemplatePlantilla
+ Custom seedSemilla personalizada
+ Generate random mapGenerar un mapa aleatorio
- Ok
- Aceptar
+ OK
+ Ok
+ Aceptar
+ CancelCancelar
+ No template
+ No template for parameters specified. Random map cannot be generated.
+ RMG failure
+ [default]
@@ -2587,27 +2883,27 @@
+ Filepath of the map to open.Ruta del archivo del mapa a abrir.
+ Extract original H3 archives into a separate folder.Extraer archivos originales de H3 en una carpeta separada.
+ From an extracted archive, it Splits TwCrPort, CPRSMALL, FlagPort, ITPA, ITPt, Un32 and Un44 into individual PNG's.Desde un archivo extraído, separa TwCrPort, CPRSMALL, FlagPort, ITPA, ITPt, Un32 y Un44 en imágenes PNG individuales.
+ From an extracted archive, Converts single Images (found in Images folder) from .pcx to png.Desde un archivo extraído, convierte imágenes individuales (encontradas en la carpeta Imágenes) de .pcx a png.
+ Delete original files, for the ones split / converted.Eliminar archivos originales, por los que se han separado / convertido.
diff --git a/mapeditor/translation/ukrainian.ts b/mapeditor/translation/ukrainian.ts
index 09bb32ac0..205560b61 100644
--- a/mapeditor/translation/ukrainian.ts
+++ b/mapeditor/translation/ukrainian.ts
@@ -296,561 +296,587 @@
+ Open RecentВідкрити останні
+ MapМапа
+ EditРедагування
+ ViewВигляд
+ PlayerГравець
+ ToolbarПанель інструментів
+ MinimapМінімапа
+ Map Objects ViewПерегляд об'єктів мапи
+ BrowserНавігатор
+ InspectorІнспектор
+ PropertyВластивість
+ ValueЗначення
+ ToolsІнструменти
+ PaintingМалювання
+ TerrainsЗемлі
+ RoadsШляхи
+ RiversРічки
+ PreviewПопередній перегляд
+ OpenВідкрити
+ More...Ще...
+ SaveЗберегти
+ NewСтворити
+ Save as...Зберегти як...
+ Ctrl+Shift+SCtrl+Shift+S
+ U/GП/З
+ View undergroundДивитись підземелля
+ PassПрохідність
+ CutВирізати
+ CopyСкопіювати
+ PasteВставити
+ FillЗаповнити
+ Fills the selection with obstaclesЗаповнити перешкодами
+ GridСітка
+ GeneralЗагальний
+ Map title and descriptionНазва та опис мапи
+ Players settingsНалаштування гравців
+ UndoВідмінити
+ RedoПовторити
+ EraseСтерти
+ NeutralНейтральний
+ ValidateПеревірити
+ Update appearanceОновити вигляд
+ Recreate obstaclesОновити перешкоди
+ Player 1Гравець 1
+ Player 2Гравець 2
+ Player 3Гравець 3
+ Player 4Гравець 4
+ Player 5Гравець 5
+ Player 6Гравець 6
+ Player 7Гравець 7
+ Player 8Гравець 8
+ Export as...Експортувати як...
+ TranslationsПереклади
+ Ctrl+T
+ h3m converter
+ h3c converter
+ Lock
+ Lock objects on map to avoid unnecessary changes
+ Ctrl+L
+ Unlock
+ Unlock all objects on the map
+ Ctrl+Shift+L
+ Zoom in
+ Ctrl+=
+ Zoom out
+ Ctrl+-
+ Zoom reset
+ Ctrl+Shift+=
+ Confirmation
+ Unsaved changes will be lost, are you sure?
+ Mods are required
+ Failed to open map
+ Open mapВідкрити мапу
+ All supported maps (*.vmap *.h3m);;VCMI maps(*.vmap);;HoMM3 maps(*.h3m)Всі підтримувані мапи (*.vmap *.h3m);;Мапи VCMI (*.vmap);;Мапи HoMM3 (*.h3m)
+ Recently Opened Files
+ Map validation
+ Map has critical problems and most probably will not be playable. Open Validator from the Map menu to see issues found
+ Map has some errors. Open Validator from the Map menu to see issues found
+ Failed to save map
+ Save mapЗберегти мапу
+ VCMI maps (*.vmap)Мапи VCMI
+ TypeТип
+ Towns
+ Objects
+ HeroesГерої
+ ArtifactsАртефакти
+ Resources
+ Banks
+ Dwellings
+ Grounds
+ Teleports
+ Mines
+ Triggers
+ Monsters
+ Quests
+ Wog Objects
+ Obstacles
+ Other
+ Mods loading problem
+ Critical error during Mods loading. Disable invalid mods and restart.
+ View surfaceДивитись поверхню
+ No objects selected
+ This operation is irreversible. Do you want to continue?
+ Errors occurred. %1 objects were not updated
+ Save to image
+ Select maps to convert
+ HoMM3 maps(*.h3m)
+ Choose directory to save converted maps
+ Operation completed
+ Successfully converted %1 maps
+ Failed to convert the map. Abort operation
+ Select campaign to convert
+ HoMM3 campaigns (*.h3c)
+ Select destination file
+ VCMI campaigns (*.vcmp)
+ MapSettings
@@ -1037,7 +1063,7 @@
+ Player ID: %1Гравець %1
@@ -1087,85 +1113,94 @@
+ Beginner
+ Advanced
+ Expert
+ Default secondary skills:
+ Secondary skills:
+ Compliant
+ Friendly
+ Aggressive
+ Hostile
+ Savage
+ No patrol
+ Hero class
+ Portrait
+ SkillsВміння
+ ArtifactsАртефакти
+ %n tile(s)
@@ -1174,223 +1209,284 @@
+ BuildingsБудівлі
+ EventsПодії
+ Resource
+ Artifact reward
+ Quest
+ Identifier
+ ID
+ SubID
+ InstanceName
+ IsStatic
+ neutral
+ Army
+ Owner
+ Same as town
+ Removable units
+ Placeholder type
+ Power rank
+ Hero type
+ Experience
+ Gender
+ Name
+ Biography
+ SpellsЗакляття
+ Patrol radius
+ Town name
+ Same as player
+ MessageПовідомлення
+ Spell
+ Productivity
+ Amount
+ Character
+ Select town
+ Never flees
+ Not growing
+ Reward
+ Remove after
+ Human trigger
+ Cpu trigger
+ First visit text
+ Next visit text
+ Completed text
+ Repeat quest
+ Time limit
@@ -1409,6 +1505,172 @@
Hero %1 cannot be created as NEUTRAL.
+ Custom Spells:
+ Default Spells
+ Default
+ Quest:
+ Day of Week: %1
+ Days Passed: %1
+ Hero Level: %1
+ Hero Experience: %1
+ Mana Points: %1
+ Mana Percentage: %1
+ Primary Skills: %1/%2/%3/%4
+ Resources: %1
+ Artifacts: %1
+ Spells: %1
+ Secondary Skills: %1
+ Creatures: %1
+ Heroes: %1
+ Hero Classes: %1
+ Players: %1
+ Rewards:
+ Reward Message: %1
+ Mana Diff: %1
+ Move Points: %1
+ Move Percentage: %1
+ Spell Cast: %1 (%2)
+ Bonuses: %1
+ Built buildings:
+ Forbidden buildings:
+ Town Events:
+ Required:
+ Possible:
+ QuestWidget
@@ -2039,12 +2301,20 @@
+ Creature level %1 / Creature level %1 Upgrade
+ Day %1 - %2
+ TownEventsDelegate
+ Day %1 - %2
@@ -2166,18 +2436,18 @@
+ Remove translation
+ Default language cannot be removed
+ All existing text records for this language will be removed. Continue?
@@ -2190,112 +2460,112 @@
Результати валідації карти
+ Map is not loaded
+ No factions allowed for player %1
+ No players allowed to play this map
+ Map is allowed for one player and cannot be started
+ No human players allowed to play this map
+ Armored instance %1 is UNFLAGGABLE but must have NEUTRAL or player owner
+ Object %1 is assigned to non-playable player %2
+ Spell scroll %1 doesn't have instance assigned and must be removed
+ Artifact %1 is prohibited by map settings
+ Player %1 has no towns and heroes assigned
+ Prison %1 must be a NEUTRAL
+ Hero %1 must have an owner
+ Hero %1 is prohibited by map settings
+ Hero %1 has duplicate on map
+ Hero %1 has an empty type and must be removed
+ Spell scroll %1 is prohibited by map settings
+ Player %1 doesn't have any starting town
+ Map name is not specified
+ Map description is not specified
+ Map contains object from mod "%1", but doesn't require it
+ Exception occurs during validation: %1
+ Unknown exception occurs during validation
@@ -2391,196 +2661,222 @@
Розмір мапи
- Two level map
- Дворівнева мапа
+ Дворівнева мапа
+ HeightВисота
+ WidthШирина
+ XL (144x144)ДВ (144x144)
+ Random mapВипадкова мапа
+ PlayersГравців
- 0
- 0
+ 0
- Human/Computer
- Людина/Комп'ютер
+ Людина/Комп'ютер
+ S (36x36)
+ M (72x72)
+ L (108x108)
+ H (180x180)
+ XH (216x216)
+ G (252x252)
+ RandomВипадково
- Computer only
- Тільки комп'ютер
+ Тільки комп'ютер
+ Human teamsКоманди людей
+ Computer teamsКоманди комп'ютерів
+ Standard size
+ Custom size
+ Underground
+ Humans
+ Computers
+ Monster strengthСила монстрів
+ WeakСлабкі
+ NormalТипова
+ StrongСильні
+ Water contentНаявність води
+ NoneВідсутня
+ IslandsОстрови
+ RoadsШляхи
+ Dirt
+ Gravel
+ Cobblestone
+ TemplateШаблон
+ Custom seedКористувацьке зерно
+ Generate random mapЗгенерувати випадкову карту
- Ok
- Підтвердити
+ OK
+ Ok
+ Підтвердити
+ CancelСкасувати
+ No template
+ No template for parameters specified. Random map cannot be generated.
+ RMG failure
+ [default]
@@ -2588,27 +2884,27 @@
+ Filepath of the map to open.
+ Extract original H3 archives into a separate folder.
+ From an extracted archive, it Splits TwCrPort, CPRSMALL, FlagPort, ITPA, ITPt, Un32 and Un44 into individual PNG's.
+ From an extracted archive, Converts single Images (found in Images folder) from .pcx to png.
+ Delete original files, for the ones split / converted.
diff --git a/mapeditor/translation/vietnamese.ts b/mapeditor/translation/vietnamese.ts
index bcc2815d7..9437b6381 100644
--- a/mapeditor/translation/vietnamese.ts
+++ b/mapeditor/translation/vietnamese.ts
@@ -295,562 +295,588 @@
Tập tin
+ MapBản đồ
+ EditHiệu chỉnh
+ ViewXem
+ PlayerNgười chơi
+ ToolbarThanh công cụ
+ MinimapBản đồ nhỏ
+ Map Objects ViewXem đối tượng bản đồ
+ BrowserDuyệt
+ InspectorGiám định
+ PropertyĐặc tính
+ ValueGiá trị
+ TerrainsĐịa hình
+ RoadsĐường
+ RiversSông
+ OpenMở
+ SaveLưu
+ NewTạo mới
+ Tools
+ Open Recent
+ Painting
+ Preview
+ More...
+ Save as...
+ Ctrl+Shift+SCtrl+Shift+S
+ U/GU/G
+ View undergroundXem hang ngầm
+ PassĐi qua
+ CutCắt
+ CopySao chép
+ PasteDán
+ FillLàm đầy
+ Fills the selection with obstaclesLàm đầy vùng chọn với vật cản
+ GridĐường kẻ
+ GeneralChung
+ Map title and descriptionTên bản đồ và mô tả
+ Players settingsCài đặt người chơi
+ UndoHoàn tác
+ RedoLàm lại
+ EraseXóa
+ NeutralTrung lập
+ ValidateHiệu lực
+ Update appearanceCập nhật hiện thị
+ Recreate obstaclesTạo lại vật cản
+ Player 1Người chơi 1
+ Player 2Người chơi 2
+ Player 3Người chơi 3
+ Player 4Người chơi 4
+ Player 5Người chơi 5
+ Player 6Người chơi 6
+ Player 7Người chơi 7
+ Player 8Người chơi 8
+ Export as...Xuất thành...
+ Translations
+ Ctrl+T
+ h3m converter
+ h3c converter
+ Lock
+ Lock objects on map to avoid unnecessary changes
+ Ctrl+L
+ Unlock
+ Unlock all objects on the map
+ Ctrl+Shift+L
+ Zoom in
+ Ctrl+=
+ Zoom out
+ Ctrl+-
+ Zoom reset
+ Ctrl+Shift+=
+ ConfirmationXác nhận
+ Unsaved changes will be lost, are you sure?Thay đổi chưa lưu sẽ bị mất, bạn có chắc chắn?
+ Mods are required
+ Failed to open map
+ Open mapMở bản đồ
+ All supported maps (*.vmap *.h3m);;VCMI maps(*.vmap);;HoMM3 maps(*.h3m)Tất cả bản đồ hỗ trợ (*.vmap *.h3m);;Bản đồ VCMI (*.vmap);;Bản đồ HoMM3 (*.h3m)
+ Recently Opened Files
+ Map validation
+ Map has critical problems and most probably will not be playable. Open Validator from the Map menu to see issues found
+ Map has some errors. Open Validator from the Map menu to see issues found
+ Failed to save map
+ Save mapLưu bản đồ
+ VCMI maps (*.vmap)Bản đồ VCMI (*.vmap)
+ TypeLoại
+ Towns
+ Objects
+ HeroesTướng
+ ArtifactsVật phẩm
+ Resources
+ Banks
+ Dwellings
+ Grounds
+ Teleports
+ Mines
+ Triggers
+ Monsters
+ Quests
+ Wog Objects
+ Obstacles
+ Other
+ Mods loading problem
+ Critical error during Mods loading. Disable invalid mods and restart.
+ View surfaceXem bề mặt
+ No objects selectedKhông mục tiêu được chọn
+ This operation is irreversible. Do you want to continue?Thao tác này không thể đảo ngược. Bạn muốn tiếp tục?
+ Errors occurred. %1 objects were not updatedXảy ra lỗi. %1 mục tiêu không được cập nhật
+ Save to imageLưu thành ảnh
+ Select maps to convert
+ HoMM3 maps(*.h3m)
+ Choose directory to save converted maps
+ Operation completed
+ Successfully converted %1 maps
+ Failed to convert the map. Abort operation
+ Select campaign to convert
+ HoMM3 campaigns (*.h3c)
+ Select destination file
+ VCMI campaigns (*.vcmp)
+ MapSettings
@@ -1037,7 +1063,7 @@
+ Player ID: %1ID người chơi: %1
@@ -1087,308 +1113,378 @@
+ Beginner
+ Advanced
+ Expert
+ Default secondary skills:
+ Secondary skills:
+ Compliant
+ Friendly
+ Aggressive
+ Hostile
+ Savage
+ No patrol
+ Hero class
+ Portrait
+ Skills
+ ArtifactsVật phẩm
+ %n tile(s)
+ BuildingsCông trình
+ EventsSự kiện
+ Resource
+ Artifact reward
+ Quest
+ Identifier
+ ID
+ SubID
+ InstanceName
+ IsStatic
+ neutral
+ Army
+ Owner
+ Same as town
+ Removable units
+ Placeholder type
+ Power rank
+ Hero type
+ Experience
+ Gender
+ Name
+ Biography
+ SpellsPhép
+ Patrol radius
+ Town name
+ Same as player
+ MessageThông báo
+ Spell
+ Productivity
+ Amount
+ Character
+ Select town
+ Never flees
+ Not growing
+ Reward
+ Remove after
+ Human trigger
+ Cpu trigger
+ First visit text
+ Next visit text
+ Completed text
+ Repeat quest
+ Time limit
@@ -1407,6 +1503,172 @@
Hero %1 cannot be created as NEUTRAL.
+ Custom Spells:
+ Default Spells
+ Default
+ Quest:
+ Day of Week: %1
+ Days Passed: %1
+ Hero Level: %1
+ Hero Experience: %1
+ Mana Points: %1
+ Mana Percentage: %1
+ Primary Skills: %1/%2/%3/%4
+ Resources: %1
+ Artifacts: %1
+ Spells: %1
+ Secondary Skills: %1
+ Creatures: %1
+ Heroes: %1
+ Hero Classes: %1
+ Players: %1
+ Rewards:
+ Reward Message: %1
+ Mana Diff: %1
+ Move Points: %1
+ Move Percentage: %1
+ Spell Cast: %1 (%2)
+ Bonuses: %1
+ Built buildings:
+ Forbidden buildings:
+ Town Events:
+ Required:
+ Possible:
+ QuestWidget
@@ -2037,12 +2299,20 @@
+ Creature level %1 / Creature level %1 Upgrade
+ Day %1 - %2
+ TownEventsDelegate
+ Day %1 - %2
@@ -2164,18 +2434,18 @@
+ Remove translation
+ Default language cannot be removed
+ All existing text records for this language will be removed. Continue?
@@ -2188,112 +2458,112 @@
Kết quả kiểm định bản đồ
+ Map is not loadedBản đồ không thể tải
+ No factions allowed for player %1Không có tộc được phép cho người chơi %1
+ No players allowed to play this mapKhông có người chơi được phép chơi bản đồ này
+ Map is allowed for one player and cannot be startedBản đồ cho phép 1 người chơi nhưng không thể bắt đầu
+ No human players allowed to play this mapKhông có người nào được phép chơi bản đồ này
+ Armored instance %1 is UNFLAGGABLE but must have NEUTRAL or player ownerThực thể %1 không gắn cờ nhưng phải có quái trung lập hoặc người chơi sở hữu
+ Object %1 is assigned to non-playable player %2Vật thể %1 được gán cho người không thể chơi %2
+ Spell scroll %1 doesn't have instance assigned and must be removed
+ Artifact %1 is prohibited by map settings
+ Player %1 has no towns and heroes assigned
+ Prison %1 must be a NEUTRALNhà giam %1 phải trung lập
+ Hero %1 must have an ownerTướng %1 phải có chủ
+ Hero %1 is prohibited by map settingsTướng %1 bị cấm bởi bản đồ
+ Hero %1 has duplicate on mapTướng %1 bị trùng trên bản đồ
+ Hero %1 has an empty type and must be removedTướng %1 có kiểu rỗng và phải được xóa
+ Spell scroll %1 is prohibited by map settingsCuộn phép %1 bị cấm bởi bản đồ
+ Player %1 doesn't have any starting townNgười chơi %1 không có thành khởi đầu nào
+ Map name is not specifiedTên bản đồ không có
+ Map description is not specifiedMô tả bản đồ không có
+ Map contains object from mod "%1", but doesn't require itBản đồ chứa đối tượng từ bản mở rộng "%1", nhưng bản mở rộng đó không được yêu cầu
+ Exception occurs during validation: %1Ngoại lệ xuất hiện trong quá trình phê chuẩn: %1
+ Unknown exception occurs during validationNgoại lệ chưa biết xuất hiện trong quá trình phê chuẩn: %1
@@ -2389,196 +2659,222 @@
Độ lớn bản đồ
- Two level map
- Bản đồ 2 tầng
+ Bản đồ 2 tầng
+ HeightCao
+ WidthRộng
+ XL (144x144)Rất lớn (144x144)
+ Random mapBản đồ ngẫu nhiên
+ PlayersNgười chơi
- 0
- 0
+ 0
- Human/Computer
- Người/Máy
+ Người/Máy
+ S (36x36)
+ M (72x72)
+ L (108x108)
+ H (180x180)
+ XH (216x216)
+ G (252x252)
+ RandomNgẫu nhiên
- Computer only
- Chỉ máy
+ Chỉ máy
+ Human teamsĐội người
+ Computer teamsĐội máy
+ Standard size
+ Custom size
+ Underground
+ Humans
+ Computers
+ Monster strengthSức mạnh quái
+ WeakYếu
+ NormalTrung bình
+ StrongMạnh
+ Water contentCó nước
+ NoneKhông
+ IslandsCác đảo
+ RoadsĐường
+ Dirt
+ Gravel
+ Cobblestone
+ TemplateMẫu
+ Custom seedTùy chỉnh ban đầu
+ Generate random mapTạo bản đồ ngẫu nhiên
- Ok
- Đồng ý
+ OK
+ Ok
+ Đồng ý
+ CancelHủy
+ No templateKhông dùng mẫu
+ No template for parameters specified. Random map cannot be generated.Không có mẫu cho tham số chỉ định. Bản đồ ngẫu nhiên không thể tạo
+ RMG failureTạo bản đồ ngẫu nhiên thất bại
+ [default]
@@ -2586,27 +2882,27 @@
+ Filepath of the map to open.Đường dẫn bản đồ
+ Extract original H3 archives into a separate folder.Giải nén dữ liệu H3 gốc vào 1 thư mục riêng.
+ From an extracted archive, it Splits TwCrPort, CPRSMALL, FlagPort, ITPA, ITPt, Un32 and Un44 into individual PNG's.Từ dữ liệu giải nén, chia TwCrPort, CPRSMALL, FlagPort, ITPA, ITPt, Un32 và Un44 thành những hình PNG riêng lẻ.
+ From an extracted archive, Converts single Images (found in Images folder) from .pcx to png.Từ dữ liệu giải nén, chuyển đổi các hình đơn (được tìm thấy trong thư mục Images) từ .pcx sang .png.
+ Delete original files, for the ones split / converted.Xóa các tập tin gốc đã được phân chia / chuyển đổi.