* new system for handling objects and their behaviors, most functionalities don't work now but will be restored soon
* more serialization code, savegame/loadgame bit closer :)
* removed CLua.h and CLua.cpp (server)
* removed CScriptCallback.h and CScriptCallback.cpp (server)
* added IGameCallback.h header (lib)
* it's possible in battles to check remeaining HP of neutral stacks
* function in CGameInterface called when spell is casted. Support for the Magic Arrow from engine side.
* heroes can regain mana
* support for mistycisim and intelligence skills
* fixed leak with creating frameratekeeper every turn
* minor improvements
* hero's primary skills account for damage dealt by creatures in battle
* magical hero are given spellbook at the beginning
* added initial secondary skills for heroes
* minor fixes and improvements
* spells learning
* no tooltips for objects under FoW
* working resource silo
* new system for simple unit abilities/states
* neutral monster army disappears when defeated
* synchronization between client and server processes
* fixed battle ending