/* * FontChain.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "FontChain.h" #include "CTrueTypeFont.h" #include "CBitmapFont.h" #include "../CGameInfo.h" #include "../../lib/CConfigHandler.h" #include "../../lib/modding/CModHandler.h" #include "../../lib/texts/TextOperations.h" #include "../../lib/texts/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../../lib/texts/Languages.h" void FontChain::renderText(SDL_Surface * surface, const std::string & data, const ColorRGBA & color, const Point & pos) const { auto chunks = splitTextToChunks(data); int maxAscent = getFontAscentScaled(); Point currentPos = pos; for (auto const & chunk : chunks) { Point chunkPos = currentPos; int currAscent = chunk.font->getFontAscentScaled(); chunkPos.y += maxAscent - currAscent; chunk.font->renderText(surface, chunk.text, color, chunkPos); currentPos.x += chunk.font->getStringWidthScaled(chunk.text); } } size_t FontChain::getFontAscentScaled() const { size_t maxHeight = 0; for(const auto & font : chain) maxHeight = std::max(maxHeight, font->getFontAscentScaled()); return maxHeight; } bool FontChain::bitmapFontsPrioritized(const std::string & bitmapFontName) const { const std::string & fontType = settings["video"]["fontsType"].String(); if (fontType == "original") return true; if (fontType == "scalable") return false; // else - autoselection. if (getScalingFactor() != 1) return false; // If xbrz in use ttf/scalable fonts are preferred if (!vstd::isAlmostEqual(1.0, settings["video"]["fontScalingFactor"].Float())) return false; // If player requested non-100% scaling - use scalable fonts std::string gameLanguage = CGI->generaltexth->getPreferredLanguage(); std::string gameEncoding = Languages::getLanguageOptions(gameLanguage).encoding; std::string fontEncoding = CGI->modh->findResourceEncoding(ResourcePath("data/" + bitmapFontName, EResType::BMP_FONT)); // player uses language with different encoding than his bitmap fonts // for example, Polish language with English fonts or Chinese language which can't use H3 fonts at all // this may result in unintended mixing of ttf and bitmap fonts, which may have a bit different look // so in this case prefer ttf fonts that are likely to cover target language better than H3 fonts if (fontEncoding != gameEncoding) return false; return true; // else - use original bitmap fonts } void FontChain::addTrueTypeFont(const JsonNode & trueTypeConfig, bool begin) { if(begin) chain.insert(chain.begin(), std::make_unique(trueTypeConfig)); else chain.push_back(std::make_unique(trueTypeConfig)); } void FontChain::addBitmapFont(const std::string & bitmapFilename) { if (bitmapFontsPrioritized(bitmapFilename)) chain.insert(chain.begin(), std::make_unique(bitmapFilename)); else chain.push_back(std::make_unique(bitmapFilename)); } bool FontChain::canRepresentCharacter(const char * data) const { for(const auto & font : chain) if (font->canRepresentCharacter(data)) return true; return false; } size_t FontChain::getLineHeightScaled() const { size_t maxHeight = 0; for(const auto & font : chain) maxHeight = std::max(maxHeight, font->getLineHeightScaled()); return maxHeight; } size_t FontChain::getGlyphWidthScaled(const char * data) const { for(const auto & font : chain) if (font->canRepresentCharacter(data)) return font->getGlyphWidthScaled(data); return 0; } std::vector FontChain::splitTextToChunks(const std::string & data) const { // U+FFFD - replacement character (question mark in rhombus) static const std::string replacementCharacter = u8"�"; std::vector chunks; const auto & selectFont = [this](const char * characterPtr) -> const IFont * { for(const auto & font : chain) if (font->canRepresentCharacter(characterPtr)) return font.get(); return nullptr; }; for (size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i += TextOperations::getUnicodeCharacterSize(data[i])) { std::string symbol = data.substr(i, TextOperations::getUnicodeCharacterSize(data[i])); const IFont * currentFont = selectFont(symbol.data()); if (currentFont == nullptr) { symbol = replacementCharacter; currentFont = selectFont(symbol.data()); } if (currentFont == nullptr) continue; // Still nothing - neither desired character nor fallback can be rendered if (chunks.empty() || chunks.back().font != currentFont) chunks.push_back({currentFont, symbol}); else chunks.back().text += symbol; } return chunks; } size_t FontChain::getStringWidthScaled(const std::string & data) const { size_t result = 0; auto chunks = splitTextToChunks(data); for (auto const & chunk : chunks) result += chunk.font->getStringWidthScaled(chunk.text); return result; }