//#define BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG #include "CConfigHandler.h" #include #include #include #include using namespace config; using namespace boost::spirit; using namespace phoenix; /* * CConfigHandler.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ CConfigHandler conf; GUIOptions *current = NULL; std::pair curRes; ButtonInfo *currentButton; int gnb=-1; struct lerror { std::string txt; lerror(const std::string & TXT):txt(TXT){}; void operator()() const { tlog1 << txt << std::endl; } template void operator()(IteratorT t1, IteratorT t2) const { tlog1 << txt << std::endl; } }; struct SetCurButton { template void operator()(IteratorT t1, IteratorT t2) const { std::string str(t1,t2); if(str=="KingdomOv") currentButton = ¤t->ac.kingOverview; else if(str=="Underground") currentButton = ¤t->ac.underground; else if(str=="QuestLog") currentButton = ¤t->ac.questlog; else if(str=="SleepWake") currentButton = ¤t->ac.sleepWake; else if(str=="MoveHero") currentButton = ¤t->ac.moveHero; else if(str=="Spellbook") currentButton = ¤t->ac.spellbook; else if(str=="AdvOptions") currentButton = ¤t->ac.advOptions; else if(str=="SysOptions") currentButton = ¤t->ac.sysOptions; else if(str=="NextHero") currentButton = ¤t->ac.nextHero; else if(str=="EndTurn") currentButton = ¤t->ac.endTurn; } }; struct lerror2 { std::string txt; lerror2(const std::string & TXT):txt(TXT){}; template void operator()(IteratorT t1, IteratorT t2) const { std::string txt2(t1,t2); tlog1 << txt << txt2 << std::endl; } }; struct dummy { boost::function func; dummy(const boost::function & F) :func(F){} template void operator()(IteratorT t1, IteratorT t2) const { func(); } }; templatestruct SetButtonProp { T point; SetButtonProp(T p) :point(p){} template void operator()(const Z & val) const { currentButton->*point = val; } }; template SetButtonProp SetButtonProp_a(T p) { return SetButtonProp(p); } struct SetButtonStr { std::string ButtonInfo::*point; SetButtonStr(std::string ButtonInfo::* p) :point(p){} template void operator()(const Z first, const Z last) const { std::string str(first,last); currentButton->*point = str; } }; templatestruct SetAdventureProp { T point; SetAdventureProp(T p) :point(p){} template void operator()(const Z & val) const { current->ac.*point = val; } }; template SetAdventureProp SetAdventureProp_a(T p) { return SetAdventureProp(p); } struct SetAdventureStr { std::string AdventureMapConfig::*point; SetAdventureStr(std::string AdventureMapConfig::* p) :point(p){} template void operator()(const Z first, const Z last) const { std::string str(first,last); current->ac.*point = str; } }; struct AddDefForButton { template void operator()(const Z first, const Z last) const { std::string str(first,last); currentButton->additionalDefs.push_back(str); } }; struct ClearAdditionalDefs { template void operator()(const Z first, const Z last) const { currentButton->additionalDefs.clear(); } }; static void addGRes() { if(current) conf.guiOptions[curRes] = *current; //we'll use by default settings from previous resolution current = &conf.guiOptions[curRes]; } static void setGem(int x, int val) { if(x) current->ac.gemX[gnb] = val; else current->ac.gemY[gnb] = val; } struct AddGemName { template void operator()(const Z first, const Z last) const { current->ac.gemG.push_back(std::string(first,last)); } }; struct SettingsGrammar : public grammar { template struct definition { rule r, clientOption, clientOptionsSequence, ClientSettings; rule GUISettings, GUIOption, GUIOptionsSequence, AdvMapOptionsSequence, AdvMapOption; rule GUIResolution, fname; definition(SettingsGrammar const& self) { fname = lexeme_d[+(alnum_p | '.')]; clientOption = str_p("resolution=") >> (uint_p[assign_a(conf.cc.resx)] >> 'x' >> uint_p[assign_a(conf.cc.resy)] | eps_p[lerror("Wrong resolution!")]) | str_p("port=") >> (uint_p[assign_a(conf.cc.port)] | eps_p[lerror("Wrong port!")]) | str_p("bpp=") >> (uint_p[assign_a(conf.cc.bpp)] | eps_p[lerror("Wrong bpp!")]) | str_p("localInformation=") >> (uint_p[assign_a(conf.cc.localInformation)] | eps_p[lerror("Wrong localInformation!")]) | str_p("fullscreen=") >> (uint_p[assign_a(conf.cc.fullscreen)] | eps_p[lerror("Wrong fullscreen!")]) | str_p("server=") >> ( ( +digit_p >> *('.' >> +digit_p) )[assign_a(conf.cc.server)] | eps_p[lerror("Wrong server!")]) | str_p("defaultAI=") >> ((+(anychar_p - ';'))[assign_a(conf.cc.defaultAI)] | eps_p[lerror("Wrong defaultAI!")]) | (+(anychar_p - '}'))[lerror2("Unrecognized client option: ")] ; clientOptionsSequence = *(clientOption >> (';' | eps_p[lerror("Semicolon lacking after client option!")])); ClientSettings = '{' >> clientOptionsSequence >> '}'; AdvMapOption = str_p("Buttons") >> ((ch_p('{') >> '}') | eps_p[lerror("Wrong Buttons!")]) | str_p("Minimap: ") >> *( "width=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::minimapW)]//[assign_a(current->ac.minimapW)] | "height=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::minimapH)] | "x=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::minimapX)] | "y=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::minimapY)] ) | str_p("Statusbar:") >> *( ( "x=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::statusbarX)] | "y=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::statusbarY)] | "graphic=" >> fname[SetAdventureStr(&AdventureMapConfig::statusbarG)] ) ) | str_p("ResDataBar:") >> *( ( "x=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::resdatabarX)] | "y=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::resdatabarY)] | "offsetX=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::resOffsetX)] | "offsetY=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::resOffsetY)] | "resSpace=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::resDist)] | "resDateSpace=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::resDateDist)] | "graphic=" >> fname[SetAdventureStr(&AdventureMapConfig::resdatabarG)] ) ) | str_p("InfoBox:") >> *( ( "x=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::infoboxX)] | "y=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::infoboxY)] ) ) | str_p("AdvMap:") >> *( ( "x=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::advmapX)] | "y=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::advmapY)] | "width=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::advmapW)] | "height=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::advmapH)] | "smoothMove=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::smoothMove)] | "puzzleSepia=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::puzzleSepia)] ) ) | str_p("background=") >> fname[SetAdventureStr(&AdventureMapConfig::mainGraphic)] | str_p("Button") >> (+(anychar_p-':'))[SetCurButton()] >> ':' >> *( ( "x=" >> uint_p[SetButtonProp_a(&ButtonInfo::x)] | "y=" >> uint_p[SetButtonProp_a(&ButtonInfo::y)] | "playerColoured=" >> uint_p[SetButtonProp_a(&ButtonInfo::playerColoured)] | "graphic=" >> fname[SetButtonStr(&ButtonInfo::defName)] | str_p("additionalDefs=")[ClearAdditionalDefs()] >> ch_p('(') >> fname[AddDefForButton()] >> *(',' >> fname[AddDefForButton()]) >> ')' ) ) | str_p("HeroList:") >> *( ( "x=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::hlistX)] | "y=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::hlistY)] | "size=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::hlistSize)] | "movePoints=" >> fname[SetAdventureStr(&AdventureMapConfig::hlistMB)] | "manaPoints=" >> fname[SetAdventureStr(&AdventureMapConfig::hlistMN)] | "arrowUp=" >> fname[SetAdventureStr(&AdventureMapConfig::hlistAU)] | "arrowDown=" >> fname[SetAdventureStr(&AdventureMapConfig::hlistAD)] ) ) | str_p("TownList:") >> *( ( "x=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::tlistX)] | "y=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::tlistY)] | "size=" >> uint_p[SetAdventureProp_a(&AdventureMapConfig::tlistSize)] | "arrowUp=" >> fname[SetAdventureStr(&AdventureMapConfig::tlistAU)] | "arrowDown=" >> fname[SetAdventureStr(&AdventureMapConfig::tlistAD)] ) ) | str_p("gem") >> uint_p[var(gnb) = arg1] >> ':' >> *( ( "x=" >> uint_p[bind(&setGem,1,_1)] | "y=" >> uint_p[bind(&setGem,0,_1)] | "graphic=" >> fname[AddGemName()] ) ) ; AdvMapOptionsSequence = *(AdvMapOption >> (';' | eps_p[lerror("Semicolon lacking in advmapopt!")])); GUIResolution = (uint_p[assign_a(curRes.first)] >> 'x' >> uint_p[assign_a(curRes.second)]) [dummy(&addGRes)]; GUIOption = str_p("AdventureMap") >> ('{' >> AdvMapOptionsSequence >> '}' | eps_p[lerror("Wrong AdventureMap!")]); GUIOptionsSequence = *(GUIOption >> (';' | eps_p[lerror("Semicolon after GUIOption lacking!")])); GUISettings = +(GUIResolution >> '{' >> GUIOptionsSequence >> '}'); r = str_p("clientSettings") >> (ClientSettings | eps_p[lerror("Wrong clientSettings!")]) >> str_p("GUISettings") >> ('{' >> GUISettings >> '}' | eps_p[lerror("Wrong GUISettings!")]); #ifdef BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_RULE(clientOption); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_RULE(clientOptionsSequence); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_RULE(ClientSettings); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_RULE(AdvMapOption); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_RULE(AdvMapOptionsSequence); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_RULE(GUIOption); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_RULE(GUIOptionsSequence); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_RULE(GUISettings); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_RULE(GUIResolution); BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_RULE(r); #endif } rule const& start() const { return r; } }; }; struct CommentsGrammar : public grammar { template struct definition { rule comment; definition(CommentsGrammar const& self) { comment = comment_p("//") | comment_p("/*","*/") | space_p; BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_RULE(comment); } rule const& start() const { return comment; } }; }; CConfigHandler::CConfigHandler(void) { } CConfigHandler::~CConfigHandler(void) { } void config::CConfigHandler::init() { std::vector settings; std::ifstream ifs(DATA_DIR "/config/settings.txt"); if(!ifs) { tlog1 << "Cannot open " DATA_DIR "/config/settings.txt !" << std::endl; return; } ifs.unsetf(std::ios::skipws); // Turn of white space skipping on the stream std::copy(std::istream_iterator(ifs),std::istream_iterator(),std::back_inserter(settings)); std::vector::const_iterator first = settings.begin(), last = settings.end(); SettingsGrammar sg; BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(sg); CommentsGrammar cg; BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODE(cg); parse_info::const_iterator> info = parse(first,last,sg,cg); if(!info.hit) tlog1 << "Cannot parse config/settings.txt file!\n"; else if(!info.full) tlog2 << "Not entire config/settings.txt parsed!\n"; } GUIOptions * config::CConfigHandler::go() { return &guiOptions[std::pair(cc.resx,cc.resy)]; }