#include "../StartInfo.h" #include "../hch/CArtHandler.h" #include "../hch/CBuildingHandler.h" #include "../hch/CDefObjInfoHandler.h" #include "../hch/CHeroHandler.h" #include "../hch/CObjectHandler.h" #include "../hch/CSpellHandler.h" #include "../hch/CTownHandler.h" #include "../lib/CGameState.h" #include "../lib/CondSh.h" #include "../lib/NetPacks.h" #include "../lib/VCMI_Lib.h" #include "../lib/map.h" #include "../lib/VCMIDirs.h" #include "CGameHandler.h" #include #include //no i/o just types #include #include #include #include #include #include /* * CGameHandler.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #undef DLL_EXPORT #define DLL_EXPORT #include "../lib/RegisterTypes.cpp" #ifndef _MSC_VER #include #endif extern bool end2; #ifdef min #undef min #endif #ifdef max #undef max #endif #define NEW_ROUND BattleNextRound bnr;\ bnr.round = gs->curB->round + 1;\ sendAndApply(&bnr); CondSh battleMadeAction; CondSh battleResult(NULL); class CBaseForGHApply { public: virtual bool applyOnGH(CGameHandler *gh, CConnection *c, void *pack) const =0; }; template class CApplyOnGH : public CBaseForGHApply { public: bool applyOnGH(CGameHandler *gh, CConnection *c, void *pack) const { T *ptr = static_cast(pack); ptr->c = c; return ptr->applyGh(gh); } }; class CGHApplier { public: std::map apps; CGHApplier() { registerTypes3(*this); } template void registerType(const T * t=NULL) { ui16 ID = typeList.registerType(t); apps[ID] = new CApplyOnGH; } } *applier = NULL; CMP_stack cmpst ; static inline double distance(int3 a, int3 b) { return std::sqrt( (double)(a.x-b.x)*(a.x-b.x) + (a.y-b.y)*(a.y-b.y) ); } static void giveExp(BattleResult &r) { r.exp[0] = 0; r.exp[1] = 0; for(std::map::iterator i = r.casualties[!r.winner].begin(); i!=r.casualties[!r.winner].end(); i++) { r.exp[r.winner] += VLC->creh->creatures[i->first].hitPoints * i->second; } } PlayerStatus PlayerStatuses::operator[](ui8 player) { boost::unique_lock l(mx); if(players.find(player) != players.end()) { return players[player]; } else { throw std::string("No such player!"); } } void PlayerStatuses::addPlayer(ui8 player) { boost::unique_lock l(mx); players[player]; } bool PlayerStatuses::hasQueries(ui8 player) { boost::unique_lock l(mx); if(players.find(player) != players.end()) { return players[player].queries.size(); } else { throw std::string("No such player!"); } } bool PlayerStatuses::checkFlag(ui8 player, bool PlayerStatus::*flag) { boost::unique_lock l(mx); if(players.find(player) != players.end()) { return players[player].*flag; } else { throw std::string("No such player!"); } } void PlayerStatuses::setFlag(ui8 player, bool PlayerStatus::*flag, bool val) { boost::unique_lock l(mx); if(players.find(player) != players.end()) { players[player].*flag = val; } else { throw std::string("No such player!"); } cv.notify_all(); } void PlayerStatuses::addQuery(ui8 player, ui32 id) { boost::unique_lock l(mx); if(players.find(player) != players.end()) { players[player].queries.insert(id); } else { throw std::string("No such player!"); } cv.notify_all(); } void PlayerStatuses::removeQuery(ui8 player, ui32 id) { boost::unique_lock l(mx); if(players.find(player) != players.end()) { players[player].queries.erase(id); } else { throw std::string("No such player!"); } cv.notify_all(); } template void callWith(std::vector args, boost::function fun, ui32 which) { fun(args[which]); } void CGameHandler::changeSecSkill( int ID, int which, int val, bool abs/*=false*/ ) { SetSecSkill sss; sss.id = ID; sss.which = which; sss.val = val; sss.abs = abs; sendAndApply(&sss); if(which == 7) //Wisdom { const CGHeroInstance *h = getHero(ID); if(h && h->visitedTown) giveSpells(h->visitedTown, h); } } void CGameHandler::changePrimSkill(int ID, int which, si64 val, bool abs) { SetPrimSkill sps; sps.id = ID; sps.which = which; sps.abs = abs; sps.val = val; sendAndApply(&sps); if(which==4) //only for exp - hero may level up { CGHeroInstance *hero = static_cast(gs->map->objects[ID]); while (hero->exp >= VLC->heroh->reqExp(hero->level+1)) //new level { //give prim skill tlog5 << hero->name <<" got level "<level<::*g = (hero->level>9) ? (&std::pair::second) : (&std::pair::first); for(;xtype->heroClass->primChance[x].*g; if(rlevel+1; //picking sec. skills for choice std::set basicAndAdv, expert, none; for(int i=0;isecSkills.size();i++) { if(hero->secSkills[i].second < 3) basicAndAdv.insert(hero->secSkills[i].first); else expert.insert(hero->secSkills[i].first); none.erase(hero->secSkills[i].first); } //first offered skill if(hero->secSkills.size() < hero->type->heroClass->skillLimit) //free skill slot { hlu.skills.push_back(hero->type->heroClass->chooseSecSkill(none)); //new skill none.erase(hlu.skills.back()); } else if(basicAndAdv.size()) { int s = hero->type->heroClass->chooseSecSkill(basicAndAdv); hlu.skills.push_back(s); basicAndAdv.erase(s); } //second offered skill if(basicAndAdv.size()) { hlu.skills.push_back(hero->type->heroClass->chooseSecSkill(basicAndAdv)); //new skill } else if(hero->secSkills.size() < hero->type->heroClass->skillLimit) { hlu.skills.push_back(hero->type->heroClass->chooseSecSkill(none)); //new skill } if(hlu.skills.size() > 1) //apply and ask for secondary skill { boost::function callback = boost::function(boost::bind(callWith,hlu.skills,boost::function(boost::bind(&CGameHandler::changeSecSkill,this,ID,_1,1,0)),_1)); applyAndAsk(&hlu,hero->tempOwner,callback); //call changeSecSkill with appropriate args when client responds } else if(hlu.skills.size() == 1) //apply, give only possible skill and send info { sendAndApply(&hlu); changeSecSkill(ID,hlu.skills.back(),1,false); } else //apply and send info { sendAndApply(&hlu); } } } } static CCreatureSet takeCasualties(int color, const CCreatureSet &set, BattleInfo *bat) { if(color == 254) color = 255; CCreatureSet ret(set); for(int i=0; istacks.size();i++) { if(bat->stacks[i]->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::SUMMONED)) //don't take into account sumoned stacks continue; CStack *st = bat->stacks[i]; if(st->owner==color && vstd::contains(set.slots,st->slot) && st->amount < set.slots.find(st->slot)->second.second) { if(st->alive()) ret.slots[st->slot].second = st->amount; else ret.slots.erase(st->slot); } } return ret; } void CGameHandler::startBattle(const CArmedInstance *army1, const CArmedInstance * army2, int3 tile, const CGHeroInstance *hero1, const CGHeroInstance *hero2, bool creatureBank, boost::function cb, const CGTownInstance *town) { battleEndCallback = new boost::function(cb); bEndArmy1 = army1; bEndArmy2 = army2; { BattleInfo *curB = new BattleInfo; curB->side1 = army1->tempOwner; curB->side2 = army2->tempOwner; if(curB->side2 == 254) curB->side2 = 255; setupBattle(curB, tile, army1->army, army2->army, hero1, hero2, creatureBank, town); //initializes stacks, places creatures on battlefield, blocks and informs player interfaces } NEW_ROUND; //TODO: pre-tactic stuff, call scripts etc. //tactic round { NEW_ROUND; if( (hero1 && hero1->getSecSkillLevel(19)>0) || ( hero2 && hero2->getSecSkillLevel(19)>0) )//someone has tactics { //TODO: tactic round (round -1) } } //main loop while(!battleResult.get()) //till the end of the battle ;] { NEW_ROUND; std::vector & stacks = (gs->curB->stacks); const BattleInfo & curB = *gs->curB; //stack loop const CStack *next; while(!battleResult.get() && (next = curB.getNextStack()) && next->willMove()) { //check for bad morale => freeze if(next->Morale() < 0 && !((hero1->hasBonusOfType(HeroBonus::BLOCK_MORALE)) || (hero2->hasBonusOfType(HeroBonus::BLOCK_MORALE))) //checking if heroes have (or don't have) morale blocking bonuses) ) { if( rand()%24 < (-next->Morale())*2 ) { //unit loses its turn - empty freeze action BattleAction ba; ba.actionType = 11; ba.additionalInfo = 1; ba.side = !next->attackerOwned; ba.stackNumber = next->ID; sendAndApply(&StartAction(ba)); sendAndApply(&EndAction()); checkForBattleEnd(stacks); //check if this "action" ended the battle (not likely but who knows...) continue; } } if(next->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::ATTACKS_NEAREST_CREATURE)) //while in berserk { std::pair attackInfo = curB.getNearestStack(next, boost::logic::indeterminate); if(attackInfo.first != NULL) { BattleAction attack; attack.actionType = 6; attack.side = !next->attackerOwned; attack.stackNumber = next->ID; attack.additionalInfo = attackInfo.first->position; attack.destinationTile = attackInfo.second; makeBattleAction(attack); checkForBattleEnd(stacks); } continue; } const CGHeroInstance * curOwner = gs->battleGetOwner(next->ID); if(next->position < 0 && (!curOwner || curOwner->getSecSkillLevel(10) == 0)) //arrow turret, hero has no ballistics { BattleAction attack; attack.actionType = 7; attack.side = !next->attackerOwned; attack.stackNumber = next->ID; for(int g=0; gcurB->stacks.size(); ++g) { if(gs->curB->stacks[g]->attackerOwned) { attack.destinationTile = gs->curB->stacks[g]->position; break; } } makeBattleAction(attack); checkForBattleEnd(stacks); continue; } if(next->creature->idNumber == 145 && (!curOwner || curOwner->getSecSkillLevel(10) == 0)) //catapult, hero has no ballistics { BattleAction attack; static const int wallHexes[] = {50, 183, 182, 130, 62, 29, 12, 95}; attack.destinationTile = wallHexes[ rand()%ARRAY_COUNT(wallHexes) ]; attack.actionType = 9; attack.additionalInfo = 0; attack.side = !next->attackerOwned; attack.stackNumber = next->ID; makeBattleAction(attack); continue; } askInterfaceForMove: //ask interface and wait for answer if(!battleResult.get()) { BattleSetActiveStack sas; sas.stack = next->ID; sendAndApply(&sas); boost::unique_lock lock(battleMadeAction.mx); while(next->alive() && (!battleMadeAction.data && !battleResult.get())) //active stack hasn't made its action and battle is still going battleMadeAction.cond.wait(lock); battleMadeAction.data = false; } else { break; } //we're after action, all results applied checkForBattleEnd(stacks); //check if this action ended the battle //check for good morale if(!vstd::contains(next->state,HAD_MORALE) //only one extra move per turn possible && !vstd::contains(next->state,DEFENDING) && !vstd::contains(next->state,WAITING) && next->alive() && next->Morale() > 0 && !((hero1->hasBonusOfType(HeroBonus::BLOCK_MORALE)) || (hero2->hasBonusOfType(HeroBonus::BLOCK_MORALE)) ) //checking if heroes have (or don't have) morale blocking bonuses ) if(rand()%24 < next->Morale()) //this stack hasn't got morale this turn goto askInterfaceForMove; //move this stack once more } } endBattle(tile, hero1, hero2); } void CGameHandler::endBattle(int3 tile, const CGHeroInstance *hero1, const CGHeroInstance *hero2) { BattleResultsApplied resultsApplied; resultsApplied.player1 = bEndArmy1->tempOwner; resultsApplied.player2 = bEndArmy2->tempOwner; //unblock engaged players if(bEndArmy1->tempOwnertempOwner, &PlayerStatus::engagedIntoBattle, false); if(bEndArmy2 && bEndArmy2->tempOwnertempOwner, &PlayerStatus::engagedIntoBattle, false); //casualties among heroes armies SetGarrisons sg; sg.garrs[bEndArmy1->id] = takeCasualties(bEndArmy1->tempOwner, bEndArmy1->army, gs->curB); sg.garrs[bEndArmy2->id] = takeCasualties(bEndArmy2->tempOwner, bEndArmy2->army, gs->curB); sendAndApply(&sg); //end battle, remove all info, free memory giveExp(*battleResult.data); sendAndApply(battleResult.data); //if one hero has lost we will erase him if(battleResult.data->winner!=0 && hero1) { RemoveObject ro(hero1->id); sendAndApply(&ro); } if(battleResult.data->winner!=1 && hero2) { RemoveObject ro(hero2->id); sendAndApply(&ro); } //give exp if(battleResult.data->exp[0] && hero1) changePrimSkill(hero1->id,4,battleResult.data->exp[0]); if(battleResult.data->exp[1] && hero2) changePrimSkill(hero2->id,4,battleResult.data->exp[1]); if(battleEndCallback && *battleEndCallback) { (*battleEndCallback)(battleResult.data); delete battleEndCallback; battleEndCallback = 0; } sendAndApply(&resultsApplied); // Necromancy if applicable. const CGHeroInstance *winnerHero = battleResult.data->winner != 0 ? hero2 : hero1; if (winnerHero) { std::pair raisedStack = winnerHero->calculateNecromancy(*battleResult.data); // Give raised units to winner and show dialog, if any were raised. if (raisedStack.first != -1) { int slot = winnerHero->army.getSlotFor(raisedStack.first); if (slot != -1) { SetGarrisons sg; sg.garrs[winnerHero->id] = winnerHero->army; if (vstd::contains(winnerHero->army.slots, slot)) // Add to existing stack. sg.garrs[winnerHero->id].slots[slot].second += raisedStack.second; else // Create a new stack. sg.garrs[winnerHero->id].slots[slot] = raisedStack; winnerHero->showNecromancyDialog(raisedStack); sendAndApply(&sg); } } } delete battleResult.data; } void CGameHandler::prepareAttacked(BattleStackAttacked &bsa, const CStack *def) { bsa.killedAmount = bsa.damageAmount / def->MaxHealth(); unsigned damageFirst = bsa.damageAmount % def->MaxHealth(); if( def->firstHPleft <= damageFirst ) { bsa.killedAmount++; bsa.newHP = def->firstHPleft + def->MaxHealth() - damageFirst; } else { bsa.newHP = def->firstHPleft - damageFirst; } if(def->amount <= bsa.killedAmount) //stack killed { bsa.newAmount = 0; bsa.flags |= 1; bsa.killedAmount = def->amount; //we cannot kill more creatures than we have } else { bsa.newAmount = def->amount - bsa.killedAmount; } } void CGameHandler::prepareAttack(BattleAttack &bat, const CStack *att, const CStack *def, int distance) { bat.bsa.clear(); bat.stackAttacking = att->ID; std::set::iterator i = bat.bsa.insert(BattleStackAttacked()).first; #ifdef __GNUC__ BattleStackAttacked *bsa = (BattleStackAttacked *)&*i; #else BattleStackAttacked *bsa = &*i; #endif bsa->stackAttacked = def->ID; bsa->attackerID = att->ID; bsa->damageAmount = BattleInfo::calculateDmg(att, def, gs->battleGetOwner(att->ID), gs->battleGetOwner(def->ID), bat.shot(), distance);//counting dealt damage if(att->Luck() > 0 && rand()%24 < att->Luck()) { bsa->damageAmount *= 2; bat.flags |= 4; } prepareAttacked(*bsa, def); } void CGameHandler::handleConnection(std::set players, CConnection &c) { srand(time(NULL)); CPack *pack = NULL; try { while(!end2) { { boost::unique_lock lock(*c.rmx); c >> pack; //get the package tlog5 << "Received client message of type " << typeid(*pack).name() << std::endl; } int packType = typeList.getTypeID(pack); //get the id of type CBaseForGHApply *apply = applier->apps[packType]; //and appropriae applier object if(apply) { bool result = apply->applyOnGH(this,&c,pack); tlog5 << "Message successfully applied (result=" << result << ")!\n"; //send confirmation that we've applied the package if(pack->type != 6000) //WORKAROUND - not confirm query replies TODO: reconsider { PackageApplied applied; applied.result = result; applied.packType = packType; { boost::unique_lock lock(*c.wmx); c << &applied; } } } else { tlog1 << "Message cannot be applied, cannot find applier (unregistered type)!\n"; } delete pack; pack = NULL; } } catch(boost::system::system_error &e) //for boost errors just log, not crash - probably client shut down connection { tlog1 << e.what() << std::endl; end2 = true; } HANDLE_EXCEPTION(end2 = true); handleConEnd: tlog1 << "Ended handling connection\n"; #undef SPELL_CAST_TEMPLATE_1 #undef SPELL_CAST_TEMPLATE_2 } int CGameHandler::moveStack(int stack, int dest) { int ret = 0; CStack *curStack = gs->curB->getStack(stack), *stackAtEnd = gs->curB->getStackT(dest); assert(curStack); assert(dest < BFIELD_SIZE); //initing necessary tables bool accessibility[BFIELD_SIZE]; std::vector accessible = gs->curB->getAccessibility(curStack->ID, false); for(int b=0; bhasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE) && !accessibility[dest]) { if(curStack->attackerOwned) { if(accessibility[dest+1]) dest+=1; } else { if(accessibility[dest-1]) dest-=1; } } if((stackAtEnd && stackAtEnd!=curStack && stackAtEnd->alive()) || !accessibility[dest]) return 0; bool accessibilityWithOccupyable[BFIELD_SIZE]; std::vector accOc = gs->curB->getAccessibility(curStack->ID, true); for(int b=0; b curStack->creature->speed && !(stackAtEnd && dists[dest] == curStack->creature->speed+1)) //we can attack a stack if we can go to adjacent hex // return false; std::pair< std::vector, int > path = gs->curB->getPath(curStack->position, dest, accessibilityWithOccupyable, curStack->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::FLYING), curStack->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE), curStack->attackerOwned); ret = path.second; if(curStack->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::FLYING)) { if(path.second <= curStack->Speed() && path.first.size() > 0) { //inform clients about move BattleStackMoved sm; sm.stack = curStack->ID; sm.tile = path.first[0]; sm.distance = path.second; sm.ending = true; sendAndApply(&sm); } } else //for non-flying creatures { int tilesToMove = std::max((int)(path.first.size() - curStack->Speed()), 0); for(int v=path.first.size()-1; v>=tilesToMove; --v) { //inform clients about move BattleStackMoved sm; sm.stack = curStack->ID; sm.tile = path.first[v]; sm.distance = path.second; sm.ending = v==tilesToMove; sendAndApply(&sm); } } return ret; } CGameHandler::CGameHandler(void) { QID = 1; gs = NULL; IObjectInterface::cb = this; applier = new CGHApplier; } CGameHandler::~CGameHandler(void) { delete applier; applier = NULL; delete gs; } void CGameHandler::init(StartInfo *si, int Seed) { Mapa *map = new Mapa(si->mapname); tlog0 << "Map loaded!" << std::endl; gs = new CGameState(); tlog0 << "Gamestate created!" << std::endl; gs->init(si,map,Seed); tlog0 << "Gamestate initialized!" << std::endl; for(std::map::iterator i = gs->players.begin(); i != gs->players.end(); i++) states.addPlayer(i->first); } static bool evntCmp(const CMapEvent *a, const CMapEvent *b) { return *a < *b; } void CGameHandler::newTurn() { tlog5 << "Turn " << gs->day+1 << std::endl; NewTurn n; n.day = gs->day + 1; n.resetBuilded = true; std::map pool = gs->hpool.heroesPool; for ( std::map::iterator i=gs->players.begin() ; i!=gs->players.end();i++) { if(i->first == 255) continue; if(gs->getDate(1)==7) //first day of week - new heroes in tavern { SetAvailableHeroes sah; sah.player = i->first; CGHeroInstance *h = gs->hpool.pickHeroFor(true,i->first,&VLC->townh->towns[gs->scenarioOps->getIthPlayersSettings(i->first).castle], pool); if(h) sah.hid1 = h->subID; else sah.hid1 = -1; h = gs->hpool.pickHeroFor(false,i->first,&VLC->townh->towns[gs->scenarioOps->getIthPlayersSettings(i->first).castle], pool); if(h) sah.hid2 = h->subID; else sah.hid2 = -1; sendAndApply(&sah); } if(i->first>=PLAYER_LIMIT) continue; SetResources r; r.player = i->first; for(int j=0;jsecond.resources[j]; BOOST_FOREACH(CGHeroInstance *h, (*i).second.heroes) { if(h->visitedTown) giveSpells(h->visitedTown, h); NewTurn::Hero hth; hth.id = h->id; hth.move = h->maxMovePoints(gs->map->getTile(h->getPosition(false)).tertype != TerrainTile::water); if(h->visitedTown && vstd::contains(h->visitedTown->builtBuildings,0)) //if hero starts turn in town with mage guild hth.mana = h->manaLimit(); //restore all mana else hth.mana = std::max(si32(0), std::min(h->mana + h->manaRegain(), h->manaLimit()) ); n.heroes.insert(hth); if(gs->day) //not first day { switch(h->getSecSkillLevel(13)) //handle estates - give gold { case 1: //basic r.res[6] += 125; break; case 2: //advanced r.res[6] += 250; break; case 3: //expert r.res[6] += 500; break; } for(std::list::iterator i = h->bonuses.begin(); i != h->bonuses.end(); i++) if(i->type == HeroBonus::GENERATE_RESOURCE) r.res[i->subtype] += i->val; } } for(std::vector::iterator j=i->second.towns.begin();j!=i->second.towns.end();j++)//handle towns { if(gs->day && vstd::contains((**j).builtBuildings,15)) //not first day and there is resource silo { if((**j).town->primaryRes == 127) //we'll give wood and ore { r.res[0] += 1; r.res[2] += 1; } else { r.res[(**j).town->primaryRes] += 1; } } if(gs->getDate(1)==7) //first day of week { SetAvailableCreatures sac; sac.tid = (**j).id; sac.creatures = (**j).creatures; for(int k=0;kgetDate(0)) //first day of game: use only basic growths amin(sac.creatures[k].first, VLC->creh->creatures[(*j)->town->basicCreatures[k]].growth); } } n.cres.push_back(sac); } if(gs->day && i->firstmap->objects.size(); i++) if(gs->map->objects[i]) gs->map->objects[i]->newTurn(); } void CGameHandler::run(bool resume) { BOOST_FOREACH(CConnection *cc, conns) {//init conn. ui8 quantity, pom; //ui32 seed; if(!resume) (*cc) << gs->scenarioOps->mapname << gs->map->checksum << gs->seed; (*cc) >> quantity; //how many players will be handled at that client for(int i=0;i> pom; //read player color { boost::unique_lock lock(gsm); connections[pom] = cc; } } } for(std::set::iterator i = conns.begin(); i!=conns.end();i++) { std::set pom; for(std::map::iterator j = connections.begin(); j!=connections.end();j++) if(j->second == *i) pom.insert(j->first); boost::thread(boost::bind(&CGameHandler::handleConnection,this,pom,boost::ref(**i))); } while (!end2) { if(!resume) newTurn(); else resume = false; std::map::iterator i; if(!resume) i = gs->players.begin(); else i = gs->players.find(gs->currentPlayer); for(; i != gs->players.end(); i++) { if((i->second.towns.size()==0 && i->second.heroes.size()==0) || i->second.color<0 || i->first>=PLAYER_LIMIT ) continue; //players has not towns/castle - loser states.setFlag(i->first,&PlayerStatus::makingTurn,true); gs->currentPlayer = i->first; { YourTurn yt; yt.player = i->first; boost::unique_lock lock(*connections[i->first]->wmx); *connections[i->first] << &yt; } //wait till turn is done boost::unique_lock lock(states.mx); while(states.players[i->first].makingTurn && !end2) { boost::posix_time::time_duration p; p = boost::posix_time::milliseconds(200); states.cv.timed_wait(lock,p); } } } } namespace CGH { using namespace std; static void readItTo(ifstream & input, vector< vector > & dest) //reads 7 lines, i-th one containing i integers, and puts it to dest { for(int j=0; j<7; ++j) { std::vector pom; for(int g=0; g>hlp; pom.push_back(hlp); } dest.push_back(pom); } } } void CGameHandler::setupBattle( BattleInfo * curB, int3 tile, const CCreatureSet &army1, const CCreatureSet &army2, const CGHeroInstance * hero1, const CGHeroInstance * hero2, bool creatureBank, const CGTownInstance *town) { battleResult.set(NULL); std::vector & stacks = (curB->stacks); curB->tile = tile; curB->army1=army1; curB->army2=army2; curB->heroes[0] = const_cast(hero1); curB->heroes[1] = const_cast(hero2); curB->round = -2; curB->activeStack = -1; if(town) { curB->tid = town->id; curB->siege = town->fortLevel(); } else { curB->tid = -1; curB->siege = 0; } //reading battleStartpos std::ifstream positions; positions.open(DATA_DIR "/config/battleStartpos.txt", std::ios_base::in|std::ios_base::binary); if(!positions.is_open()) { tlog1<<"Unable to open battleStartpos.txt!"<>dump; positions>>dump; std::vector< std::vector > attackerLoose, defenderLoose, attackerTight, defenderTight, attackerCreBank, defenderCreBank; CGH::readItTo(positions, attackerLoose); positions>>dump; CGH::readItTo(positions, defenderLoose); positions>>dump; positions>>dump; CGH::readItTo(positions, attackerTight); positions>>dump; CGH::readItTo(positions, defenderTight); positions>>dump; positions>>dump; CGH::readItTo(positions, attackerCreBank); positions>>dump; CGH::readItTo(positions, defenderCreBank); positions.close(); //battleStartpos read int k = 0; //stack serial for(std::map >::const_iterator i = army1.slots.begin(); i!=army1.slots.end(); i++, k++) { int pos; if(creatureBank) pos = attackerCreBank[army1.slots.size()-1][k]; else if(army1.formation) pos = attackerTight[army1.slots.size()-1][k]; else pos = attackerLoose[army1.slots.size()-1][k]; CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack(hero1, i->second.first, i->second.second, stacks.size(), true, i->first, gs->map->terrain[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z].tertype, pos); stacks.push_back(stack); } k = 0; for(std::map >::const_iterator i = army2.slots.begin(); i!=army2.slots.end(); i++, k++) { int pos; if(creatureBank) pos = defenderCreBank[army2.slots.size()-1][k]; else if(army2.formation) pos = defenderTight[army2.slots.size()-1][k]; else pos = defenderLoose[army2.slots.size()-1][k]; CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack(hero2, i->second.first, i->second.second, stacks.size(), false, i->first, gs->map->terrain[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z].tertype, pos); stacks.push_back(stack); } for(unsigned g=0; gposition%17)==1 && stacks[g]->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE) && stacks[g]->attackerOwned) { stacks[g]->position += 1; } else if((stacks[g]->position%17)==15 && stacks[g]->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE) && !stacks[g]->attackerOwned) { stacks[g]->position -= 1; } } //adding war machines if(hero1) { if(hero1->getArt(13)) //ballista { CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack(hero1, 146, 1, stacks.size(), true, 255, gs->map->terrain[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z].tertype, 52); stacks.push_back(stack); } if(hero1->getArt(14)) //ammo cart { CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack(hero1, 148, 1, stacks.size(), true, 255, gs->map->terrain[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z].tertype, 18); stacks.push_back(stack); } if(hero1->getArt(15)) //first aid tent { CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack(hero1, 147, 1, stacks.size(), true, 255, gs->map->terrain[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z].tertype, 154); stacks.push_back(stack); } } if(hero2) { if(hero2->getArt(13)) //ballista { CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack(hero2, 146, 1, stacks.size(), false, 255, gs->map->terrain[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z].tertype, 66); stacks.push_back(stack); } if(hero2->getArt(14)) //ammo cart { CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack(hero2, 148, 1, stacks.size(), false, 255, gs->map->terrain[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z].tertype, 32); stacks.push_back(stack); } if(hero2->getArt(15)) //first aid tent { CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack(hero2, 147, 1, stacks.size(), false, 255, gs->map->terrain[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z].tertype, 168); stacks.push_back(stack); } } if(town && hero1) //catapult { CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack(hero1, 145, 1, stacks.size(), true, 255, gs->map->terrain[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z].tertype, 120); stacks.push_back(stack); } //war machines added switch(curB->siege) //adding towers { case 3: //castle {//lower tower / upper tower CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack(hero2, 149, 1, stacks.size(), false, 255, gs->map->terrain[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z].tertype, -4); stacks.push_back(stack); stack = curB->generateNewStack(hero2, 149, 1, stacks.size(), false, 255, gs->map->terrain[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z].tertype, -3); stacks.push_back(stack); } case 2: //citadel {//main tower CStack * stack = curB->generateNewStack(hero2, 149, 1, stacks.size(), false, 255, gs->map->terrain[tile.x][tile.y][tile.z].tertype, -2); stacks.push_back(stack); } } std::stable_sort(stacks.begin(),stacks.end(),cmpst); //seting up siege if(town) { for(int b=0; bsi.wallState); ++b) { curB->si.wallState[b] = 1; } } int terType = gs->battleGetBattlefieldType(tile); //randomize obstacles if(town == NULL && !creatureBank) //do it only when it's not siege and not creature bank { bool obAv[BFIELD_SIZE]; //availability of hexes for obstacles; std::vector possibleObstacles; for(int i=0; i 12) { obAv[i] = false; } else { obAv[i] = true; } } for(std::map::const_iterator g=VLC->heroh->obstacles.begin(); g!=VLC->heroh->obstacles.end(); ++g) { if(g->second.allowedTerrains[terType-1] == '1') //we need to take terType with -1 because terrain ids start from 1 and allowedTerrains array is indexed from 0 { possibleObstacles.push_back(g->first); } } srand(time(NULL)); if(possibleObstacles.size() > 0) //we cannot place any obstacles when we don't have them { int toBlock = rand()%6 + 6; //how many hexes should be blocked by obstacles while(toBlock>0) { CObstacleInstance coi; coi.uniqueID = curB->obstacles.size(); coi.ID = possibleObstacles[rand()%possibleObstacles.size()]; coi.pos = rand()%BFIELD_SIZE; std::vector block = VLC->heroh->obstacles[coi.ID].getBlocked(coi.pos); bool badObstacle = false; for(int b=0; b= BFIELD_SIZE || !obAv[block[b]]) { badObstacle = true; break; } } if(badObstacle) continue; //obstacle can be placed curB->obstacles.push_back(coi); for(int b=0; b= 0 && block[b] < BFIELD_SIZE) obAv[block[b]] = false; } toBlock -= block.size(); } } } //giving terrain premies for heroes & stacks int bonusSubtype = -1; switch(terType) { case 9: //magic plains { bonusSubtype = 0; } case 14: //fiery fields { if(bonusSubtype == -1) bonusSubtype = 1; } case 15: //rock lands { if(bonusSubtype == -1) bonusSubtype = 8; } case 16: //magic clouds { if(bonusSubtype == -1) bonusSubtype = 2; } case 17: //lucid pools { if(bonusSubtype == -1) bonusSubtype = 4; } { //common part for cases 9, 14, 15, 16, 17 const CGHeroInstance * cHero = NULL; for(int i=0; i<2; ++i) { if(i == 0) cHero = hero1; else cHero = hero2; if(cHero == NULL) continue; GiveBonus gs; gs.bonus = HeroBonus(HeroBonus::ONE_BATTLE, HeroBonus::MAGIC_SCHOOL_SKILL, HeroBonus::OBJECT, 3, -1, "", bonusSubtype); gs.hid = cHero->id; sendAndApply(&gs); } break; } case 18: //holy ground { for(int g=0; gcreature->isGood()) stacks[g]->features.push_back(makeFeature(StackFeature::MORALE_BONUS, StackFeature::WHOLE_BATTLE, 0, 1, StackFeature::OTHER_SOURCE)); else if (stacks[g]->creature->isEvil()) stacks[g]->features.push_back(makeFeature(StackFeature::MORALE_BONUS, StackFeature::WHOLE_BATTLE, 0, -1, StackFeature::OTHER_SOURCE)); } break; } case 19: //clover field { for(int g=0; gcreature->faction == -1) //+2 luck bonus for neutral creatures { stacks[g]->features.push_back(makeFeature(StackFeature::LUCK_BONUS, StackFeature::WHOLE_BATTLE, 0, 2, StackFeature::OTHER_SOURCE)); } } break; } case 20: //evil fog { for(int g=0; gcreature->isGood()) stacks[g]->features.push_back(makeFeature(StackFeature::MORALE_BONUS, StackFeature::WHOLE_BATTLE, 0, -1, StackFeature::OTHER_SOURCE)); else if (stacks[g]->creature->isEvil()) stacks[g]->features.push_back(makeFeature(StackFeature::MORALE_BONUS, StackFeature::WHOLE_BATTLE, 0, 1, StackFeature::OTHER_SOURCE)); } break; } case 22: //cursed ground { for(int g=0; gfeatures.push_back(makeFeature(StackFeature::NO_MORALE, StackFeature::WHOLE_BATTLE, 0, 0, StackFeature::OTHER_SOURCE)); stacks[g]->features.push_back(makeFeature(StackFeature::NO_LUCK, StackFeature::WHOLE_BATTLE, 0, 0, StackFeature::OTHER_SOURCE)); } const CGHeroInstance * cHero = NULL; for(int i=0; i<2; ++i) //blocking spells above level 1 { if(i == 0) cHero = hero1; else cHero = hero2; if(cHero == NULL) continue; GiveBonus gs; gs.bonus = HeroBonus(HeroBonus::ONE_BATTLE, HeroBonus::BLOCK_SPELLS_ABOVE_LEVEL, HeroBonus::OBJECT, 1, -1, "", bonusSubtype); gs.hid = cHero->id; sendAndApply(&gs); } break; } } //premies given //send info about battles BattleStart bs; bs.info = curB; sendAndApply(&bs); } void CGameHandler::checkForBattleEnd( std::vector &stacks ) { //checking winning condition bool hasStack[2]; //hasStack[0] - true if attacker has a living stack; defender similarily hasStack[0] = hasStack[1] = false; for(int b = 0; balive() && !stacks[b]->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::SIEGE_WEAPON)) { hasStack[1-stacks[b]->attackerOwned] = true; } } if(!hasStack[0] || !hasStack[1]) //somebody has won { BattleResult *br = new BattleResult; //will be deleted at the end of startBattle(...) br->result = 0; br->winner = hasStack[1]; //fleeing side loses gs->curB->calculateCasualties(br->casualties); battleResult.set(br); } } void CGameHandler::giveSpells( const CGTownInstance *t, const CGHeroInstance *h ) { if(!vstd::contains(h->artifWorn,17)) return; //hero hasn't spellbok ChangeSpells cs; cs.hid = h->id; cs.learn = true; for(int i=0; imageGuildLevel(),h->getSecSkillLevel(7)+2);i++) { for(int j=0; jspellsAtLevel(i+1,true) && jspells[i].size(); j++) { if(!vstd::contains(h->spells,t->spells[i][j])) cs.spells.insert(t->spells[i][j]); } } if(cs.spells.size()) sendAndApply(&cs); } void CGameHandler::setBlockVis(int objid, bool bv) { SetObjectProperty sop(objid,2,bv); sendAndApply(&sop); } bool CGameHandler::removeObject( int objid ) { if(!getObj(objid)) { tlog1 << "Something wrong, that object already has been removed or hasn't existed!\n"; return false; } RemoveObject ro; ro.id = objid; sendAndApply(&ro); return true; } void CGameHandler::setAmount(int objid, ui32 val) { SetObjectProperty sop(objid,3,val); sendAndApply(&sop); } bool CGameHandler::moveHero( si32 hid, int3 dst, ui8 instant, ui8 asker /*= 255*/ ) { bool blockvis = false; const CGHeroInstance *h = getHero(hid); if(!h || asker != 255 && (instant || h->getOwner() != gs->currentPlayer) //not turn of that hero or player can't simply teleport hero (at least not with this function) ) { tlog1 << "Illegal call to move hero!\n"; return false; } tlog5 << "Player " <pos << " to " << dst << std::endl; int3 hmpos = dst + int3(-1,0,0); if(!gs->map->isInTheMap(hmpos)) { tlog1 << "Destination tile os out of the map!\n"; return false; } TerrainTile t = gs->map->terrain[hmpos.x][hmpos.y][hmpos.z]; int cost = gs->getMovementCost(h,h->getPosition(false),CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(dst,false),h->movement); //result structure for start - movement failed, no move points used TryMoveHero tmh; tmh.id = hid; tmh.start = h->pos; tmh.end = dst; tmh.result = TryMoveHero::FAILED; tmh.movePoints = h->movement; //check if destination tile is available //it's a rock or blocked and not visitable tile //OR hero is on land and dest is water and (there is not present only one object - boat) if((t.tertype == TerrainTile::rock || (t.blocked && !t.visitable)) && complain("Cannot move hero, destination tile is blocked!") || (!h->boat && !h->canWalkOnSea() && t.tertype == TerrainTile::water && (t.visitableObjects.size() != 1 || (t.visitableObjects.front()->ID != 8 && t.visitableObjects.front()->ID != HEROI_TYPE))) //hero is not on boat/water walking and dst water tile doesn't contain boat/hero (objs visitable from land) && complain("Cannot move hero, destination tile is on water!") || (h->boat && t.tertype != TerrainTile::water && t.blocked) && complain("Cannot disembark hero, tile is blocked!") || (h->movement < cost && dst != h->pos) && complain("Hero don't have any movement points left!") || states.checkFlag(h->tempOwner, &PlayerStatus::engagedIntoBattle) && complain("Cannot move hero during the battle")) { //send info about movement failure sendAndApply(&tmh); return false; } //hero enters the boat if(!h->boat && t.visitableObjects.size() && t.visitableObjects.front()->ID == 8) { tmh.result = TryMoveHero::EMBARK; tmh.movePoints = 0; //embarking takes all move points //TODO: check for bonus that removes that penalty getTilesInRange(tmh.fowRevealed,h->getSightCenter()+(tmh.end-tmh.start),h->getSightRadious(),h->tempOwner,1); sendAndApply(&tmh); return true; } //hero leaves the boat else if(h->boat && t.tertype != TerrainTile::water && !t.blocked) { tmh.result = TryMoveHero::DISEMBARK; tmh.movePoints = 0; //disembarking takes all move points //TODO: check for bonus that removes that penalty getTilesInRange(tmh.fowRevealed,h->getSightCenter()+(tmh.end-tmh.start),h->getSightRadious(),h->tempOwner,1); sendAndApply(&tmh); return true; } //checks for standard movement if(!instant) { if( distance(h->pos,dst) >= 1.5 && complain("Tiles are not neighbouring!") || h->movement < cost && h->movement < 100 && complain("Not enough move points!")) { sendAndApply(&tmh); return false; } //check if there is blocking visitable object blockvis = false; tmh.movePoints = std::max(si32(0),h->movement-cost); //take move points BOOST_FOREACH(CGObjectInstance *obj, t.visitableObjects) { if(obj != h && obj->blockVisit) { blockvis = true; break; } } //we start moving if(blockvis)//interaction with blocking object (like resources) { tmh.result = TryMoveHero::BLOCKING_VISIT; sendAndApply(&tmh); //failed to move to that tile but we visit object BOOST_FOREACH(CGObjectInstance *obj, t.visitableObjects) { if (obj->blockVisit) { objectVisited(obj, h); } } tlog5 << "Blocking visit at " << hmpos << std::endl; return true; } else //normal move { tmh.result = TryMoveHero::SUCCESS; BOOST_FOREACH(CGObjectInstance *obj, gs->map->terrain[h->pos.x-1][h->pos.y][h->pos.z].visitableObjects) { obj->onHeroLeave(h); } getTilesInRange(tmh.fowRevealed,h->getSightCenter()+(tmh.end-tmh.start),h->getSightRadious(),h->tempOwner,1); sendAndApply(&tmh); tlog5 << "Moved to " <ID==HEROI_TYPE) { CGHeroInstance *dh = static_cast(obj); if(obj->tempOwner==h->tempOwner) { heroExchange(dh->id, h->id); return true; } //TODO: check for ally startBattleI(h, dh); return true; } } tmh.result = TryMoveHero::TELEPORTATION; getTilesInRange(tmh.fowRevealed,h->getSightCenter()+(tmh.end-tmh.start),h->getSightRadious(),h->tempOwner,1); sendAndApply(&tmh); return true; } } void CGameHandler::setOwner(int objid, ui8 owner) { SetObjectProperty sop(objid,1,owner); sendAndApply(&sop); } void CGameHandler::setHoverName(int objid, MetaString* name) { SetHoverName shn(objid, *name); sendAndApply(&shn); } void CGameHandler::showInfoDialog(InfoWindow *iw) { sendToAllClients(iw); } void CGameHandler::showBlockingDialog( BlockingDialog *iw, const CFunctionList &callback ) { ask(iw,iw->player,callback); } ui32 CGameHandler::showBlockingDialog( BlockingDialog *iw ) { //TODO //gsm.lock(); //int query = QID++; //states.addQuery(player,query); //sendToAllClients(iw); //gsm.unlock(); //ui32 ret = getQueryResult(iw->player, query); //gsm.lock(); //states.removeQuery(player, query); //gsm.unlock(); return 0; } int CGameHandler::getCurrentPlayer() { return gs->currentPlayer; } void CGameHandler::giveResource(int player, int which, int val) { if(!val) return; //don't waste time on empty call SetResource sr; sr.player = player; sr.resid = which; sr.val = gs->players.find(player)->second.resources[which]+val; sendAndApply(&sr); } void CGameHandler::giveCreatures (int objid, const CGHeroInstance * h, CCreatureSet creatures) { if (creatures.slots.size() <= 0) return; CCreatureSet heroArmy = h->army; while (creatures.slots.size() > 0) { int slot = heroArmy.getSlotFor (creatures.slots.begin()->second.first); if (slot < 0) break; heroArmy.slots[slot].first = creatures.slots.begin()->second.first; heroArmy.slots[slot].second += creatures.slots.begin()->second.second; creatures.slots.erase (creatures.slots.begin()); } if (creatures.slots.size() == 0) //all creatures can be moved to hero army - do that { SetGarrisons sg; sg.garrs[h->id] = heroArmy; sendAndApply(&sg); } else //show garrison window and let player pick creatures { SetGarrisons sg; sg.garrs[objid] = creatures; sendAndApply (&sg); showGarrisonDialog (objid, h->id, true, 0); return; } } void CGameHandler::showCompInfo(ShowInInfobox * comp) { sendToAllClients(comp); } void CGameHandler::heroVisitCastle(int obj, int heroID) { HeroVisitCastle vc; vc.hid = heroID; vc.tid = obj; vc.flags |= 1; sendAndApply(&vc); vistiCastleObjects (getTown(obj), getHero(heroID)); giveSpells (getTown(obj), getHero(heroID)); } void CGameHandler::vistiCastleObjects (const CGTownInstance *t, const CGHeroInstance *h) { std::vector::const_iterator i; for (i = t->bonusingBuildings.begin(); i != t->bonusingBuildings.end(); i++) (*i)->onHeroVisit (h); } void CGameHandler::stopHeroVisitCastle(int obj, int heroID) { HeroVisitCastle vc; vc.hid = heroID; vc.tid = obj; sendAndApply(&vc); } void CGameHandler::giveHeroArtifact(int artid, int hid, int position) //pos==-1 - first free slot in backpack { const CGHeroInstance* h = getHero(hid); const CArtifact &art = VLC->arth->artifacts[artid]; SetHeroArtifacts sha; sha.hid = hid; sha.artifacts = h->artifacts; sha.artifWorn = h->artifWorn; if(position<0) { if(position == -2) { int i; for(i=0; i put artifact into backpack { sha.artifacts.push_back(artid); } } else { if(!vstd::contains(sha.artifWorn,ui16(position))) { sha.artifWorn[position] = artid; } else { sha.artifacts.push_back(artid); } } sendAndApply(&sha); } void CGameHandler::startBattleI(const CArmedInstance *army1, const CArmedInstance *army2, int3 tile, const CGHeroInstance *hero1, const CGHeroInstance *hero2, bool creatureBank, boost::function cb, const CGTownInstance *town) //use hero=NULL for no hero { engageIntoBattle(army1->tempOwner); engageIntoBattle(army2->tempOwner); //block engaged players if(army2->tempOwner < PLAYER_LIMIT) states.setFlag(army2->tempOwner,&PlayerStatus::engagedIntoBattle,true); boost::thread(boost::bind(&CGameHandler::startBattle, this, army1, army2, tile, hero1, hero2, creatureBank, cb, town)); } void CGameHandler::startBattleI( const CArmedInstance *army1, const CArmedInstance *army2, int3 tile, boost::function cb, bool creatureBank ) { startBattleI(army1, army2, tile, army1->ID == HEROI_TYPE ? static_cast(army1) : NULL, army2->ID == HEROI_TYPE ? static_cast(army2) : NULL, creatureBank, cb); } void CGameHandler::startBattleI( const CArmedInstance *army1, const CArmedInstance *army2, boost::function cb, bool creatureBank) { startBattleI(army1, army2, army2->pos - army2->getVisitableOffset(), cb, creatureBank); } //void CGameHandler::startBattleI(int heroID, CCreatureSet army, int3 tile, boost::function cb) //for hero<=>neutral army //{ // CGHeroInstance* h = const_cast(getHero(heroID)); // startBattleI(&h->army,&army,tile,h,NULL,cb); // //battle(&h->army,army,tile,h,NULL); //} void CGameHandler::changeSpells( int hid, bool give, const std::set &spells ) { ChangeSpells cs; cs.hid = hid; cs.spells = spells; cs.learn = give; sendAndApply(&cs); } int CGameHandler::getSelectedHero() { return IGameCallback::getSelectedHero(getCurrentPlayer())->id; } void CGameHandler::setObjProperty( int objid, int prop, si64 val ) { SetObjectProperty sob; sob.id = objid; sob.what = prop; sob.val = val; sendAndApply(&sob); } void CGameHandler::sendMessageTo( CConnection &c, const std::string &message ) { SystemMessage sm; sm.text = message; c << &sm; } void CGameHandler::giveHeroBonus( GiveBonus * bonus ) { sendAndApply(bonus); } void CGameHandler::setMovePoints( SetMovePoints * smp ) { sendAndApply(smp); } void CGameHandler::setManaPoints( int hid, int val ) { SetMana sm; sm.hid = hid; sm.val = val; sendAndApply(&sm); } void CGameHandler::giveHero( int id, int player ) { GiveHero gh; gh.id = id; gh.player = player; sendAndApply(&gh); } void CGameHandler::changeObjPos( int objid, int3 newPos, ui8 flags ) { ChangeObjPos cop; cop.objid = objid; cop.nPos = newPos; cop.flags = flags; sendAndApply(&cop); } void CGameHandler::heroExchange(si32 hero1, si32 hero2) { ui8 player1 = getHero(hero1)->tempOwner; ui8 player2 = getHero(hero2)->tempOwner; if(player1 == player2) { OpenWindow hex; hex.window = OpenWindow::EXCHANGE_WINDOW; hex.id1 = hero1; hex.id2 = hero2; sendAndApply(&hex); } } void CGameHandler::applyAndAsk( Query * sel, ui8 player, boost::function &callback ) { boost::unique_lock lock(gsm); sel->id = QID; callbacks[QID] = callback; states.addQuery(player,QID); QID++; sendAndApply(sel); } void CGameHandler::ask( Query * sel, ui8 player, const CFunctionList &callback ) { boost::unique_lock lock(gsm); sel->id = QID; callbacks[QID] = callback; states.addQuery(player,QID); sendToAllClients(sel); QID++; } void CGameHandler::sendToAllClients( CPackForClient * info ) { tlog5 << "Sending to all clients a package of type " << typeid(*info).name() << std::endl; for(std::set::iterator i=conns.begin(); i!=conns.end();i++) { (*i)->wmx->lock(); **i << info; (*i)->wmx->unlock(); } } void CGameHandler::sendAndApply( CPackForClient * info ) { gs->apply(info); sendToAllClients(info); } void CGameHandler::save( const std::string &fname ) { { tlog0 << "Ordering clients to serialize...\n"; SaveGame sg(fname); sendToAllClients(&sg); } { tlog0 << "Serializing game info...\n"; CSaveFile save(GVCMIDirs.UserPath + "/Games/" + fname + ".vlgm1"); char hlp[8] = "VCMISVG"; save << hlp << static_cast(*gs->map) << gs->scenarioOps->difficulty << *VLC << gs; } { tlog0 << "Serializing server info...\n"; CSaveFile save(GVCMIDirs.UserPath + "/Games/" + fname + ".vsgm1"); save << *this; } tlog0 << "Game has been succesfully saved!\n"; } void CGameHandler::close() { tlog0 << "We have been requested to close.\n"; //BOOST_FOREACH(CConnection *cc, conns) // if(cc && cc->socket && cc->socket->is_open()) // cc->socket->close(); //exit(0); } bool CGameHandler::arrangeStacks( si32 id1, si32 id2, ui8 what, ui8 p1, ui8 p2, si32 val ) { CArmedInstance *s1 = static_cast(gs->map->objects[id1]), *s2 = static_cast(gs->map->objects[id2]); CCreatureSet temp1 = s1->army, temp2 = s2->army, &S1 = temp1, &S2 = (s1!=s2)?(temp2):(temp1); if(!isAllowedExchange(id1,id2)) { complain("Cannot exchange stacks between these two objects!\n"); return false; } if(what==1) //swap { std::swap(S1.slots[p1],S2.slots[p2]); //swap slots //if one of them is empty, remove entry if(!S1.slots[p1].second) S1.slots.erase(p1); if(!S2.slots[p2].second) S2.slots.erase(p2); } else if(what==2)//merge { if(S1.slots[p1].first != S2.slots[p2].first) //not same creature { complain("Cannot merge different creatures stacks!"); return false; } S2.slots[p2].second += S1.slots[p1].second; S1.slots.erase(p1); } else if(what==3) //split { //general conditions checking if((!vstd::contains(S1.slots,p1) && complain("no creatures to split")) || (val<1 && complain("no creatures to split")) ) { return false; } if(vstd::contains(S2.slots,p2)) //dest. slot not free - it must be "rebalancing"... { int total = S1.slots[p1].second + S2.slots[p2].second; if( (total < val && complain("Cannot split that stack, not enough creatures!")) || (S2.slots[p2].first != S1.slots[p1].first && complain("Cannot rebalance different creatures stacks!")) ) { return false; } S2.slots[p2].second = val; S1.slots[p1].second = total - val; } else //split one stack to the two { if(S1.slots[p1].second < val)//not enough creatures { complain("Cannot split that stack, not enough creatures!"); return false; } S2.slots[p2].first = S1.slots[p1].first; S2.slots[p2].second = val; S1.slots[p1].second -= val; } if(!S1.slots[p1].second) //if we've moved all creatures S1.slots.erase(p1); } if((s1->needsLastStack() && !S1.slots.size()) //it's not allowed to take last stack from hero army! || (s2->needsLastStack() && !S2.slots.size()) ) { complain("Cannot take the last stack!"); return false; //leave without applying changes to garrison } //apply changes SetGarrisons sg; sg.garrs[id1] = S1; if(s1 != s2) sg.garrs[id2] = S2; sendAndApply(&sg); return true; } int CGameHandler::getPlayerAt( CConnection *c ) const { std::set all; for(std::map::const_iterator i=connections.begin(); i!=connections.end(); i++) if(i->second == c) all.insert(i->first); switch(all.size()) { case 0: return 255; case 1: return *all.begin(); default: { //if we have more than one player at this connection, try to pick active one if(vstd::contains(all,int(gs->currentPlayer))) return gs->currentPlayer; else return 253; //cannot say which player is it } } } bool CGameHandler::disbandCreature( si32 id, ui8 pos ) { CArmedInstance *s1 = static_cast(gs->map->objects[id]); if(!vstd::contains(s1->army.slots,pos)) { complain("Illegal call to disbandCreature - no such stack in army!"); return false; } s1->army.slots.erase(pos); SetGarrisons sg; sg.garrs[id] = s1->army; sendAndApply(&sg); return true; } bool CGameHandler::buildStructure( si32 tid, si32 bid ) { CGTownInstance * t = static_cast(gs->map->objects[tid]); CBuilding * b = VLC->buildh->buildings[t->subID][bid]; if(gs->canBuildStructure(t,bid) != 7) { complain("Cannot raze that building!"); return false; } NewStructures ns; ns.tid = tid; if(bid>36) //upg dwelling { if(t->getHordeLevel(0) == (bid-37)) ns.bid.insert(19); else if(t->getHordeLevel(1) == (bid-37)) ns.bid.insert(25); SetAvailableCreatures ssi; ssi.tid = tid; ssi.creatures = t->creatures; ssi.creatures[bid-37].second.push_back(t->town->upgradedCreatures[bid-37]); sendAndApply(&ssi); } else if(bid >= 30) //bas. dwelling { int crid = t->town->basicCreatures[bid-30]; SetAvailableCreatures ssi; ssi.tid = tid; ssi.creatures = t->creatures; ssi.creatures[bid-30].first = VLC->creh->creatures[crid].growth; ssi.creatures[bid-30].second.push_back(crid); sendAndApply(&ssi); } ns.bid.insert(bid); ns.builded = t->builded + 1; sendAndApply(&ns); SetResources sr; sr.player = t->tempOwner; sr.res = gs->getPlayer(t->tempOwner)->resources; for(int i=0;iresources.size();i++) sr.res[i]-=b->resources[i]; sendAndApply(&sr); if(bid<5) //it's mage guild { if(t->visitingHero) giveSpells(t,t->visitingHero); if(t->garrisonHero) giveSpells(t,t->garrisonHero); } if(t->visitingHero) vistiCastleObjects (t, t->visitingHero); if(t->garrisonHero) vistiCastleObjects (t, t->garrisonHero); return true; } bool CGameHandler::razeStructure (si32 tid, si32 bid) { ///incomplete, simply erases target building CGTownInstance * t = static_cast(gs->map->objects[tid]); if (t->builtBuildings.find(bid) == t->builtBuildings.end()) return false; RazeStructures rs; rs.tid = tid; rs.bid.insert(bid); rs.destroyed = t->destroyed + 1; sendAndApply(&rs); return true; } void CGameHandler::sendMessageToAll( const std::string &message ) { SystemMessage sm; sm.text = message; sendToAllClients(&sm); } bool CGameHandler::recruitCreatures( si32 objid, ui32 crid, ui32 cram ) { const CGDwelling *dw = static_cast(gs->map->objects[objid]); const CArmedInstance *dst = NULL; if(dw->ID == TOWNI_TYPE) dst = dw; else if(dw->ID == 17 || dw->ID == 20) //advmap dwelling dst = getHero(gs->getPlayer(dw->tempOwner)->currentSelection); //TODO: check if current hero is really visiting dwelling assert(dw && dst); //verify bool found = false; int level = -1; typedef std::pair Parka; for(level = 0; level < dw->creatures.size(); level++) //iterate through all levels { const std::pair > &cur = dw->creatures[level]; //current level info int i = 0; for(; i < cur.second.size(); i++) //look for crid among available creatures list on current level if(cur.second[i] == crid) break; if(i < cur.second.size()) { found = true; cram = std::min(cram, cur.first); //reduce recruited amount up to available amount break; } } int slot = dst->army.getSlotFor(crid); if(!found && complain("Cannot recruit: no such creatures!") || cram > VLC->creh->creatures[crid].maxAmount(gs->getPlayer(dst->tempOwner)->resources) && complain("Cannot recruit: lack of resources!") || cram<=0 && complain("Cannot recruit: cram <= 0!") || slot<0 && complain("Cannot recruit: no available slot!")) { return false; } //recruit SetResources sr; sr.player = dst->tempOwner; for(int i=0;igetPlayer(dst->tempOwner)->resources[i] - (VLC->creh->creatures[crid].cost[i] * cram); SetAvailableCreatures sac; sac.tid = objid; sac.creatures = dw->creatures; sac.creatures[level].first -= cram; SetGarrisons sg; sg.garrs[dst->id] = dst->army; if(sg.garrs[dst->id].slots.find(slot) == sg.garrs[dst->id].slots.end()) //take a free slot { sg.garrs[dst->id].slots[slot] = std::make_pair(crid,cram); } else //add creatures to a already existing stack { sg.garrs[dst->id].slots[slot].second += cram; } sendAndApply(&sr); sendAndApply(&sac); sendAndApply(&sg); return true; } bool CGameHandler::upgradeCreature( ui32 objid, ui8 pos, ui32 upgID ) { CArmedInstance *obj = static_cast(gs->map->objects[objid]); UpgradeInfo ui = gs->getUpgradeInfo(obj,pos); int player = obj->tempOwner; int crQuantity = obj->army.slots[pos].second; //check if upgrade is possible if((ui.oldID<0 || !vstd::contains(ui.newID,upgID)) && complain("That upgrade is not possible!")) { return false; } //check if player has enough resources for(int i=0;i >::iterator j=ui.cost[i].begin(); j!=ui.cost[i].end(); j++) { if(gs->getPlayer(player)->resources[j->first] < j->second*crQuantity) { complain("Cannot upgrade, not enough resources!"); return false; } } } //take resources for(int i=0;i >::iterator j=ui.cost[i].begin(); j!=ui.cost[i].end(); j++) { SetResource sr; sr.player = player; sr.resid = j->first; sr.val = gs->getPlayer(player)->resources[j->first] - j->second*crQuantity; sendAndApply(&sr); } } //upgrade creature SetGarrisons sg; sg.garrs[objid] = obj->army; sg.garrs[objid].slots[pos].first = upgID; sendAndApply(&sg); return true; } bool CGameHandler::garrisonSwap( si32 tid ) { CGTownInstance *town = gs->getTown(tid); if(!town->garrisonHero && town->visitingHero) //visiting => garrison, merge armies { CCreatureSet csn = town->visitingHero->army, cso = town->army; while(!cso.slots.empty())//while there are unmoved creatures { int pos = csn.getSlotFor(cso.slots.begin()->second.first); if(pos<0) { //try to merge two other stacks to make place std::pair toMerge; if(csn.mergableStacks(toMerge, cso.slots.begin()->first)) { //merge csn.slots[toMerge.second].second += csn.slots[toMerge.first].second; csn.slots[toMerge.first] = cso.slots.begin()->second; } else { complain("Cannot make garrison swap, not enough free slots!"); return false; } } else if(csn.slots.find(pos) != csn.slots.end()) //add creatures to the existing stack { csn.slots[pos].second += cso.slots.begin()->second.second; } else //move stack on the free pos { csn.slots[pos].first = cso.slots.begin()->second.first; csn.slots[pos].second = cso.slots.begin()->second.second; } cso.slots.erase(cso.slots.begin()); } SetGarrisons sg; sg.garrs[town->visitingHero->id] = csn; sg.garrs[town->id] = csn; sendAndApply(&sg); SetHeroesInTown intown; intown.tid = tid; intown.visiting = -1; intown.garrison = town->visitingHero->id; sendAndApply(&intown); return true; } else if (town->garrisonHero && !town->visitingHero) //move hero out of the garrison { //check if moving hero out of town will break 8 wandering heroes limit if(getHeroCount(town->garrisonHero->tempOwner,false) >= 8) { complain("Cannot move hero out of the garrison, there are already 8 wandering heroes!"); return false; } SetHeroesInTown intown; intown.tid = tid; intown.garrison = -1; intown.visiting = town->garrisonHero->id; sendAndApply(&intown); //town will be empty SetGarrisons sg; sg.garrs[tid] = CCreatureSet(); sendAndApply(&sg); return true; } else if (town->garrisonHero && town->visitingHero) //swap visiting and garrison hero { SetGarrisons sg; sg.garrs[town->id] = town->visitingHero->army; sg.garrs[town->garrisonHero->id] = town->garrisonHero->army; SetHeroesInTown intown; intown.tid = tid; intown.garrison = town->visitingHero->id; intown.visiting = town->garrisonHero->id; sendAndApply(&intown); sendAndApply(&sg); return true; } else { complain("Cannot swap garrison hero!"); return false; } } bool CGameHandler::swapArtifacts( si32 hid1, si32 hid2, ui16 slot1, ui16 slot2 ) { CGHeroInstance *h1 = gs->getHero(hid1), *h2 = gs->getHero(hid2); if((distance(h1->pos,h2->pos) > 1.5) || (h1->tempOwner != h2->tempOwner)) return false; const CArtifact *a1 = h1->getArt(slot1), *a2=h2->getArt(slot2); //check if // 1) slots are appropriate for that artifacts // 2) they are not war machine if((a1 && slot2<19 && !vstd::contains(a1->possibleSlots,slot2) || (a2 && slot1<19 && !vstd::contains(a2->possibleSlots,slot1))) && complain("Cannot swap artifacts!") || (slot1>=13 && slot1<=16 || slot2>=13 && slot2<=16) && complain("Cannot move war machine!") ) { return false; } SetHeroArtifacts sha; sha.hid = hid1; sha.artifacts = h1->artifacts; sha.artifWorn = h1->artifWorn; sha.setArtAtPos(slot1,h2->getArtAtPos(slot2)); if(h1 == h2) sha.setArtAtPos(slot2,h1->getArtAtPos(slot1)); sendAndApply(&sha); if(hid1 != hid2) { sha.hid = hid2; sha.artifacts = h2->artifacts; sha.artifWorn = h2->artifWorn; sha.setArtAtPos(slot2, a1 ? a1->id : -1); sendAndApply(&sha); } return true; } bool CGameHandler::buyArtifact( ui32 hid, si32 aid ) { CGHeroInstance *hero = gs->getHero(hid); CGTownInstance *town = hero->visitedTown; if(aid==0) //spellbook { if(!vstd::contains(town->builtBuildings,si32(0)) && complain("Cannot buy a spellbook, no mage guild in the town!") || getResource(hero->getOwner(),6)<500 && complain("Cannot buy a spellbook, not enough gold!") || hero->getArt(17) && complain("Cannot buy a spellbook, hero already has a one!") ) return false; giveResource(hero->getOwner(),6,-500); giveHeroArtifact(0,hid,17); giveSpells(town,hero); return true; } else if(aid < 7 && aid > 3) //war machine { int price = VLC->arth->artifacts[aid].price; if(vstd::contains(hero->artifWorn,ui16(9+aid)) && complain("Hero already has this machine!") || !vstd::contains(town->builtBuildings,si32(16)) && complain("No blackismith!") || gs->getPlayer(hero->getOwner())->resources[6] < price && complain("Not enough gold!") //no gold || town->town->warMachine!= aid && complain("This machine is unavailale here!") ) //TODO: ballista yard in Stronghold { return false; } giveResource(hero->getOwner(),6,-price); giveHeroArtifact(aid,hid,9+aid); return true; } return false; } bool CGameHandler::tradeResources( ui32 val, ui8 player, ui32 id1, ui32 id2 ) { val = std::min(si32(val),gs->getPlayer(player)->resources[id1]); double yield = (double)gs->resVals[id1] * val * gs->getMarketEfficiency(player); yield /= gs->resVals[id2]; SetResource sr; sr.player = player; sr.resid = id1; sr.val = gs->getPlayer(player)->resources[id1] - val; sendAndApply(&sr); sr.resid = id2; sr.val = gs->getPlayer(player)->resources[id2] + (int)yield; sendAndApply(&sr); return true; } bool CGameHandler::setFormation( si32 hid, ui8 formation ) { gs->getHero(hid)->army.formation = formation; return true; } bool CGameHandler::hireHero( ui32 tid, ui8 hid ) { CGTownInstance *t = gs->getTown(tid); if(!vstd::contains(t->builtBuildings,5) && complain("No tavern!") || gs->getPlayer(t->tempOwner)->resources[6]<2500 && complain("Not enough gold for buying hero!") || t->visitingHero && complain("There is visiting hero - no place!") || getHeroCount(t->tempOwner,false) >= 8 && complain("Cannot hire hero, only 8 wandering heroes are allowed!") ) return false; CGHeroInstance *nh = gs->getPlayer(t->tempOwner)->availableHeroes[hid]; assert(nh); HeroRecruited hr; hr.tid = tid; hr.hid = nh->subID; hr.player = t->tempOwner; hr.tile = t->pos - int3(1,0,0); sendAndApply(&hr); std::map pool = gs->hpool.heroesPool; for ( std::map::iterator i=gs->players.begin() ; i!=gs->players.end();i++) for(std::vector::iterator j = i->second.availableHeroes.begin(); j != i->second.availableHeroes.end(); j++) if(*j) pool.erase((**j).subID); SetAvailableHeroes sah; CGHeroInstance *h1 = gs->hpool.pickHeroFor(false,t->tempOwner,t->town, pool), *h2 = gs->getPlayer(t->tempOwner)->availableHeroes[!hid]; (hid ? sah.hid2 : sah.hid1) = h1 ? h1->subID : -1; (hid ? sah.hid1 : sah.hid2) = h2 ? h2->subID : -1; sah.player = t->tempOwner; sah.flags = hid+1; sendAndApply(&sah); SetResource sr; sr.player = t->tempOwner; sr.resid = 6; sr.val = gs->getPlayer(t->tempOwner)->resources[6] - 2500; sendAndApply(&sr); vistiCastleObjects (t, nh); giveSpells (t,nh); return true; } bool CGameHandler::queryReply( ui32 qid, ui32 answer ) { boost::unique_lock lock(gsm); if(vstd::contains(callbacks,qid)) { CFunctionList callb = callbacks[qid]; callbacks.erase(qid); if(callb) callb(answer); } else if(vstd::contains(garrisonCallbacks,qid)) { if(garrisonCallbacks[qid]) garrisonCallbacks[qid](); garrisonCallbacks.erase(qid); allowedExchanges.erase(qid); } else { tlog1 << "Unknown query reply...\n"; return false; } return true; } bool CGameHandler::makeBattleAction( BattleAction &ba ) { bool ok = true; switch(ba.actionType) { case 2: //walk { sendAndApply(&StartAction(ba)); //start movement moveStack(ba.stackNumber,ba.destinationTile); //move sendAndApply(&EndAction()); break; } case 3: //defend case 8: //wait { sendAndApply(&StartAction(ba)); sendAndApply(&EndAction()); break; } case 4: //retreat/flee { if( !gs->battleCanFlee(ba.side ? gs->curB->side2 : gs->curB->side1) ) break; //TODO: remove retreating hero from map and place it in recruitment list BattleResult *br = new BattleResult; br->result = 1; br->winner = !ba.side; //fleeing side loses gs->curB->calculateCasualties(br->casualties); giveExp(*br); battleResult.set(br); break; } case 6: //walk or attack { sendAndApply(&StartAction(ba)); //start movement and attack int startingPos = gs->curB->getStack(ba.stackNumber)->position; int distance = moveStack(ba.stackNumber, ba.destinationTile); CStack *curStack = gs->curB->getStack(ba.stackNumber), *stackAtEnd = gs->curB->getStackT(ba.additionalInfo); if(curStack->position != ba.destinationTile //we wasn't able to reach destination tile && !(curStack->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE) && ( curStack->position == ba.destinationTile + (curStack->attackerOwned ? +1 : -1 ) ) ) //nor occupy specified hex ) { std::string problem = "We cannot move this stack to its destination " + curStack->creature->namePl; tlog3 << problem << std::endl; complain(problem); ok = false; sendAndApply(&EndAction()); break; } if(curStack->ID == stackAtEnd->ID) //we should just move, it will be handled by following check { stackAtEnd = NULL; } if(!stackAtEnd) { std::ostringstream problem; problem << "There is no stack on " << ba.additionalInfo << " tile (no attack)!"; std::string probl = problem.str(); tlog3 << probl << std::endl; complain(probl); ok = false; sendAndApply(&EndAction()); break; } ui16 curpos = curStack->position, enemypos = stackAtEnd->position; if( !( (BattleInfo::mutualPosition(curpos, enemypos) >= 0) //front <=> front || (curStack->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE) //back <=> front && BattleInfo::mutualPosition(curpos + (curStack->attackerOwned ? -1 : 1), enemypos) >= 0) || (stackAtEnd->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE) //front <=> back && BattleInfo::mutualPosition(curpos, enemypos + (stackAtEnd->attackerOwned ? -1 : 1)) >= 0) || (stackAtEnd->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE) && curStack->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::DOUBLE_WIDE)//back <=> back && BattleInfo::mutualPosition(curpos + (curStack->attackerOwned ? -1 : 1), enemypos + (stackAtEnd->attackerOwned ? -1 : 1)) >= 0) ) ) { tlog3 << "Attack cannot be performed!"; sendAndApply(&EndAction()); ok = false; } //attack BattleAttack bat; prepareAttack(bat, curStack, stackAtEnd, distance); sendAndApply(&bat); //counterattack if(!curStack->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::BLOCKS_RETALIATION) && stackAtEnd->alive() && ( stackAtEnd->counterAttacks > 0 || stackAtEnd->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::UNLIMITED_RETALIATIONS) ) && !stackAtEnd->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::SIEGE_WEAPON) && !stackAtEnd->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::HYPNOTIZED)) { prepareAttack(bat, stackAtEnd, curStack, 0); bat.flags |= 2; sendAndApply(&bat); } //second attack if(curStack->valOfFeatures(StackFeature::ADDITIONAL_ATTACK) > 0 && !curStack->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::SHOOTER) && curStack->alive() && stackAtEnd->alive() ) { bat.flags = 0; prepareAttack(bat, curStack, stackAtEnd, 0); sendAndApply(&bat); } //return if(curStack->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE) && startingPos != curStack->position) { moveStack(ba.stackNumber, startingPos); } sendAndApply(&EndAction()); break; } case 7: //shoot { CStack *curStack = gs->curB->getStack(ba.stackNumber), *destStack= gs->curB->getStackT(ba.destinationTile); if( !gs->battleCanShoot(ba.stackNumber, ba.destinationTile) ) break; sendAndApply(&StartAction(ba)); //start shooting BattleAttack bat; prepareAttack(bat, curStack, destStack, 0); bat.flags |= 1; sendAndApply(&bat); if(curStack->valOfFeatures(StackFeature::ADDITIONAL_ATTACK) > 0 //if unit shots twice let's make another shot && curStack->alive() && destStack->alive() && curStack->shots ) { prepareAttack(bat, curStack, destStack, 0); sendAndApply(&bat); } sendAndApply(&EndAction()); break; } case 9: //catapult { sendAndApply(&StartAction(ba)); const CGHeroInstance * attackingHero = gs->curB->heroes[ba.side]; CHeroHandler::SBallisticsLevelInfo sbi = VLC->heroh->ballistics[attackingHero->getSecSkillLevel(20)]; //artillery int attackedPart = gs->curB->hexToWallPart(ba.destinationTile); if(attackedPart == -1) { complain("catapult tried to attack non-catapultable hex!"); break; } for(int g=0; gcurB->si.wallState[attackedPart] == 3) //it's not destroyed continue; CatapultAttack ca; //package for clients std::pair< std::pair< ui8, si16 >, ui8> attack; attack.first.first = attackedPart; attack.first.second = ba.destinationTile; attack.second = 0; int chanceForHit = 0; int dmgChance[3] = {sbi.noDmg, sbi.oneDmg, sbi.twoDmg}; //dmgChance[i] - chance for doing i dmg when hit is successful switch(attackedPart) { case 0: //keep chanceForHit = sbi.keep; break; case 1: //bottom tower case 6: //upper tower chanceForHit = sbi.tower; break; case 2: //bottom wall case 3: //below gate case 4: //over gate case 5: //upper wall chanceForHit = sbi.wall; break; case 7: //gate chanceForHit = sbi.gate; break; } if(rand()%100 <= chanceForHit) //hit is successful { int dmgRand = rand()%100; //accumulating dmgChance dmgChance[1] += dmgChance[0]; dmgChance[2] += dmgChance[1]; //calculating dealt damage for(int v = 0; v < ARRAY_COUNT(dmgChance); ++v) { if(dmgRand <= dmgChance[v]) { attack.second = v; break; } } if(attack.second > 0 && (attackedPart == 0 || attackedPart == 1 || attackedPart == 6)) { int posRemove = -1; switch(attackedPart) { case 0: //keep posRemove = -2; break; case 1: //bottom tower posRemove = -3; break; case 6: //upper tower posRemove = -4; break; } BattleStacksRemoved bsr; for(int g=0; gcurB->stacks.size(); ++g) { if(gs->curB->stacks[g]->position == posRemove) { bsr.stackIDs.insert( gs->curB->stacks[g]->ID ); break; } } sendAndApply(&bsr); } } ca.attacker = ba.stackNumber; ca.attackedParts.insert(attack); sendAndApply(&ca); } sendAndApply(&EndAction()); break; } } battleMadeAction.setn(true); return ok; } void CGameHandler::playerMessage( ui8 player, const std::string &message ) { bool cheated=true; sendAndApply(&PlayerMessage(player,message)); if(message == "vcmiistari") //give all spells and 999 mana { SetMana sm; ChangeSpells cs; SetHeroArtifacts sha; CGHeroInstance *h = gs->getHero(gs->getPlayer(player)->currentSelection); if(!h && complain("Cannot realize cheat, no hero selected!")) return; sm.hid = cs.hid = h->id; //give all spells cs.learn = 1; for(int i=0;ispellh->spells.size();i++) { if(!VLC->spellh->spells[i].creatureAbility) cs.spells.insert(i); } //give mana sm.val = 999; if(!h->getArt(17)) //hero doesn't have spellbook { //give spellbook sha.hid = h->id; sha.artifacts = h->artifacts; sha.artifWorn = h->artifWorn; sha.artifWorn[17] = 0; sendAndApply(&sha); } sendAndApply(&cs); sendAndApply(&sm); } else if(message == "vcmiainur") //gives 5 archangels into each slot { SetGarrisons sg; CGHeroInstance *hero = gs->getHero(gs->getPlayer(player)->currentSelection); if(!hero) return; sg.garrs[hero->id] = hero->army; for(int i=0;i<7;i++) if(!vstd::contains(sg.garrs[hero->id].slots,i)) sg.garrs[hero->id].slots[i] = std::pair(13,5); sendAndApply(&sg); } else if(message == "vcmiangband") //gives 10 black knight into each slot { SetGarrisons sg; CGHeroInstance *hero = gs->getHero(gs->getPlayer(player)->currentSelection); if(!hero) return; sg.garrs[hero->id] = hero->army; for(int i=0;i<7;i++) if(!vstd::contains(sg.garrs[hero->id].slots,i)) sg.garrs[hero->id].slots[i] = std::pair(66,10); sendAndApply(&sg); } else if(message == "vcminoldor") //all war machines { CGHeroInstance *hero = gs->getHero(gs->getPlayer(player)->currentSelection); if(!hero) return; SetHeroArtifacts sha; sha.hid = hero->id; sha.artifacts = hero->artifacts; sha.artifWorn = hero->artifWorn; sha.artifWorn[13] = 4; sha.artifWorn[14] = 5; sha.artifWorn[15] = 6; sendAndApply(&sha); } else if(message == "vcminahar") //1000000 movement points { CGHeroInstance *hero = gs->getHero(gs->getPlayer(player)->currentSelection); if(!hero) return; SetMovePoints smp; smp.hid = hero->id; smp.val = 1000000; sendAndApply(&smp); } else if(message == "vcmiformenos") //give resources { SetResources sr; sr.player = player; sr.res = gs->getPlayer(player)->resources; for(int i=0;i<7;i++) sr.res[i] += 100; sr.res[6] += 19900; sendAndApply(&sr); } else if(message == "vcmieagles") //reveal FoW { FoWChange fc; fc.mode = 1; fc.player = player; for(int i=0;imap->width;i++) for(int j=0;jmap->height;j++) for(int k=0;kmap->twoLevel+1;k++) if(!gs->getPlayer(fc.player)->fogOfWarMap[i][j][k]) fc.tiles.insert(int3(i,j,k)); sendAndApply(&fc); } else if(message == "vcmiglorfindel") { CGHeroInstance *hero = gs->getHero(gs->getPlayer(player)->currentSelection); changePrimSkill(hero->id,4,VLC->heroh->reqExp(hero->level+1) - VLC->heroh->reqExp(hero->level)); } else cheated = false; if(cheated) { sendAndApply(&SystemMessage("CHEATER!!!")); } } static ui32 calculateSpellDmg(const CSpell * sp, const CGHeroInstance * caster, const CStack * affectedCreature) { ui32 ret = 0; //value to return //15 - magic arrows, 16 - ice bolt, 17 - lightning bolt, 18 - implosion, 20 - frost ring, 21 - fireball, 22 - inferno, 23 - meteor shower, //24 - death ripple, 25 - destroy undead, 26 - armageddon static std::map dmgMultipliers = boost::assign::map_list_of(15, 10)(16, 20)(17, 25)(18, 75)(20, 10)(21, 10)(22, 10)(23, 10)(24, 5)(25, 10)(26, 50); ret = caster->getPrimSkillLevel(2) * dmgMultipliers[sp->id] + sp->powers[caster->getSpellSchoolLevel(sp)]; //applying sorcerery secondary skill switch(caster->getSecSkillLevel(25)) { case 1: //basic ret *= 1.05f; break; case 2: //advanced ret *= 1.1f; break; case 3: //expert ret *= 1.15f; break; } //applying hero bonuses if(sp->air && caster->valOfBonuses(HeroBonus::AIR_SPELL_DMG_PREMY) != 0) { ret *= (100.0f + caster->valOfBonuses(HeroBonus::AIR_SPELL_DMG_PREMY) / 100.0f); } else if(sp->fire && caster->valOfBonuses(HeroBonus::FIRE_SPELL_DMG_PREMY) != 0) { ret *= (100.0f + caster->valOfBonuses(HeroBonus::FIRE_SPELL_DMG_PREMY) / 100.0f); } else if(sp->water && caster->valOfBonuses(HeroBonus::WATER_SPELL_DMG_PREMY) != 0) { ret *= (100.0f + caster->valOfBonuses(HeroBonus::WATER_SPELL_DMG_PREMY) / 100.0f); } else if(sp->earth && caster->valOfBonuses(HeroBonus::EARTH_SPELL_DMG_PREMY) != 0) { ret *= (100.0f + caster->valOfBonuses(HeroBonus::EARTH_SPELL_DMG_PREMY) / 100.0f); } //applying protections - when spell has more then one elements, only one protection should be applied (I think) if(sp->air && affectedCreature->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 0)) //air spell & protection from air { ret *= affectedCreature->valOfFeatures(StackFeature::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 0); ret /= 100; } else if(sp->fire && affectedCreature->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 1)) //fire spell & protection from fire { ret *= affectedCreature->valOfFeatures(StackFeature::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 1); ret /= 100; } else if(sp->water && affectedCreature->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 2)) //water spell & protection from water { ret *= affectedCreature->valOfFeatures(StackFeature::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 2); ret /= 100; } else if (sp->earth && affectedCreature->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 3)) //earth spell & protection from earth { ret *= affectedCreature->valOfFeatures(StackFeature::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, 3); ret /= 100; } //general spell dmg reduction if(sp->air && affectedCreature->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, -1)) //air spell & protection from air { ret *= affectedCreature->valOfFeatures(StackFeature::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, -1); ret /= 100; } //dmg increasing if( affectedCreature->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::MORE_DAMAGE_FROM_SPELL, sp->id) ) { ret *= 100 + affectedCreature->valOfFeatures(StackFeature::MORE_DAMAGE_FROM_SPELL, sp->id); ret /= 100; } return ret; } static ui32 calculateHealedHP(const CGHeroInstance * caster, const CSpell * spell, const CStack * stack) { switch(spell->id) { case 37: //cure { int healedHealth = caster->getPrimSkillLevel(2) * 5 + spell->powers[caster->getSpellSchoolLevel(spell)]; return std::min(healedHealth, stack->MaxHealth() - stack->firstHPleft); break; } case 38: //resurrection { int healedHealth = caster->getPrimSkillLevel(2) * 50 + spell->powers[caster->getSpellSchoolLevel(spell)]; return std::min(healedHealth, stack->MaxHealth() - stack->firstHPleft + stack->baseAmount * stack->MaxHealth()); break; } case 39: //animate dead { int healedHealth = caster->getPrimSkillLevel(2) * 50 + spell->powers[caster->getSpellSchoolLevel(spell)]; return std::min(healedHealth, stack->MaxHealth() - stack->firstHPleft + stack->baseAmount * stack->MaxHealth()); break; } } //we shouldn't be here tlog1 << "calculateHealedHP called for non-healing spell: " << spell->name << std::endl; return 0; } static std::vector calculateResistedStacks(const CSpell * sp, const CGHeroInstance * caster, const CGHeroInstance * hero2, const std::set affectedCreatures) { std::vector ret; for(std::set::const_iterator it = affectedCreatures.begin(); it != affectedCreatures.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::SPELL_IMMUNITY, sp->id) //100% sure spell immunity || ((*it)->valOfFeatures(StackFeature::LEVEL_SPELL_IMMUNITY) >= sp->level)) { ret.push_back((*it)->ID); continue; } //non-negative spells on friendly stacks should always succeed, unless immune if(sp->positiveness >= 0 && (*it)->owner == caster->tempOwner) continue; const CGHeroInstance * bonusHero; //hero we should take bonuses from if((*it)->owner == caster->tempOwner) bonusHero = caster; else bonusHero = hero2; int prob = (*it)->valOfFeatures(StackFeature::MAGIC_RESISTANCE); //probability of resistance in % if(bonusHero) { //bonusHero's resistance support (secondary skils and artifacts) prob += bonusHero->valOfBonuses(HeroBonus::MAGIC_RESISTANCE); switch(bonusHero->getSecSkillLevel(26)) //resistance { case 1: //basic prob += 5; break; case 2: //advanced prob += 10; break; case 3: //expert prob += 20; break; } } if(prob > 100) prob = 100; if(rand()%100 < prob) //immunity from resistance ret.push_back((*it)->ID); } if(sp->id == 60) //hypnotize { for(std::set::const_iterator it = affectedCreatures.begin(); it != affectedCreatures.end(); ++it) { if( (*it)->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::SPELL_IMMUNITY, sp->id) //100% sure spell immunity || ( (*it)->amount - 1 ) * (*it)->MaxHealth() + (*it)->firstHPleft > caster->getPrimSkillLevel(2) * 25 + sp->powers[caster->getSpellSchoolLevel(sp)] ) { ret.push_back((*it)->ID); } } } return ret; } bool CGameHandler::makeCustomAction( BattleAction &ba ) { switch(ba.actionType) { case 1: //hero casts spell { const CGHeroInstance *h = gs->curB->heroes[ba.side]; const CGHeroInstance *secondHero = gs->curB->heroes[!ba.side]; if(!h) { tlog2 << "Wrong caster!\n"; return false; } if(ba.additionalInfo >= VLC->spellh->spells.size()) { tlog2 << "Wrong spell id (" << ba.additionalInfo << ")!\n"; return false; } CSpell *s = &VLC->spellh->spells[ba.additionalInfo]; ui8 skill = h->getSpellSchoolLevel(s); //skill level if( !(h->canCastThisSpell(s)) //hero cannot cast this spell at all || (h->mana < gs->curB->getSpellCost(s, h)) //not enough mana || (ba.additionalInfo < 10) //it's adventure spell (not combat) || (gs->curB->castSpells[ba.side]) //spell has been cast || (secondHero->hasBonusOfType(HeroBonus::SPELL_IMMUNITY, s->id)) //non - casting hero provides immunity for this spell || (gs->battleMaxSpellLevel() < s->level) //non - casting hero stops caster from casting this spell ) { tlog2 << "Spell cannot be cast!\n"; return false; } sendAndApply(&StartAction(ba)); //start spell casting SpellCast sc; sc.side = ba.side; sc.id = ba.additionalInfo; sc.skill = skill; sc.tile = ba.destinationTile; //calculating affected creatures for all spells std::set attackedCres = gs->curB->getAttackedCreatures(s, h, ba.destinationTile); for(std::set::const_iterator it = attackedCres.begin(); it != attackedCres.end(); ++it) { sc.affectedCres.insert((*it)->ID); } //checking if creatures resist sc.resisted = calculateResistedStacks(s, h, secondHero, attackedCres); sendAndApply(&sc); //applying effects switch(ba.additionalInfo) //spell id { case 15: //magic arrow case 16: //ice bolt case 17: //lightning bolt case 18: //implosion case 20: //frost ring case 21: //fireball case 22: //inferno case 23: //meteor shower case 24: //death ripple case 25: //destroy undead case 26: //armageddon { StacksInjured si; for(std::set::iterator it = attackedCres.begin(); it != attackedCres.end(); ++it) { if(vstd::contains(sc.resisted, (*it)->ID)) //this creature resisted the spell continue; BattleStackAttacked bsa; bsa.flags |= 2; bsa.effect = VLC->spellh->spells[ba.additionalInfo].mainEffectAnim; bsa.damageAmount = calculateSpellDmg(s, h, *it); bsa.stackAttacked = (*it)->ID; bsa.attackerID = -1; prepareAttacked(bsa,*it); si.stacks.insert(bsa); } if(!si.stacks.empty()) sendAndApply(&si); break; } case 27: //shield case 28: //air shield case 30: //protection from air case 31: //protection from fire case 32: //protection from water case 33: //protection from earth case 34: //anti-magic case 41: //bless case 42: //curse case 43: //bloodlust case 44: //precision case 45: //weakness case 46: //stone skin case 47: //disrupting ray case 48: //prayer case 49: //mirth case 50: //sorrow case 51: //fortune case 52: //misfortune case 53: //haste case 54: //slow case 55: //slayer case 56: //frenzy case 58: //counterstrike case 59: //berserk case 60: //hypnotize case 61: //forgetfulness case 62: //blind { SetStackEffect sse; for(std::set::iterator it = attackedCres.begin(); it != attackedCres.end(); ++it) { if(vstd::contains(sc.resisted, (*it)->ID)) //this creature resisted the spell continue; sse.stacks.insert((*it)->ID); } sse.effect.id = ba.additionalInfo; sse.effect.level = h->getSpellSchoolLevel(s); sse.effect.turnsRemain = BattleInfo::calculateSpellDuration(s, h); if(!sse.stacks.empty()) sendAndApply(&sse); break; } case 37: //cure case 38: //resurrection case 39: //animate dead { StacksHealedOrResurrected shr; for(std::set::iterator it = attackedCres.begin(); it != attackedCres.end(); ++it) { if(vstd::contains(sc.resisted, (*it)->ID) //this creature resisted the spell || (s->id == 39 && !(*it)->hasFeatureOfType(StackFeature::UNDEAD)) //we try to cast animate dead on living stack ) continue; StacksHealedOrResurrected::HealInfo hi; hi.stackID = (*it)->ID; hi.healedHP = calculateHealedHP(h, s, *it); shr.healedStacks.push_back(hi); } if(!shr.healedStacks.empty()) sendAndApply(&shr); break; } case 64: //remove obstacle { ObstaclesRemoved obr; for(int g=0; gcurB->obstacles.size(); ++g) { std::vector blockedHexes = VLC->heroh->obstacles[gs->curB->obstacles[g].ID].getBlocked(gs->curB->obstacles[g].pos); if(vstd::contains(blockedHexes, ba.destinationTile)) //this obstacle covers given hex { obr.obstacles.insert(gs->curB->obstacles[g].uniqueID); } } if(!obr.obstacles.empty()) sendAndApply(&obr); break; } } sendAndApply(&EndAction()); if( !gs->curB->getStack(gs->curB->activeStack, false)->alive() ) { battleMadeAction.setn(true); } checkForBattleEnd(gs->curB->stacks); if(battleResult.get()) { endBattle(gs->curB->tile, gs->curB->heroes[0], gs->curB->heroes[1]); } return true; } } return false; } void CGameHandler::handleTimeEvents() { gs->map->events.sort(evntCmp); while(gs->map->events.size() && gs->map->events.front()->firstOccurence+1 == gs->day) { CMapEvent *ev = gs->map->events.front(); for(int player = 0; player < PLAYER_LIMIT; player++) { PlayerState *pinfo = gs->getPlayer(player); if( pinfo //player exists && (ev->players & 1<computerAffected && !pinfo->human) || (ev->humanAffected && pinfo->human) ) ) { //give resources SetResources sr; sr.player = player; sr.res = pinfo->resources; //prepare dialog InfoWindow iw; iw.player = player; iw.text << ev->message; for (int i=0; iresources.size(); i++) { if(ev->resources[i]) //if resource is changed, we add it to the dialog { // If removing too much resources, adjust the // amount so the total doesn't become negative. if (sr.res[i] + ev->resources[i] < 0) ev->resources[i] = -sr.res[i]; if(ev->resources[i]) //if non-zero res change { iw.components.push_back(Component(Component::RESOURCE,i,ev->resources[i],0)); sr.res[i] += ev->resources[i]; } } } if (iw.components.size()) { sendAndApply(&sr); //update player resources if changed } sendAndApply(&iw); //show dialog } } //PLAYERS LOOP if(ev->nextOccurence) { ev->firstOccurence += ev->nextOccurence; gs->map->events.sort(evntCmp); } else { delete ev; gs->map->events.pop_front(); } } } bool CGameHandler::complain( const std::string &problem ) { sendMessageToAll("Server encountered a problem: " + problem); tlog1 << problem << std::endl; return true; } ui32 CGameHandler::getQueryResult( ui8 player, int queryID ) { //TODO: write return 0; } void CGameHandler::showGarrisonDialog( int upobj, int hid, bool removableUnits, const boost::function &cb ) { ui8 player = getOwner(hid); GarrisonDialog gd; gd.hid = hid; gd.objid = upobj; { boost::unique_lock lock(gsm); gd.id = QID; garrisonCallbacks[QID] = cb; allowedExchanges[QID] = std::pair(upobj,hid); states.addQuery(player,QID); QID++; gd.removableUnits = removableUnits; sendAndApply(&gd); } } bool CGameHandler::isAllowedExchange( int id1, int id2 ) { if(id1 == id2) return true; { boost::unique_lock lock(gsm); for(std::map >::const_iterator i = allowedExchanges.begin(); i!=allowedExchanges.end(); i++) if(id1 == i->second.first && id2 == i->second.second || id2 == i->second.first && id1 == i->second.second) return true; } const CGObjectInstance *o1 = getObj(id1), *o2 = getObj(id2); if(o1->ID == TOWNI_TYPE) { const CGTownInstance *t = static_cast(o1); if(t->visitingHero == o2 || t->garrisonHero == o2) return true; } if(o2->ID == TOWNI_TYPE) { const CGTownInstance *t = static_cast(o2); if(t->visitingHero == o1 || t->garrisonHero == o1) return true; } if(o1->ID == HEROI_TYPE && o2->ID == HEROI_TYPE && distance(o1->pos, o2->pos) < 2) //hero stands on the same tile or on the neighbouring tiles { //TODO: it's workaround, we should check if first hero visited second and player hasn't closed exchange window //(to block moving stacks for free [without visiting] beteen heroes) return true; } return false; } void CGameHandler::objectVisited( const CGObjectInstance * obj, const CGHeroInstance * h ) { obj->onHeroVisit(h); } bool CGameHandler::buildBoat( ui32 objid ) { const IShipyard *obj = IShipyard::castFrom(getObj(objid)); if(obj->state()) { complain("Cannot build boat in this shipyard!"); return false; } else if(obj->o->ID == TOWNI_TYPE && !vstd::contains((static_cast(obj))->builtBuildings,6)) { complain("Cannot build boat in the town - no shipyard!"); return false; } //TODO use "real" cost via obj->getBoatCost if(getResource(obj->o->tempOwner, 6) < 1000 || getResource(obj->o->tempOwner, 0) < 10) { complain("Not enough resources to build a boat!"); return false; } int3 tile = obj->bestLocation(); if(!gs->map->isInTheMap(tile)) { complain("Cannot find appropriate tile for a boat!"); return false; } //take boat cost SetResources sr; sr.player = obj->o->tempOwner; sr.res = gs->getPlayer(obj->o->tempOwner)->resources; sr.res[0] -= 10; sr.res[6] -= 1000; sendAndApply(&sr); //create boat NewObject no; no.ID = 8; no.subID = 1; no.pos = tile + int3(1,0,0); sendAndApply(&no); return true; } void CGameHandler::engageIntoBattle( ui8 player ) { if(vstd::contains(states.players, player)) states.setFlag(player,&PlayerStatus::engagedIntoBattle,true); //notify interfaces PlayerBlocked pb; pb.player = player; pb.reason = PlayerBlocked::UPCOMING_BATTLE; sendAndApply(&pb); }