#include "stdafx.h" #include "CConsoleHandler.h" #include "CAdvmapInterface.h" #include "CPlayerInterface.h" #include "SDL.h" #include "SDL_thread.h" #include "CGameInfo.h" #include "global.h" #include "CGameState.h" #include "CCallback.h" #include "CPathfinder.h" #include "mapHandler.h" #include #include "SDL_Extensions.h" #include "hch/CHeroHandler.h" #include "hch/CLodHandler.h" #include "boost/filesystem/operations.hpp" #include #ifdef WIN32 #include #else #endif bool continueReadingConsole = true; int internalFunc(void * callback) { CCallback * cb = (CCallback*)callback; char * usersMessage = new char[500]; std::string readed; while(true) { #ifdef WIN32 if(continueReadingConsole && kbhit()) #else #endif { std::cin.getline(usersMessage, 500); std::istringstream readed; std::string pom(usersMessage); readed.str(pom); std::string cn; //command name readed >> cn; int3 src, dst; int heronum; int3 dest; if(pom==std::string("die, fool")) exit(0); else if(pom==std::string("get txt")) { boost::filesystem::create_directory("Extracted_txts"); std::cout<<"Command accepted. Opening .lod file...\t"; CLodHandler * txth = new CLodHandler; txth->init(std::string(DATA_DIR "Data" PATHSEPARATOR "H3bitmap.lod"),"data"); std::cout<<"done.\nScanning .lod file\n"; int curp=0; std::string pattern = ".TXT"; for(int i=0;ientries.size(); i++) { std::string pom = txth->entries[i].nameStr; if(boost::algorithm::find_last(pom,pattern)) { txth->extractFile(std::string("Extracted_txts\\")+pom,pom); } int p2 = ((float)i/(float)txth->entries.size())*(float)100; if(p2!=curp) { curp = p2; std::cout<<"\r"<* p; int heroX; int heroY; int heroZ; switch (*cn.c_str()) { //case 'P': // std::cout<<"Policzyc sciezke."<>src>>dst; // // p = CGI->pathf->GetPath(Coordinate(src),Coordinate(dst),CGI->heroh->heroInstances[0]); // LOCPLINT->adventureInt->terrain.currentPath = CGI->pathf->ConvertToOldFormat(p); // //LOCPLINT->adventureInt->terrain.currentPath = CGI->pathf->getPath(src,dst,CGI->heroh->heroInstances[0]); // break; //case 'm': //number of heroes // std::cout<<"Number of heroes: "<heroh->heroInstances.size()<>heronum; // std::cout<<"Position of hero "<heroh->heroInstances[heronum]->getPosition(false)<>heronum>>dest; // const CGHeroInstance * hero = cb->getHeroInfo(0,heronum,0); // p = CGI->pathf->GetPath(Coordinate(hero->getPosition(false)),Coordinate(dest),hero); // cb->moveHero(heronum, CGI->pathf->ConvertToOldFormat(p), 0, 0); // //LOCPLINT->adventureInt->terrain.currentPath = CGI->pathf->getPath(src,dst,CGI->heroh->heroInstances[0]); // break; // } //case 'D': //pos description // readed>>src; // CGI->mh->getObjDescriptions(src); // break; //case 'I': // { // SDL_Surface * temp = LOCPLINT->infoWin(NULL); // blitAtWR(temp,605,389); // SDL_FreeSurface(temp); // break; // } //case 'T': //test rect // readed>>src; // for(int g=0; g<8; ++g) // { // for(int v=0; v<8; ++v) // { // int3 csrc = src; // csrc.y+=g; // csrc.x+=v; // if(CGI->mh->getObjDescriptions(csrc).size()) // std::cout<<'x'; // else // std::cout<<'o'; // } // std::cout<objh->objInstances.size(); ++c) // { // CGI->mh->hideObject(CGI->objh->objInstances[c]); // } // break; //case 'R': //restora all objects after A has been pressed // for(int c=0; cobjh->objInstances.size(); ++c) // { // CGI->mh->printObject(CGI->objh->objInstances[c]); // } // break; } //SDL_Delay(100); //delete p; } SDL_Delay(10); } return -1; } SDL_Thread * consoleReadingThread; void CConsoleHandler::runConsole() { consoleReadingThread = SDL_CreateThread(&internalFunc, cb); }