#include "CBattleInterface.h" #include "CGameInfo.h" #include "hch/CLodHandler.h" #include "SDL_Extensions.h" #include "CAdvmapInterface.h" #include "AdventureMapButton.h" #include "hch/CHeroHandler.h" #include "hch/CDefHandler.h" #include "CCallback.h" #include "CGameState.h" #include "hch/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include #include #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES #include extern SDL_Surface * screen; extern TTF_Font * GEOR13; extern SDL_Color zwykly; SDL_Surface * CBattleInterface::cellBorder, * CBattleInterface::cellShade; CBattleInterface::CBattleInterface(CCreatureSet * army1, CCreatureSet * army2, CGHeroInstance *hero1, CGHeroInstance *hero2) : printCellBorders(true), attackingHeroInstance(hero1), defendingHeroInstance(hero2), animCount(0), activeStack(-1), givenCommand(NULL), attackingInfo(NULL), myTurn(false) { //initializing armies this->army1 = army1; this->army2 = army2; std::map stacks = LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetStacks(); for(std::map::iterator b=stacks.begin(); b!=stacks.end(); ++b) { std::pair coords = CBattleHex::getXYUnitAnim(b->second.position, b->second.owner == attackingHeroInstance->tempOwner, b->second.creature); creAnims[b->second.ID] = (new CCreatureAnimation(b->second.creature->animDefName)); creAnims[b->second.ID]->setType(2); creAnims[b->second.ID]->pos = genRect(creAnims[b->second.ID]->fullHeight, creAnims[b->second.ID]->fullWidth, coords.first, coords.second); creDir[b->second.ID] = b->second.owner==attackingHeroInstance->tempOwner; } //preparing menu background and terrain std::vector< std::string > & backref = CGI->mh->battleBacks[ LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetBattlefieldType() ]; background = CGI->bitmaph->loadBitmap(backref[ rand() % backref.size()] ); menu = CGI->bitmaph->loadBitmap("CBAR.BMP"); CSDL_Ext::blueToPlayersAdv(menu, hero1->tempOwner); //preparing graphics for displaying amounts of creatures amountBasic = CGI->bitmaph->loadBitmap("CMNUMWIN.BMP"); amountNormal = CGI->bitmaph->loadBitmap("CMNUMWIN.BMP"); CSDL_Ext::alphaTransform(amountNormal); for(int g=0; gformat->palette->ncolors; ++g) { if((amountNormal->format->palette->colors+g)->b != 132 && (amountNormal->format->palette->colors+g)->g != 231 && (amountNormal->format->palette->colors+g)->r != 255) //it's not yellow border { (amountNormal->format->palette->colors+g)->r = (float)((amountNormal->format->palette->colors+g)->r) * 0.54f; (amountNormal->format->palette->colors+g)->g = (float)((amountNormal->format->palette->colors+g)->g) * 0.19f; (amountNormal->format->palette->colors+g)->b = (float)((amountNormal->format->palette->colors+g)->b) * 0.93f; } } ////blitting menu background and terrain blitAt(background, 0, 0); blitAt(menu, 0, 556); CSDL_Ext::update(); //preparing buttons and console bOptions = new AdventureMapButton (std::string(), std::string(), boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::bOptionsf,this), 3, 561, "icm003.def", false, NULL, false); bSurrender = new AdventureMapButton (std::string(), std::string(), boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::bSurrenderf,this), 54, 561, "icm001.def", false, NULL, false); bFlee = new AdventureMapButton (std::string(), std::string(), boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::bFleef,this), 105, 561, "icm002.def", false, NULL, false); bAutofight = new AdventureMapButton (std::string(), std::string(), boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::bAutofightf,this), 157, 561, "icm004.def", false, NULL, false); bSpell = new AdventureMapButton (std::string(), std::string(), boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::bSpellf,this), 645, 561, "icm005.def", false, NULL, false); bWait = new AdventureMapButton (std::string(), std::string(), boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::bWaitf,this), 696, 561, "icm006.def", false, NULL, false); bDefence = new AdventureMapButton (std::string(), std::string(), boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::bDefencef,this), 747, 561, "icm007.def", false, NULL, false); bConsoleUp = new AdventureMapButton (std::string(), std::string(), boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::bConsoleUpf,this), 624, 561, "ComSlide.def", false, NULL, false); bConsoleDown = new AdventureMapButton (std::string(), std::string(), boost::bind(&CBattleInterface::bConsoleDownf,this), 624, 580, "ComSlide.def", false, NULL, false); bConsoleDown->bitmapOffset = 2; console = new CBattleConsole(); console->pos.x = 211; console->pos.y = 560; console->pos.w = 406; console->pos.h = 38; //loading hero animations if(hero1) // attacking hero { attackingHero = new CBattleHero(CGI->mh->battleHeroes[hero1->type->heroType], 0, 0, false, hero1->tempOwner); attackingHero->pos = genRect(attackingHero->dh->ourImages[0].bitmap->h, attackingHero->dh->ourImages[0].bitmap->w, -40, 0); } else { attackingHero = NULL; } if(hero2) // defending hero { defendingHero = new CBattleHero(CGI->mh->battleHeroes[hero2->type->heroType], 0, 0, true, hero2->tempOwner); defendingHero->pos = genRect(defendingHero->dh->ourImages[0].bitmap->h, defendingHero->dh->ourImages[0].bitmap->w, 690, 0); } else { defendingHero = NULL; } //preparing cells and hexes cellBorder = CGI->bitmaph->loadBitmap("CCELLGRD.BMP"); CSDL_Ext::alphaTransform(cellBorder); cellShade = CGI->bitmaph->loadBitmap("CCELLSHD.BMP"); CSDL_Ext::alphaTransform(cellShade); for(int h=0; h<187; ++h) { bfield[h].myNumber = h; int x = 14 + ((h/17)%2==0 ? 22 : 0) + 44*(h%17); int y = 86 + 42 * (h/17); bfield[h].pos = genRect(cellShade->h, cellShade->w, x, y); bfield[h].accesible = true; bfield[h].myInterface = this; } //locking occupied positions on batlefield for(std::map::iterator it = stacks.begin(); it!=stacks.end(); ++it) //stacks gained at top of this function { bfield[it->second.position].accesible = false; } //loading projectiles for units for(std::map::iterator g = stacks.begin(); g != stacks.end(); ++g) { if(g->second.creature->isShooting() && CGI->creh->idToProjectile[g->second.creature->idNumber] != std::string()) { idToProjectile[g->second.creature->idNumber] = CGI->spriteh->giveDef(CGI->creh->idToProjectile[g->second.creature->idNumber]); if(idToProjectile[g->second.creature->idNumber]->ourImages.size() > 2) //add symmetric images { for(int k = idToProjectile[g->second.creature->idNumber]->ourImages.size()-2; k > 1; --k) { Cimage ci; ci.bitmap = CSDL_Ext::rotate01(idToProjectile[g->second.creature->idNumber]->ourImages[k].bitmap); ci.groupNumber = 0; ci.imName = std::string(); idToProjectile[g->second.creature->idNumber]->ourImages.push_back(ci); } } for(int s=0; ssecond.creature->idNumber]->ourImages.size(); ++s) //alpha transforming { CSDL_Ext::alphaTransform(idToProjectile[g->second.creature->idNumber]->ourImages[s].bitmap); } } } } CBattleInterface::~CBattleInterface() { SDL_FreeSurface(background); SDL_FreeSurface(menu); SDL_FreeSurface(amountBasic); SDL_FreeSurface(amountNormal); delete bOptions; delete bSurrender; delete bFlee; delete bAutofight; delete bSpell; delete bWait; delete bDefence; delete bConsoleUp; delete bConsoleDown; delete console; delete attackingHero; delete defendingHero; SDL_FreeSurface(cellBorder); SDL_FreeSurface(cellShade); for(std::map< int, CCreatureAnimation * >::iterator g=creAnims.begin(); g!=creAnims.end(); ++g) delete g->second; for(std::map< int, CDefHandler * >::iterator g=idToProjectile.begin(); g!=idToProjectile.end(); ++g) delete g->second; } void CBattleInterface::activate() { bOptions->activate(); bSurrender->activate(); bFlee->activate(); bAutofight->activate(); bSpell->activate(); bWait->activate(); bDefence->activate(); bConsoleUp->activate(); bConsoleDown->activate(); for(int b=0; b<187; ++b) { bfield[b].activate(); } } void CBattleInterface::deactivate() { bOptions->deactivate(); bSurrender->deactivate(); bFlee->deactivate(); bAutofight->deactivate(); bSpell->deactivate(); bWait->deactivate(); bDefence->deactivate(); bConsoleUp->deactivate(); bConsoleDown->deactivate(); for(int b=0; b<187; ++b) { bfield[b].deactivate(); } } void CBattleInterface::show(SDL_Surface * to) { std::map stacks = LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetStacks(); //used in a few places ++animCount; if(!to) //"evaluating" to to = screen; //showing background blitAt(background, 0, 0, to); if(printCellBorders) //printing cell borders { for(int i=0; i<11; ++i) //rows { for(int j=0; j<15; ++j) //columns { int x = 58 + (i%2==0 ? 22 : 0) + 44*j; int y = 86 + 42 * i; CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(cellBorder, NULL, to, &genRect(cellBorder->h, cellBorder->w, x, y)); } } } //printing hovered cell for(int b=0; b<187; ++b) { if(bfield[b].strictHovered && bfield[b].hovered) { int x = 14 + ((b/17)%2==0 ? 22 : 0) + 44*(b%17); int y = 86 + 42 * (b/17); CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(cellShade, NULL, to, &genRect(cellShade->h, cellShade->w, x, y)); } } //showing selected unit's range if(activeStack != -1 && creAnims[activeStack]->getType() != 0) //don't show if unit is moving { showRange(to, activeStack); } //showing menu background and console blitAt(menu, 0, 556, to); console->show(to); //showing buttons bOptions->show(to); bSurrender->show(to); bFlee->show(to); bAutofight->show(to); bSpell->show(to); bWait->show(to); bDefence->show(to); bConsoleUp->show(to); bConsoleDown->show(to); //showing hero animations if(attackingHero) attackingHero->show(to); if(defendingHero) defendingHero->show(to); ////showing units //a lot of work... std::vector stackAliveByHex[187]; //double loop because dead stacks should be printed first for(std::map::iterator j=stacks.begin(); j!=stacks.end(); ++j) { if(j->second.alive) stackAliveByHex[j->second.position].push_back(j->second.ID); } std::vector stackDeadByHex[187]; for(std::map::iterator j=stacks.begin(); j!=stacks.end(); ++j) { if(!j->second.alive) stackDeadByHex[j->second.position].push_back(j->second.ID); } attackingShowHelper(); // handle attack animation for(int b=0; b<187; ++b) //showing dead stacks { for(int v=0; vnextFrame(to, creAnims[stackDeadByHex[b][v]]->pos.x, creAnims[stackDeadByHex[b][v]]->pos.y, creDir[stackDeadByHex[b][v]], (animCount%2==0 || creAnims[stackDeadByHex[b][v]]->getType()!=2) && stacks[stackDeadByHex[b][v]].alive, stackDeadByHex[b][v]==activeStack); //increment always when moving, never if stack died //printing amount if(stacks[stackDeadByHex[b][v]].amount > 0) //don't print if stack is not alive { if(stacks[stackDeadByHex[b][v]].attackerOwned) { CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(amountNormal, NULL, to, &genRect(amountNormal->h, amountNormal->w, creAnims[stackDeadByHex[b][v]]->pos.x + 220, creAnims[stackDeadByHex[b][v]]->pos.y + 260)); std::stringstream ss; ss<pos.x + 220 + 14, creAnims[stackDeadByHex[b][v]]->pos.y + 260 + 4, GEOR13, 20, zwykly, to); } else { CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(amountNormal, NULL, to, &genRect(amountNormal->h, amountNormal->w, creAnims[stackDeadByHex[b][v]]->pos.x + 202, creAnims[stackDeadByHex[b][v]]->pos.y + 260)); std::stringstream ss; ss<pos.x + 202 + 14, creAnims[stackDeadByHex[b][v]]->pos.y + 260 + 4, GEOR13, 20, zwykly, to); } } } } for(int b=0; b<187; ++b) //showing alive stacks { for(int v=0; vnextFrame(to, creAnims[stackAliveByHex[b][v]]->pos.x, creAnims[stackAliveByHex[b][v]]->pos.y, creDir[stackAliveByHex[b][v]], (animCount%2==0 || creAnims[stackAliveByHex[b][v]]->getType()!=2) && stacks[stackAliveByHex[b][v]].alive, stackAliveByHex[b][v]==activeStack); //increment always when moving, never if stack died //printing amount if(stacks[stackAliveByHex[b][v]].amount > 0) //don't print if stack is not alive { if(stacks[stackAliveByHex[b][v]].attackerOwned) { CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(amountNormal, NULL, to, &genRect(amountNormal->h, amountNormal->w, creAnims[stackAliveByHex[b][v]]->pos.x + 220, creAnims[stackAliveByHex[b][v]]->pos.y + 260)); std::stringstream ss; ss<pos.x + 220 + 14, creAnims[stackAliveByHex[b][v]]->pos.y + 260 + 4, GEOR13, 20, zwykly, to); } else { CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(amountNormal, NULL, to, &genRect(amountNormal->h, amountNormal->w, creAnims[stackAliveByHex[b][v]]->pos.x + 202, creAnims[stackAliveByHex[b][v]]->pos.y + 260)); std::stringstream ss; ss<pos.x + 202 + 14, creAnims[stackAliveByHex[b][v]]->pos.y + 260 + 4, GEOR13, 20, zwykly, to); } } } } //units shown projectileShowHelper(to);//showing projectiles } bool CBattleInterface::reverseCreature(int number, int hex, bool wideTrick) { if(creAnims[number]==NULL) return false; //there is no such creature creAnims[number]->setType(8); for(int g=0; gframesInGroup(8); ++g) { show(); CSDL_Ext::update(); SDL_framerateDelay(LOCPLINT->mainFPSmng); } creDir[number] = !creDir[number]; CStack curs = LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetStackByID(number); std::pair coords = CBattleHex::getXYUnitAnim(hex, creDir[number], curs.creature); creAnims[number]->pos.x = coords.first; //creAnims[number]->pos.y = coords.second; if(wideTrick && curs.creature->isDoubleWide()) { creAnims[number]->pos.x -= 44; } creAnims[number]->setType(7); for(int g=0; gframesInGroup(7); ++g) { show(); CSDL_Ext::update(); SDL_framerateDelay(LOCPLINT->mainFPSmng); } creAnims[number]->setType(2); return true; } void CBattleInterface::bOptionsf() { } void CBattleInterface::bSurrenderf() { } void CBattleInterface::bFleef() { BattleAction * ba = new BattleAction; ba->actionType = 4; givenCommand = ba; } void CBattleInterface::bAutofightf() { } void CBattleInterface::bSpellf() { } void CBattleInterface::bWaitf() { } void CBattleInterface::bDefencef() { BattleAction * ba = new BattleAction; ba->actionType = 3; ba->stackNumber = activeStack; givenCommand = ba; } void CBattleInterface::bConsoleUpf() { console->scrollUp(); } void CBattleInterface::bConsoleDownf() { console->scrollDown(); } void CBattleInterface::newStack(CStack stack) { creAnims[stack.ID] = new CCreatureAnimation(stack.creature->animDefName); creAnims[stack.ID]->setType(2); creDir[stack.ID] = stack.owner==attackingHeroInstance->tempOwner; } void CBattleInterface::stackRemoved(CStack stack) { delete creAnims[stack.ID]; creAnims.erase(stack.ID); } void CBattleInterface::stackKilled(int ID, int dmg, int killed, int IDby, bool byShooting) { if(creAnims[ID]->getType() != 2) { return; //something went wrong } if(byShooting) //delay hit animation { CStack attacker = LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetStackByID(IDby); while(true) { bool found = false; for(std::list::const_iterator it = projectiles.begin(); it!=projectiles.end(); ++it) { if(it->creID == attacker.creature->idNumber) { found = true; break; } } if(!found) break; else { show(); CSDL_Ext::update(); SDL_framerateDelay(LOCPLINT->mainFPSmng); } } } creAnims[ID]->setType(5); //death for(int i=0; iframesInGroup(5)-1; ++i) { show(); CSDL_Ext::update(); SDL_framerateDelay(LOCPLINT->mainFPSmng); } printConsoleAttacked(ID, dmg, killed, IDby); } void CBattleInterface::stackActivated(int number) { givenCommand = NULL; activeStack = number; shadedHexes = LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetAvailableHexes(number); myTurn = true; } void CBattleInterface::stackMoved(int number, int destHex, bool startMoving, bool endMoving) { //a few useful variables int curStackPos = LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetPos(number); int steps = creAnims[number]->framesInGroup(0); int hexWbase = 44, hexHbase = 42; if(startMoving) //animation of starting move { for(int i=0; iframesInGroup(20); ++i) { show(); CSDL_Ext::update(); SDL_framerateDelay(LOCPLINT->mainFPSmng); } } int mutPos = CBattleHex::mutualPosition(curStackPos, destHex); if(LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetCreature(number).isDoubleWide() && ((creDir[number] && mutPos == 5) || (creDir[number] && mutPos == 0) || (creDir[number] && mutPos == 4))) //for special cases { switch(CBattleHex::mutualPosition(curStackPos, destHex)) //reverse unit if necessary { case 0: if(creDir[number] == true) reverseCreature(number, curStackPos, true); break; case 1: if(creDir[number] == false) reverseCreature(number, curStackPos, true); break; case 2: if(creDir[number] == false) reverseCreature(number, curStackPos, true); break; case 3: if(creDir[number] == false) reverseCreature(number, curStackPos, true); break; case 4: if(creDir[number] == true) reverseCreature(number, curStackPos, true); break; case 5: if(creDir[number] == true) reverseCreature(number, curStackPos, true); break; } //moving instructions creAnims[number]->setType(0); for(int i=0; ipos.x -= hexWbase/(2*steps); creAnims[number]->pos.y -= hexHbase/steps; break; case 1: creAnims[number]->pos.x += hexWbase/(2*steps); creAnims[number]->pos.y -= hexHbase/steps; break; case 2: creAnims[number]->pos.x += hexWbase/steps; break; case 3: creAnims[number]->pos.x += hexWbase/(2*steps); creAnims[number]->pos.y += hexHbase/steps; break; case 4: creAnims[number]->pos.x -= hexWbase/(2*steps); creAnims[number]->pos.y += hexHbase/steps; break; case 5: creAnims[number]->pos.x -= hexWbase/steps; break; } show(); CSDL_Ext::update(); SDL_framerateDelay(LOCPLINT->mainFPSmng); } if( (LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetStackByID(number).owner == attackingHeroInstance->tempOwner ) != creDir[number]) { reverseCreature(number, curStackPos, true); } } else //normal move instructions { switch(CBattleHex::mutualPosition(curStackPos, destHex)) //reverse unit if necessary { case 0: if(creDir[number] == true) reverseCreature(number, curStackPos); break; case 1: if(creDir[number] == false) reverseCreature(number, curStackPos); break; case 2: if(creDir[number] == false) reverseCreature(number, curStackPos); break; case 3: if(creDir[number] == false) reverseCreature(number, curStackPos); break; case 4: if(creDir[number] == true) reverseCreature(number, curStackPos); break; case 5: if(creDir[number] == true) reverseCreature(number, curStackPos); break; } //moving instructions creAnims[number]->setType(0); for(int i=0; ipos.x -= hexWbase/(2*steps); creAnims[number]->pos.y -= hexHbase/steps; break; case 1: creAnims[number]->pos.x += hexWbase/(2*steps); creAnims[number]->pos.y -= hexHbase/steps; break; case 2: creAnims[number]->pos.x += hexWbase/steps; break; case 3: creAnims[number]->pos.x += hexWbase/(2*steps); creAnims[number]->pos.y += hexHbase/steps; break; case 4: creAnims[number]->pos.x -= hexWbase/(2*steps); creAnims[number]->pos.y += hexHbase/steps; break; case 5: creAnims[number]->pos.x -= hexWbase/steps; break; } show(); CSDL_Ext::update(); SDL_framerateDelay(LOCPLINT->mainFPSmng); } } if(endMoving) //animation of ending move { for(int i=0; iframesInGroup(21); ++i) { show(); CSDL_Ext::update(); SDL_framerateDelay(LOCPLINT->mainFPSmng); } } creAnims[number]->setType(2); //resetting to default CStack curs = LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetStackByID(number); if(endMoving) //resetting to default { if(creDir[number] != (curs.owner == attackingHeroInstance->tempOwner)) reverseCreature(number, destHex); //creDir[number] = (curs.owner == attackingHeroInstance->tempOwner); } std::pair coords = CBattleHex::getXYUnitAnim(destHex, creDir[number], curs.creature); creAnims[number]->pos.x = coords.first; creAnims[number]->pos.y = coords.second; } void CBattleInterface::stackIsAttacked(int ID, int dmg, int killed, int IDby, bool byShooting) { if(creAnims[ID]->getType() != 2) { return; //something went wrong } if(byShooting) //delay hit animation { CStack attacker = LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetStackByID(IDby); while(true) { bool found = false; for(std::list::const_iterator it = projectiles.begin(); it!=projectiles.end(); ++it) { if(it->creID == attacker.creature->idNumber) { found = true; break; } } if(!found) break; else { show(); CSDL_Ext::update(); SDL_framerateDelay(LOCPLINT->mainFPSmng); } } } creAnims[ID]->setType(3); //getting hit for(int i=0; iframesInGroup(3); ++i) { show(); CSDL_Ext::update(); SDL_framerateDelay(LOCPLINT->mainFPSmng); } creAnims[ID]->setType(2); printConsoleAttacked(ID, dmg, killed, IDby); } void CBattleInterface::stackAttacking(int ID, int dest) { if(attackingInfo != NULL) { return; //something went wrong } CStack aStack = LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetStackByID(ID); //attacking stack if(aStack.creature->isDoubleWide()) { switch(CBattleHex::mutualPosition(aStack.position, dest)) //attack direction { case 0: //reverseCreature(ID, aStack.position, true); break; case 1: break; case 2: break; case 3: break; case 4: //reverseCreature(ID, aStack.position, true); break; case 5: reverseCreature(ID, aStack.position, true); break; } } else //else for if(aStack.creature->isDoubleWide()) { switch(CBattleHex::mutualPosition(aStack.position, dest)) //attack direction { case 0: reverseCreature(ID, aStack.position, true); break; case 1: break; case 2: break; case 3: break; case 4: reverseCreature(ID, aStack.position, true); break; case 5: reverseCreature(ID, aStack.position, true); break; } } attackingInfo = new CAttHelper; attackingInfo->dest = dest; attackingInfo->frame = 0; attackingInfo->ID = ID; attackingInfo->reversing = false; attackingInfo->shooting = false; switch(CBattleHex::mutualPosition(aStack.position, dest)) //attack direction { case 0: attackingInfo->maxframe = creAnims[ID]->framesInGroup(10); break; case 1: attackingInfo->maxframe = creAnims[ID]->framesInGroup(10); break; case 2: attackingInfo->maxframe = creAnims[ID]->framesInGroup(11); break; case 3: attackingInfo->maxframe = creAnims[ID]->framesInGroup(12); break; case 4: attackingInfo->maxframe = creAnims[ID]->framesInGroup(12); break; case 5: attackingInfo->maxframe = creAnims[ID]->framesInGroup(11); break; } } void CBattleInterface::newRound(int number) { console->addText(CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[412]); } void CBattleInterface::hexLclicked(int whichOne) { if((whichOne%17)!=0 && (whichOne%17)!=16) //if player is trying to attack enemey unit or move creature stack { if(!myTurn) return; //we are not permit to do anything int atCre = LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetStack(whichOne); //creature at destination tile; -1 if there is no one //LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetCreature(); if(atCre==-1) //normal move action { BattleAction * ba = new BattleAction(); //to be deleted by engine ba->actionType = 2; ba->destinationTile = whichOne; ba->stackNumber = activeStack; givenCommand = ba; } else if(LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetStackByID(atCre).owner != attackingHeroInstance->tempOwner && LOCPLINT->cb->battleCanShoot(activeStack, whichOne)) //shooting { BattleAction * ba = new BattleAction(); //to be deleted by engine ba->actionType = 7; ba->destinationTile = whichOne; ba->stackNumber = activeStack; givenCommand = ba; } else if(LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetStackByID(atCre).owner != attackingHeroInstance->tempOwner) //attacking { BattleAction * ba = new BattleAction(); //to be deleted by engine ba->actionType = 6; ba->destinationTile = whichOne; ba->stackNumber = activeStack; givenCommand = ba; } } } void CBattleInterface::stackIsShooting(int ID, int dest) { if(attackingInfo != NULL) { return; //something went wrong } //projectile float projectileAngle; //in radians; if positive, projectiles goes up float straightAngle = 0.2f; //maximal angle in radians between straight horizontal line and shooting line for which shot is considered to be straight (absoulte value) int fromHex = LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetPos(ID); projectileAngle = atan2(float(abs(dest - fromHex)/17), float(abs(dest - fromHex)%17)); if(fromHex < dest) projectileAngle = -projectileAngle; SProjectileInfo spi; spi.creID = LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetStackByID(ID).creature->idNumber; spi.step = 0; spi.frameNum = 0; spi.spin = CGI->creh->idToProjectileSpin[spi.creID]; std::pair xycoord = CBattleHex::getXYUnitAnim(LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetPos(ID), true, &LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetCreature(ID)); std::pair destcoord = CBattleHex::getXYUnitAnim(dest, false, &LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetCreature(ID)); destcoord.first += 250; destcoord.second += 210; //TODO: find a better place to shoot if(projectileAngle > straightAngle) //upper shot { spi.x = xycoord.first + 200 + LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetCreature(ID).upperRightMissleOffsetX; spi.y = xycoord.second + 150 - LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetCreature(ID).upperRightMissleOffsetY; } else if(projectileAngle < -straightAngle) //lower shot { spi.x = xycoord.first + 200 + LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetCreature(ID).lowerRightMissleOffsetX; spi.y = xycoord.second + 150 - LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetCreature(ID).lowerRightMissleOffsetY; } else //straight shot { spi.x = xycoord.first + 200 + LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetCreature(ID).rightMissleOffsetX; spi.y = xycoord.second + 150 - LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetCreature(ID).rightMissleOffsetY; } spi.lastStep = sqrt((float)((destcoord.first - spi.x)*(destcoord.first - spi.x) + (destcoord.second - spi.y) * (destcoord.second - spi.y))) / 40; spi.dx = (destcoord.first - spi.x) / spi.lastStep; spi.dy = (destcoord.second - spi.y) / spi.lastStep; //set starting frame if(spi.spin) { spi.frameNum = 0; } else { spi.frameNum = ((M_PI/2.0f - projectileAngle) / (2.0f *M_PI) + 1/((float)(2*(idToProjectile[spi.creID]->ourImages.size()-1)))) * (idToProjectile[spi.creID]->ourImages.size()-1); } //set delay spi.animStartDelay = CGI->creh->creatures[spi.creID].attackClimaxFrame; projectiles.push_back(spi); //attack aniamtion attackingInfo = new CAttHelper; attackingInfo->dest = dest; attackingInfo->frame = 0; attackingInfo->ID = ID; attackingInfo->reversing = false; attackingInfo->shooting = true; if(projectileAngle > straightAngle) //upper shot attackingInfo->shootingGroup = 14; else if(projectileAngle < -straightAngle) //lower shot attackingInfo->shootingGroup = 15; else //straight shot attackingInfo->shootingGroup = 16; attackingInfo->maxframe = creAnims[ID]->framesInGroup(attackingInfo->shootingGroup); } void CBattleInterface::showRange(SDL_Surface * to, int ID) { for(int i=0; ireversing) { if(attackingInfo->frame == 0) { CStack aStack = LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetStackByID(attackingInfo->ID); //attacking stack if(attackingInfo->shooting) { creAnims[attackingInfo->ID]->setType(attackingInfo->shootingGroup); } else { if(aStack.creature->isDoubleWide()) { switch(CBattleHex::mutualPosition(aStack.position, attackingInfo->dest)) //attack direction { case 0: creAnims[attackingInfo->ID]->setType(10); break; case 1: creAnims[attackingInfo->ID]->setType(10); break; case 2: creAnims[attackingInfo->ID]->setType(11); break; case 3: creAnims[attackingInfo->ID]->setType(12); break; case 4: creAnims[attackingInfo->ID]->setType(12); break; case 5: creAnims[attackingInfo->ID]->setType(11); break; } } else //else for if(aStack.creature->isDoubleWide()) { switch(CBattleHex::mutualPosition(aStack.position, attackingInfo->dest)) //attack direction { case 0: creAnims[attackingInfo->ID]->setType(10); break; case 1: creAnims[attackingInfo->ID]->setType(10); break; case 2: creAnims[attackingInfo->ID]->setType(11); break; case 3: creAnims[attackingInfo->ID]->setType(12); break; case 4: creAnims[attackingInfo->ID]->setType(12); break; case 5: creAnims[attackingInfo->ID]->setType(11); break; } } } } else if(attackingInfo->frame == (attackingInfo->maxframe - 1)) { attackingInfo->reversing = true; CStack aStack = LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetStackByID(attackingInfo->ID); //attacking stack if(aStack.creature->isDoubleWide()) { switch(CBattleHex::mutualPosition(aStack.position, attackingInfo->dest)) //attack direction { case 0: //reverseCreature(ID, aStack.position, true); break; case 1: break; case 2: break; case 3: break; case 4: //reverseCreature(ID, aStack.position, true); break; case 5: reverseCreature(attackingInfo->ID, aStack.position, true); break; } } else //else for if(aStack.creature->isDoubleWide()) { switch(CBattleHex::mutualPosition(aStack.position, attackingInfo->dest)) //attack direction { case 0: reverseCreature(attackingInfo->ID, aStack.position, true); break; case 1: break; case 2: break; case 3: break; case 4: reverseCreature(attackingInfo->ID, aStack.position, true); break; case 5: reverseCreature(attackingInfo->ID, aStack.position, true); break; } } attackingInfo->reversing = false; creAnims[attackingInfo->ID]->setType(2); delete attackingInfo; attackingInfo = NULL; } if(attackingInfo) { attackingInfo->frame++; } } } void CBattleInterface::printConsoleAttacked(int ID, int dmg, int killed, int IDby) { char tabh[200]; CStack attacker = LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetStackByID(IDby); CStack defender = LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetStackByID(ID); int end = sprintf(tabh, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[attacker.amount > 1 ? 377 : 376].c_str(), (attacker.amount > 1 ? attacker.creature->namePl.c_str() : attacker.creature->nameSing.c_str()), dmg); if(killed > 0) { if(killed > 1) { sprintf(tabh + end, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[379].c_str(), killed, defender.creature->namePl.c_str()); } else //killed == 1 { sprintf(tabh + end, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[378].c_str(), defender.creature->nameSing.c_str()); } } console->addText(std::string(tabh)); } void CBattleInterface::projectileShowHelper(SDL_Surface * to) { if(to == NULL) to = screen; std::list< std::list::iterator > toBeDeleted; for(std::list::iterator it=projectiles.begin(); it!=projectiles.end(); ++it) { if(it->animStartDelay>0) { --(it->animStartDelay); continue; } SDL_Rect dst; dst.h = idToProjectile[it->creID]->ourImages[it->frameNum].bitmap->h; dst.w = idToProjectile[it->creID]->ourImages[it->frameNum].bitmap->w; dst.x = it->x; dst.y = it->y; CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(idToProjectile[it->creID]->ourImages[it->frameNum].bitmap, NULL, to, &dst); //actualizing projectile ++it->step; if(it->step == it->lastStep) { toBeDeleted.insert(toBeDeleted.end(), it); } else { it->x += it->dx; it->y += it->dy; if(it->spin) { ++(it->frameNum); it->frameNum %= idToProjectile[it->creID]->ourImages.size(); } } } for(std::list< std::list::iterator >::iterator it = toBeDeleted.begin(); it!= toBeDeleted.end(); ++it) { projectiles.erase(*it); } } void CBattleHero::show(SDL_Surface *to) { //animation of flag if(flip) { CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(flag->ourImages[flagAnim].bitmap, NULL, screen, &genRect(flag->ourImages[flagAnim].bitmap->h, flag->ourImages[flagAnim].bitmap->w, 752, 39)); } else { CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(flag->ourImages[flagAnim].bitmap, NULL, screen, &genRect(flag->ourImages[flagAnim].bitmap->h, flag->ourImages[flagAnim].bitmap->w, 31, 39)); } { ++flagAnim; flagAnim %= flag->ourImages.size(); } //animation of hero int tick=-1; for(int i=0; iourImages.size(); ++i) { if(dh->ourImages[i].groupNumber==phase) ++tick; if(tick==image) { SDL_Rect posb = pos; CSDL_Ext::blit8bppAlphaTo24bpp(dh->ourImages[i].bitmap, NULL, to, &posb); ++image; if(dh->ourImages[i+1].groupNumber!=phase) //back to appropriate frame { image = 0; } break; } } } CBattleHero::CBattleHero(std::string defName, int phaseG, int imageG, bool flipG, unsigned char player): phase(phaseG), image(imageG), flip(flipG), flagAnim(0) { dh = CGI->spriteh->giveDef( defName ); for(int i=0; iourImages.size(); ++i) //transforming images { if(flip) { SDL_Surface * hlp = CSDL_Ext::rotate01(dh->ourImages[i].bitmap); SDL_FreeSurface(dh->ourImages[i].bitmap); dh->ourImages[i].bitmap = hlp; } dh->ourImages[i].bitmap = CSDL_Ext::alphaTransform(dh->ourImages[i].bitmap); } dh->alphaTransformed = true; if(flip) flag = CGI->spriteh->giveDef("CMFLAGR.DEF"); else flag = CGI->spriteh->giveDef("CMFLAGL.DEF"); //coloring flag and adding transparency for(int i=0; iourImages.size(); ++i) { flag->ourImages[i].bitmap = CSDL_Ext::alphaTransform(flag->ourImages[i].bitmap); CSDL_Ext::blueToPlayersAdv(flag->ourImages[i].bitmap, player); } } CBattleHero::~CBattleHero() { delete dh; delete flag; } std::pair CBattleHex::getXYUnitAnim(int hexNum, bool attacker, CCreature * creature) { std::pair ret = std::make_pair(-500, -500); //returned value ret.second = -139 + 42 * (hexNum/17); //counting y //counting x if(attacker) { ret.first = -160 + 22 * ( ((hexNum/17) + 1)%2 ) + 44 * (hexNum % 17); } else { ret.first = -219 + 22 * ( ((hexNum/17) + 1)%2 ) + 44 * (hexNum % 17); } //shifting position for double - hex creatures if(creature->isDoubleWide()) { if(attacker) { ret.first -= 42; } else { ret.first += 42; } } //returning return ret; } signed char CBattleHex::mutualPosition(int hex1, int hex2) { if(hex2 == hex1 - ( (hex1/17)%2 ? 18 : 17 )) //top left return 0; if(hex2 == hex1 - ( (hex1/17)%2 ? 17 : 16 )) //top right return 1; if(hex2 == hex1 - 1 && hex1%17 != 0) //left return 5; if(hex2 == hex1 + 1 && hex1%17 != 16) //right return 2; if(hex2 == hex1 + ( (hex1/17)%2 ? 16 : 17 )) //bottom left return 4; if(hex2 == hex1 + ( (hex1/17)%2 ? 17 : 18 )) //bottom right return 3; return -1; } void CBattleHex::activate() { Hoverable::activate(); MotionInterested::activate(); ClickableL::activate(); ClickableR::activate(); } void CBattleHex::deactivate() { Hoverable::deactivate(); MotionInterested::deactivate(); ClickableL::deactivate(); ClickableR::deactivate(); } void CBattleHex::hover(bool on) { hovered = on; Hoverable::hover(on); if(!on && setAlterText) { myInterface->console->alterTxt = std::string(); setAlterText = false; } } CBattleHex::CBattleHex() : myNumber(-1), accesible(true), hovered(false), strictHovered(false), myInterface(NULL), setAlterText(false) { } void CBattleHex::mouseMoved(SDL_MouseMotionEvent &sEvent) { if(CBattleInterface::cellShade) { if(CSDL_Ext::SDL_GetPixel(CBattleInterface::cellShade, sEvent.x-pos.x, sEvent.y-pos.y) == 0) //hovered pixel is outside hex { strictHovered = false; } else //hovered pixel is inside hex { strictHovered = true; } } if(hovered && strictHovered) //print attacked creature to console { if(myInterface->console->alterTxt.size() == 0 && LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetStack(myNumber) != -1 && LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetStackByPos(myNumber).owner != LOCPLINT->playerID && LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetStackByPos(myNumber).alive) { char tabh[160]; CStack attackedStack = LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetStackByPos(myNumber); std::string attackedName = attackedStack.amount == 1 ? attackedStack.creature->nameSing : attackedStack.creature->namePl; sprintf(tabh, CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[220].c_str(), attackedName.c_str()); myInterface->console->alterTxt = std::string(tabh); setAlterText = true; } } else if(setAlterText) { myInterface->console->alterTxt = std::string(); setAlterText = false; } } void CBattleHex::clickLeft(boost::logic::tribool down) { if(!down && hovered && strictHovered) //we've been really clicked! { myInterface->hexLclicked(myNumber); } } void CBattleHex::clickRight(boost::logic::tribool down) { int stID = LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetStack(myNumber); //id of stack being on this tile if(hovered && strictHovered && stID!=-1) { CStack myst = LOCPLINT->cb->battleGetStackByID(stID); //stack info StackState *pom = NULL; if(down) { pom = new StackState(); const CGHeroInstance *h = myst.owner == myInterface->attackingHeroInstance->tempOwner ? myInterface->attackingHeroInstance : myInterface->defendingHeroInstance; if(h) { pom->attackBonus = h->primSkills[0]; pom->defenseBonus = h->primSkills[1]; pom->luck = h->getCurrentLuck(); pom->morale = h->getCurrentMorale(); } (new CCreInfoWindow(myst.creature->idNumber,0,pom,boost::function(),boost::function())) ->activate(); } delete pom; } } CBattleConsole::CBattleConsole() : lastShown(-1), alterTxt("") { } CBattleConsole::~CBattleConsole() { texts.clear(); } void CBattleConsole::show(SDL_Surface * to) { if(alterTxt.size()) { CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddleWB(alterTxt, pos.x + pos.w/2, pos.y + 10, GEOR13, 80, zwykly, to); } else if(texts.size()) { if(texts.size()==1) { CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddleWB(texts[0], pos.x + pos.w/2, pos.y + 10, GEOR13, 80, zwykly, to); } else { CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddleWB(texts[lastShown-1], pos.x + pos.w/2, pos.y + 10, GEOR13, 80, zwykly, to); CSDL_Ext::printAtMiddleWB(texts[lastShown], pos.x + pos.w/2, pos.y + 26, GEOR13, 80, zwykly, to); } } } bool CBattleConsole::addText(std::string text) { if(text.size()>70) return false; //text too long! int firstInToken = 0; for(int i=0; i= texts.size()) //no such pos return; texts[pos] = text; } void CBattleConsole::scrollUp(unsigned int by) { if(lastShown > by) lastShown -= by; } void CBattleConsole::scrollDown(unsigned int by) { if(lastShown + by < texts.size()) lastShown += by; }