/* * NetPacksBase.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #pragma once #include <vcmi/Metatype.h> #include "ConstTransitivePtr.h" #include "GameConstants.h" #include "JsonNode.h" class CClient; class CGameHandler; class CLobbyScreen; class CServerHandler; class CVCMIServer; VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class CGameState; class CConnection; class CStackBasicDescriptor; class CGHeroInstance; class CStackInstance; class CArmedInstance; class CArtifactSet; class CBonusSystemNode; struct ArtSlotInfo; class ICPackVisitor; enum class EInfoWindowMode : uint8_t { AUTO, MODAL, INFO }; enum class EOpenWindowMode : uint8_t { EXCHANGE_WINDOW, RECRUITMENT_FIRST, RECRUITMENT_ALL, SHIPYARD_WINDOW, THIEVES_GUILD, UNIVERSITY_WINDOW, HILL_FORT_WINDOW, MARKET_WINDOW, PUZZLE_MAP, TAVERN_WINDOW }; struct DLL_LINKAGE CPack { std::shared_ptr<CConnection> c; // Pointer to connection that pack received from CPack() = default; virtual ~CPack() = default; template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { logNetwork->error("CPack serialized... this should not happen!"); assert(false && "CPack serialized"); } void applyGs(CGameState * gs) {} void visit(ICPackVisitor & cpackVisitor); protected: /// <summary> /// For basic types of netpacks hierarchy like CPackForClient. Called first. /// </summary> virtual void visitBasic(ICPackVisitor & cpackVisitor); /// <summary> /// For leaf types of netpacks hierarchy. Called after visitBasic. /// </summary> virtual void visitTyped(ICPackVisitor & cpackVisitor); }; struct DLL_LINKAGE CPackForClient : public CPack { protected: virtual void visitBasic(ICPackVisitor & cpackVisitor) override; }; struct DLL_LINKAGE CPackForServer : public CPack { mutable PlayerColor player = PlayerColor::NEUTRAL; mutable si32 requestID; template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & player; h & requestID; } protected: virtual void visitBasic(ICPackVisitor & cpackVisitor) override; }; struct DLL_LINKAGE CPackForLobby : public CPack { virtual bool isForServer() const; protected: virtual void visitBasic(ICPackVisitor & cpackVisitor) override; }; struct Component { enum class EComponentType : uint8_t { PRIM_SKILL, SEC_SKILL, RESOURCE, CREATURE, ARTIFACT, EXPERIENCE, SPELL, MORALE, LUCK, BUILDING, HERO_PORTRAIT, FLAG, INVALID //should be last }; EComponentType id = EComponentType::INVALID; ui16 subtype = 0; //id==EXPPERIENCE subtype==0 means exp points and subtype==1 levels si32 val = 0; // + give; - take si16 when = 0; // 0 - now; +x - within x days; -x - per x days template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & id; h & subtype; h & val; h & when; } Component() = default; DLL_LINKAGE explicit Component(const CStackBasicDescriptor &stack); Component(Component::EComponentType Type, ui16 Subtype, si32 Val, si16 When) :id(Type),subtype(Subtype),val(Val),when(When) { } }; using TArtHolder = std::variant<ConstTransitivePtr<CGHeroInstance>, ConstTransitivePtr<CStackInstance>>; struct ArtifactLocation { TArtHolder artHolder;//TODO: identify holder by id ArtifactPosition slot = ArtifactPosition::PRE_FIRST; ArtifactLocation() : artHolder(ConstTransitivePtr<CGHeroInstance>()) { } template<typename T> ArtifactLocation(const T * ArtHolder, ArtifactPosition Slot) : artHolder(const_cast<T *>(ArtHolder)) //we are allowed here to const cast -> change will go through one of our packages... do not abuse! , slot(Slot) { } ArtifactLocation(TArtHolder ArtHolder, const ArtifactPosition & Slot) : artHolder(std::move(std::move(ArtHolder))) , slot(Slot) { } template <typename T> bool isHolder(const T *t) const { if(auto ptrToT = std::get<ConstTransitivePtr<T>>(artHolder)) { return ptrToT == t; } return false; } DLL_LINKAGE void removeArtifact(); // BE CAREFUL, this operation modifies holder (gs) DLL_LINKAGE const CArmedInstance *relatedObj() const; //hero or the stack owner DLL_LINKAGE PlayerColor owningPlayer() const; DLL_LINKAGE CArtifactSet *getHolderArtSet(); DLL_LINKAGE CBonusSystemNode *getHolderNode(); DLL_LINKAGE CArtifactSet *getHolderArtSet() const; DLL_LINKAGE const CBonusSystemNode *getHolderNode() const; DLL_LINKAGE const CArtifactInstance *getArt() const; DLL_LINKAGE CArtifactInstance *getArt(); DLL_LINKAGE const ArtSlotInfo *getSlot() const; template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & artHolder; h & slot; } }; class EntityChanges { public: Metatype metatype = Metatype::UNKNOWN; int32_t entityIndex = 0; JsonNode data; template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler & h, const int version) { h & metatype; h & entityIndex; h & data; } }; class BattleChanges { public: enum class EOperation : si8 { ADD, RESET_STATE, UPDATE, REMOVE, }; JsonNode data; EOperation operation = EOperation::RESET_STATE; BattleChanges() = default; BattleChanges(EOperation operation_) : operation(operation_) { } }; class UnitChanges : public BattleChanges { public: uint32_t id = 0; int64_t healthDelta = 0; UnitChanges() = default; UnitChanges(uint32_t id_, EOperation operation_) : BattleChanges(operation_) , id(id_) { } template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler & h, const int version) { h & id; h & healthDelta; h & data; h & operation; } }; class ObstacleChanges : public BattleChanges { public: uint32_t id = 0; ObstacleChanges() = default; ObstacleChanges(uint32_t id_, EOperation operation_) : BattleChanges(operation_), id(id_) { } template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler & h, const int version) { h & id; h & data; h & operation; } }; VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END