/* * modstatecontroller.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "modstatecontroller.h" #include "modstatemodel.h" #include "../../lib/VCMIDirs.h" #include "../../lib/filesystem/Filesystem.h" #include "../../lib/filesystem/CZipLoader.h" #include "../../lib/modding/CModHandler.h" #include "../../lib/modding/IdentifierStorage.h" #include "../../lib/json/JsonNode.h" #include "../vcmiqt/jsonutils.h" #include "../vcmiqt/launcherdirs.h" #include namespace { QString detectModArchive(QString path, QString modName, std::vector & filesToExtract) { try { ZipArchive archive(qstringToPath(path)); filesToExtract = archive.listFiles(); } catch (const std::runtime_error & e) { logGlobal->error("Failed to open zip archive. Reason: %s", e.what()); return ""; } QString modDirName; for(int folderLevel : {0, 1}) //search in subfolder if there is no mod.json in the root { for(auto file : filesToExtract) { QString filename = QString::fromUtf8(file.c_str()); modDirName = filename.section('/', 0, folderLevel); if(filename == modDirName + "/mod.json") { return modDirName; } } } logGlobal->error("Failed to detect mod path in archive!"); logGlobal->debug("List of file in archive:"); for(auto file : filesToExtract) logGlobal->debug("%s", file.c_str()); return ""; } } ModStateController::ModStateController(std::shared_ptr modList) : modList(modList) { } ModStateController::~ModStateController() = default; void ModStateController::appendRepositories(const JsonNode & repomap) { modList->appendRepositories(repomap); } //void ModStateController::loadMods() //{ // CModHandler handler; // auto installedMods = handler.getAllMods(); // localMods.clear(); // // for(auto modname : installedMods) // { // //calculate mod size // qint64 total = 0; // ResourcePath resDir(CModInfo::getModDir(modname), EResType::DIRECTORY); // if(CResourceHandler::get()->existsResource(resDir)) // { // for(QDirIterator iter(QString::fromStdString(CResourceHandler::get()->getResourceName(resDir)->string()), QDirIterator::Subdirectories); iter.hasNext(); iter.next()) // total += iter.fileInfo().size(); // } // // boost::filesystem::path name = *CResourceHandler::get()->getResourceName(resID); // auto mod = JsonUtils::JsonFromFile(pathToQString(name)); // auto json = JsonUtils::toJson(mod); // json["localSizeBytes"].Float() = total; // if(!name.is_absolute()) // json["storedLocally"].Bool() = true; // // mod = JsonUtils::toVariant(json); // QString modNameQt = QString::fromUtf8(modname.c_str()).toLower(); // localMods.insert(modNameQt, mod); // modSettings->registerNewMod(modNameQt, json["keepDisabled"].Bool()); // } // modList->setLocalModList(localMods); //} bool ModStateController::addError(QString modname, QString message) { recentErrors.push_back(QString("%1: %2").arg(modname).arg(message)); return false; } QStringList ModStateController::getErrors() { QStringList ret = recentErrors; recentErrors.clear(); return ret; } bool ModStateController::installMod(QString modname, QString archivePath) { return canInstallMod(modname) && doInstallMod(modname, archivePath); } bool ModStateController::uninstallMod(QString modname) { return canUninstallMod(modname) && doUninstallMod(modname); } bool ModStateController::enableMod(QString modname) { return canEnableMod(modname) && doEnableMod(modname, true); } bool ModStateController::disableMod(QString modname) { return canDisableMod(modname) && doEnableMod(modname, false); } bool ModStateController::canInstallMod(QString modname) { auto mod = modList->getMod(modname); if(mod.isSubmod()) return addError(modname, tr("Can not install submod")); if(mod.isInstalled()) return addError(modname, tr("Mod is already installed")); return true; } bool ModStateController::canUninstallMod(QString modname) { auto mod = modList->getMod(modname); if(mod.isSubmod()) return addError(modname, tr("Can not uninstall submod")); if(!mod.isInstalled()) return addError(modname, tr("Mod is not installed")); return true; } bool ModStateController::canEnableMod(QString modname) { auto mod = modList->getMod(modname); if(modList->isModEnabled(modname)) return addError(modname, tr("Mod is already enabled")); if(!mod.isInstalled()) return addError(modname, tr("Mod must be installed first")); //check for compatibility if(!mod.isCompatible()) return addError(modname, tr("Mod is not compatible, please update VCMI and checkout latest mod revisions")); for(auto modEntry : mod.getDependencies()) { if(!modList->isModExists(modEntry)) // required mod is not available return addError(modname, tr("Required mod %1 is missing").arg(modEntry)); ModState modData = modList->getMod(modEntry); if(!modData.isCompatibility() && !modList->isModEnabled(modEntry)) return addError(modname, tr("Required mod %1 is not enabled").arg(modEntry)); } for(QString modEntry : modList->getAllMods()) { auto mod = modList->getMod(modEntry); // "reverse conflict" - enabled mod has this one as conflict if(modList->isModEnabled(modname) && mod.getConflicts().contains(modname)) return addError(modname, tr("This mod conflicts with %1").arg(modEntry)); } for(auto modEntry : mod.getConflicts()) { // check if conflicting mod installed and enabled if(modList->isModExists(modEntry) && modList->isModEnabled(modEntry)) return addError(modname, tr("This mod conflicts with %1").arg(modEntry)); } return true; } bool ModStateController::canDisableMod(QString modname) { auto mod = modList->getMod(modname); if(!modList->isModEnabled(modname)) return addError(modname, tr("Mod is already disabled")); if(!mod.isInstalled()) return addError(modname, tr("Mod must be installed first")); for(QString modEntry : modList->getAllMods()) { auto current = modList->getMod(modEntry); if(current.getDependencies().contains(modname) && modList->isModEnabled(modEntry)) return addError(modname, tr("This mod is needed to run %1").arg(modEntry)); } return true; } bool ModStateController::doEnableMod(QString mod, bool on) { //modSettings->setModActive(mod, on); //modList->modChanged(mod); return true; } bool ModStateController::doInstallMod(QString modname, QString archivePath) { const auto destDir = CLauncherDirs::modsPath() + QChar{'/'}; if(!QFile(archivePath).exists()) return addError(modname, tr("Mod archive is missing")); if(localMods.contains(modname)) return addError(modname, tr("Mod with such name is already installed")); std::vector filesToExtract; QString modDirName = ::detectModArchive(archivePath, modname, filesToExtract); if(!modDirName.size()) return addError(modname, tr("Mod archive is invalid or corrupted")); std::atomic filesCounter = 0; auto futureExtract = std::async(std::launch::async, [&archivePath, &destDir, &filesCounter, &filesToExtract]() { const auto destDirFsPath = qstringToPath(destDir); ZipArchive archive(qstringToPath(archivePath)); for (auto const & file : filesToExtract) { if (!archive.extract(destDirFsPath, file)) return false; ++filesCounter; } return true; }); while(futureExtract.wait_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10)) != std::future_status::ready) { emit extractionProgress(filesCounter, filesToExtract.size()); qApp->processEvents(); } if(!futureExtract.get()) { removeModDir(destDir + modDirName); return addError(modname, tr("Failed to extract mod data")); } //rename folder and fix the path QDir extractedDir(destDir + modDirName); auto rc = QFile::rename(destDir + modDirName, destDir + modname); if (rc) extractedDir.setPath(destDir + modname); //there are possible excessive files - remove them QString upperLevel = modDirName.section('/', 0, 0); if(upperLevel != modDirName) removeModDir(destDir + upperLevel); CResourceHandler::get("initial")->updateFilteredFiles([](const std::string &) { return true; }); //loadMods(); //modList->reloadRepositories(); return true; } bool ModStateController::doUninstallMod(QString modname) { ResourcePath resID(std::string("Mods/") + modname.toStdString(), EResType::DIRECTORY); // Get location of the mod, in case-insensitive way QString modDir = pathToQString(*CResourceHandler::get()->getResourceName(resID)); if(!QDir(modDir).exists()) return addError(modname, tr("Data with this mod was not found")); QDir modFullDir(modDir); if(!removeModDir(modDir)) return addError(modname, tr("Mod is located in protected directory, please remove it manually:\n") + modFullDir.absolutePath()); CResourceHandler::get("initial")->updateFilteredFiles([](const std::string &){ return true; }); //loadMods(); //modList->reloadRepositories(); return true; } bool ModStateController::removeModDir(QString path) { // issues 2673 and 2680 its why you do not recursively remove without sanity check QDir checkDir(path); QDir dir(path); if(!checkDir.cdUp() || QString::compare("Mods", checkDir.dirName(), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) return false; #ifndef VCMI_MOBILE // ios and android applications are stored in the isolated container if(!checkDir.cdUp() || QString::compare("vcmi", checkDir.dirName(), Qt::CaseInsensitive)) return false; if(!dir.absolutePath().contains("vcmi", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) return false; #endif if(!dir.absolutePath().contains("Mods", Qt::CaseInsensitive)) return false; return dir.removeRecursively(); }