#pragma once /* * GameConstants.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ namespace GameConstants { const std::string VCMI_VERSION = "VCMI 0.87b"; /* * DATA_DIR contains the game data (Data/, MP3/, ...). * BIN_DIR is where the vcmiclient/vcmiserver binaries reside * LIB_DIR is where the AI libraries reside (linux only) */ #ifdef _WIN32 const std::string DATA_DIR = "."; const std::string BIN_DIR = "."; const std::string LIB_DIR = "."; const std::string SERVER_NAME = "VCMI_server.exe"; const std::string LIB_EXT = "dll"; const std::string PATH_SEPARATOR = "\\"; #else #ifndef M_DATA_DIR #error M_DATA_DIR undefined. #else const std::string DATA_DIR = M_DATA_DIR; #endif #ifndef M_BIN_DIR #error M_BIN_DIR undefined. #else const std::string BIN_DIR = M_BIN_DIR; #endif #ifndef M_LIB_DIR #error M_LIB_DIR undefined. #else const std::string LIB_DIR = M_LIB_DIR; #endif const std::string SERVER_NAME = "vcmiserver"; const std::string LIB_EXT = "so"; const std::string PATH_SEPARATOR = "/"; #endif const int BFIELD_WIDTH = 17; const int BFIELD_HEIGHT = 11; const int BFIELD_SIZE = BFIELD_WIDTH * BFIELD_HEIGHT; const int ARMY_SIZE = 7; const int BOATI_TYPE = 8; const int HEROI_TYPE = 34; const int TOWNI_TYPE = 98; const int SUBTERRANEAN_GATE_TYPE = 103; const int CREI_TYPE = 54; const int EVENTI_TYPE = 26; const int CREATURES_COUNT = 197; const int CRE_LEVELS = 10; const int F_NUMBER = 9; //factions (town types) quantity const int PLAYER_LIMIT = 8; //player limit per map const int ALL_PLAYERS = 255; //bitfield const int HEROES_PER_TYPE=8; //amount of heroes of each type const int SKILL_QUANTITY=28; const int SKILL_PER_HERO=8; const int ARTIFACTS_QUANTITY=171; const int HEROES_QUANTITY=156; const int SPELLS_QUANTITY=70; const int RESOURCE_QUANTITY=8; const int TERRAIN_TYPES=10; const int PRIMARY_SKILLS=4; const int NEUTRAL_PLAYER=255; const int NAMES_PER_TOWN=16; const int CREATURES_PER_TOWN = 7; //without upgrades const int MAX_BUILDING_PER_TURN = 1; const int SPELL_LEVELS = 5; const int CREEP_SIZE = 4000; // neutral stacks won't grow beyond this number const int WEEKLY_GROWTH = 10; //percent const int AVAILABLE_HEROES_PER_PLAYER = 2; const bool DWELLINGS_ACCUMULATE_CREATURES = false; const int SPELLBOOK_GOLD_COST = 500; const ui16 BACKPACK_START = 19; const int ID_CATAPULT = 3, ID_LOCK = 145; const ui16 CREATURE_ART = 0; //position in CCreatureArtifactSet //game modules const bool STACK_EXP = true; const bool STACK_ARTIFACT = true; //now toggle for testing const bool COMMANDERS = false; const bool MITHRIL = false; } // Enum declarations namespace EVictoryConditionType { enum EVictoryConditionType { ARTIFACT, GATHERTROOP, GATHERRESOURCE, BUILDCITY, BUILDGRAIL, BEATHERO, CAPTURECITY, BEATMONSTER, TAKEDWELLINGS, TAKEMINES, TRANSPORTITEM, WINSTANDARD = 255 }; } namespace ELossConditionType { enum ELossConditionType { LOSSCASTLE, LOSSHERO, TIMEEXPIRES, LOSSSTANDARD = 255 }; } namespace EAlignment { enum EAlignment { GOOD, EVIL, NEUTRAL }; } namespace EBuilding { //Quite useful as long as most of building mechanics hardcoded enum EBuilding { MAGES_GUILD_1, MAGES_GUILD_2, MAGES_GUILD_3, MAGES_GUILD_4, MAGES_GUILD_5, TAVERN, SHIPYARD, FORT, CITADEL, CASTLE, VILLAGE_HALL, TOWN_HALL, CITY_HALL, CAPITOL, MARKETPLACE, RESOURCE_SILO, BLACKSMITH, SPECIAL_1, HORDE_1, HORDE_1_UPGR, SHIP, SPECIAL_2, SPECIAL_3, SPECIAL_4, HORDE_2, HORDE_2_UPGR, GRAIL, EXTRA_CITY_HALL, EXTRA_TOWN_HALL, EXTRA_CAPITOL, DWELL_FIRST=30, DWELL_LAST=36, DWELL_UP_FIRST=37, DWELL_UP_LAST=43 }; } namespace EBuildingState { enum EBuildingState { HAVE_CAPITAL, NO_WATER, FORBIDDEN, ADD_MAGES_GUILD, ALREADY_PRESENT, CANT_BUILD_TODAY, NO_RESOURCES, ALLOWED, PREREQUIRES, BUILDING_ERROR }; } namespace ESpellCastProblem { enum ESpellCastProblem { OK, NO_HERO_TO_CAST_SPELL, ALREADY_CASTED_THIS_TURN, NO_SPELLBOOK, ANOTHER_ELEMENTAL_SUMMONED, HERO_DOESNT_KNOW_SPELL, NOT_ENOUGH_MANA, ADVMAP_SPELL_INSTEAD_OF_BATTLE_SPELL, SECOND_HEROS_SPELL_IMMUNITY, SPELL_LEVEL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, NO_SPELLS_TO_DISPEL, NO_APPROPRIATE_TARGET, STACK_IMMUNE_TO_SPELL, WRONG_SPELL_TARGET }; } namespace ECastingMode { enum ECastingMode {HERO_CASTING, AFTER_ATTACK_CASTING, //also includes cast before attack MAGIC_MIRROR, CREATURE_ACTIVE_CASTING, ENCHANTER_CASTING}; } namespace EMarketMode { enum EMarketMode { RESOURCE_RESOURCE, RESOURCE_PLAYER, CREATURE_RESOURCE, RESOURCE_ARTIFACT, ARTIFACT_RESOURCE, ARTIFACT_EXP, CREATURE_EXP, CREATURE_UNDEAD, RESOURCE_SKILL, MARTKET_AFTER_LAST_PLACEHOLDER }; } namespace EBattleStackState { enum EBattleStackState{ALIVE = 180, SUMMONED, CLONED, HAD_MORALE, WAITING, MOVED, DEFENDING, FEAR}; } // Typedef declarations typedef si64 expType; typedef ui32 TSpell; typedef std::pair TDmgRange; typedef ui8 TBonusType; typedef si32 TBonusSubtype; typedef si32 TSlot; typedef si32 TQuantity; typedef ui32 TCreature; //creature id