/* * ERMInterpreter.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "ERMInterpreter.h" #include namespace spirit = boost::spirit; using ::scripting::ContextBase; using namespace ::VERMInterpreter; typedef int TUnusedType; namespace ERMConverter { //console printer using namespace ERM; static const std::map CMP_OPERATION = { {"<", "<"}, {">", ">"}, {">=", ">="}, {"=>", ">="}, {"<=", "<="}, {"=<", "<="}, {"=", "=="}, {"<>", "~="}, {"><", "~="}, }; struct Variable { std::string name = ""; std::string macro = ""; int index = 0; Variable(const std::string & name_, int index_) { name = name_; index = index_; } Variable(const std::string & macro_) { macro = macro_; } bool isEmpty() const { return (name == "") && (macro == ""); } bool isMacro() const { return (name == "") && (macro != ""); } bool isSpecial() const { return (name.size() > 0) && (name[0] == 'd'); } std::string str() const { if(isEmpty()) { return std::to_string(index); } else if(isMacro()) { return boost::to_string(boost::format("M['%s']") % macro); } else if(isSpecial() && (name.size() == 1)) { boost::format fmt; fmt.parse("{'d', %d}"); fmt % index; return fmt.str(); } else if(isSpecial() && (name.size() != 1)) { std::string ret; { boost::format fmt; if(index == 0) { fmt.parse("Q['%s']"); fmt % name[name.size()-1]; } else { fmt.parse("%s['%d']"); fmt % name[name.size()-1] % index; } ret = fmt.str(); } for(int i = ((int) name.size())-2; i > 0; i--) { boost::format fmt("%s[tostring(%s)]"); fmt % name[i] % ret; ret = fmt.str(); } { boost::format fmt; fmt.parse("{'d', %s}"); fmt % ret; return fmt.str(); } } else { std::string ret; { boost::format fmt; if(index == 0) { fmt.parse("Q['%s']"); fmt % name[name.size()-1]; } else { fmt.parse("%s['%d']"); fmt % name[name.size()-1] % index; } ret = fmt.str(); } for(int i = ((int) name.size())-2; i >= 0; i--) { boost::format fmt("%s[tostring(%s)]"); fmt % name[i] % ret; ret = fmt.str(); } return ret; } } }; struct LVL2IexpToVar : boost::static_visitor { LVL2IexpToVar() = default; Variable operator()(const TVarExpNotMacro & val) const { if(val.val.is_initialized()) return Variable(val.varsym, val.val.get()); else return Variable(val.varsym, 0); } Variable operator()(const TMacroUsage & val) const { return Variable(val.macro); } }; struct LVL1IexpToVar : boost::static_visitor { LVL1IexpToVar() = default; Variable operator()(int const & constant) const { return Variable("", constant); } Variable operator()(const TVarExp & var) const { return boost::apply_visitor(LVL2IexpToVar(), var); } }; struct Condition : public boost::static_visitor { Condition() {} std::string operator()(const TComparison & cmp) const { Variable lhs = boost::apply_visitor(LVL1IexpToVar(), cmp.lhs); Variable rhs = boost::apply_visitor(LVL1IexpToVar(), cmp.rhs); auto sign = CMP_OPERATION.find(cmp.compSign); if(sign == std::end(CMP_OPERATION)) throw EScriptExecError(std::string("Wrong comparison sign: ") + cmp.compSign); boost::format fmt("(%s %s %s)"); fmt % lhs.str() % sign->second % rhs.str(); return fmt.str(); } std::string operator()(int const & flag) const { return boost::to_string(boost::format("F['%d']") % flag); } }; struct ParamIO { ParamIO() = default; std::string name = ""; bool isInput = false; bool semi = false; std::string semiCmpSign = ""; }; struct Converter : public boost::static_visitor<> { mutable std::ostream * out; Converter(std::ostream * out_) : out(out_) {} protected: void put(const std::string & text) const { (*out) << text; } void putLine(const std::string & line) const { (*out) << line << std::endl; } void endLine() const { (*out) << std::endl; } }; struct GetBodyOption : public boost::static_visitor { GetBodyOption() {} virtual std::string operator()(const TVarConcatString & cmp) const { throw EScriptExecError("String concatenation not allowed in this receiver"); } virtual std::string operator()(const TStringConstant & cmp) const { throw EScriptExecError("String constant not allowed in this receiver"); } virtual std::string operator()(const TCurriedString & cmp) const { throw EScriptExecError("Curried string not allowed in this receiver"); } virtual std::string operator()(const TSemiCompare & cmp) const { throw EScriptExecError("Semi comparison not allowed in this receiver"); } virtual std::string operator()(const TMacroDef & cmp) const { throw EScriptExecError("Macro definition not allowed in this receiver"); } virtual std::string operator()(const TIexp & cmp) const { throw EScriptExecError("i-expression not allowed in this receiver"); } virtual std::string operator()(const TVarpExp & cmp) const { throw EScriptExecError("Varp expression not allowed in this receiver"); } virtual std::string operator()(const spirit::unused_type & cmp) const { throw EScriptExecError("\'Nothing\' not allowed in this receiver"); } }; struct BodyOption : public boost::static_visitor { ParamIO operator()(const TVarConcatString & cmp) const { throw EScriptExecError(std::string("String concatenation not allowed in this receiver|")+cmp.string.str+"|"); } ParamIO operator()(const TStringConstant & cmp) const { boost::format fmt("[===[%s]===]"); fmt % cmp.str; ParamIO ret; ret.isInput = true; ret.name = fmt.str(); return ret; } ParamIO operator()(const TCurriedString & cmp) const { throw EScriptExecError("Curried string not allowed in this receiver"); } ParamIO operator()(const TSemiCompare & cmp) const { ParamIO ret; ret.isInput = false; ret.semi = true; ret.semiCmpSign = cmp.compSign; ret.name = (boost::apply_visitor(LVL1IexpToVar(), cmp.rhs)).str(); return ret; } ParamIO operator()(const TMacroDef & cmp) const { throw EScriptExecError("Macro definition not allowed in this receiver"); } ParamIO operator()(const TIexp & cmp) const { ParamIO ret; ret.isInput = true; ret.name = (boost::apply_visitor(LVL1IexpToVar(), cmp)).str();; return ret; } ParamIO operator()(const TVarpExp & cmp) const { ParamIO ret; ret.isInput = false; ret.name = (boost::apply_visitor(LVL2IexpToVar(), cmp.var)).str(); return ret; } ParamIO operator()(const spirit::unused_type & cmp) const { throw EScriptExecError("\'Nothing\' not allowed in this receiver"); } }; struct Receiver : public Converter { Receiver(std::ostream * out_) : Converter(out_) {} virtual void operator()(const TVRLogic & trig) const { throw EInterpreterError("VR logic is not allowed in this receiver!"); } virtual void operator()(const TVRArithmetic & trig) const { throw EInterpreterError("VR arithmetic is not allowed in this receiver!"); } virtual void operator()(const TNormalBodyOption & trig) const { throw EInterpreterError("Normal body is not allowed in this receiver!"); } }; struct GenericReceiver : public Receiver { std::string name; bool specialSemiCompare = false; GenericReceiver(std::ostream * out_, const std::string & name_, bool specialSemiCompare_) : Receiver(out_), name(name_), specialSemiCompare(specialSemiCompare_) {} using Receiver::operator(); void operator()(const TNormalBodyOption & trig) const override { std::string outParams; std::string inParams; std::string semiCompareDecl; std::vector compares; bool hasOutput = false; bool hasSemiCompare = false; std::vector optionParams; if(trig.params.is_initialized()) { for(auto & p : trig.params.get()) optionParams.push_back(boost::apply_visitor(BodyOption(), p)); } int idx = 1; int fidx = 1; for(const ParamIO & p : optionParams) { if(p.isInput) { if(outParams.empty()) outParams = "_"; else outParams += ", _"; inParams += ", "; inParams += p.name; } else if(p.semi) { hasOutput = true; hasSemiCompare = true; std::string tempVar = std::string("s")+std::to_string(idx); if(semiCompareDecl.empty()) { semiCompareDecl = "local "+tempVar; } else { semiCompareDecl += ", "; semiCompareDecl += tempVar; } if(outParams.empty()) { outParams = tempVar; } else { outParams += ", "; outParams += tempVar; } inParams += ", nil"; auto sign = CMP_OPERATION.find(p.semiCmpSign); if(sign == std::end(CMP_OPERATION)) throw EScriptExecError(std::string("Wrong comparison sign: ") + p.semiCmpSign); boost::format cmpFmt("F[%d] = (%s %s %s)"); cmpFmt % fidx % p.name % sign->second % tempVar; compares.push_back(cmpFmt.str()); fidx++; } else { hasOutput = true; if(outParams.empty()) { outParams = p.name; } else { outParams += ", "; outParams += p.name; } inParams += ", nil"; } idx++; } if(hasSemiCompare) { putLine(semiCompareDecl); } boost::format callFormat; if(hasOutput) { callFormat.parse("%s = %s:%s(x%s)"); callFormat % outParams; } else { callFormat.parse("%s:%s(x%s)"); } callFormat % name; callFormat % trig.optionCode; callFormat % inParams; putLine(callFormat.str()); for(auto & str : compares) putLine(str); } }; struct FU : public Receiver { Variable v; FU(std::ostream * out_, const ERM::TIexp & tid) : Receiver(out_), v(boost::apply_visitor(LVL1IexpToVar(), tid)) { } FU(std::ostream * out_) : Receiver(out_), v("", 0) { } using Receiver::operator(); void operator()(const TNormalBodyOption & trig) const override { switch(trig.optionCode) { case 'E': { putLine("do return end"); } break; default: throw EInterpreterError("Unknown opcode in FU receiver"); break; } } }; struct MC_S : public GetBodyOption { MC_S() {} using GetBodyOption::operator(); std::string operator()(const TMacroDef & cmp) const override { return cmp.macro; } }; struct MC : public Receiver { Variable v; MC(std::ostream * out_, const ERM::TIexp & tid) : Receiver(out_), v(boost::apply_visitor(LVL1IexpToVar(), tid)) { } MC(std::ostream * out_) : Receiver(out_), v("", 0) { } using Receiver::operator(); void operator()(const TNormalBodyOption & option) const override { switch(option.optionCode) { case 'S': { if(option.params.is_initialized()) { for(auto & p : option.params.get()) { std::string macroName = boost::apply_visitor(MC_S(), p); boost::format callFormat; if(v.isEmpty()) { callFormat.parse("ERM:addMacro('%s', 'v', '%s')"); callFormat % macroName % macroName; } else { callFormat.parse("ERM:addMacro('%s', '%s', '%d')"); callFormat % macroName % v.name % v.index; } putLine(callFormat.str()); } } } break; default: throw EInterpreterError("Unknown opcode in MC receiver"); break; } } }; struct VR_S : public GetBodyOption { VR_S() {} using GetBodyOption::operator(); std::string operator()(const TIexp & cmp) const override { auto v = boost::apply_visitor(LVL1IexpToVar(), cmp); return v.str(); } std::string operator()(const TStringConstant & cmp) const override { boost::format fmt("[===[%s]===]"); fmt % cmp.str; return fmt.str(); } }; struct VR_H : public GetBodyOption { VR_H() {} using GetBodyOption::operator(); std::string operator()(const TIexp & cmp) const override { Variable p = boost::apply_visitor(LVL1IexpToVar(), cmp); if(p.index <= 0) throw EScriptExecError("VR:H requires flag index"); if(p.name != "") throw EScriptExecError("VR:H accept only flag index"); boost::format fmt("'%d'"); fmt % p.index; return fmt.str(); } }; struct VR_X : public GetBodyOption { VR_X() { } using GetBodyOption::operator(); std::string operator()(const TIexp & cmp) const override { Variable p = boost::apply_visitor(LVL1IexpToVar(), cmp); return p.str(); } }; struct VR : public Receiver { Variable v; VR(std::ostream * out_, const ERM::TIexp & tid) : Receiver(out_), v(boost::apply_visitor(LVL1IexpToVar(), tid)) { } using Receiver::operator(); void operator()(const TVRLogic & trig) const override { Variable rhs = boost::apply_visitor(LVL1IexpToVar(), trig.var); std::string opcode; switch (trig.opcode) { case '&': opcode = "bit.band"; break; case '|': opcode = "bit.bor"; break; default: throw EInterpreterError("Wrong opcode in VR logic expression!"); break; } boost::format fmt("%s = %s(%s, %s)"); fmt % v.str() % opcode % v.str() % rhs.str(); putLine(fmt.str()); } void operator()(const TVRArithmetic & trig) const override { Variable rhs = boost::apply_visitor(LVL1IexpToVar(), trig.rhs); std::string opcode; switch (trig.opcode) { case '+': opcode = v.name[0] == 'z' ? ".." : "+"; break; case '-': case '*': case '%': opcode = trig.opcode; break; case ':': opcode = "/"; break; default: throw EInterpreterError("Wrong opcode in VR arithmetic!"); break; } boost::format fmt("%s = %s %s %s"); fmt % v.str() % v.str() % opcode % rhs.str(); putLine(fmt.str()); } void operator()(const TNormalBodyOption & trig) const override { switch(trig.optionCode) { case 'C': //setting/checking v vars { if(v.index <= 0) throw EScriptExecError("VR:C requires indexed variable"); std::vector optionParams; if(trig.params.is_initialized()) { for(auto & p : trig.params.get()) optionParams.push_back(boost::apply_visitor(BodyOption(), p)); } auto index = v.index; for(auto & p : optionParams) { boost::format fmt; if(p.isInput) fmt.parse("%s['%d'] = %s") % v.name % index % p.name; else fmt.parse("%s = %s['%d']") % p.name % v.name % index; putLine(fmt.str()); index++; } } break; case 'H': //checking if string is empty { if(!trig.params.is_initialized() || trig.params.get().size() != 1) throw EScriptExecError("VR:H option takes exactly 1 parameter!"); std::string opt = boost::apply_visitor(VR_H(), trig.params.get()[0]); boost::format fmt("ERM.VR(%s):H(%s)"); fmt % v.str() % opt; putLine(fmt.str()); } break; case 'U': { if(!trig.params.is_initialized() || trig.params.get().size() != 1) throw EScriptExecError("VR:H/U need 1 parameter!"); std::string opt = boost::apply_visitor(VR_S(), trig.params.get()[0]); boost::format fmt("ERM.VR(%s):%c(%s)"); fmt % v.str() % (trig.optionCode) % opt; putLine(fmt.str()); } break; case 'M': //string operations { if(!trig.params.is_initialized() || trig.params.get().size() < 2) throw EScriptExecError("VR:M needs at least 2 parameters!"); std::string opt = boost::apply_visitor(VR_X(), trig.params.get()[0]); int paramIndex = 1; if(opt == "3") { boost::format fmt("%s = ERM.VR(%s):M3("); fmt % v.str() % v.str(); put(fmt.str()); } else { auto target = boost::apply_visitor(VR_X(), trig.params.get()[paramIndex++]); boost::format fmt("%s = ERM.VR(%s):M%s("); fmt % target % v.str() % opt; put(fmt.str()); } for(int i = paramIndex; i < trig.params.get().size(); i++) { opt = boost::apply_visitor(VR_X(), trig.params.get()[i]); if(i > paramIndex) put(","); put(opt); } putLine(")"); } break; case 'X': //bit xor { if(!trig.params.is_initialized() || trig.params.get().size() != 1) throw EScriptExecError("VR:X option takes exactly 1 parameter!"); std::string opt = boost::apply_visitor(VR_X(), trig.params.get()[0]); boost::format fmt("%s = bit.bxor(%s, %s)"); fmt % v.str() % v.str() % opt;putLine(fmt.str()); } break; case 'R': //random variables { //TODO putLine("--VR:R not implemented"); } break; case 'S': //setting variable { if(!trig.params.is_initialized() || trig.params.get().size() != 1) throw EScriptExecError("VR:S option takes exactly 1 parameter!"); std::string opt = boost::apply_visitor(VR_S(), trig.params.get()[0]); put(v.str()); put(" = "); put(opt); endLine(); } break; case 'T': //random variables { //TODO putLine("--VR:T not implemented"); } break; case 'V': //convert string to value { if(!trig.params.is_initialized() || trig.params.get().size() != 1) throw EScriptExecError("VR:V option takes exactly 1 parameter!"); std::string opt = boost::apply_visitor(VR_X(), trig.params.get()[0]); boost::format fmt("%s = tostring(%s)"); fmt % v.str() % opt; putLine(fmt.str()); } break; default: throw EScriptExecError("Wrong VR receiver option!"); break; } } }; struct ERMExp : public Converter { ERMExp(std::ostream * out_) : Converter(out_) {} template void performBody(const boost::optional & body, const Visitor & visitor) const { if(body.is_initialized()) { const ERM::Tbody & bo = body.get(); for(int g=0; g & identifier, const boost::optional & body) const { if(name == "VR") { if(!identifier.is_initialized()) throw EScriptExecError("VR receiver requires arguments"); ERM::Tidentifier tid = identifier.get(); if(tid.size() != 1) throw EScriptExecError("VR receiver takes exactly 1 argument"); performBody(body, VR(out, tid[0])); } else if(name == "re") { if(!identifier.is_initialized()) throw EScriptExecError("re receiver requires arguments"); ERM::Tidentifier tid = identifier.get(); auto argc = tid.size(); if(argc > 0) { std::string loopCounter = (boost::apply_visitor(LVL1IexpToVar(), tid.at(0))).str(); std::string startVal = argc > 1 ? (boost::apply_visitor(LVL1IexpToVar(), tid.at(1))).str() : loopCounter; std::string stopVal = argc > 2 ? (boost::apply_visitor(LVL1IexpToVar(), tid.at(2))).str() : loopCounter; std::string increment = argc > 3 ? (boost::apply_visitor(LVL1IexpToVar(), tid.at(3))).str() : "1"; boost::format fmt("for __iter = %s, %s, %s do"); fmt % startVal % stopVal % increment; putLine(fmt.str()); fmt.parse("%s = __iter"); fmt % loopCounter; putLine(fmt.str()); } else { throw EScriptExecError("re receiver requires arguments"); } } else if(name == "FU" && !identifier.is_initialized()) { performBody(body, FU(out)); //assume FU:E } else if(name == "MC") { if(identifier.is_initialized()) { ERM::Tidentifier tid = identifier.get(); if(tid.size() != 1) throw EScriptExecError("MC receiver takes no more than 1 argument"); performBody(body, MC(out, tid[0])); } else { performBody(body, MC(out)); } } else { std::vector identifiers; if(identifier.is_initialized()) { for(const auto & id : identifier.get()) { Variable v = boost::apply_visitor(LVL1IexpToVar(), id); if(v.isSpecial()) throw ELineProblem("Special variable syntax ('d') is not allowed in receiver identifier"); identifiers.push_back(v.str()); } } std::string params; for(auto iter = std::begin(identifiers); iter != std::end(identifiers); ++iter) { if(!params.empty()) params += ", "; params += *iter; } if(body.is_initialized()) { const ERM::Tbody & bo = body.get(); if(bo.size() == 1) { boost::format fmt("ERM.%s(%s)"); fmt % name; fmt % params; GenericReceiver receiver(out, fmt.str(), (name == "DO")); bo[0].apply_visitor(receiver); } else { putLine("do"); boost::format fmt("local %s = ERM.%s(%s)"); fmt % name; fmt % name; fmt % params; putLine(fmt.str()); performBody(body, GenericReceiver(out, name, (name=="DO") )); putLine("end"); } } else { //is it an error? logMod->warn("ERM receiver '%s %s' w/o body", name, params); } } } void convertConditionInner(const Tcondition & cond, char op) const { std::string lhs = boost::apply_visitor(Condition(), cond.cond); if(cond.ctype != '/') op = cond.ctype; switch (op) { case '&': put(" and "); break; case '|': put(" or "); break; default: throw EInterpreterProblem(std::string("Wrong condition connection (") + cond.ctype + ") !"); break; } put(lhs); if(cond.rhs.is_initialized()) { switch (op) { case '&': case '|': break; default: throw EInterpreterProblem(std::string("Wrong condition connection (") + cond.ctype + ") !"); break; } convertConditionInner(cond.rhs.get().get(), op); } } void convertCondition(const Tcondition & cond) const { //&c1/c2/c3|c4/c5/c6 -> (c1 & c2 & c3) | c4 | c5 | c6 std::string lhs = boost::apply_visitor(Condition(), cond.cond); put("if "); put(lhs); if(cond.rhs.is_initialized()) { switch (cond.ctype) { case '&': case '|': break; default: throw EInterpreterProblem(std::string("Wrong condition connection (") + cond.ctype + ") !"); break; } convertConditionInner(cond.rhs.get().get(), cond.ctype); } putLine(" then "); } void convertReceiverOrInstruction(const boost::optional & condition, const std::string & name, const boost::optional & identifier, const boost::optional & body) const { if(name=="if") { if(condition.is_initialized()) convertCondition(condition.get()); else putLine("if true then"); } else if(name=="el") { putLine("else"); } else if(name=="en") { putLine("end"); } else { if(condition.is_initialized()) { convertCondition(condition.get()); convert(name, identifier, body); putLine("end"); } else { convert(name, identifier, body); } } } void operator()(const Ttrigger & trig) const { throw EInterpreterError("Triggers cannot be executed!"); } void operator()(const TPostTrigger & trig) const { throw EInterpreterError("Post-triggers cannot be executed!"); } void operator()(const Tinstruction & trig) const { convertReceiverOrInstruction(trig.condition, trig.name, trig.identifier, boost::make_optional(trig.body)); } void operator()(const Treceiver & trig) const { convertReceiverOrInstruction(trig.condition, trig.name, trig.identifier, trig.body); } }; struct Command : public Converter { Command(std::ostream * out_) : Converter(out_) {} void operator()(const Tcommand & cmd) const { boost::apply_visitor(ERMExp(out), cmd.cmd); } void operator()(const std::string & comment) const { (*out) << "-- " << comment; endLine(); } void operator()(spirit::unused_type const &) const { } }; struct TLiteralEval : public boost::static_visitor { std::string operator()(char const & val) { return "{\"'\",'"+ std::to_string(val) +"'}"; } std::string operator()(double const & val) { return std::to_string(val); } std::string operator()(int const & val) { return std::to_string(val); } std::string operator()(const std::string & val) { return "{\"'\",[===[" + val + "]===]}"; } }; struct VOptionEval : public Converter { VOptionEval(std::ostream * out_) : Converter(out_) {} void operator()(VNIL const & opt) const { (*out) << "{}"; } void operator()(VNode const & opt) const; void operator()(VSymbol const & opt) const { (*out) << "\"" << opt.text << "\""; } void operator()(TLiteral const & opt) const { TLiteralEval tmp; (*out) << boost::apply_visitor(tmp, opt); } void operator()(ERM::Tcommand const & opt) const { //this is how FP works, evaluation == producing side effects //TODO: can we evaluate to smth more useful? //??? throw EVermScriptExecError("Using ERM options in VERM expression is not (yet) allowed"); // boost::apply_visitor(ERMExp(out), opt.cmd); } }; void VOptionEval::operator()(VNode const& opt) const { VNode tmpn(opt); (*out) << "{"; for(VOption & op : tmpn.children) { boost::apply_visitor(VOptionEval(out), op); (*out) << ","; } (*out) << "}"; } struct Line : public Converter { Line(std::ostream * out_) : Converter(out_) {} void operator()(TVExp const & cmd) const { put("VERM:E"); VNode line(cmd); VOptionEval eval(out); eval(line); endLine(); } void operator()(TERMline const & cmd) const { boost::apply_visitor(Command(out), cmd); } }; void convertInstructions(std::ostream & out, ERMInterpreter * owner) { out << "local function instructions()" << std::endl; out << "local e, x, y = {}, {}, {}" << std::endl; Line lineConverter(&out); for(const LinePointer & lp : owner->instructions) { ERM::TLine & line = owner->retrieveLine(lp); boost::apply_visitor(lineConverter, line); } out << "end" << std::endl; } void convertFunctions(std::ostream & out, ERMInterpreter * owner, const std::vector & triggers) { Line lineConverter(&out); for(const VERMInterpreter::Trigger & trigger : triggers) { ERM::TLine & firstLine = owner->retrieveLine(trigger.line); const ERM::TTriggerBase & trig = ERMInterpreter::retrieveTrigger(firstLine); //TODO: condition out << "ERM:addTrigger({" << std::endl; if(!trig.identifier.is_initialized()) throw EInterpreterError("Function must have identifier"); ERM::Tidentifier tid = trig.identifier.get(); if(tid.size() == 0) throw EInterpreterError("Function must have identifier"); Variable v = boost::apply_visitor(LVL1IexpToVar(), tid[0]); if(v.isSpecial()) throw ELineProblem("Special variable syntax ('d') is not allowed in function definition"); out << "id = {" << v.str() << "}," << std::endl; out << "name = 'FU'," << std::endl; out << "fn = function (e, y, x)" << std::endl; out << "local _" << std::endl; LinePointer lp = trigger.line; ++lp; for(; lp.isValid(); ++lp) { ERM::TLine curLine = owner->retrieveLine(lp); if(owner->isATrigger(curLine)) break; boost::apply_visitor(lineConverter, curLine); } out << "end," << std::endl; out << "})" << std::endl; } } void convertTriggers(std::ostream & out, ERMInterpreter * owner, const VERMInterpreter::TriggerType & type, const std::vector & triggers) { Line lineConverter(&out); for(const VERMInterpreter::Trigger & trigger : triggers) { ERM::TLine & firstLine = owner->retrieveLine(trigger.line); const ERM::TTriggerBase & trig = ERMInterpreter::retrieveTrigger(firstLine); //TODO: condition out << "ERM:addTrigger({" << std::endl; std::vector identifiers; if(trig.identifier.is_initialized()) { for(const auto & id : trig.identifier.get()) { Variable v = boost::apply_visitor(LVL1IexpToVar(), id); if(v.isSpecial()) throw ELineProblem("Special variable syntax ('d') is not allowed in trigger definition"); identifiers.push_back(v.str()); } } out << "id = {"; for(const auto & id : identifiers) out << "'" << id << "',"; out << "}," << std::endl; out << "name = '" << trig.name << "'," << std::endl; out << "fn = function (e, y)" << std::endl; out << "local _" << std::endl; LinePointer lp = trigger.line; ++lp; for(; lp.isValid(); ++lp) { ERM::TLine curLine = owner->retrieveLine(lp); if(owner->isATrigger(curLine)) break; boost::apply_visitor(lineConverter, curLine); } out << "end," << std::endl; out << "})" << std::endl; } } } struct ScriptScanner : boost::static_visitor<> { ERMInterpreter * interpreter; LinePointer lp; ScriptScanner(ERMInterpreter * interpr, const LinePointer & _lp) : interpreter(interpr), lp(_lp) {} void operator()(TVExp const& cmd) const { // } void operator()(TERMline const& cmd) const { if(cmd.which() == 0) //TCommand { Tcommand tcmd = boost::get(cmd); switch (tcmd.cmd.which()) { case 0: //trigger { Trigger trig; trig.line = lp; interpreter->triggers[ TriggerType(boost::get(tcmd.cmd).name) ].push_back(trig); } break; case 1: //instruction { interpreter->instructions.push_back(lp); } break; case 3: //post trigger { Trigger trig; trig.line = lp; interpreter->postTriggers[ TriggerType(boost::get(tcmd.cmd).name) ].push_back(trig); } break; default: break; } } } }; ERMInterpreter::ERMInterpreter(vstd::CLoggerBase * logger_) : logger(logger_) { } ERMInterpreter::~ERMInterpreter() { } bool ERMInterpreter::isATrigger( const ERM::TLine & line ) { switch(line.which()) { case 0: //v-exp { TVExp vexp = boost::get(line); if(vexp.children.size() == 0) return false; switch (getExpType(vexp.children[0])) { case SYMBOL: return false; break; case TCMD: return isCMDATrigger( boost::get(vexp.children[0]) ); break; default: return false; break; } } break; case 1: //erm { TERMline ermline = boost::get(line); switch(ermline.which()) { case 0: //tcmd return isCMDATrigger( boost::get(ermline) ); break; default: return false; break; } } break; default: assert(0); //it should never happen break; } assert(0); return false; } ERM::EVOtions ERMInterpreter::getExpType(const ERM::TVOption & opt) { //MAINTENANCE: keep it correct! return static_cast(opt.which()); } bool ERMInterpreter::isCMDATrigger(const ERM::Tcommand & cmd) { switch (cmd.cmd.which()) { case 0: //trigger case 3: //post trigger return true; break; default: return false; break; } } ERM::TLine & ERMInterpreter::retrieveLine(const LinePointer & linePtr) { return scripts.find(linePtr)->second; } ERM::TTriggerBase & ERMInterpreter::retrieveTrigger(ERM::TLine & line) { if(line.which() == 1) { ERM::TERMline &tl = boost::get(line); if(tl.which() == 0) { ERM::Tcommand &tcm = boost::get(tl); if(tcm.cmd.which() == 0) { return boost::get(tcm.cmd); } else if(tcm.cmd.which() == 3) { return boost::get(tcm.cmd); } throw ELineProblem("Given line is not a trigger!"); } throw ELineProblem("Given line is not a command!"); } throw ELineProblem("Given line is not an ERM trigger!"); } std::string ERMInterpreter::loadScript(const std::string & name, const std::string & source) { CERMPreprocessor preproc(source); const bool isVERM = preproc.version == CERMPreprocessor::Version::VERM; ERMParser ep; std::vector buf = ep.parseFile(preproc); for(int g=0; g(buf.size()), g, buf[g].realLineNum)] = buf[g].tl; for(auto p : scripts) boost::apply_visitor(ScriptScanner(this, p.first), p.second); std::stringstream out; out << "local ERM = require(\"core:erm\")" << std::endl; if(isVERM) { out << "local VERM = require(\"core:verm\")" << std::endl; } out << "local _" << std::endl; out << "local v, w, z, F, M, Q = ERM.v, ERM.w, ERM.z, ERM.F, ERM.M, ERM.Q" << std::endl; ERMConverter::convertInstructions(out, this); for(const auto & p : triggers) { const VERMInterpreter::TriggerType & tt = p.first; if(tt.type == VERMInterpreter::TriggerType::FU) { ERMConverter::convertFunctions(out, this, p.second); } else { ERMConverter::convertTriggers(out, this, tt, p.second); } } for(const auto & p : postTriggers) ;//TODO:postTriggers out << "ERM:callInstructions(instructions)" << std::endl; return out.str(); } namespace VERMInterpreter { VOption convertToVOption(const ERM::TVOption & tvo) { return boost::apply_visitor(OptionConverterVisitor(), tvo); } VNode::VNode( const ERM::TVExp & exp ) { for(int i=0; i & modifierList, bool asSymbol ) { for(int g=0; g0; i--) { children[i] = children[i-1]; } } else { children.cdr() = VNode(children); } if(modifierList[g] == "`") { children.car() = VSymbol("`"); } else if(modifierList[g] == ",!") { children.car() = VSymbol("comma-unlist"); } else if(modifierList[g] == ",") { children.car() = VSymbol(","); } else if(modifierList[g] == "#'") { children.car() = VSymbol("get-func"); } else if(modifierList[g] == "'") { children.car() = VSymbol("'"); } else throw EInterpreterError("Incorrect value of modifier!"); } } VermTreeIterator & VermTreeIterator::operator=( const VOption & opt ) { switch (state) { case CAR: if(parent->size() <= basePos) parent->push_back(opt); else (*parent)[basePos] = opt; break; case NORM: parent->resize(basePos+1); (*parent)[basePos] = opt; break; default://should never happen break; } return *this; } VermTreeIterator & VermTreeIterator::operator=( const std::vector & opt ) { switch (state) { case CAR: //TODO: implement me break; case NORM: parent->resize(basePos+1); parent->insert(parent->begin()+basePos, opt.begin(), opt.end()); break; default://should never happen break; } return *this; } VermTreeIterator & VermTreeIterator::operator=( const VOptionList & opt ) { return *this = opt; } VOption & VermTreeIterator::getAsItem() { if(state == CAR) return (*parent)[basePos]; else throw EInterpreterError("iterator is not in car state, cannot get as list"); } size_t VermTreeIterator::size() const { return parent->size() - basePos; } VERMInterpreter::VOptionList VermTreeIterator::getAsList() { VOptionList ret; for(int g = basePos; gsize(); ++g) { ret.push_back((*parent)[g]); } return ret; } VOption OptionConverterVisitor::operator()( ERM::TVExp const& cmd ) const { return VNode(cmd); } VOption OptionConverterVisitor::operator()( ERM::TSymbol const& cmd ) const { if(cmd.symModifier.size() == 0) return VSymbol(cmd.sym); else return VNode(cmd); } VOption OptionConverterVisitor::operator()( char const& cmd ) const { return TLiteral(cmd); } VOption OptionConverterVisitor::operator()( double const& cmd ) const { return TLiteral(cmd); } VOption OptionConverterVisitor::operator()(int const& cmd) const { return TLiteral(cmd); } VOption OptionConverterVisitor::operator()(ERM::Tcommand const& cmd) const { return cmd; } VOption OptionConverterVisitor::operator()( ERM::TStringConstant const& cmd ) const { return TLiteral(cmd.str); } VermTreeIterator VOptionList::cdr() { VermTreeIterator ret(*this); ret.basePos = 1; return ret; } VermTreeIterator VOptionList::car() { VermTreeIterator ret(*this); ret.state = VermTreeIterator::CAR; return ret; } }