/* * CMapHeader.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #pragma once #include "../modding/CModVersion.h" #include "../LogicalExpression.h" #include "../int3.h" #include "../MetaString.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class CGObjectInstance; enum class EMapFormat : uint8_t; using ModCompatibilityInfo = std::map; /// The hero name struct consists of the hero id and the hero name. struct DLL_LINKAGE SHeroName { SHeroName(); int heroId; std::string heroName; template void serialize(Handler & h, const int version) { h & heroId; h & heroName; } }; /// The player info constains data about which factions are allowed, AI tactical settings, /// the main hero name, where to generate the hero, whether the faction should be selected randomly,... struct DLL_LINKAGE PlayerInfo { PlayerInfo(); /// Gets the default faction id or -1 for a random faction. si8 defaultCastle() const; /// Gets the default hero id or -1 for a random hero. si8 defaultHero() const; bool canAnyonePlay() const; bool hasCustomMainHero() const; bool canHumanPlay; bool canComputerPlay; EAiTactic aiTactic; /// The default value is EAiTactic::RANDOM. std::set allowedFactions; bool isFactionRandom; ///main hero instance (VCMI maps only) std::string mainHeroInstance; /// Player has a random main hero bool hasRandomHero; /// The default value is -1. si32 mainCustomHeroPortrait; std::string mainCustomHeroName; /// ID of custom hero (only if portrait and hero name are set, otherwise unpredicted value), -1 if none (not always -1) si32 mainCustomHeroId; std::vector heroesNames; /// list of placed heroes on the map bool hasMainTown; /// The default value is false. bool generateHeroAtMainTown; /// The default value is false. int3 posOfMainTown; TeamID team; /// The default value NO_TEAM template void serialize(Handler & h, const int version) { h & hasRandomHero; h & mainCustomHeroId; h & canHumanPlay; h & canComputerPlay; h & aiTactic; h & allowedFactions; h & isFactionRandom; h & mainCustomHeroPortrait; h & mainCustomHeroName; h & heroesNames; h & hasMainTown; h & generateHeroAtMainTown; h & posOfMainTown; h & team; h & mainHeroInstance; } }; /// The loss condition describes the condition to lose the game. (e.g. lose all own heroes/castles) struct DLL_LINKAGE EventCondition { enum EWinLoseType { //internal use, deprecated HAVE_ARTIFACT, // type - required artifact HAVE_CREATURES, // type - creatures to collect, value - amount to collect HAVE_RESOURCES, // type - resource ID, value - amount to collect HAVE_BUILDING, // position - town, optional, type - building to build CONTROL, // position - position of object, optional, type - type of object DESTROY, // position - position of object, optional, type - type of object TRANSPORT, // position - where artifact should be transported, type - type of artifact //map format version pre 1.0 DAYS_PASSED, // value - number of days from start of the game IS_HUMAN, // value - 0 = player is AI, 1 = player is human DAYS_WITHOUT_TOWN, // value - how long player can live without town, 0=instakill STANDARD_WIN, // normal defeat all enemies condition CONST_VALUE, // condition that always evaluates to "value" (0 = false, 1 = true) //map format version 1.0+ HAVE_0, HAVE_BUILDING_0, DESTROY_0 }; EventCondition(EWinLoseType condition = STANDARD_WIN); EventCondition(EWinLoseType condition, si32 value, si32 objectType, const int3 & position = int3(-1, -1, -1)); const CGObjectInstance * object; // object that was at specified position or with instance name on start EMetaclass metaType; si32 value; si32 objectType; si32 objectSubtype; std::string objectInstanceName; int3 position; EWinLoseType condition; template void serialize(Handler & h, const int version) { h & object; h & value; h & objectType; h & position; h & condition; h & objectSubtype; h & objectInstanceName; h & metaType; } }; using EventExpression = LogicalExpression; struct DLL_LINKAGE EventEffect { enum EType { VICTORY, DEFEAT }; /// effect type, using EType enum si8 type; /// message that will be sent to other players MetaString toOtherMessage; template void serialize(Handler & h, const int version) { h & type; h & toOtherMessage; } }; struct DLL_LINKAGE TriggeredEvent { /// base condition that must be evaluated EventExpression trigger; /// string identifier read from config file (e.g. captureKreelah) std::string identifier; /// string-description, for use in UI (capture town to win) MetaString description; /// Message that will be displayed when this event is triggered (You captured town. You won!) MetaString onFulfill; /// Effect of this event. TODO: refactor into something more flexible EventEffect effect; template void serialize(Handler & h, const int version) { h & identifier; h & trigger; h & description; h & onFulfill; h & effect; } }; /// The map header holds information about loss/victory condition,map format, version, players, height, width,... class DLL_LINKAGE CMapHeader { void setupEvents(); public: static const int MAP_SIZE_SMALL = 36; static const int MAP_SIZE_MIDDLE = 72; static const int MAP_SIZE_LARGE = 108; static const int MAP_SIZE_XLARGE = 144; static const int MAP_SIZE_HUGE = 180; static const int MAP_SIZE_XHUGE = 216; static const int MAP_SIZE_GIANT = 252; CMapHeader(); virtual ~CMapHeader() = default; ui8 levels() const; EMapFormat version; /// The default value is EMapFormat::SOD. ModCompatibilityInfo mods; /// set of mods required to play a map si32 height; /// The default value is 72. si32 width; /// The default value is 72. bool twoLevel; /// The default value is true. std::string name; std::string description; ui8 difficulty; /// The default value is 1 representing a normal map difficulty. /// Specifies the maximum level to reach for a hero. A value of 0 states that there is no /// maximum level for heroes. This is the default value. ui8 levelLimit; MetaString victoryMessage; MetaString defeatMessage; ui16 victoryIconIndex; ui16 defeatIconIndex; std::vector players; /// The default size of the vector is PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT. ui8 howManyTeams; std::vector allowedHeroes; std::vector reservedCampaignHeroes; /// Heroes that have placeholders in this map and are reserverd for campaign bool areAnyPlayers; /// Unused. True if there are any playable players on the map. /// "main quests" of the map that describe victory and loss conditions std::vector triggeredEvents; template void serialize(Handler & h, const int Version) { h & version; if(Version >= 821) h & mods; h & name; h & description; h & width; h & height; h & twoLevel; h & difficulty; h & levelLimit; h & areAnyPlayers; h & players; h & howManyTeams; h & allowedHeroes; h & reservedCampaignHeroes; //Do not serialize triggeredEvents in header as they can contain information about heroes and armies h & victoryMessage; h & victoryIconIndex; h & defeatMessage; h & defeatIconIndex; } }; VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END