/* * CSkillHandler.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include <cctype> #include "CSkillHandler.h" #include "constants/StringConstants.h" #include "filesystem/Filesystem.h" #include "json/JsonBonus.h" #include "json/JsonUtils.h" #include "modding/IdentifierStorage.h" #include "modding/ModUtility.h" #include "modding/ModScope.h" #include "texts/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "texts/CLegacyConfigParser.h" #include "texts/TextOperations.h" #include "VCMI_Lib.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN CSkill::CSkill(const SecondarySkill & id, std::string identifier, bool obligatoryMajor, bool obligatoryMinor): id(id), identifier(std::move(identifier)), obligatoryMajor(obligatoryMajor), obligatoryMinor(obligatoryMinor), special(false), onlyOnWaterMap(false) { gainChance[0] = gainChance[1] = 0; //affects CHeroClassHandler::afterLoadFinalization() levels.resize(NSecondarySkill::levels.size() - 1); } int32_t CSkill::getIndex() const { return id.num; } int32_t CSkill::getIconIndex() const { return getIndex() * 3 + 3; // Base master level } int32_t CSkill::getIconIndex(uint8_t skillMasterLevel) const { return getIconIndex() + skillMasterLevel; } std::string CSkill::getNameTextID() const { TextIdentifier id("skill", modScope, identifier, "name"); return id.get(); } std::string CSkill::getNameTranslated() const { return VLC->generaltexth->translate(getNameTextID()); } std::string CSkill::getJsonKey() const { return modScope + ':' + identifier; } std::string CSkill::getModScope() const { return modScope; } std::string CSkill::getDescriptionTextID(int level) const { TextIdentifier id("skill", modScope, identifier, "description", NSecondarySkill::levels[level]); return id.get(); } std::string CSkill::getDescriptionTranslated(int level) const { return VLC->generaltexth->translate(getDescriptionTextID(level)); } void CSkill::registerIcons(const IconRegistar & cb) const { for(int level = 1; level <= 3; level++) { int frame = 2 + level + 3 * id.getNum(); const LevelInfo & skillAtLevel = at(level); cb(frame, 0, "SECSK32", skillAtLevel.iconSmall); cb(frame, 0, "SECSKILL", skillAtLevel.iconMedium); cb(frame, 0, "SECSK82", skillAtLevel.iconLarge); } } SecondarySkill CSkill::getId() const { return id; } void CSkill::addNewBonus(const std::shared_ptr<Bonus> & b, int level) { b->source = BonusSource::SECONDARY_SKILL; b->sid = BonusSourceID(id); b->duration = BonusDuration::PERMANENT; b->description.appendTextID(getNameTextID()); b->description.appendRawString(" %+d"); levels[level-1].effects.push_back(b); } const CSkill::LevelInfo & CSkill::at(int level) const { assert(1 <= level && level < NSecondarySkill::levels.size()); return levels[level - 1]; } CSkill::LevelInfo & CSkill::at(int level) { assert(1 <= level && level < NSecondarySkill::levels.size()); return levels[level - 1]; } DLL_LINKAGE std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, const CSkill::LevelInfo & info) { for(int i=0; i < info.effects.size(); i++) out << (i ? "," : "") << info.effects[i]->Description(nullptr); return out << "])"; } DLL_LINKAGE std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, const CSkill & skill) { out << "Skill(" << skill.id.getNum() << "," << skill.identifier << "): ["; for(int i=0; i < skill.levels.size(); i++) out << (i ? "," : "") << skill.levels[i]; return out << "]"; } std::string CSkill::toString() const { std::ostringstream ss; ss << *this; return ss.str(); } void CSkill::updateFrom(const JsonNode & data) { } void CSkill::serializeJson(JsonSerializeFormat & handler) { } ///CSkillHandler std::vector<JsonNode> CSkillHandler::loadLegacyData() { CLegacyConfigParser parser(TextPath::builtin("DATA/SSTRAITS.TXT")); //skip header parser.endLine(); parser.endLine(); std::vector<std::string> skillNames; std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> skillInfoTexts; do { skillNames.push_back(parser.readString()); skillInfoTexts.emplace_back(); for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) skillInfoTexts.back().push_back(parser.readString()); } while (parser.endLine()); assert(skillNames.size() == GameConstants::SKILL_QUANTITY); //store & construct JSON std::vector<JsonNode> legacyData; for(int id = 0; id < GameConstants::SKILL_QUANTITY; id++) { JsonNode skillNode; skillNode["name"].String() = skillNames[id]; for(int level = 1; level < NSecondarySkill::levels.size(); level++) { std::string & desc = skillInfoTexts[id][level-1]; auto & levelNode = skillNode[NSecondarySkill::levels[level]].Struct(); levelNode["description"].String() = desc; levelNode["effects"].Struct(); // create empty effects objects } legacyData.push_back(skillNode); } objects.resize(legacyData.size()); return legacyData; } const std::vector<std::string> & CSkillHandler::getTypeNames() const { static const std::vector<std::string> typeNames = { "skill", "secondarySkill" }; return typeNames; } std::shared_ptr<CSkill> CSkillHandler::loadFromJson(const std::string & scope, const JsonNode & json, const std::string & identifier, size_t index) { assert(identifier.find(':') == std::string::npos); assert(!scope.empty()); bool major; bool minor; major = json["obligatoryMajor"].Bool(); minor = json["obligatoryMinor"].Bool(); auto skill = std::make_shared<CSkill>(SecondarySkill(index), identifier, major, minor); skill->modScope = scope; skill->onlyOnWaterMap = json["onlyOnWaterMap"].Bool(); skill->special = json["special"].Bool(); VLC->generaltexth->registerString(scope, skill->getNameTextID(), json["name"]); switch(json["gainChance"].getType()) { case JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_INTEGER: skill->gainChance[0] = static_cast<si32>(json["gainChance"].Integer()); skill->gainChance[1] = static_cast<si32>(json["gainChance"].Integer()); break; case JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_STRUCT: skill->gainChance[0] = static_cast<si32>(json["gainChance"]["might"].Integer()); skill->gainChance[1] = static_cast<si32>(json["gainChance"]["magic"].Integer()); break; default: break; } for(int level = 1; level < NSecondarySkill::levels.size(); level++) { const std::string & levelName = NSecondarySkill::levels[level]; // basic, advanced, expert const JsonNode & levelNode = json[levelName]; // parse bonus effects for(const auto & b : levelNode["effects"].Struct()) { auto bonus = JsonUtils::parseBonus(b.second); skill->addNewBonus(bonus, level); } CSkill::LevelInfo & skillAtLevel = skill->at(level); VLC->generaltexth->registerString(scope, skill->getDescriptionTextID(level), levelNode["description"]); skillAtLevel.iconSmall = levelNode["images"]["small"].String(); skillAtLevel.iconMedium = levelNode["images"]["medium"].String(); skillAtLevel.iconLarge = levelNode["images"]["large"].String(); } logMod->debug("loaded secondary skill %s(%d)", identifier, skill->id.getNum()); return skill; } void CSkillHandler::afterLoadFinalization() { } void CSkillHandler::beforeValidate(JsonNode & object) { //handle "base" level info JsonNode & base = object["base"]; auto inheritNode = [&](const std::string & name){ JsonUtils::inherit(object[name], base); }; inheritNode("basic"); inheritNode("advanced"); inheritNode("expert"); } std::set<SecondarySkill> CSkillHandler::getDefaultAllowed() const { std::set<SecondarySkill> result; for (auto const & skill : objects) if (!skill->special) result.insert(skill->getId()); return result; } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END