 * TerrainHandler.h, part of VCMI engine
 * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
 * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
 * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder

#pragma once

#include <vcmi/EntityService.h>
#include <vcmi/Entity.h>
#include "GameConstants.h"
#include "IHandlerBase.h"
#include "Color.h"
#include "filesystem/ResourcePath.h"


struct DLL_LINKAGE TerrainPaletteAnimation
	/// index of first color to cycle
	int32_t start;
	/// total numbers of colors to cycle
	int32_t length;

	template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler& h)
		h & start;
		h & length;

class DLL_LINKAGE TerrainType : public EntityT<TerrainId>
	friend class TerrainTypeHandler;
	std::string identifier;
	std::string modScope;
	TerrainId id;
	ui8 passabilityType;

	enum PassabilityType : ui8
		//LAND = 1,
		WATER = 2,
		SURFACE = 4,
		ROCK = 16

	int32_t getIndex() const override { return id.getNum(); }
	int32_t getIconIndex() const override { return 0; }
	std::string getJsonKey() const override;
	std::string getModScope() const override;
	void registerIcons(const IconRegistar & cb) const override {}
	TerrainId getId() const override { return id;}
	void updateFrom(const JsonNode & data) {};

	std::string getNameTextID() const override;
	std::string getNameTranslated() const override;

	std::vector<BattleField> battleFields;
	std::vector<TerrainId> prohibitTransitions;
	ColorRGBA minimapBlocked;
	ColorRGBA minimapUnblocked;
	std::string shortIdentifier;
	std::vector<AudioPath> musicFilename;
	AnimationPath tilesFilename;
	std::string terrainViewPatterns;
	AudioPath horseSound;
	AudioPath horseSoundPenalty;

	std::vector<TerrainPaletteAnimation> paletteAnimation;

	TerrainId rockTerrain;
	RiverId river;
	int moveCost;
	bool transitionRequired;

	TerrainType() = default;

	inline bool isLand() const;
	inline bool isWater() const;
	inline bool isRock() const;
	inline bool isPassable() const;
	inline bool isSurface() const;
	inline bool isUnderground() const;

	bool isTransitionRequired() const;

class DLL_LINKAGE TerrainTypeService : public EntityServiceT<TerrainId, TerrainType>

class DLL_LINKAGE TerrainTypeHandler : public CHandlerBase<TerrainId, TerrainType, TerrainType, TerrainTypeService>
	std::shared_ptr<TerrainType> loadFromJson(
		const std::string & scope,
		const JsonNode & json,
		const std::string & identifier,
		size_t index) override;

	const std::vector<std::string> & getTypeNames() const override;
	std::vector<JsonNode> loadLegacyData() override;

inline bool TerrainType::isLand() const
	return !isWater();

inline bool TerrainType::isWater() const
	return passabilityType & PassabilityType::WATER;

inline bool TerrainType::isRock() const
	return passabilityType & PassabilityType::ROCK;

inline bool TerrainType::isPassable() const
	return !isRock();

inline bool TerrainType::isSurface() const
	return passabilityType & PassabilityType::SURFACE;

inline bool TerrainType::isUnderground() const
	return passabilityType & PassabilityType::SUBTERRANEAN;