/* * ObjectGraph.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "ObjectGraph.h" #include "AIPathfinderConfig.h" #include "../../../lib/CRandomGenerator.h" #include "../../../CCallback.h" #include "../../../lib/mapping/CMap.h" #include "../Engine/Nullkiller.h" #include "../../../lib/logging/VisualLogger.h" #include "Actions/QuestAction.h" #include "../pforeach.h" #include "Actions/BoatActions.h" namespace NKAI { struct ConnectionCostInfo { float totalCost = 0; float avg = 0; int connectionsCount = 0; }; class ObjectGraphCalculator { private: ObjectGraph * target; const Nullkiller * ai; std::mutex syncLock; std::map actors; std::map actorObjectMap; std::vector> temporaryBoats; std::vector> temporaryActorHeroes; public: ObjectGraphCalculator(ObjectGraph * target, const Nullkiller * ai) :ai(ai), target(target), syncLock() { } void setGraphObjects() { for(auto obj : ai->memory->visitableObjs) { if(obj && obj->isVisitable() && obj->ID != Obj::HERO && obj->ID != Obj::EVENT) { addObjectActor(obj); } } for(auto town : ai->cb->getTownsInfo()) { addObjectActor(town); } } void calculateConnections() { updatePaths(); std::vector pathCache; foreach_tile_pos(ai->cb.get(), [this, &pathCache](const CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback * cb, const int3 & pos) { calculateConnections(pos, pathCache); }); removeExtraConnections(); } float getNeighborConnectionsCost(const int3 & pos, std::vector & pathCache) { float neighborCost = std::numeric_limits::max(); if(NKAI_GRAPH_TRACE_LEVEL >= 2) { logAi->trace("Checking junction %s", pos.toString()); } foreach_neighbour( ai->cb.get(), pos, [this, &neighborCost, &pathCache](const CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback * cb, const int3 & neighbor) { ai->pathfinder->calculatePathInfo(pathCache, neighbor); auto costTotal = this->getConnectionsCost(pathCache); if(costTotal.connectionsCount > 2 && costTotal.avg < neighborCost) { neighborCost = costTotal.avg; if(NKAI_GRAPH_TRACE_LEVEL >= 2) { logAi->trace("Better node found at %s", neighbor.toString()); } } }); return neighborCost; } void addMinimalDistanceJunctions() { tbb::concurrent_unordered_set> junctions; pforeachTilePaths(ai->cb->getMapSize(), ai, [this, &junctions](const int3 & pos, std::vector & paths) { if(target->hasNodeAt(pos)) return; if(ai->cb->getGuardingCreaturePosition(pos).valid()) return; ConnectionCostInfo currentCost = getConnectionsCost(paths); if(currentCost.connectionsCount <= 2) return; float neighborCost = getNeighborConnectionsCost(pos, paths); if(currentCost.avg < neighborCost) { junctions.insert(pos); } }); for(auto pos : junctions) { addJunctionActor(pos); } } private: void updatePaths() { PathfinderSettings ps; ps.mainTurnDistanceLimit = 5; ps.scoutTurnDistanceLimit = 1; ps.allowBypassObjects = false; ai->pathfinder->updatePaths(actors, ps); } void calculateConnections(const int3 & pos, std::vector & pathCache) { if(target->hasNodeAt(pos)) { foreach_neighbour( ai->cb.get(), pos, [this, &pos, &pathCache](const CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback * cb, const int3 & neighbor) { if(target->hasNodeAt(neighbor)) { ai->pathfinder->calculatePathInfo(pathCache, neighbor); for(auto & path : pathCache) { if(pos == path.targetHero->visitablePos()) { target->tryAddConnection(pos, neighbor, path.movementCost(), path.getTotalDanger()); } } } }); auto obj = ai->cb->getTopObj(pos); if((obj && obj->ID == Obj::BOAT) || target->isVirtualBoat(pos)) { ai->pathfinder->calculatePathInfo(pathCache, pos); for(AIPath & path : pathCache) { auto from = path.targetHero->visitablePos(); auto fromObj = actorObjectMap[path.targetHero]; auto danger = ai->pathfinder->getStorage()->evaluateDanger(pos, path.targetHero, true); auto updated = target->tryAddConnection( from, pos, path.movementCost(), danger); if(NKAI_GRAPH_TRACE_LEVEL >= 2 && updated) { logAi->trace( "Connected %s[%s] -> %s[%s] through [%s], cost %2f", fromObj ? fromObj->getObjectName() : "J", from.toString(), "Boat", pos.toString(), pos.toString(), path.movementCost()); } } } return; } auto guardPos = ai->cb->getGuardingCreaturePosition(pos); ai->pathfinder->calculatePathInfo(pathCache, pos); for(AIPath & path1 : pathCache) { for(AIPath & path2 : pathCache) { if(path1.targetHero == path2.targetHero) continue; auto pos1 = path1.targetHero->visitablePos(); auto pos2 = path2.targetHero->visitablePos(); if(guardPos.valid() && guardPos != pos1 && guardPos != pos2) continue; auto obj1 = actorObjectMap[path1.targetHero]; auto obj2 = actorObjectMap[path2.targetHero]; auto tile1 = cb->getTile(pos1); auto tile2 = cb->getTile(pos2); if(tile2->isWater() && !tile1->isWater()) { if(!cb->getTile(pos)->isWater()) continue; auto startingObjIsBoat = (obj1 && obj1->ID == Obj::BOAT) || target->isVirtualBoat(pos1); if(!startingObjIsBoat) continue; } auto danger = ai->pathfinder->getStorage()->evaluateDanger(pos2, path1.targetHero, true); auto updated = target->tryAddConnection( pos1, pos2, path1.movementCost() + path2.movementCost(), danger); if(NKAI_GRAPH_TRACE_LEVEL >= 2 && updated) { logAi->trace( "Connected %s[%s] -> %s[%s] through [%s], cost %2f", obj1 ? obj1->getObjectName() : "J", pos1.toString(), obj2 ? obj2->getObjectName() : "J", pos2.toString(), pos.toString(), path1.movementCost() + path2.movementCost()); } } } } bool isExtraConnection(float direct, float side1, float side2) const { float sideRatio = (side1 + side2) / direct; return sideRatio < 1.25f && direct > side1 && direct > side2; } void removeExtraConnections() { std::vector> connectionsToRemove; for(auto & actor : temporaryActorHeroes) { auto pos = actor->visitablePos(); auto & currentNode = target->getNode(pos); target->iterateConnections(pos, [this, &pos, &connectionsToRemove, ¤tNode](int3 n1, ObjectLink o1) { target->iterateConnections(n1, [&pos, &o1, ¤tNode, &connectionsToRemove, this](int3 n2, ObjectLink o2) { auto direct = currentNode.connections.find(n2); if(direct != currentNode.connections.end() && isExtraConnection(direct->second.cost, o1.cost, o2.cost)) { connectionsToRemove.push_back({pos, n2}); } }); }); } vstd::removeDuplicates(connectionsToRemove); for(auto & c : connectionsToRemove) { target->removeConnection(c.first, c.second); if(NKAI_GRAPH_TRACE_LEVEL >= 2) { logAi->trace("Remove ineffective connection %s->%s", c.first.toString(), c.second.toString()); } } } void addObjectActor(const CGObjectInstance * obj) { auto objectActor = temporaryActorHeroes.emplace_back(std::make_unique(obj->cb)).get(); CRandomGenerator rng; auto visitablePos = obj->visitablePos(); objectActor->setOwner(ai->playerID); // lets avoid having multiple colors objectActor->initHero(rng, static_cast(0)); objectActor->pos = objectActor->convertFromVisitablePos(visitablePos); objectActor->initObj(rng); if(cb->getTile(visitablePos)->isWater()) { objectActor->boat = temporaryBoats.emplace_back(std::make_unique(objectActor->cb)).get(); } assert(objectActor->visitablePos() == visitablePos); actorObjectMap[objectActor] = obj; actors[objectActor] = obj->ID == Obj::TOWN || obj->ID == Obj::BOAT ? HeroRole::MAIN : HeroRole::SCOUT; target->addObject(obj); auto shipyard = dynamic_cast(obj); if(shipyard && shipyard->bestLocation().valid()) { int3 virtualBoat = shipyard->bestLocation(); addJunctionActor(virtualBoat, true); target->addVirtualBoat(virtualBoat, obj); } } void addJunctionActor(const int3 & visitablePos, bool isVirtualBoat = false) { std::lock_guard lock(syncLock); auto internalCb = temporaryActorHeroes.front()->cb; auto objectActor = temporaryActorHeroes.emplace_back(std::make_unique(internalCb)).get(); CRandomGenerator rng; objectActor->setOwner(ai->playerID); // lets avoid having multiple colors objectActor->initHero(rng, static_cast(0)); objectActor->pos = objectActor->convertFromVisitablePos(visitablePos); objectActor->initObj(rng); if(isVirtualBoat || ai->cb->getTile(visitablePos)->isWater()) { objectActor->boat = temporaryBoats.emplace_back(std::make_unique(objectActor->cb)).get(); } assert(objectActor->visitablePos() == visitablePos); actorObjectMap[objectActor] = nullptr; actors[objectActor] = isVirtualBoat ? HeroRole::MAIN : HeroRole::SCOUT; target->registerJunction(visitablePos); } ConnectionCostInfo getConnectionsCost(std::vector & paths) const { std::map costs; for(auto & path : paths) { auto fromPos = path.targetHero->visitablePos(); auto cost = costs.find(fromPos); if(cost == costs.end()) { costs.emplace(fromPos, path.movementCost()); } else { if(path.movementCost() < cost->second) { costs[fromPos] = path.movementCost(); } } } ConnectionCostInfo result; for(auto & cost : costs) { result.totalCost += cost.second; result.connectionsCount++; } if(result.connectionsCount) { result.avg = result.totalCost / result.connectionsCount; } return result; } }; bool ObjectGraph::tryAddConnection( const int3 & from, const int3 & to, float cost, uint64_t danger) { auto result = nodes[from].connections[to].update(cost, danger); auto & connection = nodes[from].connections[to]; if(result && isVirtualBoat(to) && !connection.specialAction) { connection.specialAction = std::make_shared(virtualBoats[to]); } return result; } void ObjectGraph::removeConnection(const int3 & from, const int3 & to) { nodes[from].connections.erase(to); } void ObjectGraph::updateGraph(const Nullkiller * ai) { auto cb = ai->cb; ObjectGraphCalculator calculator(this, ai); calculator.setGraphObjects(); calculator.calculateConnections(); calculator.addMinimalDistanceJunctions(); calculator.calculateConnections(); if(NKAI_GRAPH_TRACE_LEVEL >= 1) dumpToLog("graph"); } void ObjectGraph::addObject(const CGObjectInstance * obj) { if(!hasNodeAt(obj->visitablePos())) nodes[obj->visitablePos()].init(obj); } void ObjectGraph::addVirtualBoat(const int3 & pos, const CGObjectInstance * shipyard) { if(!isVirtualBoat(pos)) { virtualBoats[pos] = shipyard->id; } } void ObjectGraph::registerJunction(const int3 & pos) { if(!hasNodeAt(pos)) nodes[pos].initJunction(); } void ObjectGraph::removeObject(const CGObjectInstance * obj) { nodes[obj->visitablePos()].objectExists = false; if(obj->ID == Obj::BOAT && !isVirtualBoat(obj->visitablePos())) { vstd::erase_if(nodes[obj->visitablePos()].connections, [&](const std::pair & link) -> bool { auto tile = cb->getTile(link.first, false); return tile && tile->isWater(); }); } } void ObjectGraph::connectHeroes(const Nullkiller * ai) { for(auto obj : ai->memory->visitableObjs) { if(obj && obj->ID == Obj::HERO) { addObject(obj); } } for(auto & node : nodes) { auto pos = node.first; auto paths = ai->pathfinder->getPathInfo(pos); for(AIPath & path : paths) { if(path.getFirstBlockedAction()) continue; auto heroPos = path.targetHero->visitablePos(); nodes[pos].connections[heroPos].update( path.movementCost(), path.getPathDanger()); nodes[heroPos].connections[pos].update( path.movementCost(), path.getPathDanger()); } } } void ObjectGraph::dumpToLog(std::string visualKey) const { logVisual->updateWithLock(visualKey, [&](IVisualLogBuilder & logBuilder) { for(auto & tile : nodes) { for(auto & node : tile.second.connections) { if(NKAI_GRAPH_TRACE_LEVEL >= 2) { logAi->trace( "%s -> %s: %f !%d", node.first.toString(), tile.first.toString(), node.second.cost, node.second.danger); } logBuilder.addLine(tile.first, node.first); } } }); } bool GraphNodeComparer::operator()(const GraphPathNodePointer & lhs, const GraphPathNodePointer & rhs) const { return pathNodes.at(lhs.coord)[lhs.nodeType].cost > pathNodes.at(rhs.coord)[rhs.nodeType].cost; } GraphPaths::GraphPaths() : visualKey(""), graph(), pathNodes() { } std::shared_ptr getCompositeAction( const Nullkiller * ai, std::shared_ptr linkActionFactory, std::shared_ptr transitionAction) { if(!linkActionFactory) return transitionAction; auto linkAction = linkActionFactory->create(ai); if(!transitionAction) return linkAction; std::vector> actionsArray = { transitionAction, linkAction }; return std::make_shared(actionsArray); } void GraphPaths::calculatePaths(const CGHeroInstance * targetHero, const Nullkiller * ai, uint8_t scanDepth) { graph.copyFrom(*ai->baseGraph); graph.connectHeroes(ai); visualKey = std::to_string(ai->playerID) + ":" + targetHero->getNameTranslated(); pathNodes.clear(); GraphNodeComparer cmp(pathNodes); GraphPathNode::TFibHeap pq(cmp); pathNodes[targetHero->visitablePos()][GrapthPathNodeType::NORMAL].cost = 0; pq.emplace(GraphPathNodePointer(targetHero->visitablePos(), GrapthPathNodeType::NORMAL)); while(!pq.empty()) { GraphPathNodePointer pos = pq.top(); pq.pop(); auto & node = getOrCreateNode(pos); std::shared_ptr transitionAction; if(node.obj) { if(node.obj->ID == Obj::QUEST_GUARD || node.obj->ID == Obj::BORDERGUARD || node.obj->ID == Obj::BORDER_GATE) { auto questObj = dynamic_cast(node.obj); auto questInfo = QuestInfo(questObj->quest, node.obj, pos.coord); if(node.obj->ID == Obj::QUEST_GUARD && questObj->quest->mission == Rewardable::Limiter{} && questObj->quest->killTarget == ObjectInstanceID::NONE) { continue; } auto questAction = std::make_shared(questInfo); if(!questAction->canAct(ai, targetHero)) { transitionAction = questAction; } } } node.isInQueue = false; graph.iterateConnections(pos.coord, [this, ai, &pos, &node, &transitionAction, &pq, scanDepth](int3 target, const ObjectLink & o) { auto compositeAction = getCompositeAction(ai, o.specialAction, transitionAction); auto targetNodeType = o.danger || compositeAction ? GrapthPathNodeType::BATTLE : pos.nodeType; auto targetPointer = GraphPathNodePointer(target, targetNodeType); auto & targetNode = getOrCreateNode(targetPointer); if(targetNode.tryUpdate(pos, node, o)) { if(targetNode.cost > scanDepth) { return; } targetNode.specialAction = compositeAction; auto targetGraphNode = graph.getNode(target); if(targetGraphNode.objID.hasValue()) { targetNode.obj = ai->cb->getObj(targetGraphNode.objID, false); if(targetNode.obj && targetNode.obj->ID == Obj::HERO) return; } if(targetNode.isInQueue) { pq.increase(targetNode.handle); } else { targetNode.handle = pq.emplace(targetPointer); targetNode.isInQueue = true; } } }); } } void GraphPaths::dumpToLog() const { logVisual->updateWithLock(visualKey, [&](IVisualLogBuilder & logBuilder) { for(auto & tile : pathNodes) { for(auto & node : tile.second) { if(!node.previous.valid()) continue; if(NKAI_GRAPH_TRACE_LEVEL >= 2) { logAi->trace( "%s -> %s: %f !%d", node.previous.coord.toString(), tile.first.toString(), node.cost, node.danger); } logBuilder.addLine(node.previous.coord, tile.first); } } }); } bool GraphPathNode::tryUpdate(const GraphPathNodePointer & pos, const GraphPathNode & prev, const ObjectLink & link) { auto newCost = prev.cost + link.cost; if(newCost < cost) { previous = pos; danger = prev.danger + link.danger; cost = newCost; return true; } return false; } void GraphPaths::addChainInfo(std::vector & paths, int3 tile, const CGHeroInstance * hero, const Nullkiller * ai) const { auto nodes = pathNodes.find(tile); if(nodes == pathNodes.end()) return; for(auto & node : nodes->second) { if(!node.reachable()) continue; std::vector tilesToPass; uint64_t danger = node.danger; float cost = node.cost; bool allowBattle = false; auto current = GraphPathNodePointer(nodes->first, node.nodeType); while(true) { auto currentTile = pathNodes.find(current.coord); if(currentTile == pathNodes.end()) break; auto currentNode = currentTile->second[current.nodeType]; if(!currentNode.previous.valid()) break; allowBattle = allowBattle || currentNode.nodeType == GrapthPathNodeType::BATTLE; vstd::amax(danger, currentNode.danger); vstd::amax(cost, currentNode.cost); tilesToPass.push_back(current); if(currentNode.cost < 2.0f) break; current = currentNode.previous; } if(tilesToPass.empty()) continue; auto entryPaths = ai->pathfinder->getPathInfo(tilesToPass.back().coord); for(auto & path : entryPaths) { if(path.targetHero != hero) continue; for(auto graphTile = tilesToPass.rbegin(); graphTile != tilesToPass.rend(); graphTile++) { AIPathNodeInfo n; n.coord = graphTile->coord; n.cost = cost; n.turns = static_cast(cost) + 1; // just in case lets select worst scenario n.danger = danger; n.targetHero = hero; n.parentIndex = -1; n.specialAction = getNode(*graphTile).specialAction; if(n.specialAction) { n.actionIsBlocked = !n.specialAction->canAct(ai, n); } for(auto & node : path.nodes) { node.parentIndex++; } path.nodes.insert(path.nodes.begin(), n); } path.armyLoss += ai->pathfinder->getStorage()->evaluateArmyLoss(path.targetHero, path.heroArmy->getArmyStrength(), danger); path.targetObjectDanger = ai->pathfinder->getStorage()->evaluateDanger(tile, path.targetHero, !allowBattle); path.targetObjectArmyLoss = ai->pathfinder->getStorage()->evaluateArmyLoss(path.targetHero, path.heroArmy->getArmyStrength(), path.targetObjectDanger); paths.push_back(path); } } } void GraphPaths::quickAddChainInfoWithBlocker(std::vector & paths, int3 tile, const CGHeroInstance * hero, const Nullkiller * ai) const { auto nodes = pathNodes.find(tile); if(nodes == pathNodes.end()) return; for(auto & targetNode : nodes->second) { if(!targetNode.reachable()) continue; std::vector tilesToPass; uint64_t danger = targetNode.danger; float cost = targetNode.cost; bool allowBattle = false; auto current = GraphPathNodePointer(nodes->first, targetNode.nodeType); while(true) { auto currentTile = pathNodes.find(current.coord); if(currentTile == pathNodes.end()) break; auto currentNode = currentTile->second[current.nodeType]; allowBattle = allowBattle || currentNode.nodeType == GrapthPathNodeType::BATTLE; vstd::amax(danger, currentNode.danger); vstd::amax(cost, currentNode.cost); tilesToPass.push_back(current); if(currentNode.cost < 2.0f) break; current = currentNode.previous; } if(tilesToPass.empty()) continue; auto entryPaths = ai->pathfinder->getPathInfo(tilesToPass.back().coord); for(auto & entryPath : entryPaths) { if(entryPath.targetHero != hero) continue; auto & path = paths.emplace_back(); path.targetHero = entryPath.targetHero; path.heroArmy = entryPath.heroArmy; path.exchangeCount = entryPath.exchangeCount; path.armyLoss = entryPath.armyLoss + ai->pathfinder->getStorage()->evaluateArmyLoss(path.targetHero, path.heroArmy->getArmyStrength(), danger); path.targetObjectDanger = ai->pathfinder->getStorage()->evaluateDanger(tile, path.targetHero, !allowBattle); path.targetObjectArmyLoss = ai->pathfinder->getStorage()->evaluateArmyLoss(path.targetHero, path.heroArmy->getArmyStrength(), path.targetObjectDanger); AIPathNodeInfo n; n.targetHero = hero; n.parentIndex = -1; // final node n.coord = tile; n.cost = targetNode.cost; n.danger = targetNode.danger; n.parentIndex = path.nodes.size(); path.nodes.push_back(n); for(auto entryNode = entryPath.nodes.rbegin(); entryNode != entryPath.nodes.rend(); entryNode++) { auto blocker = ai->objectClusterizer->getBlocker(*entryNode); if(blocker) { // blocker node path.nodes.push_back(*entryNode); path.nodes.back().parentIndex = path.nodes.size() - 1; break; } } if(path.nodes.size() > 1) continue; for(auto graphTile = tilesToPass.rbegin(); graphTile != tilesToPass.rend(); graphTile++) { auto & node = getNode(*graphTile); n.coord = graphTile->coord; n.cost = node.cost; n.turns = static_cast(node.cost); n.danger = node.danger; n.specialAction = node.specialAction; n.parentIndex = path.nodes.size(); if(n.specialAction) { n.actionIsBlocked = !n.specialAction->canAct(ai, n); } auto blocker = ai->objectClusterizer->getBlocker(n); if(!blocker) continue; // blocker node path.nodes.push_back(n); break; } } } } }