#ifndef __CCREATUREHANDLER_H__ #define __CCREATUREHANDLER_H__ #include "../global.h" #include #include #include #include #include "../lib/HeroBonus.h" #include "../lib/ConstTransitivePtr.h" #include "ResourceSet.h" /* * CCreatureHandler.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #define ALLCREATURESGETDOUBLEMONTHS false class CLodHandler; class CCreatureHandler; class CCreature; class DLL_EXPORT CCreature : public CBonusSystemNode { public: std::string namePl, nameSing, nameRef; //name in singular and plural form; and reference name TResources cost; //cost[res_id] - amount of that resource std::set upgrades; // IDs of creatures to which this creature can be upgraded ui32 hitPoints, speed, attack, defence; ui32 fightValue, AIValue, growth, hordeGrowth, shots, spells; ui32 damageMin, damageMax; ui32 ammMin, ammMax; ui8 level; // 0 - unknown std::string abilityText; //description of abilities std::string abilityRefs; //references to abilities, in text format std::string animDefName; si32 idNumber; si8 faction; //-1 = neutral ui8 doubleWide; ///animation info float timeBetweenFidgets, walkAnimationTime, attackAnimationTime, flightAnimationDistance; int upperRightMissleOffsetX, rightMissleOffsetX, lowerRightMissleOffsetX, upperRightMissleOffsetY, rightMissleOffsetY, lowerRightMissleOffsetY; float missleFrameAngles[12]; int troopCountLocationOffset, attackClimaxFrame; ///end of anim info bool isDoubleWide() const; //returns true if unit is double wide on battlefield bool isFlying() const; //returns true if it is a flying unit bool isShooting() const; //returns true if unit can shoot bool isUndead() const; //returns true if unit is undead bool isGood () const; bool isEvil () const; si32 maxAmount(const std::vector &res) const; //how many creatures can be bought static int getQuantityID(const int & quantity); //0 - a few, 1 - several, 2 - pack, 3 - lots, 4 - horde, 5 - throng, 6 - swarm, 7 - zounds, 8 - legion static int estimateCreatureCount(unsigned int countID); //reverse version of above function, returns middle of range bool isMyUpgrade(const CCreature *anotherCre) const; bool valid() const; void addBonus(int val, int type, int subtype = -1); std::string nodeName() const OVERRIDE; //void getParents(TCNodes &out, const CBonusSystemNode *root /*= NULL*/) const; template int getRandomAmount(RanGen &ranGen) const { if(ammMax == ammMin) return ammMax; else return ammMin + (ranGen() % (ammMax - ammMin)); } template void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & static_cast(*this); h & namePl & nameSing & nameRef & cost & upgrades & fightValue & AIValue & growth & hordeGrowth & hitPoints & speed & attack & defence & shots & spells & damageMin & damageMax & ammMin & ammMax & level & abilityText & abilityRefs & animDefName & idNumber & faction & timeBetweenFidgets & walkAnimationTime & attackAnimationTime & flightAnimationDistance & upperRightMissleOffsetX & rightMissleOffsetX & lowerRightMissleOffsetX & upperRightMissleOffsetY & rightMissleOffsetY & lowerRightMissleOffsetY & missleFrameAngles & troopCountLocationOffset & attackClimaxFrame; h & doubleWide; } CCreature(); friend class CCreatureHandler; }; class DLL_EXPORT CCreatureHandler { private: //? CBonusSystemNode allCreatures, creaturesOfLevel[CREATURES_PER_TOWN + 1];//index 0 is used for creatures of unknown tier or outside <1-7> range public: std::set notUsedMonsters; std::set doubledCreatures; //they get double week std::vector > creatures; //creature ID -> creature info bmap nameToID; bmap idToProjectile; bmap idToProjectileSpin; //if true, appropriate projectile is spinning during flight std::vector factionAlignments; //1 for good, 0 for neutral and -1 for evil with faction ID as index int factionToTurretCreature[F_NUMBER]; //which creature's animation should be used to dispaly creature in turret while siege std::map > stackBonuses; // bonus => name, description std::vector > expRanks; // stack experience needed for certain rank, index 0 for other tiers (?) std::vector maxExpPerBattle; //%, tiers same as above si8 expAfterUpgrade;//multiplier in % void deserializationFix(); void loadCreatures(); void buildBonusTreeForTiers(); void loadAnimationInfo(); void loadUnitAnimInfo(CCreature & unit, std::string & src, int & i); void loadStackExp(Bonus & b, BonusList & bl, std::string & src, int & it); void loadMindImmunity(Bonus & b, BonusList & bl, std::string & src, int & it); //multiple bonuses at once int stringToNumber(std::string & s);//help function for parsing CREXPBON.txt bool isGood (si8 faction) const; bool isEvil (si8 faction) const; int pickRandomMonster(const boost::function &randGen = 0, int tier = -1) const; //tier <1 - CREATURES_PER_TOWN> or -1 for any void addBonusForTier(int tier, Bonus *b); //tier must be <1-7> void addBonusForAllCreatures(Bonus *b); CCreatureHandler(); ~CCreatureHandler(); template void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { //TODO: should be optimized, not all these informations needs to be serialized (same for ccreature) h & notUsedMonsters & creatures & nameToID & idToProjectile & idToProjectileSpin & factionToTurretCreature; h & stackBonuses & expRanks & maxExpPerBattle & expAfterUpgrade; h & allCreatures; h & creaturesOfLevel; BONUS_TREE_DESERIALIZATION_FIX } }; #endif // __CCREATUREHANDLER_H__