/* * CMinimap.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CMinimap.h" #include "AdventureMapInterface.h" #include "../widgets/Images.h" #include "../CGameInfo.h" #include "../CPlayerInterface.h" #include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "../gui/MouseButton.h" #include "../gui/WindowHandler.h" #include "../render/Colors.h" #include "../render/Canvas.h" #include "../render/Graphics.h" #include "../windows/InfoWindows.h" #include "../../CCallback.h" #include "../../lib/texts/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../../lib/TerrainHandler.h" #include "../../lib/mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h" #include "../../lib/mapping/CMapDefines.h" ColorRGBA CMinimapInstance::getTileColor(const int3 & pos) const { const TerrainTile * tile = LOCPLINT->cb->getTile(pos, false); // if tile is not visible it will be black on minimap if(!tile) return Colors::BLACK; // if object at tile is owned - it will be colored as its owner for (const CGObjectInstance *obj : tile->blockingObjects) { PlayerColor player = obj->getOwner(); if(player == PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) return graphics->neutralColor; if (player.isValidPlayer()) return graphics->playerColors[player.getNum()]; } if (tile->blocked() && !tile->visitable()) return tile->getTerrain()->minimapBlocked; else return tile->getTerrain()->minimapUnblocked; } void CMinimapInstance::refreshTile(const int3 &tile) { if (level == tile.z) minimap->drawPoint(Point(tile.x, tile.y), getTileColor(tile)); } void CMinimapInstance::redrawMinimap() { int3 mapSizes = LOCPLINT->cb->getMapSize(); for (int y = 0; y < mapSizes.y; ++y) for (int x = 0; x < mapSizes.x; ++x) minimap->drawPoint(Point(x, y), getTileColor(int3(x, y, level))); } CMinimapInstance::CMinimapInstance(const Point & position, const Point & dimensions, int Level): minimap(new Canvas(Point(LOCPLINT->cb->getMapSize().x, LOCPLINT->cb->getMapSize().y), CanvasScalingPolicy::IGNORE)), level(Level) { pos += position; pos.w = dimensions.x; pos.h = dimensions.y; redrawMinimap(); } CMinimapInstance::~CMinimapInstance() = default; void CMinimapInstance::showAll(Canvas & to) { to.drawScaled(*minimap, pos.topLeft(), pos.dimensions()); } CMinimap::CMinimap(const Rect & position) : CIntObject(LCLICK | SHOW_POPUP | DRAG | MOVE | GESTURE, position.topLeft()), level(0) { OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION; double maxSideLengthSrc = std::max(LOCPLINT->cb->getMapSize().x, LOCPLINT->cb->getMapSize().y); double maxSideLengthDst = std::max(position.w, position.h); double resize = maxSideLengthSrc / maxSideLengthDst; Point newMinimapSize = Point(LOCPLINT->cb->getMapSize().x/ resize, LOCPLINT->cb->getMapSize().y / resize); Point offset = Point((std::max(newMinimapSize.x, newMinimapSize.y) - newMinimapSize.x) / 2, (std::max(newMinimapSize.x, newMinimapSize.y) - newMinimapSize.y) / 2); pos.x += offset.x; pos.y += offset.y; pos.w = newMinimapSize.x; pos.h = newMinimapSize.y; aiShield = std::make_shared(ImagePath::builtin("AIShield"), -offset); aiShield->disable(); } int3 CMinimap::pixelToTile(const Point & cursorPos) const { // 0 = top-left corner, 1 = bottom-right corner double dx = static_cast(cursorPos.x) / pos.w; double dy = static_cast(cursorPos.y) / pos.h; int3 mapSizes = LOCPLINT->cb->getMapSize(); int tileX(std::round(mapSizes.x * dx)); int tileY(std::round(mapSizes.y * dy)); return int3(tileX, tileY, level); } Point CMinimap::tileToPixels(const int3 &tile) const { int3 mapSizes = LOCPLINT->cb->getMapSize(); double stepX = static_cast(pos.w) / mapSizes.x; double stepY = static_cast(pos.h) / mapSizes.y; int x = static_cast(stepX * tile.x); int y = static_cast(stepY * tile.y); return Point(x,y); } void CMinimap::moveAdvMapSelection(const Point & positionGlobal) { int3 newLocation = pixelToTile(positionGlobal - pos.topLeft()); adventureInt->centerOnTile(newLocation); if (!(adventureInt->isActive())) GH.windows().totalRedraw(); //redraw this as well as inactive adventure map else redraw();//redraw only this } void CMinimap::gesturePanning(const Point & initialPosition, const Point & currentPosition, const Point & lastUpdateDistance) { if (pos.isInside(currentPosition)) moveAdvMapSelection(currentPosition); } void CMinimap::clickPressed(const Point & cursorPosition) { moveAdvMapSelection(cursorPosition); } void CMinimap::showPopupWindow(const Point & cursorPosition) { CRClickPopup::createAndPush(CGI->generaltexth->zelp[291].second); } void CMinimap::hover(bool on) { if(on) GH.statusbar()->write(CGI->generaltexth->zelp[291].first); else GH.statusbar()->clear(); } void CMinimap::mouseDragged(const Point & cursorPosition, const Point & lastUpdateDistance) { moveAdvMapSelection(cursorPosition); } void CMinimap::showAll(Canvas & to) { CanvasClipRectGuard guard(to, aiShield->pos); CIntObject::showAll(to); if(minimap) { int3 mapSizes = LOCPLINT->cb->getMapSize(); //draw radar Rect radar = { screenArea.x * pos.w / mapSizes.x, screenArea.y * pos.h / mapSizes.y, screenArea.w * pos.w / mapSizes.x - 1, screenArea.h * pos.h / mapSizes.y - 1 }; Canvas clippedTarget(to, pos); clippedTarget.drawBorderDashed(radar, Colors::PURPLE); } } void CMinimap::update() { if(aiShield->recActions & UPDATE) //AI turn is going on. There is no need to update minimap return; OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION; minimap = std::make_shared(Point(0,0), pos.dimensions(), level); redraw(); } void CMinimap::onMapViewMoved(const Rect & visibleArea, int mapLevel) { if (screenArea == visibleArea && level == mapLevel) return; screenArea = visibleArea; if(level != mapLevel) { level = mapLevel; update(); } else redraw(); } void CMinimap::setAIRadar(bool on) { if(on) { aiShield->enable(); minimap.reset(); } else { aiShield->disable(); update(); } redraw(); } void CMinimap::updateTiles(const std::unordered_set & positions) { if(minimap) { for (auto const & tile : positions) minimap->refreshTile(tile); } redraw(); }