/* * ScreenHandler.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "ScreenHandler.h" #include "../eventsSDL/NotificationHandler.h" #include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "../gui/WindowHandler.h" #include "../renderSDL/SDL_Extensions.h" #include "CMT.h" #include "../../lib/CConfigHandler.h" #include "../../lib/constants/StringConstants.h" #ifdef VCMI_ANDROID #include "../lib/CAndroidVMHelper.h" #endif #ifdef VCMI_IOS # include "ios/utils.h" #endif #include // TODO: should be made into a private members of ScreenHandler static SDL_Window * mainWindow = nullptr; SDL_Renderer * mainRenderer = nullptr; SDL_Texture * screenTexture = nullptr; SDL_Surface * screen = nullptr; //main screen surface SDL_Surface * screen2 = nullptr; //and hlp surface (used to store not-active interfaces layer) SDL_Surface * screenBuf = screen; //points to screen (if only advmapint is present) or screen2 (else) - should be used when updating controls which are not regularly redrawed static const std::string NAME = GameConstants::VCMI_VERSION; //application name static constexpr Point heroes3Resolution = Point(800, 600); std::tuple ScreenHandler::getSupportedScalingRange() const { // H3 resolution, any resolution smaller than that is not correctly supported static constexpr Point minResolution = heroes3Resolution; // arbitrary limit on *downscaling*. Allow some downscaling, if requested by user. Should be generally limited to 100+ for all but few devices static constexpr double minimalScaling = 50; Point renderResolution = getRenderResolution(); double reservedAreaWidth = settings["video"]["reservedWidth"].Float(); Point availableResolution = Point(renderResolution.x * (1 - reservedAreaWidth), renderResolution.y); double maximalScalingWidth = 100.0 * availableResolution.x / minResolution.x; double maximalScalingHeight = 100.0 * availableResolution.y / minResolution.y; double maximalScaling = std::min(maximalScalingWidth, maximalScalingHeight); return { minimalScaling, maximalScaling }; } Rect ScreenHandler::convertLogicalPointsToWindow(const Rect & input) const { Rect result; // FIXME: use SDL_RenderLogicalToWindow instead? Needs to be tested on ios float scaleX, scaleY; SDL_Rect viewport; SDL_RenderGetScale(mainRenderer, &scaleX, &scaleY); SDL_RenderGetViewport(mainRenderer, &viewport); #ifdef VCMI_IOS // TODO ios: looks like SDL bug actually, try fixing there const auto nativeScale = iOS_utils::screenScale(); scaleX /= nativeScale; scaleY /= nativeScale; #endif result.x = (viewport.x + input.x) * scaleX; result.y = (viewport.y + input.y) * scaleY; result.w = input.w * scaleX; result.h = input.h * scaleY; return result; } int ScreenHandler::getInterfaceScalingPercentage() const { auto [minimalScaling, maximalScaling] = getSupportedScalingRange(); int userScaling = settings["video"]["resolution"]["scaling"].Integer(); if (userScaling == 0) // autodetection { #ifdef VCMI_MOBILE // for mobiles - stay at maximum scaling unless we have large screen // might be better to check screen DPI / physical dimensions, but way more complex, and may result in different edge cases, e.g. chromebooks / tv's int preferredMinimalScaling = 200; #else // for PC - avoid downscaling if possible int preferredMinimalScaling = 100; #endif // prefer a little below maximum - to give space for extended UI int preferredMaximalScaling = maximalScaling * 10 / 12; userScaling = std::max(std::min(maximalScaling, preferredMinimalScaling), preferredMaximalScaling); } int scaling = std::clamp(userScaling, minimalScaling, maximalScaling); return scaling; } Point ScreenHandler::getPreferredLogicalResolution() const { Point renderResolution = getRenderResolution(); double reservedAreaWidth = settings["video"]["reservedWidth"].Float(); int scaling = getInterfaceScalingPercentage(); Point availableResolution = Point(renderResolution.x * (1 - reservedAreaWidth), renderResolution.y); Point logicalResolution = availableResolution * 100.0 / scaling; return logicalResolution; } int ScreenHandler::getScalingFactor() const { switch (upscalingFilter) { case EUpscalingFilter::NONE: return 1; case EUpscalingFilter::XBRZ_2: return 2; case EUpscalingFilter::XBRZ_3: return 3; case EUpscalingFilter::XBRZ_4: return 4; } throw std::runtime_error("invalid upscaling filter"); } Point ScreenHandler::getLogicalResolution() const { return Point(screen->w, screen->h) / getScalingFactor(); } Point ScreenHandler::getRenderResolution() const { assert(mainRenderer != nullptr); Point result; SDL_GetRendererOutputSize(mainRenderer, &result.x, &result.y); return result; } Point ScreenHandler::getPreferredWindowResolution() const { if (getPreferredWindowMode() == EWindowMode::FULLSCREEN_BORDERLESS_WINDOWED) { SDL_Rect bounds; if (SDL_GetDisplayBounds(getPreferredDisplayIndex(), &bounds) == 0) return Point(bounds.w, bounds.h); } const JsonNode & video = settings["video"]; int width = video["resolution"]["width"].Integer(); int height = video["resolution"]["height"].Integer(); return Point(width, height); } int ScreenHandler::getPreferredDisplayIndex() const { #ifdef VCMI_MOBILE // Assuming no multiple screens on Android / ios? return 0; #else if (mainWindow != nullptr) { int result = SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex(mainWindow); if (result >= 0) return result; } return settings["video"]["displayIndex"].Integer(); #endif } EWindowMode ScreenHandler::getPreferredWindowMode() const { #ifdef VCMI_MOBILE // On Android / ios game will always render to screen size return EWindowMode::FULLSCREEN_BORDERLESS_WINDOWED; #else const JsonNode & video = settings["video"]; bool fullscreen = video["fullscreen"].Bool(); bool realFullscreen = settings["video"]["realFullscreen"].Bool(); if (!fullscreen) return EWindowMode::WINDOWED; if (realFullscreen) return EWindowMode::FULLSCREEN_EXCLUSIVE; else return EWindowMode::FULLSCREEN_BORDERLESS_WINDOWED; #endif } ScreenHandler::ScreenHandler() { #ifdef VCMI_WINDOWS // set VCMI as "per-monitor DPI awareness". This completely disables any DPI-scaling by system. // Might not be the best solution since VCMI can't automatically adjust to DPI changes (including moving to monitors with different DPI scaling) // However this fixed unintuitive bug where player selects specific resolution for windowed mode, but ends up with completely different one due to scaling // NOTE: requires SDL 2.24. SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_WINDOWS_DPI_AWARENESS, "permonitor"); #endif if(settings["video"]["allowPortrait"].Bool()) SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_ORIENTATIONS, "Portrait PortraitUpsideDown LandscapeLeft LandscapeRight"); else SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_ORIENTATIONS, "LandscapeLeft LandscapeRight"); if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO | SDL_INIT_TIMER | SDL_INIT_AUDIO | SDL_INIT_GAMECONTROLLER)) { logGlobal->error("Something was wrong: %s", SDL_GetError()); exit(-1); } const auto & logCallback = [](void * userdata, int category, SDL_LogPriority priority, const char * message) { logGlobal->debug("SDL(category %d; priority %d) %s", category, priority, message); }; SDL_LogSetOutputFunction(logCallback, nullptr); #ifdef VCMI_ANDROID // manually setting egl pixel format, as a possible solution for sdl2<->android problem // https://bugzilla.libsdl.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2291 SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 5); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 6); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 5); SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 0); #endif // VCMI_ANDROID validateSettings(); recreateWindowAndScreenBuffers(); } void ScreenHandler::recreateWindowAndScreenBuffers() { destroyScreenBuffers(); if(mainWindow == nullptr) initializeWindow(); else updateWindowState(); initializeScreenBuffers(); if(!settings["session"]["headless"].Bool() && settings["general"]["notifications"].Bool()) { NotificationHandler::init(mainWindow); } } void ScreenHandler::updateWindowState() { #ifndef VCMI_MOBILE int displayIndex = getPreferredDisplayIndex(); switch(getPreferredWindowMode()) { case EWindowMode::FULLSCREEN_EXCLUSIVE: { // for some reason, VCMI fails to switch from FULLSCREEN_BORDERLESS_WINDOWED to FULLSCREEN_EXCLUSIVE directly // Switch to windowed mode first to avoid this bug SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(mainWindow, 0); SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(mainWindow, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN); SDL_DisplayMode mode; SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode(displayIndex, &mode); Point resolution = getPreferredWindowResolution(); mode.w = resolution.x; mode.h = resolution.y; SDL_SetWindowDisplayMode(mainWindow, &mode); SDL_SetWindowPosition(mainWindow, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED_DISPLAY(displayIndex), SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED_DISPLAY(displayIndex)); return; } case EWindowMode::FULLSCREEN_BORDERLESS_WINDOWED: { SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(mainWindow, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP); SDL_SetWindowPosition(mainWindow, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED_DISPLAY(displayIndex), SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED_DISPLAY(displayIndex)); return; } case EWindowMode::WINDOWED: { Point resolution = getPreferredWindowResolution(); SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(mainWindow, 0); SDL_SetWindowSize(mainWindow, resolution.x, resolution.y); SDL_SetWindowPosition(mainWindow, SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED_DISPLAY(displayIndex), SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED_DISPLAY(displayIndex)); return; } } #endif } void ScreenHandler::initializeWindow() { mainWindow = createWindow(); if(mainWindow == nullptr) { const char * error = SDL_GetError(); Point dimensions = getPreferredWindowResolution(); std::string messagePattern = "Failed to create SDL Window of size %d x %d. Reason: %s"; std::string message = boost::str(boost::format(messagePattern) % dimensions.x % dimensions.y % error); handleFatalError(message, true); } // create first available renderer if no preferred one is set // use no SDL_RENDERER_SOFTWARE or SDL_RENDERER_ACCELERATED flag, so HW accelerated will be preferred but SW renderer will also be possible uint32_t rendererFlags = 0; if(settings["video"]["vsync"].Bool()) { rendererFlags |= SDL_RENDERER_PRESENTVSYNC; } mainRenderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(mainWindow, getPreferredRenderingDriver(), rendererFlags); if(mainRenderer == nullptr) { const char * error = SDL_GetError(); std::string messagePattern = "Failed to create SDL renderer. Reason: %s"; std::string message = boost::str(boost::format(messagePattern) % error); handleFatalError(message, true); } selectUpscalingFilter(); selectDownscalingFilter(); SDL_RendererInfo info; SDL_GetRendererInfo(mainRenderer, &info); logGlobal->info("Created renderer %s", info.name); } EUpscalingFilter ScreenHandler::loadUpscalingFilter() const { static const std::map upscalingFilterTypes = { {"auto", EUpscalingFilter::AUTO }, {"none", EUpscalingFilter::NONE }, {"xbrz2", EUpscalingFilter::XBRZ_2 }, {"xbrz3", EUpscalingFilter::XBRZ_3 }, {"xbrz4", EUpscalingFilter::XBRZ_4 } }; auto filterName = settings["video"]["upscalingFilter"].String(); auto filter = upscalingFilterTypes.count(filterName) ? upscalingFilterTypes.at(filterName) : EUpscalingFilter::AUTO; if (filter != EUpscalingFilter::AUTO) return filter; // else - autoselect Point outputResolution = getRenderResolution(); Point logicalResolution = getPreferredLogicalResolution(); float scaleX = static_cast(outputResolution.x) / logicalResolution.x; float scaleY = static_cast(outputResolution.x) / logicalResolution.x; float scaling = std::min(scaleX, scaleY); int systemMemoryMb = SDL_GetSystemRAM(); if (scaling <= 1.001f) return EUpscalingFilter::NONE; // running at original resolution or even lower than that - no need for xbrz if (systemMemoryMb < 2048) return EUpscalingFilter::NONE; // xbrz2 may use ~1.0 - 1.5 Gb of RAM and has notable CPU cost - avoid on low-spec hardware // Only using xbrz2 for autoselection. // Higher options may have high system requirements and should be only selected explicitly by player return EUpscalingFilter::XBRZ_2; } void ScreenHandler::selectUpscalingFilter() { upscalingFilter = loadUpscalingFilter(); logGlobal->debug("Selected upscaling filter %d", static_cast(upscalingFilter)); } void ScreenHandler::selectDownscalingFilter() { SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY, settings["video"]["downscalingFilter"].String().c_str()); logGlobal->debug("Selected downscaling filter %s", settings["video"]["downscalingFilter"].String()); } void ScreenHandler::initializeScreenBuffers() { #ifdef VCMI_ENDIAN_BIG int bmask = 0xff000000; int gmask = 0x00ff0000; int rmask = 0x0000ff00; int amask = 0x000000ff; #else int bmask = 0x000000ff; int gmask = 0x0000ff00; int rmask = 0x00ff0000; int amask = 0xFF000000; #endif auto logicalSize = getPreferredLogicalResolution() * getScalingFactor(); SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(mainRenderer, logicalSize.x, logicalSize.y); screen = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, logicalSize.x, logicalSize.y, 32, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask); if(nullptr == screen) { logGlobal->error("Unable to create surface %dx%d with %d bpp: %s", logicalSize.x, logicalSize.y, 32, SDL_GetError()); throw std::runtime_error("Unable to create surface"); } //No blending for screen itself. Required for proper cursor rendering. SDL_SetSurfaceBlendMode(screen, SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE); screenTexture = SDL_CreateTexture(mainRenderer, SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, logicalSize.x, logicalSize.y); if(nullptr == screenTexture) { logGlobal->error("Unable to create screen texture"); logGlobal->error(SDL_GetError()); throw std::runtime_error("Unable to create screen texture"); } screen2 = CSDL_Ext::copySurface(screen); if(nullptr == screen2) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to copy surface\n"); } if (GH.windows().count() > 1) screenBuf = screen2; else screenBuf = screen; clearScreen(); } SDL_Window * ScreenHandler::createWindowImpl(Point dimensions, int flags, bool center) { int displayIndex = getPreferredDisplayIndex(); int positionFlags = center ? SDL_WINDOWPOS_CENTERED_DISPLAY(displayIndex) : SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED_DISPLAY(displayIndex); return SDL_CreateWindow(NAME.c_str(), positionFlags, positionFlags, dimensions.x, dimensions.y, flags); } SDL_Window * ScreenHandler::createWindow() { #ifndef VCMI_MOBILE Point dimensions = getPreferredWindowResolution(); switch(getPreferredWindowMode()) { case EWindowMode::FULLSCREEN_EXCLUSIVE: return createWindowImpl(dimensions, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN, false); case EWindowMode::FULLSCREEN_BORDERLESS_WINDOWED: return createWindowImpl(Point(), SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP, false); case EWindowMode::WINDOWED: return createWindowImpl(dimensions, SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE, true); default: return nullptr; }; #endif #ifdef VCMI_IOS SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_IOS_HIDE_HOME_INDICATOR, "1"); SDL_SetHint(SDL_HINT_RETURN_KEY_HIDES_IME, "1"); uint32_t windowFlags = SDL_WINDOW_BORDERLESS | SDL_WINDOW_ALLOW_HIGHDPI; SDL_Window * result = createWindowImpl(Point(), windowFlags | SDL_WINDOW_METAL, false); if(result != nullptr) return result; logGlobal->warn("Metal unavailable, using OpenGLES"); return createWindowImpl(Point(), windowFlags, false); #endif #ifdef VCMI_ANDROID return createWindowImpl(Point(), SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE, false); #endif } void ScreenHandler::onScreenResize() { recreateWindowAndScreenBuffers(); } void ScreenHandler::validateSettings() { #ifndef VCMI_MOBILE { int displayIndex = settings["video"]["displayIndex"].Integer(); int displaysCount = SDL_GetNumVideoDisplays(); if (displayIndex >= displaysCount) { Settings writer = settings.write["video"]["displayIndex"]; writer->Float() = 0; } } if (getPreferredWindowMode() == EWindowMode::WINDOWED) { //we only check that our desired window size fits on screen int displayIndex = getPreferredDisplayIndex(); Point resolution = getPreferredWindowResolution(); SDL_DisplayMode mode; if (SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode(displayIndex, &mode) == 0) { if(resolution.x > mode.w || resolution.y > mode.h) { Settings writer = settings.write["video"]["resolution"]; writer["width"].Float() = mode.w; writer["height"].Float() = mode.h; } } } if (getPreferredWindowMode() == EWindowMode::FULLSCREEN_EXCLUSIVE) { auto legalOptions = getSupportedResolutions(); Point selectedResolution = getPreferredWindowResolution(); if(!vstd::contains(legalOptions, selectedResolution)) { // resolution selected for fullscreen mode is not supported by display // try to find current display resolution and use it instead as "reasonable default" SDL_DisplayMode mode; if (SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode(getPreferredDisplayIndex(), &mode) == 0) { Settings writer = settings.write["video"]["resolution"]; writer["width"].Float() = mode.w; writer["height"].Float() = mode.h; } } } #endif } int ScreenHandler::getPreferredRenderingDriver() const { int result = -1; const JsonNode & video = settings["video"]; int driversCount = SDL_GetNumRenderDrivers(); std::string preferredDriverName = video["driver"].String(); logGlobal->info("Found %d render drivers", driversCount); for(int it = 0; it < driversCount; it++) { SDL_RendererInfo info; if (SDL_GetRenderDriverInfo(it, &info) == 0) { std::string driverName(info.name); if(!preferredDriverName.empty() && driverName == preferredDriverName) { result = it; logGlobal->info("\t%s (active)", driverName); } else logGlobal->info("\t%s", driverName); } else logGlobal->info("\t(error)"); } return result; } void ScreenHandler::destroyScreenBuffers() { // screenBuf is not a separate surface, but points to either screen or screen2 - just set to null screenBuf = nullptr; if(nullptr != screen2) { SDL_FreeSurface(screen2); screen2 = nullptr; } if(nullptr != screen) { SDL_FreeSurface(screen); screen = nullptr; } if(nullptr != screenTexture) { SDL_DestroyTexture(screenTexture); screenTexture = nullptr; } } void ScreenHandler::destroyWindow() { if(nullptr != mainRenderer) { SDL_DestroyRenderer(mainRenderer); mainRenderer = nullptr; } if(nullptr != mainWindow) { SDL_DestroyWindow(mainWindow); mainWindow = nullptr; } } void ScreenHandler::close() { if(settings["general"]["notifications"].Bool()) NotificationHandler::destroy(); destroyScreenBuffers(); destroyWindow(); SDL_Quit(); } void ScreenHandler::clearScreen() { SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(mainRenderer, 0, 0, 0, 255); SDL_RenderClear(mainRenderer); SDL_RenderPresent(mainRenderer); } std::vector ScreenHandler::getSupportedResolutions() const { int displayID = getPreferredDisplayIndex(); return getSupportedResolutions(displayID); } std::vector ScreenHandler::getSupportedResolutions( int displayIndex) const { //NOTE: this method is never called on Android/iOS, only on desktop systems std::vector result; int modesCount = SDL_GetNumDisplayModes(displayIndex); for (int i =0; i < modesCount; ++i) { SDL_DisplayMode mode; if (SDL_GetDisplayMode(displayIndex, i, &mode) == 0) { Point resolution(mode.w, mode.h); result.push_back(resolution); } } boost::range::sort(result, [](const auto & left, const auto & right) { return left.x * left.y < right.x * right.y; }); // erase potential duplicates, e.g. resolutions with different framerate / bits per pixel result.erase(boost::unique(result).end(), result.end()); return result; } bool ScreenHandler::hasFocus() { ui32 flags = SDL_GetWindowFlags(mainWindow); return flags & SDL_WINDOW_INPUT_FOCUS; }