 * CComponent.h, part of VCMI engine
 * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
 * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
 * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#pragma once

#include "../gui/CIntObject.h"
#include "../render/EFont.h"
#include "../../lib/filesystem/ResourcePath.h"
#include "../../lib/networkPacks/Component.h"


struct Component;


class CAnimImage;
class CLabel;

/// common popup window component
class CComponent : public virtual CIntObject
	//NOTE: not all types have exact these sizes or have less than 4 of them. In such cases closest one will be used
	enum ESize
		tiny,  // ~22-24px
		small, // ~30px
		medium,// ~42px
		large,  // ~82px

	std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CLabel>> lines;

	size_t getIndex() const;
	std::vector<AnimationPath> getFileName() const;
	void setSurface(const AnimationPath & defName, int imgPos);

	void init(ComponentType Type, ComponentSubType Subtype, std::optional<int32_t> Val, ESize imageSize, EFonts font, const std::string & ValText);

	std::shared_ptr<CAnimImage> image;
	Component data;
	std::string customSubtitle;
	ESize size; //component size.
	EFonts font; //Font size of label
	bool newLine; //Line break after component

	std::string getDescription() const;
	std::string getSubtitle() const;

	CComponent(ComponentType Type, ComponentSubType Subtype, std::optional<int32_t> Val = std::nullopt, ESize imageSize=large, EFonts font = FONT_SMALL);
	CComponent(ComponentType Type, ComponentSubType Subtype, const std::string & Val, ESize imageSize=large, EFonts font = FONT_SMALL);
	CComponent(const Component &c, ESize imageSize=large, EFonts font = FONT_SMALL);

	void showPopupWindow(const Point & cursorPosition) override; //call-in

/// component that can be selected or deselected
class CSelectableComponent : public CComponent, public CKeyShortcut
	void init();
	bool selected; //if true, this component is selected
	std::function<void()> onSelect; //function called on selection change
	std::function<void()> onChoose; //function called on doubleclick

	void showAll(Canvas & to) override;
	void select(bool on);

	void clickPressed(const Point & cursorPosition) override; //call-in
	void clickDouble(const Point & cursorPosition) override; //call-in
	CSelectableComponent(ComponentType Type, ComponentSubType Sub, int Val, ESize imageSize=large, std::function<void()> OnSelect = nullptr);
	CSelectableComponent(const Component & c, std::function<void()> OnSelect = nullptr);

/// box with multiple components (up to 8?)
/// will take ownership on components and delete them afterwards
class CComponentBox : public CIntObject
	std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CComponent>> components;

	std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CLabel>> orLabels;

	std::shared_ptr<CSelectableComponent> selected;
	std::function<void(int newID)> onSelect;

	static constexpr int defaultBetweenImagesMin = 42;
	static constexpr int defaultBetweenSubtitlesMin = 10;
	static constexpr int defaultBetweenRows = 22;
	static constexpr int defaultComponentsInRow = 4;

	int betweenImagesMin;
	int betweenSubtitlesMin;
	int betweenRows;
	int componentsInRow;

	void selectionChanged(std::shared_ptr<CSelectableComponent> newSelection);

	//get position of "or" text between these comps
	//it will place "or" equidistant to both images
	Point getOrTextPos(CComponent *left, CComponent * right);

	//get distance between these copmonents
	int getDistance(CComponent *left, CComponent * right);
	void placeComponents(bool selectable);

	/// return index of selected item
	int selectedIndex();

	/// constructors for non-selectable components
	CComponentBox(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CComponent>> components, Rect position);
	CComponentBox(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CComponent>> components, Rect position, int betweenImagesMin, int betweenSubtitlesMin, int betweenRows, int componentsInRow);

	/// constructor for selectable components
	/// will also create "or" labels between components
	/// onSelect - optional function that will be called every time on selection change
	CComponentBox(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CSelectableComponent>> components, Rect position, std::function<void(int newID)> onSelect = nullptr);
	CComponentBox(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CSelectableComponent>> components, Rect position, std::function<void(int newID)> onSelect, int betweenImagesMin, int betweenSubtitlesMin, int betweenRows, int componentsInRow);