/* * ObjectLists.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "ObjectLists.h" #include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "Slider.h" CObjectList::CObjectList(CreateFunc create) : createObject(create) { } void CObjectList::deleteItem(std::shared_ptr item) { if(!item) return; item->deactivate(); removeChild(item.get()); } std::shared_ptr CObjectList::createItem(size_t index) { OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION; std::shared_ptr item = createObject(index); if(!item) item = std::make_shared(); addChild(item.get()); if (isActive()) item->activate(); return item; } CTabbedInt::CTabbedInt(CreateFunc create, Point position, size_t ActiveID) : CObjectList(create), activeTab(nullptr), activeID(ActiveID) { pos += position; reset(); } void CTabbedInt::setActive(size_t which) { if(which != activeID) { activeID = which; reset(); } } size_t CTabbedInt::getActive() const { return activeID; } void CTabbedInt::reset() { deleteItem(activeTab); activeTab = createItem(activeID); activeTab->moveTo(pos.topLeft()); if(isActive()) redraw(); } std::shared_ptr CTabbedInt::getItem() { return activeTab; } CListBox::CListBox(CreateFunc create, Point Pos, Point ItemOffset, size_t VisibleSize, size_t TotalSize, size_t InitialPos, int Slider, Rect SliderPos) : CObjectList(create), first(InitialPos), totalSize(TotalSize), itemOffset(ItemOffset) { pos += Pos; items.resize(VisibleSize, nullptr); if(Slider & 1) { OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION; slider = std::make_shared( SliderPos.topLeft(), SliderPos.w, std::bind(&CListBox::moveToPos, this, _1), (int)VisibleSize, (int)TotalSize, (int)InitialPos, Slider & 2 ? Orientation::HORIZONTAL : Orientation::VERTICAL, Slider & 4 ? CSlider::BLUE : CSlider::BROWN ); slider->setPanningStep(itemOffset.x + itemOffset.y); } reset(); } // Used to move active items after changing list position void CListBox::updatePositions() { Point itemPos = pos.topLeft(); for (auto & elem : items) { (elem)->moveTo(itemPos); itemPos += itemOffset; } if(slider) { slider->scrollTo((int)first); moveChildForeground(slider.get()); } redraw(); } void CListBox::reset() { // hack to ensure that all items will be recreated with new address // save current item list so all shared_ptr's will be destroyed only on scope exit and not inside loop below // see comment in EventDispatcher::handleLeftButtonClick for details on why this hack is needed auto itemsCopy = items; size_t current = first; for (auto & elem : items) { deleteItem(elem); elem = createItem(current++); } updatePositions(); } void CListBox::resize(size_t newSize) { if (totalSize == newSize) return; totalSize = newSize; if (slider) slider->setAmount((int)totalSize); reset(); } size_t CListBox::size() { return totalSize; } std::shared_ptr CListBox::getItem(size_t which) { if(which < first || which > first + items.size() || which > totalSize) return std::shared_ptr(); size_t i=first; for (auto iter = items.begin(); iter != items.end(); iter++, i++) if( i == which) return *iter; return std::shared_ptr(); } std::shared_ptr CListBox::getSlider() { return slider; } size_t CListBox::getIndexOf(std::shared_ptr item) { size_t i=first; for(auto iter = items.begin(); iter != items.end(); iter++, i++) if(*iter == item) return i; return size_t(-1); } void CListBox::scrollTo(size_t which) { //scroll up if(first > which) moveToPos(which); //scroll down else if (first + items.size() <= which && which < totalSize) moveToPos(which - items.size() + 1); } void CListBox::moveToPos(size_t which) { //Calculate new position size_t maxPossible; if(totalSize > items.size()) maxPossible = totalSize - items.size(); else maxPossible = 0; size_t newPos = std::min(which, maxPossible); //If move distance is 1 (most of calls from Slider) - use faster shifts instead of resetting all items if(first - newPos == 1) { moveToPrev(); } else if(newPos - first == 1) { moveToNext(); } else if(newPos != first) { first = newPos; reset(); } } void CListBox::moveToNext() { //Remove front item and insert new one to end if(first + items.size() < totalSize) { first++; deleteItem(items.front()); items.pop_front(); items.push_back(createItem(first+items.size())); updatePositions(); } } void CListBox::moveToPrev() { //Remove last item and insert new one at start if(first) { first--; deleteItem(items.back()); items.pop_back(); items.push_front(createItem(first)); updatePositions(); } } size_t CListBox::getPos() { return first; } const std::list> & CListBox::getItems() { return items; } CListBoxWithCallback::CListBoxWithCallback(CListBoxWithCallback::MovedPosCallback callback, CreateFunc create, Point pos, Point itemOffset, size_t visibleSize, size_t totalSize, size_t initialPos, int slider, Rect sliderPos) : CListBox(create, pos, itemOffset, visibleSize, totalSize, initialPos, slider, sliderPos) { movedPosCallback = callback; } void CListBoxWithCallback::scrollTo(size_t pos) { CListBox::scrollTo(pos); if(movedPosCallback) movedPosCallback(getPos()); } void CListBoxWithCallback::moveToPos(size_t pos) { CListBox::moveToPos(pos); if(movedPosCallback) movedPosCallback(getPos()); } void CListBoxWithCallback::moveToNext() { CListBox::moveToNext(); if(movedPosCallback) movedPosCallback(getPos()); } void CListBoxWithCallback::moveToPrev() { CListBox::moveToPrev(); if(movedPosCallback) movedPosCallback(getPos()); }