/* * Slider.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "Slider.h" #include "Buttons.h" #include "../gui/MouseButton.h" #include "../gui/Shortcut.h" #include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "../render/Canvas.h" #include "../render/Colors.h" void CSlider::mouseDragged(const Point & cursorPosition, const Point & lastUpdateDistance) { bool onControl = pos.isInside(cursorPosition) && !left->pos.isInside(cursorPosition) && !right->pos.isInside(cursorPosition); if(!onControl && !slider->isPressed()) return; if(onControl && !slider->isPressed()) slider->clickPressed(cursorPosition); double newPosition = 0; if(getOrientation() == Orientation::HORIZONTAL) { newPosition = cursorPosition.x - pos.x - 24; newPosition *= positions; newPosition /= (pos.w - 48); } else { newPosition = cursorPosition.y - pos.y - 24; newPosition *= positions; newPosition /= (pos.h - 48); } int positionInteger = std::round(newPosition); if(positionInteger != value) { scrollTo(static_cast<int>(newPosition)); } } void CSlider::gesturePanning(const Point & initialPosition, const Point & currentPosition, const Point & lastUpdateDistance) { if (getOrientation() == Orientation::VERTICAL) Scrollable::gesturePanning(initialPosition, currentPosition, lastUpdateDistance); else mouseDragged(currentPosition, lastUpdateDistance); } void CSlider::setScrollBounds(const Rect & bounds ) { scrollBounds = bounds; } void CSlider::clearScrollBounds() { scrollBounds = std::nullopt; } int CSlider::getAmount() const { return amount; } int CSlider::getValue() const { return value; } void CSlider::setValue(int to, bool callCallbacks) { scrollTo(value); } int CSlider::getCapacity() const { return capacity; } void CSlider::scrollBy(int amount) { scrollTo(value + amount); } void CSlider::updateSliderPos() { if(getOrientation() == Orientation::HORIZONTAL) { if(positions) { double part = static_cast<double>(value) / positions; part*=(pos.w-48); int newPos = static_cast<int>(part + pos.x + 16 - slider->pos.x); slider->moveBy(Point(newPos, 0)); } else slider->moveTo(Point(pos.x+16, pos.y)); } else { if(positions) { double part = static_cast<double>(value) / positions; part*=(pos.h-48); int newPos = static_cast<int>(part + pos.y + 16 - slider->pos.y); slider->moveBy(Point(0, newPos)); } else slider->moveTo(Point(pos.x, pos.y+16)); } } void CSlider::scrollTo(int to, bool callCallbacks) { vstd::amax(to, 0); vstd::amin(to, positions); //same, old position? if(value == to) return; value = to; updateSliderPos(); if (callCallbacks) moved(getValue()); } double CSlider::getClickPos(const Point & cursorPosition) { double pw = 0; double rw = 0; if(getOrientation() == Orientation::HORIZONTAL) { pw = cursorPosition.x-pos.x-25; rw = pw / static_cast<double>(pos.w - 48); } else { pw = cursorPosition.y-pos.y-24; rw = pw / (pos.h-48); } return rw; } void CSlider::clickPressed(const Point & cursorPosition) { bool onControl = pos.isInside(cursorPosition) && !left->pos.isInside(cursorPosition) && !right->pos.isInside(cursorPosition); if(!onControl) return; if(slider->isBlocked()) return; // click on area covered by buttons -> ignore, will be handled by left/right buttons auto rw = getClickPos(cursorPosition); if (!vstd::iswithin(rw, 0, 1)) return; slider->clickPressed(cursorPosition); scrollTo((int)(rw * positions + 0.5)); } void CSlider::clickReleased(const Point & cursorPosition) { if(slider->isBlocked()) return; slider->clickReleased(cursorPosition); } bool CSlider::receiveEvent(const Point &position, int eventType) const { if (eventType == LCLICK) return true; //capture "clickReleased" also outside of control if(eventType != WHEEL && eventType != GESTURE) return CIntObject::receiveEvent(position, eventType); if (!scrollBounds) return true; Rect testTarget = *scrollBounds + pos.topLeft(); return testTarget.isInside(position); } CSlider::CSlider(Point position, int totalw, const SliderMovingFunctor & Moved, int Capacity, int Amount, int Value, Orientation orientation, CSlider::EStyle style) : Scrollable(LCLICK | DRAG, position, orientation ), capacity(Capacity), amount(Amount), value(Value), moved(Moved) { OBJECT_CONSTRUCTION; setAmount(amount); vstd::amax(value, 0); vstd::amin(value, positions); if(style == BROWN) { AnimationPath name = AnimationPath::builtin(getOrientation() == Orientation::HORIZONTAL ? "IGPCRDIV.DEF" : "OVBUTN2.DEF"); //NOTE: this images do not have "blocked" frames. They should be implemented somehow (e.g. palette transform or something...) left = std::make_shared<CButton>(Point(), name, CButton::tooltip()); right = std::make_shared<CButton>(Point(), name, CButton::tooltip()); slider = std::make_shared<CButton>(Point(), name, CButton::tooltip()); left->setImageOrder(0, 1, 1, 1); right->setImageOrder(2, 3, 3, 3); slider->setImageOrder(4, 4, 4, 4); } else { left = std::make_shared<CButton>(Point(), AnimationPath::builtin(getOrientation() == Orientation::HORIZONTAL ? "SCNRBLF.DEF" : "SCNRBUP.DEF"), CButton::tooltip()); right = std::make_shared<CButton>(Point(), AnimationPath::builtin(getOrientation() == Orientation::HORIZONTAL ? "SCNRBRT.DEF" : "SCNRBDN.DEF"), CButton::tooltip()); slider = std::make_shared<CButton>(Point(), AnimationPath::builtin("SCNRBSL.DEF"), CButton::tooltip()); } slider->setActOnDown(true); slider->setSoundDisabled(true); left->setSoundDisabled(true); right->setSoundDisabled(true); if (getOrientation() == Orientation::HORIZONTAL) right->moveBy(Point(totalw - right->pos.w, 0)); else right->moveBy(Point(0, totalw - right->pos.h)); left->addCallback(std::bind(&CSlider::scrollPrev,this)); right->addCallback(std::bind(&CSlider::scrollNext,this)); if(getOrientation() == Orientation::HORIZONTAL) { pos.h = slider->pos.h; pos.w = totalw; } else { pos.w = slider->pos.w; pos.h = totalw; } // for horizontal sliders that act as values selection - add keyboard event to receive left/right click if (getOrientation() == Orientation::HORIZONTAL) addUsedEvents(KEYBOARD); updateSliderPos(); } CSlider::~CSlider() = default; void CSlider::block( bool on ) { left->block(on); right->block(on); slider->block(on); } void CSlider::setAmount( int to ) { amount = to; positions = to - capacity; vstd::amax(positions, 0); } void CSlider::showAll(Canvas & to) { to.drawColor(pos, Colors::BLACK); CIntObject::showAll(to); } void CSlider::keyPressed(EShortcut key) { int moveDest = value; switch(key) { case EShortcut::MOVE_UP: if (getOrientation() == Orientation::VERTICAL) moveDest = value - getScrollStep(); break; case EShortcut::MOVE_LEFT: if (getOrientation() == Orientation::HORIZONTAL) moveDest = value - getScrollStep(); break; case EShortcut::MOVE_DOWN: if (getOrientation() == Orientation::VERTICAL) moveDest = value + getScrollStep(); break; case EShortcut::MOVE_RIGHT: if (getOrientation() == Orientation::HORIZONTAL) moveDest = value + getScrollStep(); break; case EShortcut::MOVE_PAGE_UP: moveDest = value - capacity + getScrollStep(); break; case EShortcut::MOVE_PAGE_DOWN: moveDest = value + capacity - getScrollStep(); break; case EShortcut::MOVE_FIRST: moveDest = 0; break; case EShortcut::MOVE_LAST: moveDest = amount - capacity; break; default: return; } scrollTo(moveDest); } void CSlider::scrollToMin() { scrollTo(0); } void CSlider::scrollToMax() { scrollTo(amount); } SliderNonlinear::SliderNonlinear(Point position, int length, const std::function<void(int)> & Moved, const std::vector<int> & values, int Value, Orientation orientation, EStyle style) : CSlider(position, length, Moved, 1, values.size(), Value, orientation, style) , scaledValues(values) { } int SliderNonlinear::getValue() const { return scaledValues.at(CSlider::getValue()); } void SliderNonlinear::setValue(int to, bool callCallbacks) { size_t nearest = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < scaledValues.size(); ++i) { int nearestDistance = std::abs(to - scaledValues[nearest]); int currentDistance = std::abs(to - scaledValues[i]); if(currentDistance < nearestDistance) nearest = i; } scrollTo(nearest, callCallbacks); }