# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying # file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. # Copyright 2019 Amine Ben Hassouna <amine.benhassouna@gmail.com> # Copyright 2000-2019 Kitware, Inc. and Contributors # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # * Neither the name of Kitware, Inc. nor the names of Contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this # software without specific prior written permission. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT # HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY # THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE # OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #[=======================================================================[.rst: FindSDL2 -------- Locate SDL2 library This module defines the following 'IMPORTED' targets: :: SDL2::SDL2 The SDL2 library, if found. Libraries should link to SDL2::SDL2 SDL2::SDL2main The SDL2main library, if found. Applications should link to SDL2::SDL2main instead of SDL2::SDL2 This module will set the following variables in your project: :: SDL2_LIBRARIES, the name of the library to link against SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS, where to find SDL.h SDL2_FOUND, if false, do not try to link to SDL2 SDL2MAIN_FOUND, if false, do not try to link to SDL2main SDL2_VERSION_STRING, human-readable string containing the version of SDL2 This module responds to the following cache variables: :: SDL2_PATH Set a custom SDL2 Library path (default: empty) SDL2_NO_DEFAULT_PATH Disable search SDL2 Library in default path. If SDL2_PATH (default: ON) Else (default: OFF) SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR SDL2 headers path. SDL2_LIBRARY SDL2 Library (.dll, .so, .a, etc) path. SDL2MAIN_LIBRARY SDL2main Library (.a) path. SDL2_BUILDING_LIBRARY This flag is useful only when linking to SDL2_LIBRARIES instead of SDL2::SDL2main. It is required only when building a library that links to SDL2_LIBRARIES, because only applications need main() (No need to also link to SDL2main). If this flag is defined, then no SDL2main will be added to SDL2_LIBRARIES and no SDL2::SDL2main target will be created. Don't forget to include SDLmain.h and SDLmain.m in your project for the OS X framework based version. (Other versions link to -lSDL2main which this module will try to find on your behalf.) Also for OS X, this module will automatically add the -framework Cocoa on your behalf. Additional Note: If you see an empty SDL2_LIBRARY in your project configuration, it means CMake did not find your SDL2 library (SDL2.dll, libsdl2.so, SDL2.framework, etc). Set SDL2_LIBRARY to point to your SDL2 library, and configure again. Similarly, if you see an empty SDL2MAIN_LIBRARY, you should set this value as appropriate. These values are used to generate the final SDL2_LIBRARIES variable and the SDL2::SDL2 and SDL2::SDL2main targets, but when these values are unset, SDL2_LIBRARIES, SDL2::SDL2 and SDL2::SDL2main does not get created. $SDL2DIR is an environment variable that would correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$SDL2DIR used in building SDL2. l.e.galup 9-20-02 Created by Amine Ben Hassouna: Adapt FindSDL.cmake to SDL2 (FindSDL2.cmake). Add cache variables for more flexibility: SDL2_PATH, SDL2_NO_DEFAULT_PATH (for details, see doc above). Mark 'Threads' as a required dependency for non-OSX systems. Modernize the FindSDL2.cmake module by creating specific targets: SDL2::SDL2 and SDL2::SDL2main (for details, see doc above). Original FindSDL.cmake module: Modified by Eric Wing. Added code to assist with automated building by using environmental variables and providing a more controlled/consistent search behavior. Added new modifications to recognize OS X frameworks and additional Unix paths (FreeBSD, etc). Also corrected the header search path to follow "proper" SDL guidelines. Added a search for SDLmain which is needed by some platforms. Added a search for threads which is needed by some platforms. Added needed compile switches for MinGW. On OSX, this will prefer the Framework version (if found) over others. People will have to manually change the cache value of SDL2_LIBRARY to override this selection or set the SDL2_PATH variable or the CMake environment CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH to modify the search paths. Note that the header path has changed from SDL/SDL.h to just SDL.h This needed to change because "proper" SDL convention is #include "SDL.h", not <SDL/SDL.h>. This is done for portability reasons because not all systems place things in SDL/ (see FreeBSD). #]=======================================================================] # Define options for searching SDL2 Library in a custom path set(SDL2_PATH "" CACHE STRING "Custom SDL2 Library path") set(_SDL2_NO_DEFAULT_PATH OFF) if(SDL2_PATH) set(_SDL2_NO_DEFAULT_PATH ON) endif() set(SDL2_NO_DEFAULT_PATH ${_SDL2_NO_DEFAULT_PATH} CACHE BOOL "Disable search SDL2 Library in default path") unset(_SDL2_NO_DEFAULT_PATH) set(SDL2_NO_DEFAULT_PATH_CMD) if(SDL2_NO_DEFAULT_PATH) set(SDL2_NO_DEFAULT_PATH_CMD NO_DEFAULT_PATH) endif() # Search for the SDL2 include directory find_path(SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR SDL.h HINTS ENV SDL2DIR ${SDL2_NO_DEFAULT_PATH_CMD} PATH_SUFFIXES SDL2 # path suffixes to search inside ENV{SDL2DIR} include/SDL2 include PATHS ${SDL2_PATH} DOC "Where the SDL2 headers can be found" ) set(SDL2_INCLUDE_DIRS "${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR}") if(CMAKE_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 8) set(VC_LIB_PATH_SUFFIX lib/x64) else() set(VC_LIB_PATH_SUFFIX lib/x86) endif() # SDL-2.0 is the name used by FreeBSD ports... # don't confuse it for the version number. find_library(SDL2_LIBRARY NAMES SDL2 SDL-2.0 HINTS ENV SDL2DIR ${SDL2_NO_DEFAULT_PATH_CMD} PATH_SUFFIXES lib ${VC_LIB_PATH_SUFFIX} PATHS ${SDL2_PATH} DOC "Where the SDL2 Library can be found" ) set(SDL2_LIBRARIES "${SDL2_LIBRARY}") if(NOT SDL2_BUILDING_LIBRARY) if(NOT SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR MATCHES ".framework") # Non-OS X framework versions expect you to also dynamically link to # SDL2main. This is mainly for Windows and OS X. Other (Unix) platforms # seem to provide SDL2main for compatibility even though they don't # necessarily need it. if(SDL2_PATH) set(SDL2MAIN_LIBRARY_PATHS "${SDL2_PATH}") endif() if(NOT SDL2_NO_DEFAULT_PATH) set(SDL2MAIN_LIBRARY_PATHS /sw /opt/local /opt/csw /opt "${SDL2MAIN_LIBRARY_PATHS}" ) endif() find_library(SDL2MAIN_LIBRARY NAMES SDL2main HINTS ENV SDL2DIR ${SDL2_NO_DEFAULT_PATH_CMD} PATH_SUFFIXES lib ${VC_LIB_PATH_SUFFIX} PATHS ${SDL2MAIN_LIBRARY_PATHS} DOC "Where the SDL2main library can be found" ) unset(SDL2MAIN_LIBRARY_PATHS) endif() endif() # SDL2 may require threads on your system. # The Apple build may not need an explicit flag because one of the # frameworks may already provide it. # But for non-OSX systems, I will use the CMake Threads package. if(NOT APPLE) find_package(Threads QUIET) if(NOT Threads_FOUND) set(SDL2_THREADS_NOT_FOUND "Could NOT find Threads (Threads is required by SDL2).") if(SDL2_FIND_REQUIRED) message(FATAL_ERROR ${SDL2_THREADS_NOT_FOUND}) else() if(NOT SDL2_FIND_QUIETLY) message(STATUS ${SDL2_THREADS_NOT_FOUND}) endif() return() endif() unset(SDL2_THREADS_NOT_FOUND) endif() endif() # MinGW needs an additional link flag, -mwindows # It's total link flags should look like -lmingw32 -lSDL2main -lSDL2 -mwindows if(MINGW) set(MINGW32_LIBRARY mingw32 "-mwindows" CACHE STRING "link flags for MinGW") endif() if(SDL2_LIBRARY) # For SDL2main if(SDL2MAIN_LIBRARY AND NOT SDL2_BUILDING_LIBRARY) list(FIND SDL2_LIBRARIES "${SDL2MAIN_LIBRARY}" _SDL2_MAIN_INDEX) if(_SDL2_MAIN_INDEX EQUAL -1) set(SDL2_LIBRARIES "${SDL2MAIN_LIBRARY}" ${SDL2_LIBRARIES}) endif() unset(_SDL2_MAIN_INDEX) endif() # For OS X, SDL2 uses Cocoa as a backend so it must link to Cocoa. # CMake doesn't display the -framework Cocoa string in the UI even # though it actually is there if I modify a pre-used variable. # I think it has something to do with the CACHE STRING. # So I use a temporary variable until the end so I can set the # "real" variable in one-shot. if(APPLE_MACOS) set(SDL2_LIBRARIES ${SDL2_LIBRARIES} -framework Cocoa) endif() # For threads, as mentioned Apple doesn't need this. # In fact, there seems to be a problem if I used the Threads package # and try using this line, so I'm just skipping it entirely for OS X. if(NOT APPLE) set(SDL2_LIBRARIES ${SDL2_LIBRARIES} ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT}) endif() # For MinGW library if(MINGW) set(SDL2_LIBRARIES ${MINGW32_LIBRARY} ${SDL2_LIBRARIES}) endif() endif() # Read SDL2 version if(SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR AND EXISTS "${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR}/SDL_version.h") file(STRINGS "${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR}/SDL_version.h" SDL2_VERSION_MAJOR_LINE REGEX "^#define[ \t]+SDL_MAJOR_VERSION[ \t]+[0-9]+$") file(STRINGS "${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR}/SDL_version.h" SDL2_VERSION_MINOR_LINE REGEX "^#define[ \t]+SDL_MINOR_VERSION[ \t]+[0-9]+$") file(STRINGS "${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR}/SDL_version.h" SDL2_VERSION_PATCH_LINE REGEX "^#define[ \t]+SDL_PATCHLEVEL[ \t]+[0-9]+$") string(REGEX REPLACE "^#define[ \t]+SDL_MAJOR_VERSION[ \t]+([0-9]+)$" "\\1" SDL2_VERSION_MAJOR "${SDL2_VERSION_MAJOR_LINE}") string(REGEX REPLACE "^#define[ \t]+SDL_MINOR_VERSION[ \t]+([0-9]+)$" "\\1" SDL2_VERSION_MINOR "${SDL2_VERSION_MINOR_LINE}") string(REGEX REPLACE "^#define[ \t]+SDL_PATCHLEVEL[ \t]+([0-9]+)$" "\\1" SDL2_VERSION_PATCH "${SDL2_VERSION_PATCH_LINE}") set(SDL2_VERSION_STRING ${SDL2_VERSION_MAJOR}.${SDL2_VERSION_MINOR}.${SDL2_VERSION_PATCH}) unset(SDL2_VERSION_MAJOR_LINE) unset(SDL2_VERSION_MINOR_LINE) unset(SDL2_VERSION_PATCH_LINE) unset(SDL2_VERSION_MAJOR) unset(SDL2_VERSION_MINOR) unset(SDL2_VERSION_PATCH) endif() include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(SDL2 REQUIRED_VARS SDL2_LIBRARY SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR VERSION_VAR SDL2_VERSION_STRING) mark_as_advanced(SDL2_PATH SDL2_NO_DEFAULT_PATH SDL2_LIBRARY SDL2MAIN_LIBRARY SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR SDL2_BUILDING_LIBRARY) # SDL2:: targets (SDL2::SDL2 and SDL2::SDL2main) if(SDL2_FOUND) # SDL2::SDL2 target if(SDL2_LIBRARY AND NOT TARGET SDL2::SDL2) add_library(SDL2::SDL2 UNKNOWN IMPORTED) set_target_properties(SDL2::SDL2 PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION "${SDL2_LIBRARY}" INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR}") if(APPLE) # For OS X, SDL2 uses Cocoa as a backend so it must link to Cocoa. # For more details, please see above. if (APPLE_MACOS) set_property(TARGET SDL2::SDL2 APPEND PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_OPTIONS -framework Cocoa) elseif (APPLE_IOS) target_link_libraries(SDL2::SDL2 INTERFACE "-framework AudioToolbox" "-framework AVFoundation" "-framework CoreAudio" "-framework CoreBluetooth" "-framework CoreFoundation" "-framework CoreGraphics" "-framework CoreMotion" "-framework CoreVideo" "-framework GameController" "-framework IOKit" "-framework Metal" "-framework OpenGLES" "-framework QuartzCore" "-framework UIKit" "-weak_framework CoreHaptics" ) endif() else() # For threads, as mentioned Apple doesn't need this. # For more details, please see above. set_property(TARGET SDL2::SDL2 APPEND PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES Threads::Threads) endif() endif() # SDL2::SDL2main target # Applications should link to SDL2::SDL2main instead of SDL2::SDL2 # For more details, please see above. if(NOT SDL2_BUILDING_LIBRARY AND NOT TARGET SDL2::SDL2main) if(SDL2_INCLUDE_DIR MATCHES ".framework" OR NOT SDL2MAIN_LIBRARY) add_library(SDL2::SDL2main INTERFACE IMPORTED) set_property(TARGET SDL2::SDL2main PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES SDL2::SDL2) elseif(SDL2MAIN_LIBRARY) # MinGW requires that the mingw32 library is specified before the # libSDL2main.a static library when linking. # The SDL2::SDL2mainInternal target is used internally to make sure that # CMake respects this condition. add_library(SDL2::SDL2mainInternal UNKNOWN IMPORTED) set_property(TARGET SDL2::SDL2mainInternal PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION "${SDL2MAIN_LIBRARY}") set_property(TARGET SDL2::SDL2mainInternal PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES SDL2::SDL2) add_library(SDL2::SDL2main INTERFACE IMPORTED) if(MINGW) # MinGW needs an additional link flag '-mwindows' and link to mingw32 set_property(TARGET SDL2::SDL2main PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES "mingw32" "-mwindows") endif() set_property(TARGET SDL2::SDL2main APPEND PROPERTY INTERFACE_LINK_LIBRARIES SDL2::SDL2mainInternal) endif() endif() endif()