/* * ObjectTemplate.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "ObjectTemplate.h" #include "../filesystem/Filesystem.h" #include "../filesystem/CBinaryReader.h" #include "../VCMI_Lib.h" #include "../GameConstants.h" #include "../constants/StringConstants.h" #include "../texts/CLegacyConfigParser.h" #include "../TerrainHandler.h" #include "../mapObjectConstructors/CRewardableConstructor.h" #include "../modding/IdentifierStorage.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN static bool isOnVisitableFromTopList(Obj identifier, int type) { if(type == 2 || type == 3 || type == 4 || type == 5) //creature, hero, artifact, resource return true; static const Obj visitableFromTop[] = {Obj::FLOTSAM, Obj::SEA_CHEST, Obj::SHIPWRECK_SURVIVOR, Obj::BUOY, Obj::OCEAN_BOTTLE, Obj::BOAT, Obj::WHIRLPOOL, Obj::GARRISON, Obj::GARRISON2, Obj::SCHOLAR, Obj::CAMPFIRE, Obj::BORDERGUARD, Obj::BORDER_GATE, Obj::QUEST_GUARD, Obj::CORPSE }; return vstd::find_pos(visitableFromTop, identifier) != -1; } ObjectTemplate::ObjectTemplate(): visitDir(8|16|32|64|128), // all but top id(Obj::NO_OBJ), subid(0), printPriority(0), width(0), height(0), visitable(false) { } void ObjectTemplate::afterLoadFixup() { if(id == Obj::EVENT) { setSize(1,1); usedTiles[0][0] = VISITABLE; visitDir = 0xFF; } } void ObjectTemplate::readTxt(CLegacyConfigParser & parser) { std::string data = parser.readString(); std::vector<std::string> strings; boost::split(strings, data, boost::is_any_of(" ")); assert(strings.size() == 9); animationFile = AnimationPath::builtin(strings[0]); stringID = strings[0]; std::string & blockStr = strings[1]; //block map, 0 = blocked, 1 = unblocked std::string & visitStr = strings[2]; //visit map, 1 = visitable, 0 = not visitable assert(blockStr.size() == 6*8); assert(visitStr.size() == 6*8); setSize(8, 6); for(size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) // 6 rows { for(size_t j = 0; j < 8; j++) // 8 columns { auto & tile = usedTiles[i][j]; tile |= VISIBLE; // assume that all tiles are visible if (blockStr[i*8 + j] == '0') tile |= BLOCKED; if (visitStr[i*8 + j] == '1') tile |= VISITABLE; } } // strings[3] most likely - terrains on which this object can be placed in editor. // e.g. Whirpool can be placed manually only on water while mines can be placed everywhere despite terrain-specific gfx // so these two fields can be interpreted as "strong affinity" and "weak affinity" towards terrains std::string & terrStr = strings[4]; // allowed terrains, 1 = object can be placed on this terrain assert(terrStr.size() == TerrainId(ETerrainId::ROCK).getNum()); // all terrains but rock - counting from 0 for(TerrainId i = TerrainId(0); i < ETerrainId::ORIGINAL_REGULAR_TERRAIN_COUNT; ++i) { if (terrStr[8-i.getNum()] == '1') allowedTerrains.insert(i); } //assuming that object can be placed on other land terrains anyLandTerrain = allowedTerrains.size() >= 8 && !allowedTerrains.count(ETerrainId::WATER); id = Obj(boost::lexical_cast<int>(strings[5])); subid = boost::lexical_cast<int>(strings[6]); int type = boost::lexical_cast<int>(strings[7]); printPriority = boost::lexical_cast<int>(strings[8]) * 100; // to have some space in future if (isOnVisitableFromTopList(id, type)) visitDir = 0xff; else visitDir = (8|16|32|64|128); readMsk(); recalculate(); } void ObjectTemplate::readMsk() { ResourcePath resID("Sprites/" + animationFile.getName(), EResType::MASK); if (CResourceHandler::get()->existsResource(resID)) { auto msk = CResourceHandler::get()->load(resID)->readAll(); setSize(msk.first.get()[0], msk.first.get()[1]); } else //maximum possible size of H3 object //TODO: remove hardcode and move this data into modding system { setSize(8, 6); } } void ObjectTemplate::readMap(CBinaryReader & reader) { animationFile = AnimationPath::builtin(reader.readBaseString()); setSize(8, 6); ui8 blockMask[6]; ui8 visitMask[6]; for(auto & byte : blockMask) byte = reader.readUInt8(); for(auto & byte : visitMask) byte = reader.readUInt8(); for(size_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) // 6 rows { for(size_t j = 0; j < 8; j++) // 8 columns { auto & tile = usedTiles[5 - i][7 - j]; tile |= VISIBLE; // assume that all tiles are visible if (((blockMask[i] >> j) & 1 ) == 0) tile |= BLOCKED; if (((visitMask[i] >> j) & 1 ) != 0) tile |= VISITABLE; } } reader.readUInt16(); ui16 terrMask = reader.readUInt16(); for(TerrainId i = ETerrainId::FIRST_REGULAR_TERRAIN; i < ETerrainId::ORIGINAL_REGULAR_TERRAIN_COUNT; ++i) { if (((terrMask >> i.getNum()) & 1 ) != 0) allowedTerrains.insert(i); } //assuming that object can be placed on other land terrains anyLandTerrain = allowedTerrains.size() >= 8 && !allowedTerrains.count(ETerrainId::WATER); id = Obj(reader.readUInt32()); subid = reader.readUInt32(); int type = reader.readUInt8(); printPriority = reader.readUInt8() * 100; // to have some space in future if (isOnVisitableFromTopList(id, type)) visitDir = 0xff; else visitDir = (8|16|32|64|128); reader.skip(16); readMsk(); afterLoadFixup(); recalculate(); } void ObjectTemplate::readJson(const JsonNode &node, const bool withTerrain) { animationFile = AnimationPath::fromJson(node["animation"]); editorAnimationFile = AnimationPath::fromJson(node["editorAnimation"]); const JsonVector & visitDirs = node["visitableFrom"].Vector(); if (!visitDirs.empty()) { if (visitDirs[0].String()[0] == '+') visitDir |= 1; if (visitDirs[0].String()[1] == '+') visitDir |= 2; if (visitDirs[0].String()[2] == '+') visitDir |= 4; if (visitDirs[1].String()[2] == '+') visitDir |= 8; if (visitDirs[2].String()[2] == '+') visitDir |= 16; if (visitDirs[2].String()[1] == '+') visitDir |= 32; if (visitDirs[2].String()[0] == '+') visitDir |= 64; if (visitDirs[1].String()[0] == '+') visitDir |= 128; } else visitDir = 0x00; if(withTerrain && !node["allowedTerrains"].isNull()) { for(const auto & entry : node["allowedTerrains"].Vector()) { VLC->identifiers()->requestIdentifier("terrain", entry, [this](int32_t identifier){ allowedTerrains.insert(TerrainId(identifier)); }); } anyLandTerrain = false; } else { anyLandTerrain = true; } auto charToTile = [&](const char & ch) -> ui8 { switch (ch) { case ' ' : return 0; case '0' : return 0; case 'V' : return VISIBLE; case 'B' : return VISIBLE | BLOCKED; case 'H' : return BLOCKED; case 'A' : return VISIBLE | BLOCKED | VISITABLE; case 'T' : return BLOCKED | VISITABLE; default: logGlobal->error("Unrecognized char %s in template mask", ch); return 0; } }; const JsonVector & mask = node["mask"].Vector(); size_t height = mask.size(); size_t width = 0; for(const auto & line : mask) vstd::amax(width, line.String().size()); setSize(static_cast<ui32>(width), static_cast<ui32>(height)); for(size_t i = 0; i < mask.size(); i++) { const std::string & line = mask[i].String(); for(size_t j = 0; j < line.size(); j++) usedTiles[mask.size() - 1 - i][line.size() - 1 - j] = charToTile(line[j]); } printPriority = static_cast<si32>(node["zIndex"].Float()); afterLoadFixup(); recalculate(); } void ObjectTemplate::writeJson(JsonNode & node, const bool withTerrain) const { node["animation"].String() = animationFile.getOriginalName(); node["editorAnimation"].String() = editorAnimationFile.getOriginalName(); if(visitDir != 0x0 && isVisitable()) { JsonVector & visitDirs = node["visitableFrom"].Vector(); visitDirs.resize(3); visitDirs[0].String().resize(3); visitDirs[1].String().resize(3); visitDirs[2].String().resize(3); visitDirs[0].String()[0] = (visitDir & 1) ? '+' : '-'; visitDirs[0].String()[1] = (visitDir & 2) ? '+' : '-'; visitDirs[0].String()[2] = (visitDir & 4) ? '+' : '-'; visitDirs[1].String()[2] = (visitDir & 8) ? '+' : '-'; visitDirs[2].String()[2] = (visitDir & 16) ? '+' : '-'; visitDirs[2].String()[1] = (visitDir & 32) ? '+' : '-'; visitDirs[2].String()[0] = (visitDir & 64) ? '+' : '-'; visitDirs[1].String()[0] = (visitDir & 128) ? '+' : '-'; visitDirs[1].String()[1] = '-'; } if(withTerrain) { //assumed that ROCK and WATER terrains are not included if(allowedTerrains.size() < (VLC->terrainTypeHandler->size() - 2)) { JsonVector & data = node["allowedTerrains"].Vector(); for(auto type : allowedTerrains) data.emplace_back(VLC->terrainTypeHandler->getById(type)->getJsonKey()); } } auto tileToChar = [&](const ui8 & tile) -> char { if(tile & VISIBLE) { if(tile & BLOCKED) { if(tile & VISITABLE) return 'A'; else return 'B'; } else return 'V'; } else { if(tile & BLOCKED) { if(tile & VISITABLE) return 'T'; else return 'H'; } else return '0'; } }; size_t height = getHeight(); size_t width = getWidth(); JsonVector & mask = node["mask"].Vector(); for(size_t i=0; i < height; i++) { std::string line; line.resize(width); for(size_t j=0; j < width; j++) line[j] = tileToChar(usedTiles[height - 1 - i][width - 1 - j]); mask.emplace_back(line); } if(printPriority != 0) node["zIndex"].Float() = printPriority; } void ObjectTemplate::calculateWidth() { //TODO: Use 2D array for(const auto& row : usedTiles) //copy is expensive { width = std::max<ui32>(width, static_cast<ui32>(row.size())); } } void ObjectTemplate::calculateHeight() { //TODO: Use 2D array height = static_cast<ui32>(usedTiles.size()); } void ObjectTemplate::setSize(ui32 width, ui32 height) { usedTiles.resize(height); for(auto & line : usedTiles) line.resize(width, 0); } void ObjectTemplate::calculateVisitable() { for(auto& line : usedTiles) { for(auto& tile : line) { if (tile & VISITABLE) { visitable = true; return; } } } visitable = false; } bool ObjectTemplate::isWithin(si32 X, si32 Y) const { if (X < 0 || Y < 0) return false; return X < static_cast<si32>(getWidth()) && Y < static_cast<si32>(getHeight()); } bool ObjectTemplate::isVisitableAt(si32 X, si32 Y) const { return isWithin(X, Y) && usedTiles[Y][X] & VISITABLE; } bool ObjectTemplate::isVisibleAt(si32 X, si32 Y) const { return isWithin(X, Y) && usedTiles[Y][X] & VISIBLE; } bool ObjectTemplate::isBlockedAt(si32 X, si32 Y) const { return isWithin(X, Y) && usedTiles[Y][X] & BLOCKED; } void ObjectTemplate::calculateBlockedOffsets() { blockedOffsets.clear(); for(int w = 0; w < static_cast<int>(getWidth()); ++w) { for(int h = 0; h < static_cast<int>(getHeight()); ++h) { if (isBlockedAt(w, h)) blockedOffsets.insert(int3(-w, -h, 0)); } } } void ObjectTemplate::calculateBlockMapOffset() { for(int w = 0; w < static_cast<int>(getWidth()); ++w) { for(int h = 0; h < static_cast<int>(getHeight()); ++h) { if (isBlockedAt(w, h)) { blockMapOffset = int3(w, h, 0); return; } } } blockMapOffset = int3(0, 0, 0); } bool ObjectTemplate::isVisitableFrom(si8 X, si8 Y) const { // visitDir uses format // 1 2 3 // 8 4 // 7 6 5 //TODO: static? cached? int dirMap[3][3] = { { visitDir & 1, visitDir & 2, visitDir & 4 }, { visitDir & 128, 1 , visitDir & 8 }, { visitDir & 64, visitDir & 32, visitDir & 16 } }; // map input values to range 0..2 int dx = X < 0 ? 0 : X == 0 ? 1 : 2; int dy = Y < 0 ? 0 : Y == 0 ? 1 : 2; return dirMap[dy][dx] != 0; } void ObjectTemplate::calculateTopVisibleOffset() { for(int y = static_cast<int>(getHeight()) - 1; y >= 0; y--) //Templates start from bottom-right corner { for(int x = 0; x < static_cast<int>(getWidth()); x++) { if (isVisibleAt(x, y)) { topVisibleOffset = int3(x, y, 0); return; } } } topVisibleOffset = int3(0, 0, 0); } void ObjectTemplate::calculateVisitableOffset() { for(int y = 0; y < static_cast<int>(getHeight()); y++) { for(int x = 0; x < static_cast<int>(getWidth()); x++) { if (isVisitableAt(x, y)) { visitableOffset = int3(x, y, 0); return; } } } visitableOffset = int3(0, 0, 0); } bool ObjectTemplate::canBePlacedAt(TerrainId terrainID) const { if (anyLandTerrain) { const auto & terrain = VLC->terrainTypeHandler->getById(terrainID); return terrain->isLand() && terrain->isPassable(); } return vstd::contains(allowedTerrains, terrainID); } CompoundMapObjectID ObjectTemplate::getCompoundID() const { return CompoundMapObjectID(id, subid); } void ObjectTemplate::recalculate() { calculateWidth(); calculateHeight(); calculateVisitable(); //The lines below use width and height calculateBlockedOffsets(); calculateBlockMapOffset(); calculateVisitableOffset(); calculateTopVisibleOffset(); if (visitable && visitDir == 0) logMod->warn("Template for %s is visitable but has no visitable directions!", animationFile.getOriginalName()); } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END